Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I pretty much agree with you, nicklebleu. Some interesting and true things in there, but not what we're after and doesn't mention the importance of healthy animal fat in the diet or KD. And it's important to keep insulin spikes to a minimum. Also, the mTOR pathway not being activated is very beneficial for longevity and the prevention of cancers, etc. according to many studies. But, there was some claims that mTOR pathways may act differently when cold adapted by Jack Kruse -- but I think it was all related to his leptin reset protocol for leptin resistance -- so not sure how useful it is in general.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Here I am again with a new little problem .
When digestive problems were better with some herbs and digestive enzymes (papain , cinarina , anise , dandelion ) ... aloe vera and probiotics.
A week ago I started with a flu syndrome . Three days of fever and great weakness , lack of encouragement and cough. Now I continue with little appetite and weakness ... bacon and lard gave me nausea, directly . Bone broth and fish broth and small amount of solid food I could eat .
I am taking Acetylcysteine ​​600 to 1gr/day. Yesterday I bought vit C , and have started taking 1.5gr C/12h .
What is the worst, I 've productive coughing and chest pain . I have no fever.
I wonder what can be the best remedy to overcome this process as soon as possible and go back to being strong again , at least the most effective remedy. I have searched previous comments about this in the forum and have not found it.

Sorry if the subject does not become relevant. Maybe not properly raised in this topic. :-[
I think it may also be helping other forum members who are fighting against influenza virus.
Very grateful , as always, for your attention and response. :)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Ariadna said:
Here I am again with a new little problem .
When digestive problems were better with some herbs and digestive enzymes (papain , cinarina , anise , dandelion ) ... aloe vera and probiotics.
A week ago I started with a flu syndrome . Three days of fever and great weakness , lack of encouragement and cough. Now I continue with little appetite and weakness ... bacon and lard gave me nausea, directly . Bone broth and fish broth and small amount of solid food I could eat .
I am taking Acetylcysteine ​​600 to 1gr/day. Yesterday I bought vit C , and have started taking 1.5gr C/12h .
What is the worst, I 've productive coughing and chest pain . I have no fever.
I wonder what can be the best remedy to overcome this process as soon as possible and go back to being strong again , at least the most effective remedy. I have searched previous comments about this in the forum and have not found it.

Sorry if the subject does not become relevant. Maybe not properly raised in this topic. :-[
I think it may also be helping other forum members who are fighting against influenza virus.
Very grateful , as always, for your attention and response. :)

Hi Ariadna,

There's an old and time-tested recipe ... rest and relax! The more you ignore your body's signal to get some rest and slow down, the longer the flu will likely take to resolve. Drink plenty, sleep plenty and take it easy for a few days. Once the acute symptoms resolve you can begin to build up your body to former health again. And you probably should avouid exercise for about 2 weeks.

You can also increase the amount of vitamin C - I would take 1 - 2 grams every 2 hours until you develop loose stools or diarrhoea. Then you back off by about a third (or increase the duration between doses by the same amount). This way you can detect how much vitamin C your body really needs. In times of illness the amount you are able to ingest without getting diarrhoea is usually much higher than if you are healthy.

I would also check the colour of the sputum - if it is yellow or green and you develop high fever it might be a good idea to see a doctor - you might have a pneumonia, which might require antibiotics.

Not sure if that is any help for you, but I hope you will be better quickly!

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

How long have you been on the ketogenic diet?

It can take up to a year or more to heal the gut from carbs/inflammation before things even out. It depends on the individual. Until the gut heals, getting various flus and other illnesses are going to come along as they will. Hang in there.
What is the worst, I 've productive coughing and chest pain . I have no fever.
I wonder what can be the best remedy to overcome this process as soon as possible and go back to being strong again , at least the most effective remedy. I have searched previous comments about this in the forum and have not found it.

You want that cough, to keep crud moving out of your bronchial tree. At night though, its not optimal. My husband takes Mucinex at night to get decent sleep (when he gets a flu). He doesn't stick to the diet very well, and tends to get one or two bouts of flu like illness each winter.

With a flu, drinking plenty of fluids, sleep, and time is the 'tried and true' method. For a sore throat, I use a 'Traditional Medicinal' brand called 'Throat Coat Tea.' We seldom resort to throat sprays, but will use one if the sore throat is severe.

Being gentle with your body during a flu helps prevent a worse illness from developing.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Gimpy said:
How long have you been on the ketogenic diet?

Thank you Gimpy
I'm trying to KD since June 2013. It is not always being easy.
Accidentally took gluten in September and 31 December, the last time it was included in the soup prepared by my sister and I was not vigilant enough. So, I lost precious time on repairing my gut, it is useless to lament...
I hope to adapt in a few months and my health can reap the benefits, and may be manifests for my surroundings. There is strong family pressure to abandon the diet and there is misunderstanding in the people around me, they see me a little lunatic ... but this last matter I do not care. :cool:
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Ariadna said:
Thank you Gimpy
I'm trying to KD since June 2013. It is not always being easy.
Accidentally took gluten in September and 31 December, the last time it was included in the soup prepared by my sister and I was not vigilant enough. So, I lost precious time on repairing my gut, it is useless to lament...
I hope to adapt in a few months and my health can reap the benefits, and may be manifests for my surroundings. There is strong family pressure to abandon the diet and there is misunderstanding in the people around me, they see me a little lunatic ... but this last matter I do not care. :cool:

Speedy recovery!

