Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Below is another paper, available at:

It was a study on epilepsy, but you will see several clues that might concern everybody, and answers to some of the questions you have been asking.

Energy Metabolism as Part of the Anticonvuslant Mechanism of the Ketogenic Diet

Kristopher Bough, PhDNIH – National Institute on Drug Abuse, Division of Pharmacotherapies and MedicalConsequences, 6001 Executive Boulevard – Room 4122, Bethesda, MD 20852

Published in final edited form as:
Epilepsia. 2008 November ; 49(Suppl 8): 91–93. doi:10.1111/j.1528-1167.2008.01846.x.


The efficacy of the ketogenic diet (KD) develops gradually over a period of 1-3 weeks, suggesting that adaptive changes in gene expression are involved in its anticonvulsant effects. Previously, we employed microarrays to define patterns of gene expression in the hippocampus of rats maintained on either a KD or control diet for three weeks. The density of mitochondria in hippocampal tissue was assessed by electron microscopy. Levels of selected energy metabolites, enzyme activities, and the effect of low glucose on synaptic transmission were also investigated in hippocampal tissue taken from either KD- or control-fed animals. We found a coordinated upregulation of transcripts encoding energy metabolism enzymes and a dramatic 46% increase in the density of mitochondria observed in neuronal processes. These changes were accompanied by an increased phosphocreatine (PCr):creatine (Cr) energy-store ratio. Consistent with heightened energy eserves, hippocampal synaptic transmission in KD-fed animals was maintained ∼50% longer compared to controls after exposure to a mild metabolic stressor. Taken together, several lines of evidence indicate that the KD enhances energy production in the brain. As a consequence, brain tissue appears to become more resistant to metabolic stress. We propose that the observed KD induced enhancements in energy metabolism help to compensate for the metabolic deficits exhibited (interictally) within epileptic foci and transient failures of GABAergic inhibition, which would otherwise favor the initiation and propagation of seizure activity.


The ketogenic diet (KD) has long been used as an alternative treatment for intractable, pediatric epilepsy and is remarkably effective against multiple seizure types. It is comprised of >90% fat by weight, is low in carbohydrates, adequate in proteins, vitamins and minerals, and typically calorie restricted by 10-25%. During diet treatment, the body synthesizes ketone bodies as an energy supplement to the brain, since dietary sources of glucose are dramatically reduced. Despite its successful use for nearly a century, we still do not know how the KD results in improved seizure control.

Both clinical and experimental data suggest that adaptations to the KD underlie its anticonvulsant effects. In rodents, maximal seizure control develops gradually over a period of 10-14 days (Appleton & De Vivo, 1974). Similarly, in most human patients, maximal seizure control is not achieved until after two weeks of dietary therapy (Freeman et al.,2000). Therefore, we hypothesized that the adaptive changes in gene expression are involved in the anticonvulsant mechanisms of the KD.

Microarrays were employed to identify coordinated patterns of gene expression in rats maintained on a calorie-restricted KD for three weeks (Bough et al., 2006). Three hundred eighty-four transcripts were upregulated after KD treatment, whereas 274 were downregulated.[The fact that this diet can have such effects in only 3 weeks is fascinating! I wish they had given more explanations about which genes got upregulated and with downregulated, but it was probably too technical. (I'm not sure I understand the concept fully, but Laura helped me a bit and she'll probably be able to explain it better. From what I understand, upregulation means that more genes of a kind get activated, or rather, the gene transcription increases, and the opposite for downregulation. Upregulation implies that more mRNA is produced for a gene in particular, which then activates following a stimulus when needed (which is the way it is supposed to work.) But it gets better below.] Seventy percent of these transcripts could be assigned to one of eight functional categories. These included metabolism (16%), signal transduction (15.3%), growth & development (11%), biosynthesis (10%), synaptic transport (8%), transport (8%), protein biosynthesis (6.5%), miscellaneous (6.5%), immune function (5%), transcriptional regulation (4.5%), cytoskeleton (3.8%), homeostasis (3.2%) and apoptosis (2.2%). The most prominent category of genes differentially expressed following chronic KD treatment was functionally attributed to energy metabolism. Of these, remarkably, 33 of the 34 transcripts were upregulated and 21 encoded genes involve oxidative phosphorylation.

We subsequently asked whether this coordinated increase in energy metabolism transcripts was accompanied by mitochondrial biogenesis. We visually scored electron micrographs of hippocampal tissue taken from animals maintained on either a control or ketogenic diet for at least three weeks. The inter-animal variability was consistent across treatment groups(i.e., coefficient of variation, CV = 3% for both KD and controls), indicating a striking 46% increase in the density of mitochondrial profiles in tissue taken from KD-fed animals compared to controls. Most mitochondria appeared to be located in neuronal processes (i.e., dendrites or axon terminals). In support of this result, we found that 39 of the 42 genes encoding mitochondrial proteins were upregulated after the KD.

In light of these findings, we next investigated whether the production of energy metabolites was heightened within hippocampal tissue. Although ATP, ADP and AMP levels did not change appreciably after the KD, there was an increase in the phosphocreatine (PCr)–creatine (Cr) energy-store ratio and tissue levels of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB)[I find this, again, fascinating. Below you'll see in the notes the possible importance of PCr]. Somewhat surprisingly, concentrations of glutamate and glutamine were also elevated in hippocampal tissue from KD-fed animals versus controls. However, because most glutamate in the brain is used as an energy substrate rather than neurotransmitter, these results are consistent with notion that energy reserves in hippocampus are elevated after KD treatment.

