Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Carl said:
However there are deeper problems that stop people from gaining (or losing) weight, such as gut health, general toxicity, hormonal imbalance, methylation defects and I'm guessing that parasitic infections also play a major role.

As a skinny I've also struggles with things. They methylation protocol helped stabilize things (before that I'd loose muscle mass Really easily), the following has helped me gain and keep muscle weight (from the methylation thread):

RedFox said:
One health condition that then appeared (and I got stuck with for some time until I worked it out) was apparent blood sugar problems (insulin resistance) and stress problems (see the cortisol resistance thread).
The main thing I introduced at this point was Phosphaidylserine and neurologically calming supplements (taurine and l-theanine - incidentaly black tea has lots of l-theanine in).

I'm quite a skinny guy and have never been able to put much fat or muscle on (despite eating a lot). Generally eating a lot left me feeling drained and gave me head fog. This cleared up around week 4. I could eat as much as I wanted then without problems, but still wasn't gaining much weight. Muscle stamina was increased but still seemed to have a maximum I couldn't get past. Before that I exercise would leave me debilitated for a week or two, and I'd loose muscle mass.

The phosphaidylserine (which has a lot of research around healing neurological conditions such as alziemers and dementia. It can only be created in the body if it has enough B12 and folate, and is a buffer to stress/elevated cortisol) really changed things.
It did need me to take it for a week or so (with additional fish oil) before it started effecting my body.
Several distinct things happened, following heavy exercise for a period of a week I gain about 2kg of muscle and 2kg of fat! Eating extra protein now seems to cause me to gain muscle weight despite not always exercising, and eating additional carbs causes me to gain fat. I have never in my life been able to gain and keep weight like this!
In the last 3 weeks I've gone from 64kg to 70kg (which is the most I've weighed since starting to track my weight over 4 years).

Previous to this no amount of food and/or exercise would have this effect. The most I could gain in a week would be 1/2kg of muscle and fat combined, both of which would evaporate after 1-2days. A stressful event, eating too many carbs/protein, lack or sleep, heavy exercise or illness would cause me to loose about 3-6kg in a week (mostly in muscle weight).
The cortisol connection is also useful for those that can't loose body fat (same mechanism, different genetics).

I encourage anyone who is thinking of trying this to research it, and I'd suggest adding the phosphaidylserine at the beginning of the protocol.
For those in need of additional neurological healing, add extra fish oil and choline.
Additionally a good regime of minerals should be taken (including boron).

I'm trying out B5 as well at the moment (no change in weight).
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Psalehesost said:
I recently read the article on SOTT, Adding high amounts of salt to a high-fat diet prevents weight increase in mice. This made me think that if high amounts of salt likewise impairs digestion of fat in humans, then it may not be a good idea to have too much of it at the same time as the food.

I've eaten very large amounts of salt with my meals for a long time (perhaps several times more than most people here), but will see if something changes if I make the amount had with my meals more moderate. I'm one of the skinny people who haven't gained weight even when eating lots of fat, so that's one thing I'll look at.

That was an interesting SOTT article indeed and also made me examine my own diet more closely.

After having some problems earlier in the year, my body seems to be behaving normally now. And extra salt, I believe, has played a big part in this. Getting the electrolytes balanced was a bit of a problem. Thought I had it right for a while, but every now and then my heart would still palpitate. With added salt and the addition of foods as suggested by the Cs here,

Session 4 April 2015 said:
(L) Okay, hold on now. I'm gonna have a little change of topic here. There's a question that we received from a forum member.

(Chu) "l apprenti de forgeron" on the forum.

(L) Okay, we have an individual who wrote:

"Since more than eight months ago I am in the hands of doctors who cannot detect what is my problem. Personally I think it may be something like inflammation in the bowel, such as Crohn's disease. Interestingly, these discomforts have started when I really started to follow a ketogenic diet, and as you have reported, can lead to changes in DNA... Therefore, I wonder if I experienced a DNA that has become a problem due to "the animal ancestor", which does not let me adapt to the diet? []
Could you ask to the C's for a simple diagnostic to do something about it?"

