Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?
herondancer said:
That's great to hear Serendipity. The diet seems to cure whatever ails you. I suffered from cat and to a certain extent dog allergies. After being on the diet for a while, I was able to visit my daughter who has a cat, and live in a place that had a cat and a dog. It was wonderful!
:) It really is wonderful, the effect that applying the knowledge of proper diet has on all sorts of ailments and on your state of being in general. It's funny, now that I look back I
almost can't even remember how I was feeling back in the old days. But I do remember almost constantly having this or that ailment, pain, discomfort, brain fog, depression, etc., which tended to make my life quite miserable sometimes. And yes, I also remember visiting the hospital often, and also doctors generally being pretty clueless about many things, and not of much help.
My biggest ailment were headaches. Doctors have never found out what was the cause of my headaches, which were increasing in frequency and severity. But how could they, because as far as I remember, not one doctor did once looked into what my diet had been like. Ofc, now I know what was one of the causes, and that's dairy and wheat, because after I switched to paleo and later to keto, the occurrence of headaches was drastically reduced, but not completely gone. How come?
This is where the other great tools, that this network has helped me to found about, come into play, EE and the Work in particular. As it was also in my case, the causes of headache may have many different origins. I found out that in my case one of the causes was bad diet, and the other main causes were repressed emotions, anxiety and scoliosis. It wasn't before I switched to keto diet, that I began noticing the difference, because as I see it, headaches (along with other ailments) that were caused by bad diet were 'creating the noise' so to speak. Only when I silenced the 'noise', that by getting the diet in order, was I able to hear the finer music of my emotions. Only when I healed the outermost layer, could I have began to properly work on the next one. I hope that wasn't too vague.
The example. Did you ever experience that feeling when you know in advance that you're going to get sick, or get a headache, which is the form this 'sickness' usually manifests in my case. I don't know quite how to explain that feeling/sensation, but I'll try using some words: pressure/constriction/heaviness/blockage usually in the chest, but also in my case in the head. Over the time I came to know this feeling, even if not recognizing it's meaning and cause, and so each time I was in that state, I'd knew that headache and/or sickness was coming next.
After I got diet in order, this same state was still occurring from time to time, but in time and with help of EE and the "Splitting as a Symptom of Internal Considering" thread, I come to recognize that repressed negative emotions were what was making me feel the way I felt, and me not paying attention to them and keeping them inside was what each time eventually lead to a headache. It was a gradual lesson, but with the help of EE and the information from the 'splitting thread' I was finally able to learn (and still learning) how to release the emotions that only wanted to get outside, and be recognized. And I think that orderly diet is very important exactly because it clears away the 'noise' that ingesting poison/junk is creating. That's more or less how I dealt with the second cause of my headaches.
On the matter of anxiety, of great help were/are cognitive science information, books narcissism (big 5), Work, EE and applying Knowledge in general. And about the scoliosis issue, I think some ercises and resistance training are in order. In the end, the only headache I sometimes get now is caused by too much sitting and bad sleep.
This post got long and a bit off topic, but I hope that someone finds it usefull. Thank you for reading :)