Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

truth seeker said:
If I understood what you've written, it sounds as if you're going about 15 hours without eating (8pm - 11am). Is this correct? Can you take some food with you to work? Also, while I realize you've just started this job, is it possible for you to find a way to change your work schedule a bit (like push it back a couple/few hours)?

I eat at 11am/12pm, then again around 4/5pm, which makes it around 18 hours? Even eating at 4/5 only gives my body 2/3 hours digestion before sleep. Maybe I do need to start eating at 2:30am or something

It is possible to take food in to work, but I can't take much fat as I have to go through security with allowance of 100ml of liquid. Also, it's all over the place when you'll get your break - because it can be really busy at one moment, and dead the next, sometimes you'll get a break around 6am right up until 9am, or you won't get a break at all.

The schedules aren't allowed to be changed, it's either 3am/4am-11am or the night shifts 11pm-9:30pm (I'm predominantly on the early shifts) and they cannot be moved around unfortunately.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

So the airport isn't open from 11am-11pm? I agree that your work schedule and timing could be the issue. Well, you have a job now, so that's a good first step. If I were you, I would keep looking for a job with a more normal work schedule that will be easier on your body. Just keep putting the energy out there without anticipation. Working graveyard is well known to cause health issues, so best to try and get out of that shift if possible, IMO.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Heimdallr said:
So the airport isn't open from 11am-11pm? I agree that your work schedule and timing could be the issue. Well, you have a job now, so that's a good first step. If I were you, I would keep looking for a job with a more normal work schedule that will be easier on your body. Just keep putting the energy out there without anticipation. Working graveyard is well known to cause health issues, so best to try and get out of that shift if possible, IMO.

The restaurant within the airport is open 3:30am-7:30pm, I do the mornings. Thank you for the advice, I have started looking for other job opportunities already as health issues have started developing!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

truth seeker said:
If I understood what you've written, it sounds as if you're going about 15 hours without eating (8pm - 11am). Is this correct? Can you take some food with you to work? Also, while I realize you've just started this job, is it possible for you to find a way to change your work schedule a bit (like push it back a couple/few hours)?

Well, 15 hours without eating amounts to "intermittant fasting" and is generally thought to be healthy. I don't think I'd stress over it. Just eat right when you do eat.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Lilyalic said:
Heimdallr said:
So the airport isn't open from 11am-11pm? I agree that your work schedule and timing could be the issue. Well, you have a job now, so that's a good first step. If I were you, I would keep looking for a job with a more normal work schedule that will be easier on your body. Just keep putting the energy out there without anticipation. Working graveyard is well known to cause health issues, so best to try and get out of that shift if possible, IMO.

The restaurant within the airport is open 3:30am-7:30pm, I do the mornings. Thank you for the advice, I have started looking for other job opportunities already as health issues have started developing!

I was thinking that you could take butter or beef tallow for your fat to eat at work to get around the liquid restriction? They are pretty solid if you put them in the fridge or even freeze them.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

3D Student said:
Lilyalic said:
Heimdallr said:
So the airport isn't open from 11am-11pm? I agree that your work schedule and timing could be the issue. Well, you have a job now, so that's a good first step. If I were you, I would keep looking for a job with a more normal work schedule that will be easier on your body. Just keep putting the energy out there without anticipation. Working graveyard is well known to cause health issues, so best to try and get out of that shift if possible, IMO.

The restaurant within the airport is open 3:30am-7:30pm, I do the mornings. Thank you for the advice, I have started looking for other job opportunities already as health issues have started developing!

I was thinking that you could take butter or beef tallow for your fat to eat at work to get around the liquid restriction? They are pretty solid if you put them in the fridge or even freeze them.
I took an entire block of butter and 2 fat bombs through airport security with no issues but I guess it depends on which airport. It's kind of arbitrary what some will allow and what some won't. Just don't tell them they are called fat bombs otherwise you'll spark a terror alert.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I've started taking some food into work and feeling a little better. I did try to take pudding a few times but it got threw in the bin!! If they only knew how important that fat was.... I got a 100ml tub and put some beef tallow pudding in there, it keeps me going :)

Lainey a security guard asked me what it is, and I nearly said fat bomb, but said pudding instead lol!