(L) Is there something that you can say to this individual?

A: For many, the transition in diet is either not possible due to epigenetic factors, or must be undertaken very, very slowly. For some, the requirements for carbohydrates is higher. They need to fulfill this need as safely as possible. In this case, the individual has intuited the relationship and should do some experimental adjustments adding root type vegetables and some greens and berries.

things are going better than ever ( I had a problem that sounds very similar to l apprenti de forgeron, so many thanks I apprenti, for asking the question ) . No more heart palpitations, bowel movements have normalized ( hooray! ) and no more cramps. Cramping was an occasional issue previously, but now I can contract my foot muscles as long and hard as I like with no problems.

Carbs are a bit higher, but fibre is still low. I chose strawberries, as they are a low carb berry. Was having some sweet potato almost daily for a while, but now cut back to 2-3 times a week. Having some lettuce also, but only now and then. Ketosis seems unaffected, with constant energy levels as before. Protein intake still the same at 70 - 75 grams per day.

In combination with this, I have also increased my fat intake. Doing this has increased my weight from 63 - 64 kg up to just over 70 kg. My strength has returned, very important as my job is so physical. As with my SAD diet days, it wasn't easy and had to force myself to eat more food initially. Now this food intake is comfortable to digest, even when IF over a small eating "window".
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

hlat said:
I think eating a lot of fat bombs/pudding will result in weight gain.
It does for me! I guess it depends on many factors though. I'm sure some people can eat it all day long and have no effects
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

lainey said:
hlat said:
I think eating a lot of fat bombs/pudding will result in weight gain.
It does for me! I guess it depends on many factors though. I'm sure some people can eat it all day long and have no effects

Same for me, I had to lower the consumption of fat bombs, it began to have weight gain. :(
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Well, to add my two cents, the only way I can put on weight is to do weight training exercises and add on muscle (which I do pretty quickly, and muscle being so dense, it doesn't take much to put on considerable amount of weight). But I don't do that much - I did a while back the low rep, very high weightlifting for a couple of months a while back to reset mitochondria and activate wild DNA. But other than that, no matter how much fat, protein or carbs I eat (I used to eat crazy amount of carbs all my life until about 9 years ago), I won't put on any weight. If I stop heavy exercise, the muscle mass added slowly goes away (though the muscle tone stays, pretty much for life), and I revert back to my baseline weight.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Wheat has become toxic and why is that? GMO's maybe? Insecticides? All this gluten this and gluten that never used to be an issue 20 years ago. Sure there are people who suffer from celiac disease but the general population never had such problems as we do today.

Frankly, I believe the ketogenic diet; which incorporates the eating of tortured animals isn't the 'way' of transformation for the betterment of us. Just because grains give you problems doesn't mean your protein base is out of align. We really don't need that much protein as we have been led to believe. Most people eat way too much protein because of this premise.

When I went vegan, the resounding question was..."Where do you get your protein from?" ~sigh~ There are enough proteins in veggies to easily get your daily requirement. B12 became an issue with people. Again, it isn't that we don't get enough B12, it is the absorption of it that is the issue. I'd rather take a B12 supplement than kill an animal for it.

This transformation, raising our vibrations I find is multileveled. The way we think, the genes we've been born with all play a part but I definately don't believe the final straw for transformation incorporates eating tortured animals. That just doesn't fly with me. That is a step backwards. We are then just as much of the predator mentality as the lizzies.

If your transformation was premised on the ideal of killing your child for its meat to transform.... would you want to transform? What makes the flesh of a child any different from an animal? Meat is meat....flesh is flesh. Oh the horror of this thought but I wanted to present it to bring my point home.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Cat said:
Wheat has become toxic and why is that? GMO's maybe? Insecticides? All this gluten this and gluten that never used to be an issue 20 years ago. Sure there are people who suffer from celiac disease but the general population never had such problems as we do today.

