Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

nicklebleu said:
I drink lots of green tea and oolong tea (which is a semi-fermented tea - halfway between black and green, so to speak) and this hasn't noticeably changed my ketone readings in the blood.
But I will switch to black tea next week and report back with results ... I would be very surprised if It significntly changed the readings!

I thought you drank black tea, but if you're not used to it, don't go wildly on it. I was just curious. I am limiting my daily intake just in case.

Thank you!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Psyche said:
nicklebleu said:
I drink lots of green tea and oolong tea (which is a semi-fermented tea - halfway between black and green, so to speak) and this hasn't noticeably changed my ketone readings in the blood.
But I will switch to black tea next week and report back with results ... I would be very surprised if It significntly changed the readings!

I thought you drank black tea, but if you're not used to it, don't go wildly on it. I was just curious. I am limiting my daily intake just in case.

Thank you!

I drink any tea really ... so it will be no problem! And I'll do it for the sake of science too ... :lol:

And thanks for your input, Psyche, much appreciated.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Only on page 5 of this thread and am already having many thoughts.

One of them is that this is not just from one aspect but rather from something like a total package deal here. I know about the work's take on dental issues, botched root canal's, and etc. There are so many things to consider when working on one's self. One of my biggest issues lately has been getting rid of 2 botched root canal procedures. In one the Dentist drilled cross ways in the root, where the root subsequently broke off and remained in my jaw since 2002. The other in 2004 was a different dentist, but he drilled too deep on my eye tooth, went out the end and proceded to stuff a bunch of packing up into my head. In both cases they knew what they did, however they took my money and sent me down the road as though there was nothing wrong and they had done a proper job.

What things do we not consider to be relevant or are blind to, yet these very things contribute to failure?

I am almost positive that there are more than we want to see most times. It seems like a clear mind is a must. I know one of the highest prized offerings the Jews could bring to the temple of God was animal fat. For the most part those people who feel a bit cautious about implementing the total package, could possibly be not considering things that they need to or are just not ready for graduation.

I do know that information is the key and I can't thank the team enough for what they bring us.

In the past I promoted a vegetarian diet as a way to become more spiritual. During that time in my life 1978 to 1982 I was a vegetarian, had lost weight and took on studying the Bible. After that experience it seemed like there was no religion which fit the mould as being the true church and I did study with several groups in search of that true church. I think the driving force was to try and understand. I had a great desire to try and understand why we were here on Earth and what my mission here was about. I think this matrix went into overdrive working to block what I was seeking.

Today, animal protein and fat from specific sources are the bulk of my diet, with a few extras that don't seem too bad, but now those extras even come under question.

For me it is clear that what a person can find in this work is the future of humanity. Do we have the right stuff(lol...stuffing as in stuffing our faces) to get there?
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Energy levels got much better. Only the insulin need decreased again and the insulin pump was several times a real live saver to balance the BG, so I'm feeling a bit exhausted at the moment. I may suspect resistance training may play a part in it too. Today I was almost the entire day hungry and I ate two hours ago 200grs of liver pate and was still hungry + another butter tea and extra butter with everything I ate.

My weight is now constant at about 60.5 kgs and no more weight loss which is good imo.

The flip-side at the moment is hemorrhoids came back and itchy spots on my head, hopefully it is just for the time being and is getting better again.

And one question, does somebody has access to the following study?


It seems to be the only one with diabetes type I and ketogenic diet.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Gawan said:
And one question, does somebody has access to the following study?


Unfortunately, I couldn't find it anywhere for free.

It seems to be the only one with diabetes type I and ketogenic diet.

Yeah. In all the papers we've been reading, they always talk about type II, but never type I, so you might be right.

There is another one, but I haven't read it yet:,com_docman/task,doc_download/gid,24/

Also, there are a few links you might like:
(that article recommends this book, written by a doctor who is type 1 diabetes himself)

Another book: This one could have really good tips, since the KD has helped the author's son (with type I diabetes), supposedly, so she probably has quite a bit to say from personal experience.

I hope it helps.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

H.E. said:
So in a crock pot it never reaches boiling point? Or it does and then you put it down and leave it to simmer slowly?

My crock pot has two settings, low and high. I start it out on high, and after it starts to boil (which can take up to 4 hours or more in my particular pot) then I switch it to low, where it then stays on a gentle boil/simmer.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

And one question, does somebody has access to the following study?


