Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Prometeo said:
Certainly there are moments I can go without any carb, is not hard but then the cravings increase amazingly, one single cookie can be your torture if it's on the table.

How much fat do you eat? Unless you are eating as much as your gut can handle, increasing it some might help - because when you load up on fat, you feel so full you don't want to eat anything more for hours. And gradually cravings will stop appearing. If you have too little, though, you'll get all kinds of cravings.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Psalehesost said:
Prometeo said:
Certainly there are moments I can go without any carb, is not hard but then the cravings increase amazingly, one single cookie can be your torture if it's on the table.

How much fat do you eat? Unless you are eating as much as your gut can handle, increasing it some might help - because when you load up on fat, you feel so full you don't want to eat anything more for hours. And gradually cravings will stop appearing. If you have too little, though, you'll get all kinds of cravings.

Yup, eating too much protein for prolonged periods of time can either knock you out of ketosis or give you cravings or both. Shouldn't really eat more than about 25% of your daily calories as protein. The only way I'm able to achieve that is to add fat, mostly butter, to bacon, eggs, pork chops, ground pork, etc. Even though the pork is quite fatty, I have to increase the fat in my two meals (breakfast and dinner) or else I wouldn't be getting enough calories besides not getting enough fat specifically. If you can't tolerate butter try lard or other saturated animal fat added to each meal.

One thing that I've experienced several times is that if I eat cashews, it's hard to stop, and can also lead to long forgotten cravings. Homemade chocolate doesn't do that, neither does anything else that I may occasionally eat that's out of the ordinary. So it could be something you're eating that for some reason gives you cravings, as well. Try to identify what it might be if you think this is the case and avoid it.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Psalehesost said:
Prometeo said:
Certainly there are moments I can go without any carb, is not hard but then the cravings increase amazingly, one single cookie can be your torture if it's on the table.

How much fat do you eat? Unless you are eating as much as your gut can handle, increasing it some might help - because when you load up on fat, you feel so full you don't want to eat anything more for hours. And gradually cravings will stop appearing. If you have too little, though, you'll get all kinds of cravings.

Yeah I've also read that if you eat certain amount of protein the body just shuts down cravings for food. Thanks for the fat tip I didn't know that, though I was kinda aware of it, because there was a period I had the luck of just eating meat and veggies as my mom pretty much had energy to cook every day.

But as my mother does not agree with my idea of paleo or ketosis, and as I'm not able to still get my own money though i'd love it but I barely find time to do something. I sometimes find myself put into comical situations. For example one day I went to do exercise, came back to home and my mother didn't cook because she was tired - that's ok she's getting older and his few hours of working with the dogs is kinda heavy, but I strongly believe is because of her bad diet habits like drinking massive amounts of coffee, eating bread, almost two or one glass of water per day and 4 of orange juice, and intense hours of exercising in late night plus bad sleeping disorders, plus cellphone addiction, plus stress and depression; that pretty much summarizes our mainstream society - but that wasn't the problem cooking some steak or something simple is easy, but there wasn't any food lol, when I find myself like this I just take some eggs and fill my stomach with them as they are supposedly to have a good amount of fat, but there was nothing ! nothing but pasta and two cookies left on the table by my aunt and believe me, that was like a suspense movie, I was so hungry that those cookies were dramatically put there for me. Also there was no stores open.

I'd ask if I can just buy some meat to have on the refrigerator, specially pork, they sell these chops and I can't imagine they are so cheap and add some eggs to, and if my mother does not feel like she will cook that day, I can prepare my meals in any time.

SeekinTruth said:
Psalehesost said:
Prometeo said:
Certainly there are moments I can go without any carb, is not hard but then the cravings increase amazingly, one single cookie can be your torture if it's on the table.

How much fat do you eat? Unless you are eating as much as your gut can handle, increasing it some might help - because when you load up on fat, you feel so full you don't want to eat anything more for hours. And gradually cravings will stop appearing. If you have too little, though, you'll get all kinds of cravings.

Yup, eating too much protein for prolonged periods of time can either knock you out of ketosis or give you cravings or both. Shouldn't really eat more than about 25% of your daily calories as protein. The only way I'm able to achieve that is to add fat, mostly butter, to bacon, eggs, pork chops, ground pork, etc. Even though the pork is quite fatty, I have to increase the fat in my two meals (breakfast and dinner) or else I wouldn't be getting enough calories besides not getting enough fat specifically. If you can't tolerate butter try lard or other saturated animal fat added to each meal.

One thing that I've experienced several times is that if I eat cashews, it's hard to stop, and can also lead to long forgotten cravings. Homemade chocolate doesn't do that, neither does anything else that I may occasionally eat that's out of the ordinary. So it could be something you're eating that for some reason gives you cravings, as well. Try to identify what it might be if you think this is the case and avoid it.