Because neuronal energy consumption is largely dependent upon action potential and postsynaptic depolarizing activity (Attwell & Laughlin, 2001), we then asked whether the observed genetic and biochemical changes could produce a functional change in synaptic transmission. We found that reducing the glucose concentration in the perfusion mediumfrom 10 to 2 mM for 7-10 minutes reversibly depressed the slope of the field EPSP by 53±9% in control tissue; this was nearly twice that exhibited in slices made from KD-fed animals (27±8%). The latency to a −25% reduction of the fEPSP took nearly 50% longer in hippocampal KD slices than it did in controls.

How might these observed genetic, biochemical, and functional changes lead to improved seizure control? Human imaging studies have shown that interictally, epileptic foci are hypometabolic areas. More specifically, there is a concomitant loss of “metabolically inexpensive” inwardly-rectifying potassium channels and an increase in Na+/K+-ATPase activity at the same time that there is a net reduction in glucose transport via GLUT-1, perhaps uncoupling metabolic supply and demand (Janigro, 1999). These data suggest that metabolic perturbations contribute significantly to synaptic instability, epileptic hyperexcitability, and the development of seizures.[And, one would think, a lot more mental disorders] We propose that the ∼50% increase in the density of neuronal mitochondria increases ATP production capacity, where the excess high-energy phosphates are stored as PCr. The enhanced ability of neurons to produce and sustain ATP levels during heightened levels of activity should allow neurons to more readily re-fuel the energy-requiring transporters (e.g., the Na+/K+-ATPase) and stabilize the membrane potential. This action would be expected to maintain ionic homeostasis and normal synaptic function in a time of need. Indeed, our finding that hippocampal synaptic transmission in slices taken from KD-fed animals could be maintained for approximately 60% longer when exposed to a mild metabolic stressor compared to synaptic transmission in slices taken from controls is consistent with the notion that KD enhances energy production capacity and energy stores.[Given what we know about the possible future, this seems to be REALLY important. From toxins in the atmosphere to water, to the unbearable stress factors that can accompany food shortages, cataclysms, repression, the death of loves ones, etc., stress may take a huge toll on people's bodies. So, a higher tolerance to stress seems to be a major factor in being prepared and "transforming". We know how much EE helps with that, but combined with genetic changes and the wok on ourselves, we migth be much more able to cope, see and help others.]

Another consideration is that the KD-induced enhancement in energy metabolism compensates for a metabolic deficiency that compromises, in particular, GABAergic inhibition. [And what else does it compensate for? They don't know because they didn't test it. But they are talking about literally being able to compensate for genetic glitches.]This may occur via three synergistic mechanisms. First, the KD may re-establish energy stores important for GABAergic output. In cases of human temporal lobe epilepsy, the PCr/ATP energy-store ratio has been inversely correlated with the recovery of the membrane potential following a stimulus train of neuronal bursting (Williamson et al.,2005); because the creatine kinase enzyme is predominantly localized within GABAergic interneurons (Boero et al., 2003), it has been proposed that PCr and energy stores are especially critical to the maintenance of GABAergic inhibitory output. Consistent with this possibility, we found that the KD induced an elevation in the PCr/Cr energy-store ratio in rats, and a similar finding was observed previously in humans (Pan et al., 1999). These results suggest that the KD may act to metabolically re-establish energy stores and, in so doing, help maintain network GABAergic inhibitory output that might have otherwise become compromised during non-accommodating bursts of activity.

Second, the KD-induced enhancement in energy production may help prevent rundown of post-synaptic GABA A receptors. Endogenous phosphorylation of the GABA A receptor prevents rundown of GABAergic inhibitory responses (Stelzer et al., 1988). Notably, theglyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) metabolic enzyme has been shown to be physically associated with the GABAA receptor and autophosphorylate the alpha-1subunit using ATP (Pumain & Laschet, 2006). This energy-dependent mechanism of GABA receptor phosphorylation is significantly reduced in human epileptic tissue. We found that GAPDH was significantly upregulated after KD. Furthermore, in earlier studies, electrophysiological recordings performed in KD-fed animals in vivo demonstrated that paired-pulse inhibition was enhanced at the 30-ms time point compared to controls, a measure consistent with enhanced fast, GABAA-mediated inhibition (Bough et al., 2003).

These data are consistent with the notion that the postsynaptic GABAA receptor is better able to withstand functional rundown as it likely remains in a phosphorylated state. Third, the KD-induced changes in energy metabolism also seem likely to modify the metabolism of brain amino acids (Yudkoff et al., 2007). Treatment with the KD may limit the availability of oxaloacetate to the aspartate aminotransferase reaction. As a result, glutamate becomes more accessible to the glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) reaction. This would be expected to increase the production of GABA, and, presumably, functional inhibition. Although we did not note an increase in hippocampal GABA concentration, the concentrations of both glutamate and glutamine – the essential precursors to GABA synthesis – were elevated following the KD. Diet therapy has been shown to increase the abundance of GAD in several brain regions (Cheng et al., 2004), and, in mice, KD treatment modified amino acid metabolism in a manner consistent with enhanced GABA production (Yudkoff et al., 2001).

Taken together, several lines of evidence indicate that the KD dramatically enhances energy production in the brain. This effect appears to result from adaptive changes to chronic dietary treatment which produces a coordinated upregulation of several energy metabolism genes, mitochondrial biogenesis, and an increase in energy reserves. As a consequence, brain tissue appears to become more resistant to metabolic stress. It is noteworthy that the KD only increases seizure threshold; it does not appear to terminate breakthrough seizure activity, and may actually provide a greater energy supply that exacerbates the spread ofictal activity once it has been initiated (Bough et al, 2000). We propose that KD-induced enhancements in metabolism compensate for metabolic deficits exhibited (interictally)within epileptic foci and transient failures of GABAergic inhibition (e.g., GABAA receptor rundown), which would otherwise favor the initiation and propagation of seizure activity.

