Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

mimimari said:
I might still be eating too much protein, because I still have cravings, though mainly for chocolate and pineapple. Also, I feel hungry sometimes, to the point where my stomach will hurt. This could be stress related though?

I think this is one of the great pitfalls with the ketogenic diet - to trade in fat with protein. Because anyone who has been on the KD for a prolonged period of time (and actually has measurably been in ketosis - two very different things!) will attest to the fact that to ingest 80% of calories as fat is not that easy. Even though I have been on the KD for around 2 years, I still find it difficult to reduce protein and to increase fat, which causes the problem you describe - cravings. I have occasionally cravings for chocolate or nuts, which I satisfy with dark chocolate 85 - 100% and macadamia nuts. But I have to be very careful with that as too much of these throw me out of ketosis.

And of course all that could be stress related, as stress does almost anything, so reducing that I think should be very high on one's priority list anyway and regardless of other things.

Another reason I think there is too much protein in my diet is because there is still some lingering mental fog. It has gotten a lot better since the wheat days, but I still have trouble focusing and paying attention. My emotions are also a lot more stable now, but I still feel depressed, sad, or blue some days.

I think feeling blue and sometimes depressed is just a normal part of life. As I have written elsewhere on this forum, I try now to accept that I have days where I am just not on top of myself. And I also try not to fight it, but rather to go inside and kind of "savour" it, to emotionally try to feel and explore that feeling, to make it palpable for my emotions, but without wanting to chase it away or alter it.

I found that technique to be very helpful, because on one hand it relieves me of the "obligation" to get rid of it asap, and on the other hand it makes it more barable. I am not sure if I am able to communicate what I mean, but basically I try to accept days of blueness and depression as something that is normal and maybe even valuable, as it is a way of my subconscious to try to communicate with my conscious self (or that's anyhow the way I put if for myself).

I have been trying to do some exercise and resistance training, which is fun, but I'm so weak now. I can do about half a push-up, have a hard time using the resistance band, I can do a wall sit for about half a minute, and I've noticed that opening jars is causing me great difficulty. It's crazy, I have no strength!

That's normal when you transition from a SAD to a KD, and it will take a different amount of time with everyone. I would recommend to just persist - continue exercising, just do what you can. I think it is important to try to push through this phase, and do it with the amount of exercise you can tolerate - anything you can do is beneficial, because you are trying to reverse mitochondrial dysfuntion, which is at the base of many of the civilisatory diseases.

When information about the Ketogenic diet first came out I tried to go cold turkey and eat only fat and a bit of protein, but that was a flop and made by stomach hurt and I was hungry all of the time. This was stupid and didn't last long, but it does show just how difficult it is, even for younger people, to make the transition to the Keto diet. It must be done slowly and with care.

Some people can go cold turkey, others can't - and I don't think that it really matters either way. It certainly is the safer and easier way to go it slowly as you make it more bearable for yourself and thus increase your chances of success.

To sum it up - go slow, take it easy, be nice to yourself - BUT persist!

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Hi mimimari,

I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing these symptoms, but I think you're asking good questions -- when we feel miserable, it can make it hard to focus on so many of the other things we'd like to do. I think you've gotten some good advice so far; you may have already seen it, but I wanted to mention the Important threads for Diet and Health just in case, since it's a handy shortcut to a lot of topics that might be related.

In regard to the symptoms you've described, a few of the threads there that might be relevant are the following:

Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Candida- The Silent Epidemic
Anti-Candida, Inflammation, Heavy Metals Detox and Diet
UltraMind Solution Quizzes

Some information in some of these threads may be out of date since they were started several years ago -- but there is probably still quite a bit of useful information interspersed throughout. I hope this is helpful, and wish you the best in gathering information and figuring out how to heal yourself so that you begin to feel better :)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

mimimari said:
I am at the stage of reintroducing foods into my diet to see what agrees with me and what doesn't. I recently found that eggs do not agree with me, I get very gassy and emit offensive odors after I eat them. Which is a shame because I love eggs. Also, I ate some nuts last week and my ankles were swollen afterwards, which has never happened before. I am also finding that the smell of cooked/cooking vegetables makes me cringe. Blueberries, cauliflower, sweet potato, and sauerkraut seem to be fine with me so far.

