Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Ariadna said:
Gaby Thanks for your help! You're always there.
Just read the replies from forum members makes me feel much more comforted and encouraged!
I am already taking Omega 3s ​​/ EPA 450mg / DHA 300mg. Chelated Magnesium 600 mg guess. okay? I'll ask Dr. Mercona CoQ10 (Ubinquinol).
Blinis have come out delicious (eggs, cream, buckwheat, stevia and a pinch of salt). I am attentive to all your instructions and suggestions.

magnesium 600mg is a good dose. Potassium citrate is also a good supplement, you can follow label instructions and/or take a couple of tablets.

At, editors constantly publish excellent articles in the health section with further commentaries that will help you keep perspective, inspire you, but also get tips on how to do the diet. You can use the search function to find out more about the paleo diet, ketogenic diet and so forth. You won't feel alone there :flowers:
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Gaby said:
Ariadna said:
Gaby Thanks for your help! You're always there.
Just read the replies from forum members makes me feel much more comforted and encouraged!
I am already taking Omega 3s ​​/ EPA 450mg / DHA 300mg. Chelated Magnesium 600 mg guess. okay? I'll ask Dr. Mercona CoQ10 (Ubinquinol).
Blinis have come out delicious (eggs, cream, buckwheat, stevia and a pinch of salt). I am attentive to all your instructions and suggestions.

magnesium 600mg is a good dose. Potassium citrate is also a good supplement, you can follow label instructions and/or take a couple of tablets.

At, editors constantly publish excellent articles in the health section with further commentaries that will help you keep perspective, inspire you, but also get tips on how to do the diet. You can use the search function to find out more about the paleo diet, ketogenic diet and so forth. You won't feel alone there :flowers:

What do you think of taking Vit K2 in this moument? I read from this link, and Vit D3 (I have a bottle of drops at home), it would be good for me to take this now ?. If it would be so ... 600 UI is right? Laura mentioned vit D in the thread "Heart problems .."
Thanks ;) :flowers: :hug2:
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Vitamin K is good! It tells all the calcium to get deposited where they are needed the most. A simplification, but still ;)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Well I want to post my changes here, as it seems to be the central thread about dietary changes. I've been reading about supplementation, basically kinda shocked and amazed by the amounts of nutrients, forum members are taking. I increased some supplementation, I want to add something more like fibber and omega fatty acids.

At the beginning I though the diet was simply to avoid bread, gluten and sugar AKA carbs too. But well, it is about a holistic point of view, the real objective of these diets paleo or keto, is to take the optimum amount of nutrients based on what the person needs, and how that person can implement changes.

So I increased the amount of some supplements, taking care is not more than my bowels can handle, trying to put the ingestion of my food in order so I don't find difficulties with my daily life.

And basically thanks to the research on the forum, and gaby help, I was able to improve my nutrition, and hell yeah I've changed to melancholic, depressive critical guy, to some sort of super sherlock holmes or something. I really been feeling great, and the changes on my focus, my mood, my behavior, it has been for the better. One day I guess my body reached some balance, and I guess it thanked me providing me just the most wonderful walk on my life lol, I was walking to the store to buy something and basically that whole day I felt super joy, god is just amazing. Now is not only about exercise performing, but daily human life performance. I feel so great, and I think I'm able to now plan on getting into therapy.

Now I understand the relevance of diet, I never believed it but I tried it and found so good results. Is like, my body is able to reach some sort of emotion, like to be able to not only think but feel calm, relaxed, centered, focused, and this is good because my family and my friends are becoming curious about these changes, and they start coming to me for tips and advice. Seriously I'm reaching my golden age of health, never felt so good, I can't express it with words. Of course is not magick, it takes time, it takes a lot of attention on what you are taking in, but it works.

Inspired on what Laura says "who needs aliens when you have psychopaths", I say who needs 4rth density when you have optimum nutrition.

:cool2: Thank you all.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Thanks for keeping us updated, Prometeo :)

Good to hear it went so well, congrats!