Yep - got it! PM me your email address and I'll send you the PDF.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I think I forgot to mention that I lightly salted my broth during the last hour or so of crocking.

The point of this is that I forgot to salt my broth today and I much rather preferred it this way, FWIW. Yummy!!

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I had been going in and out of ketosis for years with relative ease (on again off again atkins) but then it progressively got more difficult to get into it and everything was kind of sluggish, not the usual feel great after a couple of days. It was very difficult, weight didn't come off and I was tired. Simple exercises wore me out. Long story short, I had a hypothyroid issue. Whether it is temporary because of coming into perimenopause or something that crept up and is permanent I don't know but my doctor did the standard tests and said she doesn't treat until it's at 10. I went to a more knowledgeable doctor who said we treat at 2.5. Since I have had the experience of doing a ketogenic diet with normal metobolic reaction and without, I can tell you it is much more difficult while a metabolic problem is going on. Night and day. I went on natural dessicated porcine thyroid and wowsa, big difference. Low thyroid is not aways detected accurately by blood tests alone. You may be producing the hormones but the cells aren't picking it up or there may be other reasons (I suggest anyone who suspects they have low metabolic function read stop the thyroid madness).
I now take it based on symptoms. I suspect fluctuating hormones and stress levels disrupt my functioning.
For resistance training I joined this franchise we have called Curves for women. It has a well thought out array of resistance training equipment, finishing off with a stretching machine and it all takes approximately 30 minutes. There are pads between each piece of equipment that we are suppose to hop around on however I don't. I've read and it made sense to me, that keeping ones heart rate up for prolonged periods is not good and in fact encourages the cardio vascular system to stay at a certain level instead of challengng it by doing short bursts (that you can handle) on equpment then resting. I do this on the equipment,each week trying to do it a little faster (they provide cards which go into the machine and tell you how much you've increased) then I use the pads to rest and slow it down. It's all timed for a minute each on equpment and then rest pad. Anyways I thought if anyone has a Curves close it might be worth checking out.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Have a question for those who've experienced pain in their thigh bones from keto adaptation:

Do you remember how long it took the long bone pain to go away?

Now that I'm off Tysabri, there's been an increase across the board in pain/stiffness.

The days I have only bone broth seem to be the best, pain wise. Other days when I eat more meat, or have the odd veggie really hurt.

Its tough to figure out what the real culprit is, because I'm back in Physical Therapy, and my muscles hurt all the time now. Despite supplementing potassium/magnesium...there are days I swear my hair hurts. ;)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

nicklebleu said:
And one question, does somebody has access to the following study?


Yep - got it! PM me your email address and I'll send you the PDF.

Great, thanks!

And thanks for other links Ailén, will have a look into it.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Lilou said:
Has anyone else noticed better tolerance to cold weather since starting KD/bone broth?

I haven't had the chance to test this, it being sweat-dripping hot here for the last few months but what Gertrudes mentioned certainly applies for us as well.

Gertrudes said:
Having been very sensitive to cold for as far as I can remember, I noticed that since I became adapted to ketosis my tolerance to heat decreased massively.

It had gotten so difficult that staying in ketosis has been put on hold until the season changes. As much as we love the broth, having any within hours of bedtime creates a sweat-filled sleepless night. :(

There certainly seems to be a relationship between fat/ketosis and climate. This might be a topic for another thread(and might be worth investigating) but it would seem that ancient cultures that resided nearer the equator might have had a very hard time living in ketosis full-time due to the extreme heat.

Another difference between pyramid peoples and circle peoples?

Anyone else in hot/equatorial climates have any input?
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Gimpy said:
Have a question for those who've experienced pain in their thigh bones from keto adaptation:

Do you remember how long it took the long bone pain to go away?

For me it comes and goes, sometimes for days at a time. There appears to be no regular pattern thj`t I've discerned as yet.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Prodigal Son said:
Gimpy said:
Have a question for those who've experienced pain in their thigh bones from keto adaptation:

Do you remember how long it took the long bone pain to go away?

For me it comes and goes, sometimes for days at a time. There appears to be no regular pattern thj`t I've discerned as yet.

The same here. Not really regular both in "chronological" term and in term of intensity. Except maybe when I can be at sun for a while, it looks better on these days, but it could be not significant.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Pain is worse when you have carbs. Lasts a few weeks coming and going. Goes away with bone broth. Conclusion, have bone broth with added fat every day.
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