Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Health problems that began three months ago have not disappeared . I'm better, symptoms are more cushioned and self-limiting. But they have not disappeared ... have almost normal days and days where palpitations occur quite frequently and with little effort, sometimes abundant gas in stomach without pain or discomfort . I remain of waking at night several times. I follow the same treatment and added one session per week of acupuncture and massage.
Emotionally I do not feel nervous or stressed but sensible.
Regarding diet, I’m two months gluten free again, free sugar, in paleo and practicing EE, only breathing in three stages, 2-3 times a week.
I have obtained some analytical results with respect to iron :
Iron: 121
Transferrin: 290
Ferritin: 65
Index transferrin saturation: 29.6 %

I'm really not sure about being able to take a certain amount of vit. C
I have also obtained my progesterone levels in blood: 0.52 ng/dl. At the end of this month I will have the analytical study (blood and urine) adrenal glands, specifically free cortisol.
Thanks for listening, for your advice and being there. Cassiopea and its members are present in my daily life. :) :hug2:
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

At least a little bit better :flowers:

With that blood panel, there is no iron overload so you can take vitamin C if it helps you, in megadoses.

In other threads, Gabor Maté's book "When the Body Says No" is currently discussed. I'm reading it and understanding why it is a must read. The book is available in Spanish:


I think it will help you a lot :flowers: You don't necessarily have to feel stressed in order to experience or be affected by stress.

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Ohh, Thank you Gaby! I'm happy to hear that. And also for the book! I had searched the book on Amazon and "Lacasadellibro" and did not have it available. How thoughtful! ;) :flowers:
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

The book is available on : _
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Finally I order the book on, fnac Spain has either not available at this time. It seems that the order has been completed successfully, I hope!! Thanks Goemon_ :) :hug2:
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Excellent book on Keto-adaptation though a couple of caveats I'll add below:

Keto-Adapted: Your guide to accelerated weight loss and healthy healing by maria emmerich.

Now, the caveats: She allows nightshades and some dairy things later on that we would not consider healthy. However, overall, it is an excellent book. She has recipes, too.

It's available in kindle so you can get some excellent info like right away!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Laura said:
Excellent book on Keto-adaptation though a couple of caveats I'll add below:

Keto-Adapted: Your guide to accelerated weight loss and healthy healing by maria emmerich.

Now, the caveats: She allows nightshades and some dairy things later on that we would not consider healthy. However, overall, it is an excellent book. She has recipes, too.

It's available in kindle so you can get some excellent info like right away!

Looks good, thanks!

She seems to have a website, too:

Angel Food Cake with 0.9g carbs huh? :) Not that I would want it, but it's nice to look at.

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Emmerich (in book linked previously) recommends making mayonnaise out of bacon fat and salad dressings out of MCT oil. So, we'll be trying that.

She makes a lot of recommendations about dealing with the issues of keto-adaptation such as the "keto flu" and aches that you get when the body starts unloading a lot of retained fluids. She also describes her day as "intermittant fasting." She gets up at about 6 but doesn't eat until about 9 or 10. Her last meal the previous day (two meals a day) is in mid-afternoon. We have been doing pretty much the same thing here so I guess we've been "intermittant fasting". She explains all the benefits.

I've updated the Fat Bomb Custard recipe in the Keto Recipes thread.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I ordered the book in paper form yesterday. :)

FLUFFY, if you are reading here, in her forum there is a question about keto and breastfeeding:
Hello, I am interested in buying your new book/becoming Keto-adapted. I am currently breastfeeding my 8 month old (about 8 times a day). I was just wondering if any of the percentages/numbers change based on this? I only have about 10 pounds I would like to lose, but the main reason I want to try it is 1. based on my research I think it is healthy 2. Its sustainable for long term 3. I have been having terrible pain in my knees for the last year (I'm 27) and am trying to heal it naturally, I suspect it to be inflammation caused by gluten. Does the book address breastfeeding/pregnancy? I know you suggest not losing a lot of weight while pregnant/breastfeeding.

This is her answer:

Nope, this lifestyle is great for breastfeeding. Your baby is actually in a strong state of ketosis (5.4 mmol) in the third trimester and while breastfeeding, even if the mother isn't. ;)

It might be worth researching the topic a little more, but she gives green light, fwiw.

Also in the book, there is some stuff I wouldn't really eat any more, but that might come in handy with visitors, when you need some bread or wanna come up with a nice dessert.

The ultimate aim however, seems to me to deprogram from "sweet" altogether, having the ice age in mind, there won't be Xylitol, Erythiol or anything else around

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I would like to report something that might be useful for newbies to the Keto diet.

While turning Keto I was so identified with monitoring my carb intake that I completely forgot to amp up my fat! :headbash: Well, needless to say on Day 2 I felt dizzy beyond belief...

Now, it was quite difficult, but hardly able to stand I just forced the fat into me - mixture of meat fat from pork chops and coconut oil - and after only 20 min the dizziness completely disappeared! And not only that - an energy wave flashed through my body that almost scared me ...