I am struggling myself, just cannot make the switch to Keto ... And even though I have been gluten-free for quite a while now, I am still experiencing this mind-fog ...

Would you mind telling us which supplements you are taking?

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Minas Tirith said:
Thanks for keeping us updated, Prometeo :)

Good to hear it went so well, congrats!

I am struggling myself, just cannot make the switch to Keto ... And even though I have been gluten-free for quite a while now, I am still experiencing this mind-fog ...

Would you mind telling us which supplements you are taking?


I am in the same boat. Still experiencing the mind fog. Also, i want to confirm something about the supplements. I eat a lot of bone broth, and soup from bone broth. Most of it from deer nowadays. I usually mix it with either beef, pork, or poultry bones too though. Once during an EE class one of the members who is on the keto diet said that he doesn't take supplements anymore, cause he gets it all from the bone broth. I figured this makes sense, and only take omega 3, and vit c now. Is this true? Can we get enough of our vitamins, and minerals from the broth?
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

davey72 said:
I am in the same boat. Still experiencing the mind fog. Also, i want to confirm something about the supplements. I eat a lot of bone broth, and soup from bone broth. Most of it from deer nowadays. I usually mix it with either beef, pork, or poultry bones too though. Once during an EE class one of the members who is on the keto diet said that he doesn't take supplements anymore, cause he gets it all from the bone broth. I figured this makes sense, and only take omega 3, and vit c now. Is this true? Can we get enough of our vitamins, and minerals from the broth?

This is the case although some folks would benefit from supplementing from at least magnesium and sometimes potassium. Specially at the beginning of the diet. Then, the stress nowadays is such, that an extra magnesium doesn't hurt now and again, whether magnesium salt baths or supplements.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Just wanna share a story of how the ketogenic diet cured my travel sickness. It's a short story :)

I have been suffering from travel sickness for as long as I can remember which made me hate travelling, school trips, cars, buses, etc. Even 30-45 min. 'long' ride would make my stomach sick. Then, gradually I got my diet in order and eventually switched to keto diet.

The next travel I went to, some months after going keto, was a quite a surprise. Unlike all the travels before that can be described in words as horrible, tedious and exhausting, this time travelling was quite pleasant and even fun. It was new and different experience, for sure, and all thanks to the ketogenic diet! Haven't had travel sickness ever since.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

That's great to hear Serendipity. The diet seems to cure whatever ails you. I suffered from cat and to a certain extent dog allergies. After being on the diet for a while, I was able to visit my daughter who has a cat, and live in a place that had a cat and a dog. It was wonderful!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Hi davey72,

davey72 said:
I am in the same boat. Still experiencing the mind fog.

I noticed on another thread you said:

davey72 said:
I also made some apple, date, cranberry preserves last night, and ate quite a bit.

I think that fruit preserves can have a fairly high sugar content. What you're doing with the bone broth is good, but if you're adding sugar into the mix it could still be contributing to the brain fog.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Shijing said:
Hi davey72,

davey72 said:
I am in the same boat. Still experiencing the mind fog.

I noticed on another thread you said:

davey72 said:
I also made some apple, date, cranberry preserves last night, and ate quite a bit.

I think that fruit preserves can have a fairly high sugar content. What you're doing with the bone broth is good, but if you're adding sugar into the mix it could still be contributing to the brain fog.

Yes, i do realize this, but my intake of sugar is few, and far between. I had these ingredients in my fridge for quite awhile, and decided to can them last night. This is the most sugar i have had at one time in quite awhile.I sweetened it with the dates. No direct sugar, as i am sure the sugar content in these ingredients are more than enough. I usually use stevia, and xylitol for everything, and do not usually eat fruit at all, but i indulged in it heavily last night. I do not have much stevia, or xylitol left until i can get into the city, so my last batch of chocolate was also half sugar, and half stevia. I actually notice that consuming sugar gives me instant energy, and decreases the brain fog right away, so i must still be addicted to it. Apparently it takes a long time. I still crave bread, and sweets, but do not usually indulge. I don't ever use sugar for anything else.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

herondancer said:
That's great to hear Serendipity. The diet seems to cure whatever ails you. I suffered from cat and to a certain extent dog allergies. After being on the diet for a while, I was able to visit my daughter who has a cat, and live in a place that had a cat and a dog. It was wonderful!