Frankly, I believe the ketogenic diet; which incorporates the eating of tortured animals isn't the 'way' of transformation for the betterment of us. Just because grains give you problems doesn't mean your protein base is out of align. We really don't need that much protein as we have been led to believe. Most people eat way too much protein because of this premise.

When I went vegan, the resounding question was..."Where do you get your protein from?" ~sigh~ There are enough proteins in veggies to easily get your daily requirement. B12 became an issue with people. Again, it isn't that we don't get enough B12, it is the absorption of it that is the issue. I'd rather take a B12 supplement than kill an animal for it.

This transformation, raising our vibrations I find is multileveled. The way we think, the genes we've been born with all play a part but I definately don't believe the final straw for transformation incorporates eating tortured animals. That just doesn't fly with me. That is a step backwards. We are then just as much of the predator mentality as the lizzies.

If your transformation was premised on the ideal of killing your child for its meat to transform.... would you want to transform? What makes the flesh of a child any different from an animal? Meat is meat....flesh is flesh. Oh the horror of this thought but I wanted to present it to bring my point home.
Sure you can get enough protein from a vegetarian diet. The problem is in order to get enough you would have to eat WAY too many carbs. And carbohydrate consumption is at the root of many diseases, especially sugars and grains. Grains and legumes have many anti-nutrients that wreck havoc with the digestive system. So it's way more than just gluten that's a problem. And even gluten is a problem for those without full-blown celiac disease. So if you're interested and have an open mind I would recommend reading this thread. I would also recommend reading some of the recent Cs sessions on eating meat.

And I was vegan for ten years and have been on the ketogenic low-carb high saturated fat for four years or so and I've never felt better. I wish I knew then what I know now and could get those ten years back. My weight is down to my ideal weight, by blood pressure is back within normal range, and my triglyceride levels have been cut in half. And I get to eat all the bacon, sausages, and steaks I want. And who says meat has to be tortured? I am raising pigs to eat, and I treat them very well. It's a lot of work to treat them well, so we have an exchange going. I also buy my meat from farmers who treat their animals very well.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

We are being 'raised' on planet earth for food for the lizzies? Are you being treated well? They want to keep us in lockdown and control us, just the way you kindly expressed you raise your pigs.

Are we all blind? What we do to animals is what the lizzies are doing to us?

As I mentioned in another comment, could it be a test from the C's to see if we learned anything? Im not that gullable. Not anymore. If we don't like 3D, are sick of being controlled and used as food for 4D STS beings, then how different are we from them?

I hate 3D. I won't participate in the predator relationship with man or animals. That I have learned in a hardcore way.

If I don't graduate to 4D because of my rebelling against hurting animals AND eating them *gross*... something is really wrong with this picture here. Does common sense dictate?

I'm sovereign. I have choices. This is one choice I stick to with reverence. I won't cause harm.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Cat said:
We are being 'raised' on planet earth for food for the lizzies? Are you being treated well? They want to keep us in lockdown and control us, just the way you kindly expressed you raise your pigs.

Are we all blind? What we do to animals is what the lizzies are doing to us?

As I mentioned in another comment, could it be a test from the C's to see if we learned anything? Im not that gullable. Not anymore. If we don't like 3D, are sick of being controlled and used as food for 4D STS beings, then how different are we from them?

I hate 3D. I won't participate in the predator relationship with man or animals. That I have learned in a hardcore way.
But you are participating in the predator relationship by virtue of being 3D STS like we all are.
If I don't graduate to 4D because of my rebelling against hurting animals AND eating them *gross*... something is really wrong with this picture here. Does common sense dictate?

I'm sovereign. I have choices. This is one choice I stick to with reverence. I won't cause harm.
I'm sure you cause harm all the time, like we all do. You should really read In Search of the Miraculous before posting anything more about this.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Cat said:
I hate 3D. I won't participate in the predator relationship with man or animals.