So if you have issues, especially making the change from Paleo, that is not so fat-oriented, it might be you're not getting enough fat. Why I am reporting this is also that it really astounded me how FAST the high fat intake registered in my body.

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Yup. And again I'll repeat, seems like the best book out there to guide your steps by detailed instructions: "Keto Adapted" by Maria Emmerich.

She has been working with the keto diet for over 10 years and knows all the stuff we've learned in our experiments on this very, very long thread, and then some.

There are certain supplements she recommends to ease the transition; she discusses the "keto flu" symptoms; she explains what is happening and how to ameliorate it; points out that it can take several weeks to become keto-adapted for some people (we learned that by trial and error), and so much more.

So, do yourselves a favor and get this book!!!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Yes, I can definitely second that. The book helps A LOT. All information in one place.

I am using the dizziness as a monitor now. When I get dizzy, I am having not enough fat!

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

For a few days, I was having cramps, dizziness, etc. Then Laura read to us this morning some of the advice that M. Emmerich gives (I haven't read the whole book yet). I took a few of those, and surprise! I feel great! I'm drinking a fatty shake this minute, with no problem. I even had energy to work out! I think the main problem was that I wasn't having enough salt.

So, yeah, so far, it helps to easy the symptoms, and according to her, you don't need them all the time, but only when you have a bit of trouble, or when you are starting and have the "keto-flu". But you do want to read the reasons for why each supplement is important, so that you can choose better and dose them accordingly.

She also recommends drinking lots of water, and it does seem to make a big difference for those who tend to forget and drink more tea. You are supposed to drink half your body weight in ounces of water. E.g. if you weigh 100 pounds, you have to drink 50 oz of water per day.

And, if you are just starting, try out the cold showers, or soaking your legs, neck and face in cold water after a hot shower. In my experience at least, that helps a lot with the transition too, and even afterwards. If you have a routine and get to see the benefits on the long run, it's not a torture anymore. ;)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Chu said:
For a few days, I was having cramps, dizziness, etc. Then Laura read to us this morning some of the advice that M. Emmerich gives (I haven't read the whole book yet). I took a few of those, and surprise! I feel great! I'm drinking a fatty shake this minute, with no problem. I even had energy to work out! I think the main problem was that I wasn't having enough salt.

So, yeah, so far, it helps to easy the symptoms, and according to her, you don't need them all the time, but only when you have a bit of trouble, or when you are starting and have the "keto-flu". But you do want to read the reasons for why each supplement is important, so that you can choose better and dose them accordingly.

She also recommends drinking lots of water, and it does seem to make a big difference for those who tend to forget and drink more tea. You are supposed to drink half your body weight in ounces of water. E.g. if you weigh 100 pounds, you have to drink 50 oz of water per day.

And, if you are just starting, try out the cold showers, or soaking your legs, neck and face in cold water after a hot shower. In my experience at least, that helps a lot with the transition too, and even afterwards. If you have a routine and get to see the benefits on the long run, it's not a torture anymore. ;)

Good to hear you're feeling better Chu :)

I think getting enough salt and water is important, yeah. Emmerich's book sounds like one for the list!

On the topic of cold showers, in past posts I read around 21 degrees or below (room temperature) was a good range. I find they are energising and am working on getting into a routine with taking them. Might get rid of some of my dread for the cold.

I wanted to mention the evil ingredient that it maltodextrin and dextrose. These can be added to spices, supplements, anything. And some companies and manufacturers, probably a lot more than is known, don't explicitly state that their product(s) contain this. They can cause symptoms that can easily be missed or attributable to something else.

Definitely ones to watch out for.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I just finished reading Emmerich's book. It was loaded with great information. I just recently went back on the keto diet. It has been almost a week now. I think the first time I tried it, I didn't collect enough knowledge to do it right, and I was the only one in the house trying it. This time I feel like it will be a success. After reading the book, I feel more confident. Plus having the forum here with everyone's knowledge I can do this.

The keto recipe thread is a great one! The chocolate recipe is divine. Soon I will be trying the custard recipe.

Another plus this time is my boyfriend is doing it too. The first time I went keto, he thought that I was doing something that would hurt my body. I had tried to tell him all the benefits, but sometimes the programming we have had since childhood about diet is hard to break. I told him I was going to go back to keto and he was supportive, but I could tell he was concerned. Then, last week he happened to watch something on the internet about candida, and he learned he has all the symptoms. I was already in bed when he was watching this. The next morning he wanted to talk about, and he was really concerned for his health. He asked me if he could do the diet with me. All the things he was telling me about from that video, I knew I had talked about all of it in the past. It's funny how someone doesn't hear it until they are ready.

Anyway, we both started a week ago and it's been amazing. It is great to have someone to share the journey with, and he feels sooooo much better already. I am so thankful for this forum and all the hard work and research that is done here. Thank you all so much. I forgot to say, he has been gluten free for about a year, so it wasn't like he just jumped in completely unprepared.
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