So I increased the amount of some supplements, taking care is not more than my bowels can handle, trying to put the ingestion of my food in order so I don't find difficulties with my daily life.
And basically thanks to the research on the forum, and gaby help, I was able to improve my nutrition, and hell yeah I've changed to melancholic, depressive critical guy, to some sort of super sherlock holmes or something. I really been feeling great, and the changes on my focus, my mood, my behavior, it has been for the better. One day I guess my body reached some balance, and I guess it thanked me providing me just the most wonderful walk on my life lol, I was walking to the store to buy something and basically that whole day I felt super joy, god is just amazing. Now is not only about exercise performing, but daily human life performance. I feel so great, and I think I'm able to now plan on getting into therapy.
Now I understand the relevance of diet, I never believed it but I tried it and found so good results. Is like, my body is able to reach some sort of emotion, like to be able to not only think but feel calm, relaxed, centered, focused, and this is good because my family and my friends are becoming curious about these changes, and they start coming to me for tips and advice. Seriously I'm reaching my golden age of health, never felt so good, I can't express it with words. Of course is not magick, it takes time, it takes a lot of attention on what you are taking in, but it works.
Inspired on what Laura says "who needs aliens when you have psychopaths", I say who needs 4rth density when you have optimum nutrition.

Thank you all.