Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

davey72 said:
I will be receiving the tallow from a cow shortly, and have deer tallow. I can't seem to find much info on how much omega-3 is in tallow. Is this a good source of fat to consume for this purpose, or is it mainly good for cooking?

Hi Davey,
The below numbers are probably for grain fed beef derived tallow. Omega 6s are much lower in grass fed.

_ has a search function and lists the nutrients in just about everything!

For 1 oz:

Fat said:
Total Omega-3 fatty acids

Total Omega-6 fatty acids
868 mg
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

/meandered across a nice article in a "Ketogenic Living" group ( _ ) :

_ said:
Great dinner options include a healthy meat source such as bison, grass-fed beef, lamb, venison, organic poultry, etc. Combine this with steamed, sautéed or raw, non-starchy veggies. Anything that is grilled or sautéed should be bathed in tons of coconut oil. After the dish is complete, be sure to add in generous amounts of extra-virgin olive oil, apple cider vinegar, fresh squeezed lemon and herbs.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I find that beef tallow tastes best and is easiest to eat by far when it's left on the meat, not ground, and cooked as it is. It's only after you separate it from the meat that it begins to taste "tallowy". It's best when pressure cooked. I think it would be worth trying to pressure cook unground kidney tallow with just enough meat to flavor it like a broth. Then you can just eat the stuff like you would meat, and the tallow pooling at the top would be enough for anything else you'd need tallow for. I haven't been able to try this yet though.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Menrva said:
davey72 said:
I will be receiving the tallow from a cow shortly, and have deer tallow. I can't seem to find much info on how much omega-3 is in tallow. Is this a good source of fat to consume for this purpose, or is it mainly good for cooking?

Hi Davey,
The below numbers are probably for grain fed beef derived tallow. Omega 6s are much lower in grass fed.

_ has a search function and lists the nutrients in just about everything!

For 1 oz:

Fat said:
Total Omega-3 fatty acids

Total Omega-6 fatty acids
868 mg

Thanks Menrva. This is the listing on fat from the site you quoted. This would be from grain fed.
Fats & Fatty Acids
Amounts Per Selected Serving
Total Fat
Saturated Fat















Monounsaturated Fat



16:1 undifferentiated

16:1 c

16:1 t


18:1 undifferentiated

18:1 c

18:1 t


22:1 undifferentiated

22:1 c

22:1 t

24:1 c

Polyunsaturated Fat

16:2 undifferentiated

18:2 undifferentiated

18:2 n-6 c,c

18:2 c,t

18:2 t,c

18:2 t,t

18:2 i

18:2 t not further defined


18:3 n-3, c,c,c

18:3 n-6, c,c,c

18:4 undifferentiated

20:2 n-6 c,c

20:3 undifferentiated

20:3 n-3

20:3 n-6

20:4 undifferentiated

20:4 n-3

20:4 n-6

20:5 n-3


22:5 n-3

22:6 n-3

Total trans fatty acids

Total trans-monoenoic fatty acids

Total trans-polyenoic fatty acids

Total Omega-3 fatty acids

Total Omega-6 fatty acids

The beef tallow that i am receiving is grass fed. Just a cow my neighbor has had for awhile, and recently butchered. He was gonna feed the tallow to his dog. I did find this site that gives an analysis between grass fed, and grain fed beef. _
At the Burnsides Laboratory at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, we carried out an analysis of the fatty acids (fat molecules) in grain-fed and grass-fed beef tallow. The sample of grass-fed tallow came from a farm in western Maryland; the grain-fed tallow was purchased in a supermarket in southern Maryland. This research was funded by the Weston A. Price Foundation.

To explore the difference in the fatty acid profile between grass-fed and grain-fed beef tallow, we analyzed one sample of each type by gas chromatography, a method used to separate and quantify individual fatty acids. See the table below for the concentrations of specific fatty acids.

The largest differences between the two samples were the total concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), and the balance between the omega-3 and omega-6 forms of these fatty acids. Grass-fed tallow had 45 percent less total PUFA, 66 percent less omega-6 linoleic acid, and four times more omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids was over sixteen for the grain-fed tallow but only 1.4 for the grass-fed tallow. Whatever the ratios, beef tallow is not a rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, with only 3.45 percent in grain-fed and 1.9 percent of the total in grass-fed.