Thankyou for the advice :)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Lilyalic said:
I've started taking some food into work and feeling a little better. I did try to take pudding a few times but it got threw in the bin!! If they only knew how important that fat was.... I got a 100ml tub and put some beef tallow pudding in there, it keeps me going :)

Lainey a security guard asked me what it is, and I nearly said fat bomb, but said pudding instead lol!

Thankyou for the advice :)

!!!fat bomb!!!
This is not the best thing you can say to a security. :D

I always take food with me if I know I am going to be outside during my breakfast or lunch hours.
If I don't have time to prepare fresh food ahead of time I just take with me some frozen fat bombs that I always keep in my refrigerator. Or you can always cook and freeze bacon ahead of time and take it with you. By the time you eat it will become soft.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Εἰρήvη said:
Lilyalic said:
I've started taking some food into work and feeling a little better. I did try to take pudding a few times but it got threw in the bin!! If they only knew how important that fat was.... I got a 100ml tub and put some beef tallow pudding in there, it keeps me going :)

Lainey a security guard asked me what it is, and I nearly said fat bomb, but said pudding instead lol!

Thankyou for the advice :)

!!!fat bomb!!!
This is not the best thing you can say to a security. :D

I always take food with me if I know I am going to be outside during my breakfast or lunch hours.
If I don't have time to prepare fresh food ahead of time I just take with me some frozen fat bombs that I always keep in my refrigerator. Or you can always cook and freeze bacon ahead of time and take it with you. By the time you eat it will become soft.
How about making some pemmican? This is by far the most appealing recipe I have come across, avoiding the fruit/nuts of course.
Pemmican is a traditional food of the native peoples of North America. It is a concentrated mixture of fat and protein, and was adopted as a high-energy food by explorers and those involved in the fur trade in the early 20th century. Traditionally, the meat (typically bison, moose, elk, or deer) was cut in thin slices and dried over a slow fire or in the hot sun until it was hard and brittle. It was pounded nearly into a powder using stones and mixed with melted fat. Sometimes dried fruits, typically berries, were also pounded into a powder and added to the mixture. Traditionally packed into rawhide pouches for storage, pemmican keeps indefinitely.

For the paleo community, pemmican is a unique opportunity to create a meal replacement. Think of this as the caveman’s protein bar. A perfect post-workout meal or snack on the go, pemmican provides concentrated protein and calories in a way that is hard to find in the absence of grains, legumes and dairy. It’s portability also makes it a great way for endurance athletes to replenish protein and glucose while training (you may want to consume both pemmican and a glucose-rich juice or fresh fruit for the added glucose during training).

My approach to pemmican wasn’t traditional. My approach was to use the idea of pemmican to create something that was more like a meal-replacement bar (something I could eat when short on time or wolf down quickly after a tough yoga class). I decided to include dehydrated, pulverized green vegetables (spinach and kale) to the mix to increase the mineral and phytonutrient content. I decided to leave my dried fruit a little on the chewy side and in slightly bigger pieces to add some texture. I used blueberries for their very high antioxidant content and apricots for their very high glucose to fructose ratio (I used dried apricots because it was more cost effective). I decided to go a little light on the fat, just enough to hold everything together, because I was adding so much energy to the bar by adding both fruits and vegetables. As I said, I approached this as creating a meal replacement, rather than recreating a historically-accurate pemmican (which would not have vegetables and would be closer to a 1:1 ratio of meat to fat).

The result was something that was actually quite palatable. It is not sweet, and as someone who used to pack in the double chocolate fudge whey-based protein bars, this was a little disappointing. They taste healthy, if that makes any sense. And the more I ate, the more the flavor grew on me. I used some coconut oil in my mix because the flavor worked very well. These bars were soft after sitting in a warm car, but still held together. However, if you want these bars to really travel, I suggest substituting more tallow.

Also, I dried everything in my Food Dehydrator (see this post). You could do all of this in your oven on the lowest temperature, but I have no idea how long it would take, so if you’re going to try this, you’ll need to experiment. I used beef heart because I love the flavor, especially for jerky, and it dries so well. You could use flank steak or lean ground meat (beef or bison) instead. This recipe made 8 candy bar-sized snack bars, which I figure are comparable to a typical meal replacement bar. This recipe can easily be scaled up or down. Also note that because the fruit wasn’t completely dried, I opted to store these bars in the fridge (but I think they would keep for a very long time in there).