Well there you go, the protein idea seems to not work. I too disagree with the idea of taking massive amounts of protein with shakes, and chicken breast, I just eat meat I love pork, bacon and that stuff, sometimes turkey. Seriously I can't believe there are propaganda about eggs and pork, a meal with these two is just a glorious meal. You grow strong and replenish mostly what your body needs, and feel so fresh, lot of athletes have told me to supplement with creatine but creatine comes in meat so I don't see the point either.

My country needs an update, they still tell people eggs will give you a heart stroke, that meat will give you colon cancer oh but look, Splenda is the secret weapon as it detox and it increases your immune system ! Sorry for the long post.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Hi friends,
Yesterday I could get a scan of my blood. I went to the doctor because I had pain in the inside of my left leg, tightness and redness in the inner thigh. I thought I could have a phlebitis. I was made an Eco Doppler and blood analysis. Eco Doppler did not reveal the existence of deep vein thrombophlebitis in circulation and the venous circulation supervicial not very well appreciated by the naked eye, only a little redness and inflammation.

Today I am better, less pain and no longer bothers me senting the walk, not limp. Although I still painful points: hold the foot base, medial malleolus, tibia head and thigh (all the inside ..) I think it's some degree of phlebitis. I do not know the cause, never had symptoms of venous insufficiency ... I started taking ibuprofen and topical arnica gel, cream pentosato polysulfate sodium.

Perhaps this incident will leave the thread and is not related ... excuse me if so. The question that arises me is if I will have exceeded the intake of any supplement and has had any adverse effect, it's just a really expeculación.

The results of my analysis were the values ​​are not fasting and had breakfast (ham and butter):
- Study of Coagulation: normal reference values.
- CBC: normal reference values or slightly deviated (eosinophils 0.9 and monocytes 12.3).
- Biochemistry:
Glucose: 104
Cholesterol: 251mg/dl
Triglycerides: 64mg/dl
HDL: 70mg/dl
LDL cholesterol: 168mg/dl
Creatinine: 0.88
Glomerular filtration rate: 69
Aminotransf alanine. 39
Gamma-Glutamiltransf. 16
Sodium: 139
Potassium: 3.8

I would be very grateful for any comments you consider appropriate or if my analytical results suggest making any adjustments in diet or way of life.
Thanks again,
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

From a strictly physical point of view, it was good that deep vein thrombosis was ruled out. Strange that they didn't checked for D-Dimer (a marker for thrombosis), but at least an ultrasound was made. And your blood work looks good. Notice the blood sugar is around 100, that is pretty good for a test not done with fasting. The potassium is slightly low, that could justify some muscle cramps and even pain. So I would consider some potassium supplementation to see if it helps out. Other than your local remedies, DMSO cream will be very handy :)

Speedy recovery!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Psyche Thanks for your prompt reply. D-dimer was good too 0.3.
Just an hour ago I suffered terrible stomach pain that radiates to back. It has lasted for 30 minutes, and even now, although much less. For two days this has happened to me also just after breakfast ago. I took green tea with a little butter, some nuts and some black chocolate. Very little. I have taken omeprazol, simeticona, because I do not know how to relieve the pain. I guess gas is produced in large quantity.
Sometimes I feel like I'm under attack ...
Thanks for your patience, because I feel that I am a bit heavy too. I hope these problems will soon pass and I settled entirely to diet. :hug2:
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Ariadna said:
Thanks for your patience, because I feel that I am a bit heavy too. I hope these problems will soon pass and I settled entirely to diet. :hug2:

FWIW, I don't think you are being dense :) I don't think you should deprive yourself from symptomatic relief if the drugs have a track record of relieving symptoms. They are not ideal, but it is the kind of thing that you can rely if everything else doesn't work. Some prescription drugs are better than others, but whatever is available now would do. I would go very easy on the fats while you have this pain, it could be related to the pancreas or gall bladder. If you don't have digestive enzymes, I think it would be better if you get some. If the omeprazol helps with the pain, then perhaps getting some aloe vera from the herbal shop will help you. My 2 cents!

Let us know how it goes!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Sorry to hear about your troubles, Ariadna. I think looking into digestive enzymes is a good idea, too, along with easing up on fat for a while and see if the pain goes away. Also, if it's gas pains, anisette seeds made as tea usually relieves it quite quickly. You can get tea bags or the loose seeds and make a cup of tea. Also, activated charcoal could help. Just some more ideas.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Hello, I'm better this morning. I had breakfast bacon, half boiled egg, 1/4 avocado and strawberries, and strong pain has not appeared , just a little heavy and a little gas. I have some doubts, if these were possible to solve:
- On other occasions I had taken Betaine HCl, 1 or 2 tablets and pain also appeared strongly. Maybe papain or a combination of several enzymes work better, I suppose.
- I do not really understand the term "easy on fat", Is it refers not saturated fat or perhaps reducing amount of fat. Sometime, I don't know what to eat. Luckily the bone broth always feel like! :)

- Eco Doppler billiar Gall seemed fine, not dilated, not containing gallstones.
- Is it possible that my body does not tolerate well those levels of blood cholesterol? And could this be related phlebitis? I feel in some points of the right venous leg mild discomfort to pressure, similar to the pain that comes when there is a small bruise under the skin and press. But phlebitis goes better. And I don't recognize other symptoms.