Although many questions remain, the fact that a dietary regimen can have such profound therapeutic effects on neurological disease and cellular metabolism underscores the importance of elucidating the mechanistic underpinnings of the KD. Future studies will undoubtedly lead to a better understanding of the roles of cellular metabolism in normal neurological function, as well as disease, and should pave the way for the development of potent new treatment strategies for the intractable epilepsies.[In other words, they know it works, and it must be so confusing for them to imagine that ketogenic diet is good for humans, that they just can't understand why it works. But we have several clues, at least.]

I don't know about you all, but I had to look several terms up. One that caught my attention was this PCr-Cr ratio. Here's a simple definition from Wikipedia:

Phosphocreatine, also known as creatine phosphate or PCr (Pcr), is a phosphorylated creatine molecule that serves as a rapidly mobilizable reserve of high-energy phosphates in skeletal muscle and brain.


Phosphocreatine is formed from parts of three amino acids: arginine (Arg), glycine (Gly), and methionine (Met). It can be synthesized by formation of guanidinoacetate from Arg and Gly (in kidney) followed by methylation (S-adenosyl methionine is required) to creatine (in liver), and phosphorylation by creatine kinase (ATP is required) to phosphocreatine (in muscle); catabolism: dehydration to form the cyclic Schiff base creatinine. Phosphocreatine is synthesized in the liver and transported to the muscle cells, via the bloodstream, for storage.

The creatine phosphate shuttle facilitates transport of high energy phosphate from mitochondria.


Phosphocreatine can anaerobically donate a phosphate group to ADP to form ATP during the first 2 to 7 seconds following an intense muscular or neuronal effort. Conversely, excess ATP can be used during a period of low effort to convert creatine to phosphocreatine. The reversible phosphorylation of creatine (i.e., both the forward and backward reaction) is catalyzed by several creatine kinases. The presence of creatine kinase (CK-MB, MB for muscle/brain) in plasma is indicative of tissue damage and is used in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction.[1] The cell's ability to generate phosphocreatine from excess ATP during rest, as well as its use of phosphocreatine for quick regeneration of ATP during intense activity, provides a spatial and temporal buffer of ATP concentration. In other words, phosphocreatine acts as high-energy reserve in a coupled reaction; the energy given off from donating the phosphate group is used to regenerate the other compound - in this case, ATP. Phosphocreatine plays a particularly important role in tissues that have high, fluctuating energy demands such as muscle and brain.

So, as an explanation for "dummies", could we say that this PCr is an essential "backup battery" ? Think of times of duress, high intensity exercise, high peaks of stress, etc. Think of having al energy available from healthy mitochondria, plus this reserve of potential ATP and its regulation in case of need.

Another important "backup" soucer of energy would be ADP, aslo mentioned above:

Adenosine diphosphate, abbreviated ADP, is a nucleoside diphosphate. It is an ester of pyrophosphoric acid with the nucleoside adenosine. ADP consists of the pyrophosphate group, the pentose sugar ribose, and the nucleobase adenine.

ADP is the product of ATP dephosphorylation by ATPases. ADP is converted back to ATP by ATP synthases. ATP is an important energy transfer molecule in cells.

ADP is stored in dense bodies inside blood platelets and is released upon platelet activation. ADP interacts with a family of ADP receptors found on platelets (P2Y1, P2Y12 and P2X1), leading to further platelet activation.[1] ADP in the blood is converted to adenosine by the action of ecto-ADPases, inhibiting further platelet activation via adenosine receptors.

ADP is the end-product that results when ATP loses one of its phosphate groups located at the end of the molecule.[2] The conversion of these two molecules plays a critical role in supplying energy for many processes of life.[2] The deletion of one of ATP’s phosphorus bonds generates approximately 31 kilojoules per Mole of ATP (7.3 kcal).[3] ADP can be converted, or powered back to ATP through the process of releasing the chemical energy available in food; in humans this is constantly performed via aerobic respiration in the mitochondria.[2] Plants use photosynthetic pathways to convert and store the energy from sunlight, via conversion of ADP to ATP.[3] Animals use the energy released in the breakdown of glucose and other molecules to convert ADP to ATP, which can then be used to fuel necessary growth and cell maintenance.[2]

Lastly, another term mentioned above and in the paper about Mitochondria and Bioenergetics recommended by Laura is "Oxidative phosphorylation"

Oxidative phosphorylation (or OXPHOS in short) is a metabolic pathway that uses energy released by the oxidation of nutrients to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Although the many forms of life on earth use a range of different nutrients, almost all aerobic organisms carry out oxidative phosphorylation to produce ATP, the molecule that supplies energy to metabolism. This pathway is probably so pervasive because it is a highly efficient way of releasing energy, compared to alternative fermentation processes such as anaerobic glycolysis.

During oxidative phosphorylation, electrons are transferred from electron donors to electron acceptors such as oxygen, in redox reactions. These redox reactions release energy, which is used to form ATP. In eukaryotes, these redox reactions are carried out by a series of protein complexes within the cells intermembrane wall mitochondria, whereas, in prokaryotes, these proteins are located in the cells' intermembrane space. These linked sets of proteins are called electron transport chains. In eukaryotes, five main protein complexes are involved, whereas in prokaryotes many different enzymes are present, using a variety of electron donors and acceptors.

The energy released by electrons flowing through this electron transport chain is used to transport protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane, in a process called chemiosmosis. This generates potential energy in the form of a pH gradient and an electrical potential across this membrane. This store of energy is tapped by allowing protons to flow back across the membrane and down this gradient, through a large enzyme called ATP synthase. This enzyme uses this energy to generate ATP from adenosine diphosphate (ADP), in a phosphorylation reaction. This reaction is driven by the proton flow, which forces the rotation of a part of the enzyme; the ATP synthase is a rotary mechanical motor.