:) It really is wonderful, the effect that applying the knowledge of proper diet has on all sorts of ailments and on your state of being in general. It's funny, now that I look back I almost can't even remember how I was feeling back in the old days. But I do remember almost constantly having this or that ailment, pain, discomfort, brain fog, depression, etc., which tended to make my life quite miserable sometimes. And yes, I also remember visiting the hospital often, and also doctors generally being pretty clueless about many things, and not of much help.

My biggest ailment were headaches. Doctors have never found out what was the cause of my headaches, which were increasing in frequency and severity. But how could they, because as far as I remember, not one doctor did once looked into what my diet had been like. Ofc, now I know what was one of the causes, and that's dairy and wheat, because after I switched to paleo and later to keto, the occurrence of headaches was drastically reduced, but not completely gone. How come?

This is where the other great tools, that this network has helped me to found about, come into play, EE and the Work in particular. As it was also in my case, the causes of headache may have many different origins. I found out that in my case one of the causes was bad diet, and the other main causes were repressed emotions, anxiety and scoliosis. It wasn't before I switched to keto diet, that I began noticing the difference, because as I see it, headaches (along with other ailments) that were caused by bad diet were 'creating the noise' so to speak. Only when I silenced the 'noise', that by getting the diet in order, was I able to hear the finer music of my emotions. Only when I healed the outermost layer, could I have began to properly work on the next one. I hope that wasn't too vague.

The example. Did you ever experience that feeling when you know in advance that you're going to get sick, or get a headache, which is the form this 'sickness' usually manifests in my case. I don't know quite how to explain that feeling/sensation, but I'll try using some words: pressure/constriction/heaviness/blockage usually in the chest, but also in my case in the head. Over the time I came to know this feeling, even if not recognizing it's meaning and cause, and so each time I was in that state, I'd knew that headache and/or sickness was coming next.

After I got diet in order, this same state was still occurring from time to time, but in time and with help of EE and the "Splitting as a Symptom of Internal Considering" thread, I come to recognize that repressed negative emotions were what was making me feel the way I felt, and me not paying attention to them and keeping them inside was what each time eventually lead to a headache. It was a gradual lesson, but with the help of EE and the information from the 'splitting thread' I was finally able to learn (and still learning) how to release the emotions that only wanted to get outside, and be recognized. And I think that orderly diet is very important exactly because it clears away the 'noise' that ingesting poison/junk is creating. That's more or less how I dealt with the second cause of my headaches.

On the matter of anxiety, of great help were/are cognitive science information, books narcissism (big 5), Work, EE and applying Knowledge in general. And about the scoliosis issue, I think some ercises and resistance training are in order. In the end, the only headache I sometimes get now is caused by too much sitting and bad sleep.

This post got long and a bit off topic, but I hope that someone finds it usefull. Thank you for reading :)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

The example. Did you ever experience that feeling when you know in advance that you're going to get sick, or get a headache, which is the form this 'sickness' usually manifests in my case. I don't know quite how to explain that feeling/sensation, but I'll try using some words: pressure/constriction/heaviness/blockage usually in the chest, but also in my case in the head. Over the time I came to know this feeling, even if not recognizing it's meaning and cause, and so each time I was in that state, I'd knew that headache and/or sickness was coming next.

After I got diet in order, this same state was still occurring from time to time, but in time and with help of EE and the "Splitting as a Symptom of Internal Considering" thread, I come to recognize that repressed negative emotions were what was making me feel the way I felt, and me not paying attention to them and keeping them inside was what each time eventually lead to a headache. It was a gradual lesson, but with the help of EE and the information from the 'splitting thread' I was finally able to learn (and still learning) how to release the emotions that only wanted to get outside, and be recognized. And I think that orderly diet is very important exactly because it clears away the 'noise' that ingesting poison/junk is creating. That's more or less how I dealt with the second cause of my headaches.