Thus, while even grain-fed beef tallow has a much lower content of polyunsaturated fatty acids than modern vegetable oils, the amount found in grass-fed tallow is much lower and similar to that found in the coconut products that dominate the traditional diets of Pacific Islanders, who have been extensively studied and shown to be free of heart disease. This would allow the use of tallow in the context of a mixed diet that includes other foods naturally rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as fatty fish, while still keeping the overall intake of these fatty acids low and similar to that found in successful traditional diets.

Grass-fed beef is often promoted as healthy because of a lower saturated fatty acid content. But saturated stearic acid was 36 percent higher in grass-fed beef (17.45 percent versus 12.8 percent). Levels of sixteen-carbon palmitic acid, considered "atherogenic" because in some studies it raises cholesterol levels slightly, were virtually the same in both samples. Thus, in equally fatty cuts of beef, there would be a higher content of saturated fatty acids in the grass-fed beef. In many traditional diets where the fattiest cuts and the fat itself were sought out, intake of these saturates would likely be considerably higher.

Fatty Acid Fatty Acid Grain-Fed Grass-Fed
Numerical Designation Common Name Percent of Total Fatty Acids

14:0 Myristate 4.8 3.45
14:1 Myristoleate 0.85 0.7
15:0 0.8 0.55
16:0 Palmitate 27.7 27.45
t-16:1? 0.5 0.7
16:1 Palmitoleate (may include sapienate) 3.4 2.5
17:0 1.4 1.35
18:0 Stearate 12.8 17.45
t-18:1 Vaccenate 10.8 3.8
18:1n-9 Oleate 30.9 37.55
18:1n-7 1.25 0.85
18:2n-6 Linoleate 3.25 1.1
18:3n-3 Alpha-linolenate 0.2 0.8
20:0 Arachidate 0.05 0.1
Putative Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA ) 0.25 0.3
20:1 Erruciate 0.2 0.2
20:4n-6 + 22:0 A Arachidonate + Behenate 0.1 0.1

Total SFA 47.65 50.4
Total MUFA 47.9 46.3
Total PUFA 3.45 1.9

Grass-fed tallow also had 65 percent less natural trans fatty acids, and 22 percent more of the monounsaturated oleic acid. Differences in other fatty acids were minor. We could not identify conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) conclusively with this method, but we identified a fatty acid that is likely CLA, and its concentrations were identical between the two samples.

In a future issue, we will report the concentration of fat-soluble vitamins in these samples.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who chimed in with suggestions to improve my bone broth. It worked!! :cheer:

I did the 2 step thing as suggested by Shijing here, using marrow bones, a pig's foot and a knee joint, lots of peppercorns as suggested by Darek, bay leaves as per Laura's suggestion & apple cider vinegar. Cooked in large slow cooker for about 20 hours on low. I then used the broth and made soup using ham hock some carrots and celery, and lots of sea salt. It tastes so much better! And I can play around with variations on the soup recipe, while using the broth as a base. So once again, a huge thank you to you all!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Minas Tirith said:
Thanks for keeping us updated, Prometeo :)

Good to hear it went so well, congrats!

I am struggling myself, just cannot make the switch to Keto ... And even though I have been gluten-free for quite a while now, I am still experiencing this mind-fog ...

Would you mind telling us which supplements you are taking?


Hi Minas. Well, I just avoid processed food, I just found i'm allergic to eggs, damn, I love eggs. Basically what I increased is the basic supplements, at least the ones that are discussed here and recommended frequently. I still take lemons with water, more water, and little changes. And I highly recommend the Ultra mind Solution book, best thing ever.

I used to take vitamin C, but I didn't read between the lines of one supplement I was taking and it had some variation of coffee as potent as 3 cups. So I just increased the dose, I can only take particularly in non stressful days 1 g. of Vitamin C or it works as a laxative, but this seems to happen in weekends, between the weeks I can take up to 10 grams, sometimes 15, and jesus this vitamin is like gold. If you eat gluten or something that is not work for you, it seems that ascorbic acid takes it and works as laxative to take it out, before it is absorbed, but when that is not the situation, and I found that if I drink lemon before taking the vitamin C, it boosts the brain focus and digestion. ZMA supplement, because I took one potent multivitamin, and it did nothing good actually, high amounts of vitamin A and fillers like B complex vitamins and other stuff, but ZMA supplement has 400 of magnesium and I guess 30 g. of zinc. Amazing stuff, I remember I just closed my eyes and then bum, I was sleeping.