I might still be eating too much protein, because I still have cravings, though mainly for chocolate and pineapple. Also, I feel hungry sometimes, to the point where my stomach will hurt. This could be stress related though?

Have you cut out all sugar/carbs really? Like for months on end with no cheating? What about coffee? What you are describing sounds more like you really aren't being careful. Remember, coffee has almost the same effects on the body as gluten/carbs. You aren't on the diet if you are still drinking coffee, eating milk chocolate, or having peanut butter cups.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Nancy2feathers said:
Hi mimimari. What I found helpful, while eliminating foods from my diet (like all that you had mentioned plus some), I used the far-infrared blanket to help get rid of toxins and heavy metal build up in the body. In my case it helped with mental fog, but I know each person is different. Also have you thought about doing a candida cleanse? Not saying that that might be what`s causing your brain fog, but it might be something to look into if you haven`t already. :)

Thank you Nancy2feathers! I have not used a FIR sauna for detox yet. After I dropped wheat from my diet I did the detox cocktail described in Detoxify Or Die by Sherry Rogers, but only for a short time. Then about a year and a half ago I had my mercury fillings taken out I added DMSO to the cocktail, but I never really did a complete heavy metal detox, which I should have.

I have not done a candida cleanse. I am taking a supplement called "Candida Clear" which contains black walnut oil and oregano oil, but I have not done a candida cleanse, I am very interested in doing that. A search pulled up the "candida cleanse diet" thread on the forum, but I have not read that one yet.

Laura said:
mimimari said:
Hello. I have been on the Keto diet for the past six months<snip>

I am at the stage of reintroducing foods into my diet to see what agrees with me and what doesn't.

Since it usually takes about 2 years for the gut to heal from grains and dairy, this may be a bit precipitate.

Laura said:
mimimari said:
I recently found that eggs do not agree with me, I get very gassy and emit offensive odors after I eat them. Which is a shame because I love eggs. Also, I ate some nuts last week and my ankles were swollen afterwards, which has never happened before. I am also finding that the smell of cooked/cooking vegetables makes me cringe. Blueberries, cauliflower, sweet potato, and sauerkraut seem to be fine with me so far.

These events are clues that your gut is not healed.

I did not know these symptoms were indicators of a damaged gut. Perhaps it would be a good idea to stop reintroducing new foods for now and focus more to detoxing my body of heavy metals and candida?

Laura said:
Have you read this entire thread? I know it's long, but it's kinda a must! Others have gone through similar experiences, reported on them in the thread, and reported how they improved over time.

For example, cravings DO go away ONCE your body begins to get really nourished and that only happens when your sleep cycles and digestion are working properly AND the gut is healed. I cannot emphasize sleep cycles enough.

No I have not read the entire thread. I am currently reading through it and taking notes of other's experiences. I am also currently reading the "Are you getting enough sleep? Sleeping properly? thread.,21286.msg221825.html#msg221825

Laura said:
mimimari said:
When information about the Ketogenic diet first came out I tried to go cold turkey and eat only fat and a bit of protein, but that was a flop and made by stomach hurt and I was hungry all of the time. This was stupid and didn't last long, but it does show just how difficult it is, even for younger people, to make the transition to the Keto diet. It must be done slowly and with care.

Yes, and you apparently haven't achieved the objectives for which such a diet is usually undertaken: healing the gut, detoxing, getting nourished. There is also the fun matter of upregulating different DNA which also takes time.

I agree, I have not achieved the objectives of the diet. I am going to focus on detoxing metals from my body and healing my gut gradually.

nicklebleu said:
I think feeling blue and sometimes depressed is just a normal part of life. As I have written elsewhere on this forum, I try now to accept that I have days where I am just not on top of myself. And I also try not to fight it, but rather to go inside and kind of "savour" it, to emotionally try to feel and explore that feeling, to make it palpable for my emotions, but without wanting to chase it away or alter it.

