Je vous mets le lien régime carnivore : The Carnivore Diet
I put you the link carnivorous diet: The Carnivore Diet
I put you the link carnivorous diet: The Carnivore Diet
I had an interesting short talk with a heart surgeon and a general practitioner that I thought I'd share. They told me they both have been following the ketogenic diet for a short while now and have noticed much better balanced energy levels, and weight loss. The surgeon told me that his concentration has become better during long surgeries. He also told me his pants don't fit him anymore! The GP told me she also feels much better. It's pretty cool that the word on the ketogenic diet (or the word that saturated fats are healthy!) is spreading, and that more doctors are experimenting with it and finding benefits. The only downside is that they also get their fats from dairy products. Perhaps if I speak to them again, I can suggest to look into that if they're open to it.
Oui, les fromages font partie des produits laitiers. c'est mieux de ne pas en prendre. Juste dans des rares occasions.Les fromages sont des produits laitiers, faut-il les supprimer ?...
Cheeses are dairy products, should they be eliminated?.....
I thought it might be a bit of a hard slog with lots of science but found it to be a bit of a page-turner instead! It really is very well done.
I'm glad you are finding it useful!