Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

nicklebleu said:
Altair said:
There are a couple of questions remained:
1. What vegetables do have anti-nutrients? Do the cooking help to get rid off them or will it suffice just to wash them thoroughly before eating? On the other hand the cooking will probably destroy the most vitamins and minerals.
2. Is it a good idea to eat raw eggs?
3. Some authors of the recommended nutritional books are pro olive oil others are contra. Is the olive oil beneficial for us?
4. Is it a good idea to drink black tea?
5. Does anybody has experiences with guarana?

All vegetables have anti-nutrients - it's just a matter of degree. Worst probably are nightshades, lentils and beans, and grains. Green leafy veggies probably have the least (cruciferous like broccoli etc.). Some anti-nutrients break down with cooking (like some enzyme inhibitors) but the worst ones - lectins - don't.

I don't think that eating raw food is that good in general, cooking makes most of the food easier to break up and absorb.

As to olive oil - have never heard something bad about it, except for cooking with high heat. Otherwise it is a good source of monounsaturated fatty acids. Most experts recommend 50% MUFAs and 50% saturated FA from animal sources - just keep clear of polyunsaturated FA.

I think black tea is ok, although there is a lot of controversy. I drink it.

No experience with guarana ...

Thanks, nicklebleu. Do you have experiences with avocados? Do avocados contain anti-nutrients as well?
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Thanks Gimpy :)

I don't eat raw eggs, and I'm not sure why you would want to?

Is cooked (denaturalized) protein better digested than raw protein (e.g. in eggs)?

Gaurana is a stimulant stronger than regular caffeine, I'd steer clear of it, but that's a personal preference. As its commonly added to energy drinks, which are full of sugar, which is why I avoid it.

Actually guarana powder contains caffeine, but works much milder than coffee. Moreover C's have recommended guarana (along with ginseng) in one of the sessions. I use it as powder dissolved in water (without any additives).
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Gimpy said:
I don't eat raw eggs, and I'm not sure why you would want to?

Perhaps Altair is making paleo mayonnaise or mousse, or something else that contains raw eggs.

While thinking about raw eggs, I looked around online to see what was being said about eating them and came across this article from Mark's Daily Apple:


As reader Tuscoyote noted in the forum a few months ago, researchers have found that egg protein is more bioavailable when heated. (Thanks for the NPR link, Tuscoyote!) Here’s the study referenced in that interview. The study showed that egg protein is more digestible (94% versus 55-64%) when heated, probably due to alteration of the protein’s structure and the ability of digestive enzymes to infiltrate peptide bonds.
As for drawbacks, there’s the well-circulated salmonella risk, which isn’t the dire prospect it’s often made out to be. The risk has been estimated as 1 in 10,000 (CDC) or 1 in 30,000 (Risk Analysis journal).
As you mention, eating raw eggs carries the eventual risk of a biotin deficiency. Although egg yolk is actually a rich source of biotin, the white contains avidin, a glycoprotein that bonds with biotin, preventing the nutrient’s absorption. Avidin is generally inactivated when cooked, which makes the biotin in the yolk fully available for absorption by the body.

I don't see much of a reason to eat raw egg whites, since they're almost all protein and little else positive (and that protein is better absorbed after being cooked anyway), but I think there are some reasons to eat raw egg yolks and not a particularly significant risk in doing so. That said, I prefer my eggs cooked, but enjoy some home made mayonnaise once in a while. And if I were eating raw eggs, I'd definitely get the highest quality eggs I could get, personally.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Foxx said:
Gimpy said:
I don't eat raw eggs, and I'm not sure why you would want to?

Perhaps Altair is making paleo mayonnaise or mousse, or something else that contains raw eggs.

While thinking about raw eggs, I looked around online to see what was being said about eating them and came across this article from Mark's Daily Apple:


As reader Tuscoyote noted in the forum a few months ago, researchers have found that egg protein is more bioavailable when heated. (Thanks for the NPR link, Tuscoyote!) Here’s the study referenced in that interview. The study showed that egg protein is more digestible (94% versus 55-64%) when heated, probably due to alteration of the protein’s structure and the ability of digestive enzymes to infiltrate peptide bonds.
As for drawbacks, there’s the well-circulated salmonella risk, which isn’t the dire prospect it’s often made out to be. The risk has been estimated as 1 in 10,000 (CDC) or 1 in 30,000 (Risk Analysis journal).
As you mention, eating raw eggs carries the eventual risk of a biotin deficiency. Although egg yolk is actually a rich source of biotin, the white contains avidin, a glycoprotein that bonds with biotin, preventing the nutrient’s absorption. Avidin is generally inactivated when cooked, which makes the biotin in the yolk fully available for absorption by the body.