I found that technique to be very helpful, because on one hand it relieves me of the "obligation" to get rid of it asap, and on the other hand it makes it more barable. I am not sure if I am able to communicate what I mean, but basically I try to accept days of blueness and depression as something that is normal and maybe even valuable, as it is a way of my subconscious to try to communicate with my conscious self (or that's anyhow the way I put if for myself).

That's normal when you transition from a SAD to a KD, and it will take a different amount of time with everyone. I would recommend to just persist - continue exercising, just do what you can. I think it is important to try to push through this phase, and do it with the amount of exercise you can tolerate - anything you can do is beneficial, because you are trying to reverse mitochondrial dysfuntion, which is at the base of many of the civilisatory diseases.

Some people can go cold turkey, others can't - and I don't think that it really matters either way. It certainly is the safer and easier way to go it slowly as you make it more bearable for yourself and thus increase your chances of success.

To sum it up - go slow, take it easy, be nice to yourself - BUT persist!

Thank you for all the advice nicklebleu. I understand what you are saying. Sometimes I do feel that I need to get rid of feeling blueness right away, like I'm not allowed or that I have to hide it from everyone, which causes more stress. I will make sure to go slow and to persist.

Shijing said:
Hi mimimari,

I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing these symptoms, but I think you're asking good questions -- when we feel miserable, it can make it hard to focus on so many of the other things we'd like to do. I think you've gotten some good advice so far; you may have already seen it, but I wanted to mention the Important threads for Diet and Health just in case, since it's a handy shortcut to a lot of topics that might be related.

In regard to the symptoms you've described, a few of the threads there that might be relevant are the following:

Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Candida- The Silent Epidemic
Anti-Candida, Inflammation, Heavy Metals Detox and Diet
UltraMind Solution Quizzes

Some information in some of these threads may be out of date since they were started several years ago -- but there is probably still quite a bit of useful information interspersed throughout. I hope this is helpful, and wish you the best in gathering information and figuring out how to heal yourself so that you begin to feel better :)

Thank you very much for all the links Shijing.

Laura said:
mimimari said:
I am at the stage of reintroducing foods into my diet to see what agrees with me and what doesn't. I recently found that eggs do not agree with me, I get very gassy and emit offensive odors after I eat them. Which is a shame because I love eggs. Also, I ate some nuts last week and my ankles were swollen afterwards, which has never happened before. I am also finding that the smell of cooked/cooking vegetables makes me cringe. Blueberries, cauliflower, sweet potato, and sauerkraut seem to be fine with me so far.

I might still be eating too much protein, because I still have cravings, though mainly for chocolate and pineapple. Also, I feel hungry sometimes, to the point where my stomach will hurt. This could be stress related though?

Have you cut out all sugar/carbs really? Like for months on end with no cheating? What about coffee? What you are describing sounds more like you really aren't being careful. Remember, coffee has almost the same effects on the body as gluten/carbs. You aren't on the diet if you are still drinking coffee, eating milk chocolate, or having peanut butter cups.

No, I have not cut out all carbs. I have eaten baked goods that use almond flour and/or coconut flour. I do drink espresso, I have not taken that out of my diet yet. . Yes, I bought milk chocolate on accident. I meant to buy dark chocolate, but I didn't read the package carefully. I ate some, which made my stomach hurt and then I threw it out. I also bought some peanut butter cups because I was hungry, had one, then threw them out too. I thought the diet allowed for some carbs/sugar if it is below 40g. per day?
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Hello forum,

I posted a bit a last year in this thread as I was transitioning to KD. Over the course of the Thanksgiving holiday I had this weird sort of emotional hangup that got the best of me for a couple months. It's been difficult for me to feel good about eating animals... So I went back to a no sugar, semi-raw, lower carb vegan diet but what I noticed was that the one main reason that I went on the keto diet in the first place- which was to stabilize mood (as well as other reasons)... was not being actualized.