[The next remak is important, IMO, because althout OXPHOS is very important, too much of it can be dangerous, Thus, too much aerobic exercise(which increases OXPHOS) and not enough resistance exercise can be detrimental. And it can be counterproductive at times when a need for protection against "poisons" is necessary.] Although oxidative phosphorylation is a vital part of metabolism, it produces reactive oxygen species such as superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, which lead to propagation of free radicals, damaging cells and contributing to disease and, possibly, aging (senescence). The enzymes carrying out this metabolic pathway are also the target of many drugs and poisons that inhibit their activities.

It's still kind of hard to understand how all these processes take place, but I think we can get a general idea from this paper, and IMO it is quite motivating and promissing :D.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

monotonic said:
After the mtDNA is healed, how long would it take for mutations to build up again? Is it something one can do as a lifestyle or is it more useful as a healing/maintenance thing? I know that IF would be useful for us since we are on a very tight budget, and furthermore it keeps us from spending too much time in the kitchen.

In this paper (from the list provided): "The ketogenic diet as a treatment paradigm for diverse neurological disorders" it says:

Even in patients with
medically refractory epilepsy who have remained seizure-free on
the KD for 2years or more, it is not uncommon for clinicians to
observe that both anticonvulsant medications and the diet can be
successfully discontinued without recrudescence of seizures (Free-
man etal.,2007).

To me. this implies that the improvement in mtDNA is at least semi-permanent. This paper is a pretty good summary across the board of neurological disease and KD.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

LQB said:
To me. this implies that the improvement in mtDNA is at least semi-permanent. This paper is a pretty good summary across the board of neurological disease and KD.

Yes, but I suspect if people went back to their old ways, they would soon get in the same situation again. I would say that once healing has begun to take place, you need to stick with it strictly for a sufficient length of time that the body can replace the old, worn-out parts on a larger scale.

Then, perhaps, you can have a few treat days, but not habitual. And certainly, nobody should ever go back to eating grains or dairy. The dairy might be acceptable if it is certain types and certain people. But best to be very, very wary of it.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

It makes me angry to think that just learning how to eat right takes so much detective work, and you can actually hurt yourself in the process.

Before doing the KD I was not able to concentrate very well. I had a neuropsych evaluation; it turned out I could memorize and repeat long strings of numbers forwards, backwards and re-ordered by value (much to my own surprise!), but I was concentrating soooo hard. It was definitely a high-exertion resistance exercise, for the brain at least. There is a phrase around here, "thinking with a hammer". Maybe this was it. At this time I was trying to learn Assembly language, but just could not because my brain would not absorb the information and I could not work through the logic without making mistakes. After getting on the KD I noticed my concentration was much better; I experienced sustained mental exertion without exhaustion. I actually began learning. Now this is the difference between being mentally capable of doing something or not. And when it comes to doing what you want to do, it is like the difference between being handicapped or not. To me now the KD is not just a way to be healthy - I think it could be necessary for the things I want to accomplish.

A thought - could using resistance training on the facial muscles heal mtDNA mutations in the brain!? :D Okay, I couldn't resist the slight humor.

Is it possible that mental exertion could act as resistance training for the brain and heal mtDNA in the brain through the same mechanism? Though I noticed the mutated mouse experiment used brain tissue for counting mitochondria etc, and the benefits occurred without any specific training regimen for the mice (humans are relatively sedentary maybe?).
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

zlyja said:
For those of you guys having noticeably increased heartbeats, are you still taking coconut oil? I had that too when I ate a lot of coconut oil at close to zero carbs. I found through Google that it's because your heart can use the medium-chain triglycerides found in coconut oil easier than stearic acid found in tallow, for instance, and it's probably more apparent now because you're using fat more efficiently. After I ditched it, my heart rate returned to normal.

I noticed increased heat rate in the past any time when I overate. My theory is that the heart is trying to pump more blood through the liver to cope with the metabolic demand.

[quote author=whitecoast]
I broke my fast around 9:30am today, with some pan-fried kidney with salt/pepper, a can of coconut milk, with a couple bites of ginger and garlic (the root and shoot respectively, not chopped) on the side. Around noon I was brimming with energy, but later on I felt the same lull in energy I did before.

Coconut milk contains a lot of carbohydrates (relative to the amounts we work with here). Have you read the label? Maybe that explains your raise and slump in energy?
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Data said:
[quote author=whitecoast]
I broke my fast around 9:30am today, with some pan-fried kidney with salt/pepper, a can of coconut milk, with a couple bites of ginger and garlic (the root and shoot respectively, not chopped) on the side. Around noon I was brimming with energy, but later on I felt the same lull in energy I did before.

Coconut milk contains a lot of carbohydrates (relative to the amounts we work with here). Have you read the label? Maybe that explains your raise and slump in energy?

Not only that, but you went from fasting to putting pollutants back in your body. What part of "bone broth is the best" do you not grok?
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

monotonic said:
It makes me angry to think that just learning how to eat right takes so much detective work, and you can actually hurt yourself in the process.


Yes, but on the other hand, we can can take pleasure with this. If we look the progress made since the first page of "life without bread" and before, it is wonderful no ? This awareness who grows has no price, for the body and the mind.
I will never enough thanks to all people who participate in this forum, everyday, with references, clues and reflection.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

As we continue to go through the papers, collecting clues, proceeding with our experimentation and all of us getting positive results overall, though with some interesting transitional symptoms, many things the Cs have said in the past about DNA keep coming to mind.

Obviously, the first is "knowledge protects." This can be looked at in a number of ways. Firstly, learning that you can establish neuroprotection via diet is actually HUGE if you think about it. Considering all the theories about mind control waves being beamed, micro-waves, other EM frequencies, etc., just imagine if you diet gave you a good percentage of protection from all that nonsense?

