Maybe try looking on for a used copy of an Atkins type cookbook? Here is the page, with a couple for <$4, and free shipping.Dear boys and girls of the C's; I seek your wisdom.
I often function as an online shopper for my stepmother and one of her current requests is for a Keto diet recipe book. She is trying to lose weight as she is in her 70s, is overweight, has various health issues and recently had a second stroke. She hopes that if she loses weight then that might disincline a third stroke which may be the nasty one. She is frustrated by online keto sites as the recipes tend to be stuck behind a paywall. This has not been my experience when looking for keto recipes but there you are. Of course, if you have any recommendations for non-paywalled keto recipe sites that would work too! There are a gazillion keto diet recipe books out there as you might expect but without any personal experience of them, I hesitate to recommend any so I hope that you good people may be able to help. I have checked the forum recommended reading list but nothing jumps out at me as obviously fitting her needs.
I have strongly recommended she try the Paleo diet as delineated in 'Life is Religion'. I said I would transcribe that small section and send it to her so she can consider doing that initially or instead. If you feel that this is an abuse of your copyright then please do say. I would just buy her the book and send it to her but she is fully bought into the Lockdown and I don't want to freak her out with anything that is too way out for her.
Much love to you all.
_Atkins Cookbook - AbeBooks
Most libraries have books like this. Also, University of Youtube is full of (free!) recipes and demonstrations for making Keto friendly recipes.
Sites like all recipes dot com have a lot of free stuff that can be clipped, pasted and printed into a customized booklet for her, based on her style, flavor and ingredient preferences.
Is she computer literate? Sites like my fitness pal and fit day make it easy to track intake and macro dietary goals, especially with custom recipes.
If not, there are probably some old calorie and carb counter paperbacks around (check abebooks) for doing the math by hand.
Good luck!