Whenever I need to fry something, I still need to find some good lard or coconut oil, cheap stuff, but for now butter is working wonders, one day I ate something my grandma did and, she used soy oil. Holy hell, that little slip changed my mood to the worse the next 3 days, I just felt angry and nasty.

Vitamin D: 5 or 10,000 iu.

And one of the best, fish oils. 5 g. I'm supposed to take more, but my reserves are tight.

Carnitine, this really shocked me, people use it to lose fat, they told me to use it to help my focus and it seems to work, i've read it may work as a detox supplement but I still need to read more about it, but you need at least 3 g. minimum. Again, this boosts cognitive performance.

And other two supplements, I don't know if they have been discussed here, but i've done a little bit of research and is phosphotidylserine and Inositol (as all of the sudden I began to have problems sleeping again, and the change of diet needs time is not like in one day you change) my coach Ben recommends taking these on stressful days, or on special occasions. They've helped me to sleep, and again, the brain boost power I love it, is not like a dopamine high, nor like feeling high, is like super focus alert, relaxing and assertive state. And I love it because I'm now able to read a book or have a class, and do not struggle with my focus, my memory is working amazingly, my understanding capacity, brain muscle connection. And the happiness it brings, I still think is the body thanking me. And the best thing of all, is when you reach the limit period at night, you don't feel fatigue at all, is like your brain feels is time to sleep and you feel like a disney princess, and just touch the pillow and sleep.

The only problem is that I need to find these in whole foods close to where I live, buying all this stuff is expensive man, i'm close to graduating and be able to work but for now, I need to do it fast, i feel kinda hopeless. I just can't understand why, why why why, my mother has this self destructive behavior, and my grand mother, they like too cook with soy, they like sodas, sugar, coffee, bread, but they are reaching a limit as both of them are having thyroid problems, or that says the doctor, my mother is supposed to have hyperthyroidism, so this may be an opportunity for them to change diets and find the results. I just ask myself nowadays, what is wrong with people? they prefer to waste money on drugs, expensive drugs that cost for one package like $100 , instead of making subtle changes and spend those $100 on helpful supplements. I just do not crave carbs, I can see a cookie and a delicious cake, and do not feel any crave for it, I avoid any sauces, eat some of the recommendations in the ultra mind solution companion guide, and that's it. One day I'm sure imma structure my diet completely. For now money is an obstacle, and my life style.

By the way, if you want to find a brand of supplements I recommend Living Fuel for fiber and omega 3, or maybe -Now Foods- products. Now Foods products are pretty cheap, compared to other expensive brands that use soy, wheat and carbs. And well, some expensive brands are just expensive for the nice good looking package, but at the end the mineral/vitamin variation and amount of it, is what is important.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

For the last 36 hours I have been showing blood (pink) in my urine. I have done a search but cannot find anything yet google search says it could be from kidneys. It is slightly like cystitis and also I am running, with no control, nearly every 10 minutes and through last night.

I have no idea what is causing this as I haven't changed anything on the regime for a while now. A friend hurt me a bit on my front by my right kidney messing around but not enough to have done any damage. But it is strange that I now get these symptoms.

I am going to the hospital early am tomorrow to see if I can get any tests done to try to find out the cause. Not had this before so it is a bit worrying. Also keeps me stuck in the flat.

Also a couple of painful spots have come up on my face so not sure if that is related - maybe stress.

I do have a history of urinary tract infections, but have never had the bleeding scenario before.

Is there any natural remedy I could take for this that anyone has experience of? I am bound to be expected to take tablets! This is a sure sign from my body that I need to find the cause.

Thanks if anyone can shed any light to this.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Happyliza said:
I am going to the hospital early am tomorrow to see if I can get any tests done to try to find out the cause.

Hey Happyliza,

Gaby will probably chime in, but I think that you are doing the right thing by going to the hospital, all the more so since you have a history of urinary tract infections. As you will see below, it could be a number of things so having a doctor check is the way to go, osit.

Causes of Hematuria (= blood in urine)

Common causes of blood in urine include:

Bladder or kidney infections
Bladder or kidney stones
Certain kidney diseases, such as inflammation in the filtering system of the kidneys (glomerulonephritis)
Enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia) or prostate cancer
Inherited diseases such as sickle cell anemia and cystic kidney disease
Certain medications such as aspirin, penicillin, heparin, cyclophosphamide, and phenazopyridine
A tumor in the bladder, kidney, or prostate
Kidney injury from an accident or sports
Vigorous exercise
Sometimes, what appears to be blood in urine is actually red pigment from other sources such as food dyes, medications, or an excessive amount of beets. Doctors refer to this latter cause as "beeturia."