Secondly, I've mentioned a few times that I think that virii and some bacteria get spread around deliberately because they effect DNA changes (upregulating or downregulating or inserting alien sequences, or whatnot) and those DNA changes are then targeted by certain wavelengths to induce hormonal or brain chemistry changes which then change thinking and behavior. Sort of like the Navy experiments with sound waves that can turn peaceful people violent, though in a different context. Well, what if the stress resistance offered by KD can circumvent that avenue of attack as well?

Thirdly, Receivership capability.

23Sep2000 said:
Q: Was my insight that I had one night that, at some point in time something may happen that
will turn genes on in our bodies that will cause us to physically transform, an accurate perception
of what could happen at the time of transition to 4th density?
A: For the most part, yes.
Q: Are there any limitations to what our physical bodies can transform to if instructed by the
DNA? Could we literally grow taller, rejuvenate, change our physical appearance, capabilities, or
whatever, if instructed by the DNA?
A: Receivership capability.
Q: What is receivership capability?
A: Change to broader receivership capability.
Q: (A) That means that you can receive more of something.
A: Close.
Q: (A) It means how good is your receiver.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What is your receiver? The physical body?
A: Mind through central nervous system connection to higher levels.
Q: So, that is the whole issue of gaining knowledge and developing control over your
body. If your mind and CNS are tuned to higher levels of consciousness, that has
significance in terms of your receivership capability?
A: Close.

20April2009 said:
Q: (L) Well, I guess we can try asking some questions. Let me see the list. Hold everything! Pause! {Stops to read over list of questions.} Ok, I have a series of questions that have been written out here. The first one is; why have we all been feeling so inflamed/low on energy/depressed/irritable for the last two weeks?

A: Cosmic changes in process. Each person experiences this differently according to genetics and environment. Recall previous sufferings preparatory to DNA boosts? All must keep vigilant about diet and psychic hygiene during this time as there are also external factors that seek to block the natural process.

Q: (L) Does this have anything to do with our super-moon dance?

A: Indeed. And recall that the universe is about balance. After each period of suffering there is always joy.

Q: (Burma Jones) What do they mean by “psychic hygiene”?

A: Being careful about what you allow into your ”field”.

Q: (L) In what sense?

A: All senses.

Q: (L) What do you mean “all senses”?

A: Seeing, hearing, speaking, and so on

Q: (Ark) So, uh, I will tell a story about this “using all your senses”. A few days ago, I went out and I almost had an accident. I was driving on the interior peripherique - on the lane that was closest to the middle. There are three lanes. There was a guy behind me who was very unhappy that I was driving only 90kmh. He was swaying from left to right, trying to get past me and I could see it in the rear-view mirror. I looked to the right and realized I cannot do anything, because there was a car. I could see it.

So, I stayed. After about two minutes, you know, the one behind me again starts to act impatient behind me. But then, I look in the mirror again and the car to the right is gone. So I figure he must have moved somewhere else. Then I started to do {Ark makes descriptive hand gestures showing his driving maneuver} – only the car was there exactly in the right angle [to be in the blind spot.] But, uh, he was a young guy and he was fast. He steps on the brakes – and nothing happened, you see? I usually do not do such things. I was thinking very fast and that he must be gone, but I was not 100% sure. So, I should have waited until I was 100% sure. So, of course nothing happened, he just got upset.

A: We have more in mind. Take care with interacting with negative energies.

Q: (L) Well that’s kinda like creating your own reality, isn’t it?

A: Not what we mean… Keep your guard up and do not allow negative energies to slip by… such as believing lies… listening to negative music while thinking it is positive…watching negative movies and thinking it is negligible. It is extremely important to not lie to the self. One can listen or watch many things as long as the truth of the orientation is known, acknowledged, and understood. Clear?

Q: (L) So, in other words: awareness. Calling a spade a spade and not allowing something negative to enter you and believing it is positive. You can see it, perceive it and acknowledge it but not allow it to influence you. Because obviously, you cannot shut off your perceptions of the world, but you can control how it affects you. So, don’t let it inside, thinking it’s something that it’s not.

(Belibaste) So, see it as it is. If it is negative, see it as negative.

(L) Yeah, and they’re saying to focus on truth in order for changes to manifest in you that are positive. That is, “positive” can mean acknowledging that something is negative because it is truth.

Q: (Galatea) Choose the seeds you wish to water.

(L) Is that basically what we’re talking about here?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) But I would say that everybody needs a panoramic retro-mirror.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) because that stuff sneaks up behind you and it gets in your blind spot. OK, Atreides. Your question.

(Atriedes) It’s slightly personal. I’ve been having hallucinations. Like, I was drawing and I saw things in my drawing that were moving sometimes – and I keep hearing people say things that they’re not actually saying.

A: Cosmic changes!! DNA changes!

Q: (Atriedes) So, I’m not going insane?

A: No.

Q: (Galatea) Is that the same that is happening to me? I have been seeing things as well.

A: Yes. When you remember yourselves five or ten years ago, do you recognize the changes thus far?

Q: Everyone: “yes!”

A: Do you not suspect that these changes are also matched or mirrored in your most basic structure?

Q: (L) Hadn’t really thought about it.

A: This is how work on the self works! It prepares you for even more dramatic and rapid changes! And this is ”receivership capacity”.

Q: So, you’re saying when you work on yourself, and you change something from a certain level, that it acts on more fundamental levels even as far as your DNA? Which then enables you to receive finer or differently tuned energies, which can help to change you more? And if that happens, it enables you to achieve more and do more. Is that sort of what we’re getting at here?

A: Yes. Not quite clear as you put it; but close enough.

Q: (L) Do I need to be clearer?