What about your predator relationship with plants? What about their pain and suffering when they die for your sustenance? Have you not read of the studies done that show that plants feel pain and respond to their environment? Cat, you are a STS being, just like the Lizzies. To pretend otherwise is to live in delusion. You'd also do well to read the "Moral Vegetarians" chapters in Lierre Kieth's book The Vegetarian Myth. The should blow the illusion that eating plants is somehow morally righteous to meat, notwithstanding the fact that it's far unhealthier.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

As stated before, you do the least amount of harm as possible. We have to eat but eating a being such as animals, causing their suffering is beyond I can bear.

What other choice do we have to cause the least amount of suffering?

I'd rather follow the examples of those who were for people and animals like Leonardo DiVinci, Tolstoy, Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Plato, Martin Luther, Einstein and many more.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Cat said:
As stated before, you do the least amount of harm as possible. We have to eat but eating a being such as animals, causing their suffering is beyond I can bear.

What other choice do we have to cause the least amount of suffering?

I'd rather follow the examples of those who were for people and animals like Leonardo DiVinci, Tolstoy, Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Plato, Martin Luther, Einstein and many more.

I don't use food to make me feel better about myself, I use it to fuel my brain and my body. Science has shown that meat and fat are the best fuels for our body, and I run optimally on such fuels.

Animals have to eat plants to survive, other animals have to eat those animals to survive, and humans eat animals and plants for our survival. It is the way nature has made it. And clearly you are unaware of the harm that modern agriculture has on our planet.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Cat said:
What other choice do we have to cause the least amount of suffering?

There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to cause the least amount of suffering. Animals should not be raised in crowded, diseased feed lots. Animals should be raised in optimal settings and allowed to be the animals they are (grazing on grass and not being stuffed with grains, getting sunshine, romping etc.) and killed in the most humane way possible. Give them a happy life and make the ending quick.

Life on earth involves life forms feeding on each other. It doesn't sound pretty but that's the way it is. Standing in the corner with your arms crossed and demanding that it be something else is not going to change that fact.

A lot of the arguments you bring up in this thread and the Vegetarian Myth thread are addressed in Lierre Keith's book, The Vegetarian Myth. If you're willing to explore a different point of view, it's a real eye opener.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Cat said:
As stated before, you do the least amount of harm as possible. We have to eat but eating a being such as animals, causing their suffering is beyond I can bear.

What other choice do we have to cause the least amount of suffering?

The thing is a vegetarian diet does not cause the least amount of suffering. That is one of the myths that Lierre Keith writes about. The methods involved in the vegetarian diet causes massive suffering from the individual level to the planetary level, and this of course includes animals.

You've mentioned that you've done years of your own research. That effort in and of itself can be a good thing, but as the C's also say false knowledge can be worse than no knowledge. The truth and lies on this subject (as well as pretty much any other issue in our world) are so muddied that it really is impossible to sort out everything on our own. We all have our unique biases and blinders on when it comes to certain issues. The point of this forum is to combine a vast knowledge pool while sincerely looking at the rigidity of our own thinking and the deceptions we fall into. It should be possible to entertain other ideas before accepting them, but we're not taught how to even do that. It's an all or nothing type of world, and that's a significant indicator of why things are the way they are. Instead the common course is to fall into debate where the game is rigged because it becomes more about winning or being right than knowing the truth. No one is going to change your mind on this subject; that's just not the point of things here. We live in a world with so many layers of lies that we have to really engage in the process of discovery for ourselves, but also with others.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I strongly second reading the Vegetarian Myth thread, and the book The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainability.

Lierre Keith confronted the same issues as you are grappling with. She was a committed vegan from the age of sixteen, and by her own account it was for the same reasons you are. However, she was forced into rethinking her ideals due to failing health. The book is a passionate account of her finding a new paradigm about life, the earth and her (our) place in it. Her writing is almost poetic. I read it twice just for the beauty of the prose.
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