•1 lb grass-fed beef heart (or substitute flank steak or ground meat)
•4 cups chopped frozen spinach (I measure while frozen)
•2 cups chopped kale (packed)
•2 cups wild blueberries (I used frozen), or ½ cup Dried Wild Blueberries
•½ cup Dried Apricots (or about 15 fresh apricots, dehydrated until still soft)
•¼ cup extra virgin coconut oil (substitute tallow for better portability)
•½ cup tallow (you can make your own or purchase)

1. Slice beef heart (or flank steak) into ¼”-thick slices and lay on a tray (or two) of your Food Dehydrator. It is easier to slice if the meat is partially frozen. I like the trick of moving it from the freezer to the fridge the night before. Alternatively, you can form ¼”-thick patties of ground meat.
2. Dehydrate meat for 5-6 hours, until quite firm and most of the moisture is gone.
3. Place chopped spinach and kale onto a Fruit Roll Sheet (or two) on a tray in your Food Dehydrator. Place blueberries on a Fruit Roll Sheet in your Food Dehydrator.
4. Dehydrate another 3-4 hours, until the greens are completely crisp and the blueberries are quite small, wrinkled and chewy. At this point the meat should be completely crisp as well.
5. Grind meat and greens in a Food Processor, Blender or Magic Bullet as finely as possible.
6. Finely chop apricots or process in your food processor. Melt coconut oil and tallow.
7. Mix blueberries, apricot, greens and meat together in a bowl. Add melted coconut oil and tallow, stirring until completely incorporated (if it isn’t holding together for you, add more tallow and/or coconut oil 1 Tbsp at a time until you have a fairly moist sticky dough).
8. Press into a 9×9 inch pan. Chill until firm and cut into squares or bars
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Thank you Lainey, that's a real good idea! Also reminded me of how can I make the meatloaf also for even more fat :D
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I've been reducing my carbs over the last 6 to 8 weeks. Last week I decided to cut them out altogether. I would still eat the odd banana or drink some pure coconut water, but I've been way below the 72g a day for a few weeks now.

So this week I didn't have any carbs in my meals, which consist of slices of belly pork, chops, liver and bacon, high quality sausage wrapped in bacon etc.

I made bone broth for the first time. My butcher saved me a full bone with knuckles, which he hacked into 3 pieces for me. I boiled one of the knuckles twice in a pressure cooker for 3hrs each and made enough broth to last me a few days. In the fridge, it turns to pure jelly.

I also began intermittent fasting, one day on, one day off.

Well, the only thing I really noticed physiologically was that I hadn't had a bowel movement for 4 days. I didn't know whether this was good or bad, but I didn't feel bloated or lethargic or anything. Yesterday around 6pm I had a good bowel movement, then around 2 hours later I had diarrhoea :huh: I was on an eating day and had drunk plenty of water.

Afterwards, I began to feel tired, my back and hips began to ache (areas where I've had problems for years). I started to crave a banana. I realised that I hadn't had any sugar at all for over 48hrs and thought maybe this is candida that isn't very happy. I decided not to have any sugar, as I'd had plenty of protein and just thought if my body needs sugar to function, it can make it from that.

I felt better after a short nap and woke up this morning feeling okay (today is a fast day). I've done a sauna, and general things around the house and some paperwork and again, I'm starting to feel a little foggy and my back is hurting.

I'm having a mercury filling removed beginning of next month, but I'm going to start some anti-fungal treatment now, to see if that's what's needed.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Be sure to read the entire thread before you begin experimenting.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Switching to a diet to me in the beginning was very difficult, I love fruit.
Gradually, I threw out all the sweet fruit, potatoes ..., in general anything that contains carbohydrates.
I lost 12 pounds, and my spine is revived, the only problem is that now I have to buy new clothes, because everything is hanging on to me. ;D
The butcher we removed a piece of meat (in Croatian butcher it is called meat for butcher soup - Lonza), I do not know how to translate it into English, together with bones ...
It's medicine for the palate :)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

T.C. said:
Laura said:
Be sure to read the entire thread before you begin experimenting.


Also note that doing intermittent fasting can be done without entire days of fasting/abstaining from eating. If you can, and you prefer, you can not eat for 14 to 18 hours every day. For example eat only around 11AM to 6PM. Just another option.
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