A: When you do, you will.

Q: (L) Is there any relation between the above and the rashes that people here are having?

A: Watch the diet!

Q: (L) Does that mean as I think, being very careful about any carbs?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) is that because we are being beamed as I suspect? This HAARP activity?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And so one must keep that in mind while this heavy beaming is going on. One needs to be extra careful in all respects of hygiene: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

A: Yes. As we said a moment ago, there are forces seeking to interfere with the process.

15 Aug2009 said:
Q: (L) Okay. Well, we have people working on this breathing and meditation program, and some people are having some unusual experiences physically, and other people are having extreme tiredness, and there's just really the whole gamut going on there. I guess there's really not a clear question about that because that's more or less what we expected: each person is in individual, and the way that they apply the program I guess depends on their level of knowledge...
A: It would be best if you could teach it directly. But under the circumstances with so many in such great need, and the system often restricting their funds and thus their ability to travel and compensate you for your time and energy, it is the best way so far. Some will find their creativity expanding and thus their ability to make more direct connections as a result of the practice!
Q: (L) Why do you say "their ability to compensate me for my time"?
A: We have spoken before about the necessity for energy to be balanced. It is correct for you to make this program available according to the individual ability to compensate. But all must remember that it is STO to GIVE [planchette circles board] ALL to those who ask. You have given all REPEATEDLY and many still do not understand the value nor do they compensatorily give in return. Those who have difficulties with the program may find that they are not giving "all". And that does not always mean money either. It can also mean commitment.
Q: (L) Questions? (DD) Is the group still doing Monday and Thursday? (L) Mm-hmm. (Joe) Well, we're gonna make the program available for purchase as a set, in a nice package. That'll be an opportunity for people to - I know it's not just money, but it'll be an opportunity for people to at least give for receiving something, like directly.
A: Those individuals who still think that you can get something for nothing will find themselves blocked.
Q: (L) Well, what is the nature of this kind of thing? I mean, what do you mean "blocked"?
A: It can take 2 main forms: In the STO candidate, it can be blocked by the subconscious process that knows there is an imbalance. In the "others" it is simply that they are not on the correct frequency to receive. Remember "receivership capability" and also capacity.

So all of these things seem now, with the additional knowledge, to take on all-new meanings.

Interestingly, we would not even have begun digging as deeply into the topic as we have if it had not been for a group member with a brain chemistry issue needing help. We began searching on things relating to Parkinson's and Alzheimers, and one thing led to another... so you never know when your efforts to help someone by acquiring the knowledge that really can help might lead to something beneficial for everyone. Well, actually, that's the whole story of the Cs experiment.

Another thing that comes to mind are a couple of things the Cs said about our ancestors such as the following:

04Aug2000 said:
Q: They ignore them. But, during the time Neanderthal man was on the Earth, did he
live alongside Modern man?
A: Yes. Except modern type man was different then.
Q: In what ways?
A: DNA and psycho/electrical frequencies.
Q: Does this mean that their physical appearance was different from what we consider to
be modern man?
A: Radiance.
Q: What do you mean "radiance?"
A: You find out!
Q: Oh, that's interesting. Well, there are legends that the Northern people had "light" in
their veins. Very ancient belief. Is this what you are referring to?
A: Maybe.
Q: Was this light related to the hemoglobin level, the iron level in the blood?
A: Maybe.
Q: Did they have a much higher iron level in their blood?
A: Possibly....
Q: Okay, part of the ancient legend of Arktos was that, in very ancient times the Earth
was different because it had a vertical axial orientation. This contributed to the golden
age or the Edenic condition. Is this, in fact, one of the conditions that existed in the
Golden Age?
A; Well, yes, but still some puzzle pieces needed.

26Jul1997 said:
[Break. Group watches video: Riverdance.]

Q: Hi guys! Did you like the movie?
A: We do not need to have such presentations, since we have
all presence awareness!
Q: Well, gosh! Lighten up! (T) Well, they must be able to
see the original! (L) Indeed. How close are these dances
to the original Celtic dances?
A: Half.
Q: Considering everything, that is a lot. What about these
dances would make them more original?
A: Floating.
Q: Holy Shi'ite Moslems! No wonder Caesar went bananas!
But, why the stylized rigidity of the arms?
A; Has to do with sound through chemical enzyme based
utilization for power purposes.
Q: How does the stiff-arm posture relate to sound?
A: Chemical transmitter flow.
Q: You mean that something flowed through their arms and out
their hands to enhance levitation?
A: Close.
Q: Well, I just saw it! If you think about it, the Reiki
energy, after initiation, produces a LOT of heat... and
that tracks back to Sanskrit, which is IndoEuropean, and
that is Celtic root. Also, the Celtic floklore talks
about the enormous heat of certain heros who had to be
plunged into very cold water several times so that they
could cool down enough to put clothes on. Add to that the
fact that the Celts went into battle naked because they
would go into the 'furor' and produce so much heat that
they could not tolerate clothing. And, what about the
heat of the 'states' that I experience from time to time?
The C's identified that as a 'reflection' of the
connection to 4th density. That is a truly bizarre state
because the heat is so intense it is almost unbearable,
yet does not even show on a thermometer, and to anyone
else who touches me, I am not hot. Yet the internal heat
is unbelievable. So, yeah... the power flows through the
A: Close.
Q: So, this 4th density energy flow makes us feel this
tremendous heat that does not register physically?
A: Reflection of it.
Q: Is the watching of these dances or listening to this music
helpful in unlocking ancient genetic memories?
A: In person, not through reproduction. Wearing of silk will
enhance the EM effect.
Q: Well, that makes sense. The alchemists talked about this