I don't see much of a reason to eat raw egg whites, since they're almost all protein and little else positive (and that protein is better absorbed after being cooked anyway), but I think there are some reasons to eat raw egg yolks and not a particularly significant risk in doing so. That said, I prefer my eggs cooked, but enjoy some home made mayonnaise once in a while. And if I were eating raw eggs, I'd definitely get the highest quality eggs I could get, personally.

Thanks Foxx,

I just thought that heated protein is more bioavailable. But that doesn't seem to be the case.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Yesterday I read articles about anti-nutrients in vegetables. It looks not so good. So my question is: which vegetables do you eat and how do you prepare them?


Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Another question is: all organic lard products I've found are smoked and contains natriumnitrit. I read that smoked products carcinogenic as well as products containing natriumnitrit. Do you have any experiences with that?

Many Thanks

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Altair said:
Yesterday I read articles about anti-nutrients in vegetables. It looks not so good. So my question is: which vegetables do you eat and how do you prepare them?



Hi! Try this & the other links, others will likely also answer their preparation methods if they eat any veg.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Here, this is fairly informative:

Also look at her site to see how she suggests to prepare plant foods of various types.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Altair said:
Another question is: all organic lard products I've found are smoked and contains natriumnitrit. I read that smoked products carcinogenic as well as products containing natriumnitrit. Do you have any experiences with that?

Many Thanks


I used to think the same and was avoiding bacon or tried to find nitrite-free one, which is quite difficult.

Then I read Chris Kresser's article The Nitrate and Nitrite Myth - Another Reason Not to Feat Bacon which you can find here. I must admit, that I haven't checked out all of his findings myself, but I generally trust Kresser to be very thorough in other areas, so I have gone back to eating bacon.

In fact, nitrates may even be beneficial - see here.

As to vegetables, I do eat them sometimes, but not regularly - the question is why would you? I think the answer is a personal one, some have found that their bowel movement works better, and others have found that it makes them enjoy their meal more. As noted in my last post, I mainly try to eat green leafy vegetables, like broccoli, cauliflower (sorry, this one is white ...), kale. I usually just steam or cook them in a pan, lots of garlic, salt, pepper, and a good dose of olive oil on top - yummy!

Hope that helps.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

H-kqge said:
Altair said:
Yesterday I read articles about anti-nutrients in vegetables. It looks not so good. So my question is: which vegetables do you eat and how do you prepare them?



Hi! Try this & the other links, others will likely also answer their preparation methods if they eat any veg.

Thanks H-kqge,

I'll go through the articles.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

monotonic said:
Here, this is fairly informative:

Also look at her site to see how she suggests to prepare plant foods of various types.

Thanks monotonic,

the website ist new to me, but it seems to contain a lot of stuff I'm interested in. :)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

monotonic said:
Here, this is fairly informative:

Also look at her site to see how she suggests to prepare plant foods of various types.

After having seen this video I realized that I actually don't need any vegetables at all :)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

nicklebleu said:
Altair said:
Another question is: all organic lard products I've found are smoked and contains natriumnitrit. I read that smoked products carcinogenic as well as products containing natriumnitrit. Do you have any experiences with that?

Many Thanks


I used to think the same and was avoiding bacon or tried to find nitrite-free one, which is quite difficult.

Then I read Chris Kresser's article The Nitrate and Nitrite Myth - Another Reason Not to Feat Bacon which you can find here. I must admit, that I haven't checked out all of his findings myself, but I generally trust Kresser to be very thorough in other areas, so I have gone back to eating bacon.

In fact, nitrates may even be beneficial - see here.

As to vegetables, I do eat them sometimes, but not regularly - the question is why would you? I think the answer is a personal one, some have found that their bowel movement works better, and others have found that it makes them enjoy their meal more. As noted in my last post, I mainly try to eat green leafy vegetables, like broccoli, cauliflower (sorry, this one is white ...), kale. I usually just steam or cook them in a pan, lots of garlic, salt, pepper, and a good dose of olive oil on top - yummy!

Hope that helps.