From what I gather, a bad flu is hitting very hard some parts of the world and I don't think it is getting enough coverage by the media as it would have been in the past. Who knows.

Take good care!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I also wonder if the DNA changing effects of the KD might not leave a gap at times before other systems come online, during which viruses can invade.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Laura said:
I also wonder if the DNA changing effects of the KD might not leave a gap at times before other systems come online, during which viruses can invade.

Thanks, Laura and Gaby, for your kind responses.
It may be that my body is not very strong in the transition to KD. Two or three months ago I had a similar picture.

Regarding the media, in Spain, where I live, are reported cases of hospital admissions and deaths from influenza A, they say that like previous years .. But I have the feeling that they want to avoid social alarm ... but also encourage vaccination for seasonal influenza and influenza A in this time.

This year and last year I avoided get the seasonal flu vaccine and influenza A. I was a little fearful about the potential adverse effects and because I thought meet strong to face it ... although in my workplace strongly recommend vaccination.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

nicklebleu said:
Ariadna said:
I would also check the colour of the sputum - if it is yellow or green and you develop high fever it might be a good idea to see a doctor - you might have a pneumonia, which might require antibiotics.

Not sure if that is any help for you, but I hope you will be better quickly!


Ohhh, YES, Thanks for your advice, I had not seen your response above. These tips help me, for sure!
Thanks for your advice, I had not seen your response above. These tips help me, for sure!
I have the sputum of these features, more or less, but fewer and lighter than before. No fever, but if I do not improve I will go to doctor.

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Gaby said:
...From what I gather, a bad flu is hitting very hard some parts of the world and I don't think it is getting enough coverage by the media as it would have been in the past. Who knows...

It's hitting a lot of people here, and given the scope of the problem the "official silence" is odd to say the least. I was down with it for about a week at the end of last month -- it started on the solstice. I just rode it out, staying warm and mostly lying down. A week is a long time to wait to start to feel better. I have been hearing of new cases regularly ever since.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Laura said:
I also wonder if the DNA changing effects of the KD might not leave a gap at times before other systems come online, during which viruses can invade.

Sorry, Laura, but I am not sure if I could follow your train of thought.

Did you mean that we can institute a KD, but that transformation of all the appropriate metabolic and genetic make-up will take much more time, until the KD becomes truly protective, during which time we are vulnerable to viruses?
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Ariadna, I would also recommend use of Colloidal(Ionic) silver. It's very helpful against bacteria, possibly can help even against viruses and have anti inflammation proprieties. It's been discused on the forum.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Megan said:
Gaby said:
...From what I gather, a bad flu is hitting very hard some parts of the world and I don't think it is getting enough coverage by the media as it would have been in the past. Who knows...

It's hitting a lot of people here, and given the scope of the problem the "official silence" is odd to say the least. I was down with it for about a week at the end of last month -- it started on the solstice. I just rode it out, staying warm and mostly lying down. A week is a long time to wait to start to feel better. I have been hearing of new cases regularly ever since.

Oops. Spoke too soon.

Flu death toll climbs to 14 in Sacramento County - 74 patients in intensive care

County health officials are urging Sacramento residents to get vaccinated despite the unseasonably warm weather.

Here we go. They're mentioning H1N1 to help get people moving. They didn't go into much detail about the health status of the casualties, but did mention that some were pretty sick already. Flu deaths each year are expected. There is more flu this year, so more hospitalizations and deaths might be expected. How many of those deaths resulted from the hospitalization itself will never be known.

Diet seems to be working as well as anything for me. It didn't prevent the flu (any more or less than a flu shot would), but I recovered cleanly (if a bit slowly) and did not have to resort to any medical interventions. It was just "eat healthy food and be patient." That's the kind of patient to be.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

nicklebleu said:
Laura said:
I also wonder if the DNA changing effects of the KD might not leave a gap at times before other systems come online, during which viruses can invade.

Sorry, Laura, but I am not sure if I could follow your train of thought.

Did you mean that we can institute a KD, but that transformation of all the appropriate metabolic and genetic make-up will take much more time, until the KD becomes truly protective, during which time we are vulnerable to viruses?

Pretty much what I meant.

There's also a possibility that KD could turn ON some viruses and one might get flu-like symptoms during the transition/upregulation.

Another possibility: you get a flu on the KD, but your case is milder than might otherwise be and you acquire some resistance.

We had a flu here over the holidays, several of us, and it sure put me in bed for a couple of days and the bronchial congestion took a LONG time to clear up.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Laura said:
Pretty much what I meant.

There's also a possibility that KD could turn ON some viruses and one might get flu-like symptoms during the transition/upregulation.

Another possibility: you get a flu on the KD, but your case is milder than might otherwise be and you acquire some resistance.

We had a flu here over the holidays, several of us, and it sure put me in bed for a couple of days and the bronchial congestion took a LONG time to clear up.

We all seemed to get this up in the North West UK, too, but I put it down to our carb binges over Caesarmas, and maybe the generally jolly festive attitude opening up some 'gaps' in awareness. Strangely enough my friend's vegetarian girlfriend was the latest and least affected by it. The pattern was the same for me, 2 days of illness followed by a few weeks of tight chest and occasional coughing.
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