I mentioned before in this thread that I was diagnosed bi-polar as a teen and have been experimenting, health-wise and with alternative healing modalities and etc (like EFT, Spirit release therapy, meditation etc).. but this issue of anxiety compounded by temper just always seemed to get the best of me- despite the fact that I do my ultimate best to stay Peaceful, Gentle, and loving...

However, when I went back on the KD after ....again, deciding that it was simply for my best good, as well as those around me.... and again..rationalizing that asking the Divine to bless the animal spirit that has given of itself, was the best I could do while in this body... after about a month, I again...experienced the Joy of this diet.

I'll say Joy because- there is nothing more terrible than constantly being triggered and losing your cool with your 2 year old, and then having to apologize. While on KD, instead of this being the case on a daily basis, I maybe lose my cool once a week or less and with considerably less "charge." I am much more grounded, acceptant, and able to be calm. I consider this a bit of a miracle really.

I have read the 2 case studies of the other bi-polar ladies who also tried this diet with success. Really, I wish to tell the whole world, but of course, the world isn't interested. Yet- I've found that naturally, as I seek the best methods and modalities for self-healing, the desire to help others increases, and the connections to do so happen organically and naturally.

I still have plenty of questions about this diet. But- I've found what works for me so far... and I never thought I'd enjoy skipping lunch! I also no longer have the urge to binge on sweets at night or eat anything except what could be considered a decent low carb, healthy choice.

I think that's AWESOME!

Sorry if it's a random thing to slip off the bandwagon and then slip back on.... I guess I'm the type that has to repeatedly try things, different things, until finally ....a balanced verdict arrives. I am grateful that I have found this forum and for the truly wonderful people that run it,, and that share of themselves here.

Much Love to you all-ways.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

VIJAYA said:
... I again...experienced the Joy of this diet.

Congratulations VIJAYA,

I think you are a good example that persistence in a direction, which may be contrary to one's belief system, may actually reap big benefits. The step from being a vegan to eating meat must be a huge one, by all accounts (none that I had to take myself). So I congratulate you for persisting, for letting the experience, that it really helps, speak for itself and overrule this pesky other "I". As you correctly point out, this is the optimal way to feed this present body, whether I like it or not. And you have experienced the benefits not only for yourself, but also for others (your 2-year old).

I am sure you have read "The Vegetarian Myth" by Lierre Keith - if not, it's really a MUST READ - especially for past or present vegetarians/ vegans who are struggling to integrate eating animals into their way of life.

Keep the ball rolling!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?


Congratulations on your increased mood control with the keto diet.

No need to apologize about "random" slip-ups with the diet. That's just human nature. Experimentation, failures and learning are part of the process. With enough time the keto bandwagon will be one that you want to stay on as the benefits of it are worth more than the temporary pleasure derived from evil foods.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

nicklebleu said:
Laura said:
nicklebleu said:
Laura said:
I also wonder if the DNA changing effects of the KD might not leave a gap at times before other systems come online, during which viruses can invade.

Sorry, Laura, but I am not sure if I could follow your train of thought.

Did you mean that we can institute a KD, but that transformation of all the appropriate metabolic and genetic make-up will take much more time, until the KD becomes truly protective, during which time we are vulnerable to viruses?

Pretty much what I meant.

There's also a possibility that KD could turn ON some viruses and one might get flu-like symptoms during the transition/upregulation.

Another possibility: you get a flu on the KD, but your case is milder than might otherwise be and you acquire some resistance.

We had a flu here over the holidays, several of us, and it sure put me in bed for a couple of days and the bronchial congestion took a LONG time to clear up.

I have the flu at the moment too - runny nose and a hacking dry cough, otherwise fine. That's the third time in 12 months that I am slightly "fluey".