The doctor also asked me for the determination of blood anticardiolipin antibodies (IgG, IgM) and Anti Beta 2 (IgG, IgM). But the result takes about 2 weeks. I hope all is well. Today I decided to take acetylsalicylic acid 100mgr. / 24h, on my own, I think not hurt me.

Thanks for your invaluable help and be attentive to my process. I am very grateful and lucky. :D It's a little hard to wear this alone. There is little awareness of the benefits of the ketogenic diet in general. :hug2: :hug2:
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

"Go easy on fat" just means to decrease total daily fat consumption, and was said in case there's a problem with digestion. Your cholesterol numbers look quite good to me. HDL is perfect and LDL is normal even by mainstream standards, and more importantly, your triglycerides are excellent, meaning the LDL is quite likely the "fluffy" and large particle type which is not dangerous (as opposed to the small, dense particle type); and LDL may even be overestimated (because your on a low carb diet and your triglycerides reflect that) if the method used was not a direct measurement of LDL.

Do you have a history of familial hypercholesterolemia? It doesn't seem so in the tests, but that's the only case you need to be worried about cholesterol if your on a low carb diet where oxidation and glycation would be minimized. Otherwise, it's just hype to sell the highly profitable cholesterol lowering medications and convince people to eat in unhealthy ways. If you search this thread and Life Without Bread and others, you'll see that the real science shows that cholesterol is actually protective of health and is correlated with lower morbidity and mortality from all causes in large sample, long-term meta-analysis studies.

If the bone broth is working so well for you, then you can have plenty of that. Others may give you some more advice.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

SeekinTruth said:
Do you have a history of familial hypercholesterolemia? It doesn't seem so in the tests, but that's the only case you need to be worried about cholesterol if your on a low carb diet where oxidation and glycation would be minimized. Otherwise, it's just hype to sell the highly profitable cholesterol lowering medications and convince people to eat in unhealthy ways. If you search this thread and Life Without Bread and others, you'll see that the real science shows that cholesterol is actually protective of health and is correlated with lower morbidity and mortality from all causes in large sample, long-term meta-analysis studies.

Thanks Seekin Truth for this clear and concrete explanation. Now I feel much better. I am following your recommendations. :) My parents have not had problems with hyperlipemia. My mother is 87 years old and her lipid profile is great, never took medication related to that. Now I'm also more quiet with that.
I am reading about diet and health in forum and Sott and truly there are many things to learn...
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

The best way is to work your diet slowly down to animal fat, meat/connective tissue/organ meat for protein and broth. For me, my diet now includes a few veggies that cause no problems With the diet.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

WIN 52 said:
The best way is to work your diet slowly down to animal fat, meat/connective tissue/organ meat for protein and broth. For me, my diet now includes a few veggies that cause no problems With the diet.

That is true. I think sometimes I've been able to exceed and poor digestion. Luckily I soon regain ground ...
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

A smaller update. It seems after over a year (should be August 2012 when I started) since starting the ketogenic diet that now my body is functioning normally, that means I can work the whole day and don't need a nap anymore, my legs feel energized and no cramps anymore. I did also some food experiments with Tomatoes and sweet pepper over the holidays and creme fraiche as I stated earlier and some mascarpone (but I don't like the taste). But these things seem to have a price too and may cause inflammation, since I need for the entire day much more insulin and getting spots in my face, but it is also an indicator what I shouldn't eat that often. So overall keeping myself to butter and meat seems to do the trick for me. Also my doctor was surprised when he noticed that the diabetic consequential damages getting better (they are tiny). He mentioned that it is very seldom, actually it should stay the same or getting worse, beside that I have a HBA1c like a healthy human being :D.

I'm also doing some EDTA rounds from time to time, every 3 month and some resistance training. Overall it may really depend how someone is doing on a KG-diet and may take really some time until the body gets fully adjusted, so patience is needed at least this was true in my case.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Gawan said:
A smaller update. It seems after over a year (should be August 2012 when I started) since starting the ketogenic diet that now my body is functioning normally, that means I can work the whole day and don't need a nap anymore, my legs feel energized and no cramps anymore. I did also some food experiments with Tomatoes and sweet pepper over the holidays and creme fraiche as I stated earlier and some mascarpone (but I don't like the taste). But these things seem to have a price too and may cause inflammation, since I need for the entire day much more insulin and getting spots in my face, but it is also an indicator what I shouldn't eat that often. So overall keeping myself to butter and meat seems to do the trick for me. Also my doctor was surprised when he noticed that the diabetic consequential damages getting better (they are tiny). He mentioned that it is very seldom, actually it should stay the same or getting worse, beside that I have a HBA1c like a healthy human being :D.

I'm also doing some EDTA rounds from time to time, every 3 month and some resistance training. Overall it may really depend how someone is doing on a KG-diet and may take really some time until the body gets fully adjusted, so patience is needed at least this was true in my case.

That's great news Gawan! :thup:
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