Fluffy said:
mugatea said:
I'm also getting v. depressed and down, fed up, crabbit and being an arse to those I care about. There is only so many times I can apologise for it to be accepted.
Jamie (depressed and squirty)
I'm feeling terribly up and down too :( and out of control. I hope it goes away soon, I was a super happy camper when I was a sugar eater and now I have lost my zest and zing. With all the info we have it's easy not to buy a bag of mixed lollies and forget about keto but those were the good ole days as far as I'm concerned right now.
And not to mention how this makes me feel like I'm above everyone and quietly criticising and judging people for their choices... I never used to be like this, I was all accepting and free loving and now I'm just a cow with a major attitude problem. Mooooo. My family are sick of me and just want me to eat a donut or something.
You might have to take it a bit easier on the fat - it takes a little while for your system to change over from absorbing carbs/ proteins to absorbing mainly fat. When I started, I had "the runs" too, so I cut back on the fat and ate mainly bone broth for fat - for some reason it seemed to be easier to digest. I probably would leave the fat bombs for the moment, or really only take a few spoonfuls at the time, and once your system has adapted, you can "up the dose".
It is also fairly common to feel crap when transiting from carbs to ketosis - don't forget, you have to retool your whole machine, after many years of carb metabolism this can take some time. Also your gut may need to heal, which again can take quite a long time.
And of course your family won't run with the Program, that's just one of the things you will have to accept (the General Law rearing it's ugly head). Of course you can try to accommodate your family, but unfortunately external consideration only goes some way in this respect. Best strategy I was using is to make a joke about myself, about my idiosyncrasies and loving a complicated life - this may or may not work for you.
Of course you were a happy camper on carbs - most of us were. But wait until your system has readapted, you'll be happy again - and more!
So to summarize: Easy does it, be patient, and you need to push through these unpleasant few weeks - it's going to get better!