The first two times was when I actually left a well-established KD with ketone levels around 3-4 mmol/l. The first time I did a juice fast to see, if it was possible to stay in ketosis on a juice fast. The answer was "yes", but I had to abort it after 4 days because I became sick. Next time I got sick when I was in India, after getting out of ketosis too, because India is carb galore and it took me about two weeks to adapt my eating to the local cuisine. And then this time, which is unrelated to anything I am aware of ...

So I wonder if it is not the carb "upswings" that make us sick or vulnerable to viruses - or maybe it's even true for both ways, coming into ketosis and getting out of it. Presumably because the two metabolic states are so radically different that it totally disturbs the internal balance when moving from one side to the other.

And the other thing is: Once you start measuring ketone levels in the blood with the glucometer, you start to realise, that it is quite difficult to maintain an even level of BOHB in the blood. I have been measuring BOHB now for around 18 months - on average every two days, 2 hours after my last meal in the evening. Before measuring BOHB I was under the impression that I had mastered KD and could relatively well predict my level of ketosis. Well, turned out I was wrong. The more I measure the BOHB, the less I understand how the food I eat, the exercise I do and the mental state I am in influences my BOHB levels. For a while I wrote down the BOHB levels I was expecting versus the ones measured - I was way off more often then not.

On thing that I suspect is, that I am supremely sensitive to proteins. I am not sure whether this is just me, or if that is true in general with human beings on a KD. But it seems to me, that I can eat some amounts of carbs without disturbing my BOHB levels too much, but if I increase my protein ration just a little bit, then my BOHB levels go down pronouncedly.

18 months ago I thought I understood ketosis and the KD diet - the more I read about it and the more I experiment with different food compositions, the less I actually do ...

I'm mulling over the issue of KD in relation to a possible period of vulnerability to the virus in the transition period . I wonder if the slip to the diet with gluten or casein or other disturbing element could cause a strong negative impact. I think it would be interesting to find out if this really happens and how to alleviate it somehow, if that's possible. Maybe Vitamin C and other supplements help, but might not be enough. I wonder if this would be a possible question for Cs if there is no evidence for this.

Right now I 'm recovering from the flu, and I am still weak and I have the feeling as if my cells have difficulty in generating energy. Most of the time I want to be sitting . Also despite not doing now KD, yes I'm noticing more and more appetite for foods rich in animal fat (butter, lard, eggs). I think this may be an indicator that my cell metabolism was somewhat accustomed to metabolize ketones and keep that memory. I would like to think that all is not lost for these 6 months transition to KD. I've never measured my blood ketone levels.
Sorry if this post does not add much to the members of the forum, but I hope at least provide a tiny grain of sand with these thoughts.
Thanks for your time.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Thank you for your kind words nicklebleu and Odyssey...

I've found, personally, that everything with the Keto diet just seems to get easier. Not that it wasn't difficult in the beginning, but it sort of all becomes worth it when things level out. From what I've read it seems the transition is fairly difficult and complex for some people. I have not experienced this really, I wonder if it is due to my age (27), body type (on the thinner side), or energy type (like to dive right in...and sometimes go back and forth a bit).

I've also experienced 5 great side effects of this diet, which I'm not sure everyone experiences all of these: 1. naturally waking up at 4am and wanting to sleep by 9pm- which works for me because I love being up early, 2. significantly reduced cravings for carbs, 3. stabilized mood- drastically, 4. can skip meals easily and do often, to stay in ketosis- but don't miss eating, and 5. have finally balanced out to my personal "ideal" weight for my body type at 115ish (I'm 5'5)... I was previously 100lbs on a former vegan diet... my family was worried, though I ate a ton!

I am so stoked about the KD, I'm hoping and praying for the day my beloved partner - a 12 yr+ vegan- decides to look into the science behind this diet and perhaps consider it for himself. He's not so much the myself. But I hold out hope. Until then, I'll keep flying...