Happyliza said:
Is there any natural remedy I could take for this that anyone has experience of?

Unless a doctor agrees with some home remedy (or Gaby says it's OK), I would not try to take matters in my own hands once there is blood in one's urine. You need to be sure of what you are doing and not make matters worse.

Take care and keep us posted, Happyliza. :hug2:
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Yeah, I think it is a good idea to have some tests run to determine the cause. There is D-mannose for simple infections:,29899.msg385271.html#msg385271

But it is better to clarify the cause. Hopefully some tests will shed some light. :hug2:
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Thank you so much Mrs Tigersoap and Gaby! Great article - I pray it is e-coli. I wish I had known about this before with all the other infections over the years. They seem more frequent now though. I am sure this is very common and so will help many people. Good news that it will not effect the sugar on our regime too.

I will post back once I get any results.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I have a question about bacon. All the bacon I can find in Germany is smoked. Can smoked products be carcinogenic?


Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Altair said:
I have a question about bacon. All the bacon I can find in Germany is smoked. Can smoked products be carcinogenic?

You'll find some reassuring info here:

Save Your Bacon! Sizzling Bits about Nitrites, Dirty Little Secrets about Celery Salt, and Other Aporkalyptic News

The Nitrate and Nitrite Myth: Another Reason Not To Fear Bacon

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Thanks Gaby. These are very educative articles you provided. :)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Altair said:
Thanks Gaby. These are very educative articles you provided. :)

I'd like to second that- I was also under the impression that nitrites were bad (& I know my family had reservations about me eating so much bacon)- it's nice to have some articles that I can give them to read. Thanks Gaby :)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I wanted to share dietary progress. First thing: this is the most comfortable and adaptive diet I have had :cool2: I think the added health benefits amplify that. It sounds ironic (not to people on the forum) but when you consider food as fuel, yeah, it makes sense.

It consists of two meals daily: breakfast and dinner. For both meals I have plenty of lard and a slice of middle cut bacon. In the past I used sauerkraut and butter ghee for a while but now find I am much more satiated without. On given days I go to town and make streaky bacon or offal, usually lamb's or pig's heart, and have that with lard. In between I have adequate amounts of broth periodically as appropriate.

I had bumps along the way with digestion. Things that I found useful in those times were bile salts or enzyme supplements e.g. ox bile, pancreatin, betaine HCl, caprylic acid etc. Another thing that helped was drinking a 1/4 glass of apple cider vinegar mixed with water. I also think glutathione, acetyl-L-carnitine, liposomal vitamin C, D3, varying B vitamins, fish oils and NAC supplementation helped along the way.

Anyway I am really amazed at the impacts and results diet has had!!

Arwenn said:
I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who chimed in with suggestions to improve my bone broth. It worked!! :cheer:

I did the 2 step thing as suggested by Shijing here, using marrow bones, a pig's foot and a knee joint, lots of peppercorns as suggested by Darek, bay leaves as per Laura's suggestion & apple cider vinegar. Cooked in large slow cooker for about 20 hours on low. I then used the broth and made soup using ham hock some carrots and celery, and lots of sea salt. It tastes so much better! And I can play around with variations on the soup recipe, while using the broth as a base. So once again, a huge thank you to you all!

Good to hear Arwenn :D

I have a similar method for bone broth - pig's feet and marrow bones, apple cider vinegar, black pepper and sea salt with added lard or butter ghee, adding garlic and turmeric sometimes. It would be great to try out the suggestions given by others.

Minas Tirith said:
Thanks for keeping us updated, Prometeo :)

Good to hear it went so well, congrats!

I am struggling myself, just cannot make the switch to Keto ... And even though I have been gluten-free for quite a while now, I am still experiencing this mind-fog ...

Would you mind telling us which supplements you are taking?


Minas Truth, I experienced the mind-fog last year. After seeing doctor's they deduced I had a H. pylori bacterial infection from blood samples. After a round of colloidal silver and supplementing with probiotics, the brain-fog vanished. Your mind-fog could be bacterial or fungal in nature such as a yeast infection. Reading what you can, getting appropriate tests and eliminating all processed foods or foods that you are uncertain of the source are a few steps you might want to take.
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