22Aug1998 said:
Q: If the flood of Noah, as you have said before, occurred
10,662 BC, that means that the Pyramid and Stonehenge were
built more than 2,000 years after this event.
A: Yes.
Q: Did it take 2,000 years for them to develop or create the
A: No.
Q: What were they doing in those 2,000 years?
A: Reassembling.
Q: In that 2,000 years of reassembling, do you mean
reassembling as a group through reincarnative processes...
A: All. Built using sound wave technology.
Q: When you say that it was built using sound wave
technology, were these sound waves produced by human
voices or by instruments or mechanical devices of some
A: Mostly latter.
Q: What kind of a device would this be? What would you call
A: Something like tuning fork.
Q: It would be something that could be struck and would
produce a sound that could then be directed in some way?
A: A sound enhancing collector/focuser.
Q: Can we build such a thing?
A: Must be like a two-way antenna; solidly brass or bronze.
Q: Other than a solid piece of metal, were there any other
internal parts such as a mechanism of some sort?
A: Silicon arterial wand.

8Dec1996 said:
Q: (L) Are the crop circles themselves like antennae, or like
homing devices for energy or thought patterns?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is the chronology of their appearance important? A:
Q: (L) Is their location on the planet, in terms of longitude
and latitude, significant?
A: Yes and no.
Q: (L) In what way yes?
A: Location, not latitude and longitude... Those are merely
measure markers.
Q: (L) If the location is signigficant, what is it about the
location that is significant?
A: Magnetic generators of bonding frequency.
Q: (L) Are you saying that magnetic generators of bonding
frequency are located at those places, are in those places?
A: Port through them.
Q: (L) OK, location and chronology...
A: Why have you not brought up Stonehenge?
Q: (L) Well, we talked about Stonehenge before, that it was
an energy transducer, so to speak. So, was Stonehenge put
there because of the location, or did Stonehenge create...
(T) Why don't you just ask what it is about Stonehenge? (L)
Okay, what is it about Stonehenge?
A: Location attracted those spirit types on the proper
frequency, who in turn, placed stones in proper location to
receive the coded communications in code telepathically, in
order not to have to chase around the countryside reading
encoded pictographs.
Q: (L) What was the technique used within the circle to
receive the information telepathically? [Planchette spiralled
in, and spiralled out.]
A: Transcendent focused thought wave separation.
Q: (L) OK, so that you're saying that moving in a spiral...
A: The spiral serves to translate message by slowing down the
wave and focusing thought wave transference energy. Utilizes
/transduces electromagnetic waves, the conduit, by breaking
down signal from universal language of intent into language
of phonetic profile. This is for mutiple user necessity.
Q: (L) Mutiple user necessity implies that a number of people
must do the spiral. Is that correct?
A: No. Must hear and feel and understand precisely the same
thing. The molecular structure of the rock, when properly
sculpted sing to you.
Q: (L) Is there any possibility that Stonehenge still has any
capacity along this line?
A: Has fragmented energy only.
Q: (L) Well, that's what I would imagine. (T) Question. Last
week you mentioned that the majority of the crop circles are
real, that very few are hoaxes. Am I to believe then, that
the method that is used to create the circles that
everybody's looking for, that there are multiple methods
being used, depending on who or what is available at the time
the circle is created? In other words, Doug and Dave may have
actually made legitimate crop circles,only they don't know
it, because they think they went out and made it their way.
A: No.
Q: (T) I just wondered if there's multiple things going on
here. (L) No, I think it's all... (J) So, is there only one
method for a true crop circle?
A: Reading instead of listening... decipher rather
individually than than comprehend universally... crop circles
rather than Stonehenge!!!
Q: (L) Are you saying that this is the method to pursue now,
since of course Stonehenge is not avaliable?
A: How are you gonna pursue. Who is gonna believe you?
Q: (L) Is that it? In other words, how are we gonna... A:
Ok, folks, let's try to picture Laura and Ark trying to drag
500 ton rocks around New Port Richey?!?
Q: (T) Maybe they'll drag themselves!
A: No, for that, you must "hit" the right key!

So, actually finding something that rapidly can change your DNA, protect your brain, eliminate inflammation, so on and so forth, is HUGE, people. Not only that, but think about "KEYS". As above, so below. And vice versa.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

So, actually finding something that rapidly can change your DNA, protect your brain, eliminate inflammation, so on and so forth, is HUGE, people. Not only that, but think about "KEYS". As above, so below. And vice versa.

Making a batch of bone broth in the crock today, beef marrow and rib bones...mmmm!

Why do I get the feeling that once I grok the 'KEY' bit, my head will explode? (in a good way, without mess.) :lol: :flowers:
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Gimpy said:
Making a batch of bone broth in the crock today, beef marrow and rib bones...mmmm!

I tell ya, that bone broth is becoming the mainstay of my existence. Nothing but good soup bones with salt and pepper, either pressure cooked for a few hours or simmered in the crock pot all day. Add more lard to make the fat on top a smooth covering, not just dotted globules, and a cup here and there during the day and you are right as rain!

Gimpy said:
Why do I get the feeling that once I grok the 'KEY' bit, my head will explode? (in a good way, without mess.) :lol: :flowers:

It's beginning to "open up" in my head and I tell ya, just realizing what we all had to go through just to get to this point of understanding is staggering. It really is true that knowledge protects and the secrets are only revealed to those who persist and work to help others.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Laura said:
Yes, but I suspect if people went back to their old ways, they would soon get in the same situation again. I would say that once healing has begun to take place, you need to stick with it strictly for a sufficient length of time that the body can replace the old, worn-out parts on a larger scale.

Then, perhaps, you can have a few treat days, but not habitual. [...]

I think if one is healthy, one will have zero desire for any "treats", and having any will merely make one feel worse. And, in short, the entire concept of a "treat" will become not just obsolete but even nonsensical.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Laura said:
Gimpy said:
Making a batch of bone broth in the crock today, beef marrow and rib bones...mmmm!