--- Separate topic, question:

If this is an inappropriate place to ask, I apologize. As I am still new on these boards (though I have been following them,, and the work for some time), I thought I would start my posting on this thread because I could relate, ask questions, and share my experience in case it was helpful. I feel a bit shy to jump into other ways of posting but would very much like to be more involved in this work, research, and community (as much as I can with my job, 2 yr old, and housework ...eep!)

I've always felt this need for community and to be of service, but feel it is of utmost importance that whatever community I become involved with has an inner knowledge of what to look out for, in terms of psychos... and what to look for, in terms of service to other... It comes as quite a relief and also a bit overwhelming to me to have found these boards. I'm not sure where to begin, when sometimes it seems I have about 5 extra minutes a day with my busy 2 yr old and schedule... I wonder, is that enough to be able to participate, contribute, and commune with those of like mind/heart? My thought on this is just- to do what you can... Can I ask for suggestions on where to go from here?

Much Gratitude and again I apologize if my thoughts are not being shared in the correct place. :)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

VIJAYA said:
I am so stoked about the KD, I'm hoping and praying for the day my beloved partner - a 12 yr+ vegan- decides to look into the science behind this diet and perhaps consider it for himself. He's not so much the myself. But I hold out hope. Until then, I'll keep flying...

He might see over time how well you are doing and get interested in why that is - visible results tend to speak for themselves. But I wouldn't push him, it's his choice after all, and if he doesn't want or can't "switch sides" this is ok too. I have made the mistake of pushing others too much in my "early days", being so excited about the results and this whole new world that opened up for me, that I didn't practice "external considering" and "strategic enclosure" much - with detrimental results.

Can I ask for suggestions on where to go from here?

My suggestion would be two-pronged:

1) On one hand I would start to get familiar with all the material that we are discussing here - a good starting point is the Recommended Reading List. The Narcissism "Big Five" are must read for all, I think - or just pick a book that you find interesting. Once you are finished with that, pick the next. Over time you will learn of other titles and your reading list will get longer and longer (my Kindle has around 100 unread books by now ...).

2) Take one or a few topics that particularly interest you and click the "Notify" button on this particular board page (e.g. "Diet and Health") - this will notify you of any new thread on that particular board, which you can then follow (by again clicking "Notify" in that new thread, so that you get an email every time someone writes a new post on that particular topic). Then just chime in ... Sure, there is often a fine line between noise and a genuine contribution and it took a while for me to develop a feeling for it. At the start I would probably lean a bit more towards the noisy side - someone will point it out to you, if it actually is considered noise, which doesn't need to be taken like a child, who did a naughty thing, but as a "calibration method" for the "noise-meter". That's the way I did it, anyway.

Maybe others have other suggestions, I'm sure you will get more guidance here on this question.

Whether or not this is the appropriate place, I don't really know - but generally if it isn't, you will also get feed-back from one of the moderators and they might move this question into a new thread.

In summary - just dive in and see what happens - the vast majority of members here are very helpful and kind, as long as the other party does the same ...
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

nicklebleu: thank you.

I am feelings humbled right now..

Yes, I have received the same inner guidance to not push my fellow on his diet. After all, only 8 months ago I was fervently doing the vegan thing and couldn't possibly understand (at that point) how eating meat and high fat could yield such positive and profound changes. I do believe (even though it's difficult sometimes) that it is right to accept others for who and where they are, and what they choose. Any real example, to me, would lead just by doing what they feel is right and best- but without any need or expectation of others. Hurray for challenges!

But I thank you again, it is always good to have reminders and shared resonance on this.

I checked out the book list on the other thread and certainly may need to learn how to read books on my phone! It is impressive to me that the moderators and people who run this forum seem to have a very skillful, clear, and precise way of outlining these things for the benefit of any newcomer (probably for the ol' timers as well). It is exciting to me to be in the company of such bright minds and to share in this process... even if starting at square 1..or 2. Gotta start somewhere.

The one book I've read on the list Primal Bodies, Primal Minds has made such a huge impact.. I look forward to the rest. The Narcissism top 5 looks like a good place to start. I feel this is getting off topic here, so I'll end my thoughts on this, but your help is greatly appreciated.