Thanks nicklebleu,

The article you mentioned is very educative. What about smoked meats? Is it carcinogenic?
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Hi Friends, here again looking for advice and help to recover as soon as possible ... because sometimes I feel sad, somewhat depressed and not want to get in that circle of despair and weakness.
My flu has not been such. I'm actually recovering from Epstein Barr virus. I has been extremely weak. Absolute loss of appetite. It started with flu symptoms on 13 January and continues with ups and downs until today. Twice I have gone to the hospital with episodes of palpitations and weakness. Two weeks ago my doctor prescribed Alprazolam 0.25 but I have not taken up to two days ago, because before I did not feel needed it . Last Friday Doctor prescribed me Propranolol 20 mgr at night, but I started to take it day too.

In the mornings until noon is when I feel worse without strength, my heart pounding. Then I 'm feeling better, more natural.
Regarding diet, I started taking bread, and try to do the closest thing to Paleo diet.
I congratulate you for your achievements Altair!!!
I want to recover from this slump and begin again the process of adaptation KD with more security. So maybe you'll see me write, being a bit more insistent with my questions (sorry in advance ...) :-[ :)

I've been doing the EE program, sometimes full, sometimes only tubular breathing and prayer of the soul. I read that sometimes it's not convenient if the body is not balanced? This is one of my doubts.

On the other hand ... I've had great family pressures ( mother and sisters ) to stop the diet , believe nothing of what I say and take me as absurd , like my colleagues as well... actually they blame diet I've done in recent months and my stubbornness for my weakness and disease. I felt very pressured.
I know what I 'm going to say you might not be such a thing but I feel sometimes as things happen to me for put obstacles in my attempt to start doing my Work. I do not know what else to say.

I hope good things come out of this experience and learn some important life lesson for me, as being more sympathetic or empathetic with others who suffer.
Thanks and a big hug to everyone.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Ariadna said:
Hi Friends, here again looking for advice and help to recover as soon as possible ... because sometimes I feel sad, somewhat depressed and not want to get in that circle of despair and weakness.
My flu has not been such. I'm actually recovering from Epstein Barr virus. I has been extremely weak. Absolute loss of appetite. It started with flu symptoms on 13 January and continues with ups and downs until today. Twice I have gone to the hospital with episodes of palpitations and weakness. Two weeks ago my doctor prescribed Alprazolam 0.25 but I have not taken up to two days ago, because before I did not feel needed it . Last Friday Doctor prescribed me Propranolol 20 mgr at night, but I started to take it day too.

In the mornings until noon is when I feel worse without strength, my heart pounding. Then I 'm feeling better, more natural.

I'm sorry to hear about your struggle. Keep in mind that you just went through a very weakening illness and it can take months to recover from that. Chronic fatigue syndrome typically starts after flu like these ones.

Epstein Barr virus infections are usually diseases that increase your necessity of vitamin C, it is the "100 grams flu" so to speak. So if you were taking 4 grams or so and suddenly your body goes through a disease that requires 100 grams... then you know you were really hit hard and that your adrenals got shot. Have you read about adrenal fatigue?

Propanolol could certainly slow down heart rate, the bad news is that weakness, fatigue and depression are common side effects.

Sometimes a generous dose of potassium and magnesium will help a lot with heart palpitations. It is frequent to have palpitations when there is electrolyte imbalances, but also when there is a lack of nutrients like CoQ10, magnesium and omega 3s which promote a healthy heart rhythm. Once the electrical activity of the heart is vulnerable, it can be set off track by anything: stress, an infection, being hot, dehydration, etc. Vagal maneuvers are usually helpful to calm the heart's rhythm.

You will find this thread interesting:

Heart problems - advice appreciated

It has recommended supplementation. It is important to do the diet as well, as vulnerable people can have heart palpitations when they have evil additives like MSG, but also food intolerances.

Regarding diet, I started taking bread, and try to do the closest thing to Paleo diet.

I think this is a very bad idea. Anti-nutrients contained in bread behave like viruses. It could only compound the problem and further create havoc in your immune system. See for instance these articles (in Spanish):

El glúten ataca el cerebro y daña el sistema nervioso

Abriendo la caja de Pandora: el rol crítico de la lectina de trigo en la enfermedad humana

I think it is a good idea to just stick to 3 stage breathing and the Prayer of the Soul for the time being. You can resume beatha later as you feel stronger. How about re-watching some of the videos, for instance The Knowledge and Being videos? They are very inspiring :)

I would go through "Life Without Bread" thread instead of this one so you can get more ideas of what people ate at the initial stages of the diet. For instance blinis made out of buckwheat flour. There is also cassava flour which could substitute bread.

I think it is unfair for people to blame your diet for symptoms that are frequent after diseases like the one you just had :flowers:
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