This is very interesting, and yes this is something i have always thought of as an ability that i could never figure out where it came from.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

It's very good to read your account of the diet changes, Serendipity. I understand what you mean about the "noise" factor, and I think it comes in two forms. The first being the general systemic inflammation which scrambles our signals in so many ways, and the second being the opioids in wheat and dairy, along with the constant "highs" that large amounts of glucose and fructose give our bodies.

Initially I saw no reason at all to switch to the diet, and only did so because of the recommendations here, and because I trusted the people on this forum. Reading the books and the threads gave much more of an incentive, but my brain simply didn't work well enough to take in all of the info, and it was partly done on faith (I recently re-read PBPM and wow, there is SO much in that book that I missed or didn't understand which is now crystal clear).

Before the diet my life was in a fog. I was disconnected from my body, and only when a major injury occurred would I pay attention to it. My mind ran in closed negative loops for the most part (that's still a work in progress), I was very anxious socially, uncomfortable in my own skin, and there was a perpetual numbness of emotions. It was a similar existence to being on antidepressants, and now I think I understand why some people are even able to deal with this reality: They are simply drugged on sugar and opioids, looking forward to their next meal.

Clearing up all of this comes at a price, in that repressed emotions do come to the surface, especially with the aid of difficult live events. Yet we all know this is necessary for personal growth.

Another cost for me personally is the extraordinary sensitivity that my body now has to almost anything but meat and fat, to the point where I'm thinking I may have had an autoimmune condition all along. Even bone broth can give me a stuffy feeling in my head. Too much protein brings brain fog, too much fat brings brain fog, carbs bring brain fog, and even small amounts of caffeine bring crazy mood swings.

I'm currently looking into histamine intolerance, and have a feeling that it has a tenuous connection with Iron overload. I haven't given blood in a long time so this may be an issue. Another factoid is that through the summer months I can generally eat whatever I want within the paleo framework and feel fine, but in the winter I have to be very careful. The journey is a very interesting one, and annoying sometimes, but it really develops your attention when it comes to feeling and feeding your body.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Carlisle said:
Another cost for me personally is the extraordinary sensitivity that my body now has to almost anything but meat and fat, to the point where I'm thinking I may have had an autoimmune condition all along. Even bone broth can give me a stuffy feeling in my head. Too much protein brings brain fog, too much fat brings brain fog, carbs bring brain fog, and even small amounts of caffeine bring crazy mood swings.

I pretty much experienced the same thing!

I also first omitted gluten from my diet and then moved into KD not because I thought I had a problem, more for experimentation and because it made sense on an intellectual level. Sure, I had minor health issues - slightly obese, raised blood pressure, some niggling joint pains, prostatic symptoms - but hey, I am not 20 anymore, who doesn't! Then most of that disappeared, well fine ...

But as Carlisle noted, my body also became much more sensitive to what I do and what I eat. A bit too much of that, not enough of this, and I can feel changes. So his assessment might be very perceptive, that we all suffer from certain immune or other systems derangements when on the SAD, that only become unmasked to their real extent, once we get rid of all or most of the offending substances completely for an extended period of time.

Maybe it is like a highly tuned engine - you really have to pay attention to what fuel you use, otherwise it won't work properly. But if all the valves are gummed up the type of fuel doesn't really matter.

And if I get some gluten now into my body by accident or carelessness, I immediately know, because I now develop symptoms that previously didn't follow gluten ingestion. I mention gluten here as example because for me getting off gluten was the single most subjectivley preceptible change in physical and emotional wellbeing.

And for me still the most astonishing thing is how little food quantitywise my body now requires. I eat 150g of meat twice a day (with some fat) and some bone broth, occasionally some vegetables and a handful of nuts. When I eat with others they easily fill their plate twice, but after finishing my miserly ration I feel nourished and satiated ...
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