Much Love.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

After a couple of month of adaptation and experimenting with different foods I'm finally on keto diet. I feel a lot better (either mentally or physically) and don't have food cravings any more, but I expected that. The most astonishing is the fact that on keto diet I got rid off the most of my fears and I can easily control my emotions. I became calm, my sleep has normalized as well. So basically my diet consists of the following foods (all organic):
  • Meat: beef, chickens, pork (I'm trying not to exceed 75 g protein limit per day and 25 g per meal)
  • Fat: ghee, coconut, lard, eggs, olive oil
  • vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, fennel
  • the only fruits: lemons and avocados

and that's all :)

Initially I had some constipation problems. I tried probiotica, water-rich vegetables (cucumbers), smoking and EE program, and now I have regular stool. The supplements I currently take are (the most I get from
  • Probiotica
  • Vitamin B complex
  • L-Carnitin
  • Papaya-Enzym
  • Ginseng
  • Melatonin
  • Fish oil
  • Chlorella, spirulina
  • Curcumin
  • Calcium, magnesium, Zinc, Selen, Vitamin C (liposomal, self made)

There are a couple of questions remained:
1. What vegetables do have anti-nutrients? Do the cooking help to get rid off them or will it suffice just to wash them thoroughly before eating? On the other hand the cooking will probably destroy the most vitamins and minerals.
2. Is it a good idea to eat raw eggs?
3. Some authors of the recommended nutritional books are pro olive oil others are contra. Is the olive oil beneficial for us?
4. Is it a good idea to drink black tea?
5. Does anybody has experiences with guarana?

Many thanks

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Altair said:
There are a couple of questions remained:
1. What vegetables do have anti-nutrients? Do the cooking help to get rid off them or will it suffice just to wash them thoroughly before eating? On the other hand the cooking will probably destroy the most vitamins and minerals.
2. Is it a good idea to eat raw eggs?
3. Some authors of the recommended nutritional books are pro olive oil others are contra. Is the olive oil beneficial for us?
4. Is it a good idea to drink black tea?
5. Does anybody has experiences with guarana?

All vegetables have anti-nutrients - it's just a matter of degree. Worst probably are nightshades, lentils and beans, and grains. Green leafy veggies probably have the least (cruciferous like broccoli etc.). Some anti-nutrients break down with cooking (like some enzyme inhibitors) but the worst ones - lectins - don't.

I don't think that eating raw food is that good in general, cooking makes most of the food easier to break up and absorb.

As to olive oil - have never heard something bad about it, except for cooking with high heat. Otherwise it is a good source of monounsaturated fatty acids. Most experts recommend 50% MUFAs and 50% saturated FA from animal sources - just keep clear of polyunsaturated FA.

I think black tea is ok, although there is a lot of controversy. I drink it.

No experience with guarana ...
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

There are a couple of questions remained:
1. What vegetables do have anti-nutrients? Do the cooking help to get rid off them or will it suffice just to wash them thoroughly before eating? On the other hand the cooking will probably destroy the most vitamins and minerals.
2. Is it a good idea to eat raw eggs?
3. Some authors of the recommended nutritional books are pro olive oil others are contra. Is the olive oil beneficial for us?
4. Is it a good idea to drink black tea?
5. Does anybody has experiences with guarana?

I would have to say you'd need to experiment to see what works for you. Some people can eat certain veggies, some can't. I can't tolerate nightshades, for instance. Other people can. As a rule, if I'm going to eat veggies, its leafy greens like kale or broccoli, romaine, etc. I wash what little produce we do eat in a vinegar solution.

I don't eat raw eggs, and I'm not sure why you would want to?

Black tea is fine, as long as it doesn't keep you awake at night. (My dentist doesn't like it, because it stains my teeth. :rolleyes: )

Gaurana is a stimulant stronger than regular caffeine, I'd steer clear of it, but that's a personal preference. As its commonly added to energy drinks, which are full of sugar, which is why I avoid it.
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