I tell ya, that bone broth is becoming the mainstay of my existence. Nothing but good soup bones with salt and pepper, either pressure cooked for a few hours or simmered in the crock pot all day. Add more lard to make the fat on top a smooth covering, not just dotted globules, and a cup here and there during the day and you are right as rain!

Gimpy said:
Why do I get the feeling that once I grok the 'KEY' bit, my head will explode? (in a good way, without mess.) :lol: :flowers:

It's beginning to "open up" in my head and I tell ya, just realizing what we all had to go through just to get to this point of understanding is staggering. It really is true that knowledge protects and the secrets are only revealed to those who persist and work to help others.

Thank you both Laura and Ailén for these SO informative datas... All this is awesome!

And yes, Laura, bone broth is very good, and I use it from the beginning of the paleo-diet (last october) EACH day.
Just report to my heart beat faster these three last days and I also have this sensation of my brain which is "bigger" and "hot". And I am very hot in my body too. But we have a very hot weather here, so I guess it could be the reason. A good time to use the cold bath as I do each day... ;)
Let's see in the next days, fresher apparently, to see and report. I also noticed a little diarrhea on this morning, so I gonna stop Vit.C.

I wanted to ask something and I am sorry if this has already been answered before:
I bought Reagent Strips for Urinalysis Keto-Diastix (Glucose & Ketone, both of them on the same reagent) on this morning (my pharmacist was back from holidays) and I made the test, even if I did not start "the fasting for 18 hours" which will stand between this afternoon and tomorrow morning. The results are:

Glucose: 0 mmol/L
Ketone: 4 mmol/L = 40 mg/dL

Should results be 8 mmol/L (80 mg/L) on tomorrow at 12.00 am? I guess 160 mg/dL should be too much, no? Or am I already in ketosis?
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

MK Scarlett said:
Laura said:
Gimpy said:
Making a batch of bone broth in the crock today, beef marrow and rib bones...mmmm!

I tell ya, that bone broth is becoming the mainstay of my existence. Nothing but good soup bones with salt and pepper, either pressure cooked for a few hours or simmered in the crock pot all day. Add more lard to make the fat on top a smooth covering, not just dotted globules, and a cup here and there during the day and you are right as rain!

Gimpy said:
Why do I get the feeling that once I grok the 'KEY' bit, my head will explode? (in a good way, without mess.) :lol: :flowers:

It's beginning to "open up" in my head and I tell ya, just realizing what we all had to go through just to get to this point of understanding is staggering. It really is true that knowledge protects and the secrets are only revealed to those who persist and work to help others.

Thank you both Laura and Ailén for these SO informative datas... All this is awesome!
I'll echo that, and I'm still working on getting back up to speed after being away - wow, what a lot to 'digest'. A whole load of pork bone broth made today, ready for the fasting days (2 out 0f 7). In the past I've usually taken it after breakfast only.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Gawan said:
This sounds all really interesting. But I also must admit it is a bit overwhelming. Cause every change is again lots of time consuming, especially with an auto-immune desease to get things fixed again. So it is not a fast(ing) way in a sense.

With the fat-intake I'm not sure, if more fat can only be eaten until the body is in full ketosis. Cause yesterday I had the whole day stomach pain, couldn't sleep etc. Also when I only ate about half a butter for the hole day. Other fat my body refuses like lard or fluid fat. The best way for me is making buttered tea where I could drink half a butter, well at some days.

I will see if I could do fasting, but must have some quiet time, since everything around me is on the move. And one day could be possible, two days the risk is increasing of having to take carbs. Also when I consider taking a pump again, but also this could get difficult adjusting the insulin rates again, so that everything could go smooth.

Another question would be how to measure the fat/protein intake a person needs? I only remember these complicated formulas in the other thread but could never figure it out.

Here's a simple way that doesn't require you to count mgs or kgs or anything else. Every time you eat from now on, have a little more fat than you used to, which will mean you'll probably have a little less protein, since you'll be full quicker with the fat. So to start off, just have your pork chop or sausage or whatever, but add more fat while you are eating it. Keep that up for a while and make sure you can digest ok, then try and increase the amount of fat and reduce protein a little more. The goal is to be able to make fat the main thing you eat and therefore main energy source. We don't know if it will work out that way, but that's what we're trying, because this is a diet experiment.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

MK Scarlett said:
...Just report to my heart beat faster these three last days and I also have this sensation of my brain which is "bigger" and "hot". And I am very hot in my body too. But we have a very hot weather here, so I guess it could be the reason. A good time to use the cold bath as I do each day... ;)...

Some sources say that consuming coconut oil can have this effect, depending upon the amount and the person. It may affect metabolic rate. I came across an article about it just this last week that addressed the metabolic aspect, but I haven't been able to locate it again.

You can find quite a few comments about coconut oil, metabolism, and feeling warm/hot by Googling. How trustworthy most of these sources are is not clear to me, but I have experienced the "warming" effect myself. Also I have been consuming more coconut oil myself lately, and my perceived body temperature (which tends to run low) seems to have improved, and I seem to have a bit more energy. I am interpreting that as a good thing--I actually feel better. I haven't recently done any sort of elimination test, however, to see if it is really coconut oil that is causing it. I have been making/consuming bone broth for a number of months now, so I don't think that is what is doing it.

For reference, I am also continuing on my ketogenic diet, limiting my food intake to an 8-hour window but not doing anything beyond that in the way of IF or exercise (and still having skin problems, especially if the carbs drop well below ~40 g/d). I want to have some tests done before I try anything more, and it is going to be at least a few more weeks while I change insurance plans and establish with a new doctor.
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