Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

For cream to be absolutely safe, you have to get "double cream" which has been centrifuged twice. It's so think that you have to spoon it; it won't pour.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Laura said:
For cream to be absolutely safe, you have to get "double cream" which has been centrifuged twice. It's so think that you have to spoon it; it won't pour.

I had given up on finding any, but I will look again. It's not "low fat" so our Whole Foods doesn't want to take up shelf space with it. Maybe another store.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Laura said:
For cream to be absolutely safe, you have to get "double cream" which has been centrifuged twice. It's so think that you have to spoon it; it won't pour.

The Tesco near my house stocks "Extra thick double cream" which has to be spooned at room temperature. In the UK at least, it is available in most supermarkets. Don't particularly like shopping there but I can't get every single thing from organic local farms unfortunately.

It's probably okay if you don't over indulge, I may have only had a negative reaction last time because I stupidly stuffed my face with 1300 calories worth of the stuff. I will try adding a small amount to coffee
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

zim said:
This year have been very stressful in many ways in my life and the last months had increased it, that plus a change in my diet lowing carbs maybe it was an impact in my system although I feel better because many symptoms disappear when I ate less carbs than when I increased it, but I do noted felt more tension in all my body that could explain the incredible hair loss, I’m just speculating here since there is no proof that my thyroid or hormones are functioning bad….

Well, stress is a major contributor to hair loss, so that might be the reason for yours, zim. When you say your hair is falling, how much? Does it leave hairless patches on your scalp?

Apart from stress, it's also a change in weather at this time, which might also play role. Twice a year, when the weather is changing from warm to cold or from cold to warm, I lose a significant amount of hair too, but no bold-spots. And it seems to be growing back again once the season has settled in. Do you see any little hair growing above your forehead along the hairline currently?
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Alana said:
zim said:
This year have been very stressful in many ways in my life and the last months had increased it, that plus a change in my diet lowing carbs maybe it was an impact in my system although I feel better because many symptoms disappear when I ate less carbs than when I increased it, but I do noted felt more tension in all my body that could explain the incredible hair loss, I’m just speculating here since there is no proof that my thyroid or hormones are functioning bad….

Well, stress is a major contributor to hair loss, so that might be the reason for yours, zim. When you say your hair is falling, how much? Does it leave hairless patches on your scalp?

Apart from stress, it's also a change in weather at this time, which might also play role. Twice a year, when the weather is changing from warm to cold or from cold to warm, I lose a significant amount of hair too, but no bold-spots. And it seems to be growing back again once the season has settled in.

Indeed, just as trees lose their leaves during the Fall, so it's quite common to lose more hair than usual during that time (and to a lesser extent, in the beginning of Spring). If there's no health issue, the hair loss stops after a few weeks and the hair normally grows back.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Laura said:
For the last five days I've been having about two cups of coffee in the morning only, about half and half mixed with pure cream.

The ONLY thing I have noted is that it seems to make my bowels mover about every other day instead of every week to week and a half.

Now, that could be what the Japanese doctor called "mild diarrhea" which he claimed was what milk products did to the colon, but I'm waiting to see.

After reading the coffee thread we decided to experiment with it too, but without the cream. My partner had a cup of coffee the first day, and I only had a sip because I know I am sensitive to it. Well, he had a mild abdominal pain the first day, but he felt fine the next couple of days he had it. I had major abdominal pain for a couple of days after that sip, so I decided that would be the end of my experimentation, at least for now. I am happy to smell the coffee brewing in the kitchen every morning :) My partner however said that he noticed an increase in bowel movements than before that he attributes to coffee, which is interesting because he drinks his coffee black. So it might not be the dairy products after all. FWIW.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Laura said:
The ONLY thing I have noted is that it seems to make my bowels mover about every other day instead of every week to week and a half.

Now, that could be what the Japanese doctor called "mild diarrhea" which he claimed was what milk products did to the colon, but I'm waiting to see.

When I used to drink coffee, and that was without any dairy, I would get an almost immediate bowel movement. It used to be so quick that sometimes I didn't even have time to finish my cup.

On bowel frequency, I think that one way of assessing whether everything is working well when there are a couple of days between bowel movements is to check the hardness of the stool and whether there is strain. My bowel movements have varied wildly depending on what I eat, which supplements I take and how much I sleep. Right now I'm getting either a daily movement or one every other two days. I don't strain, and don't feel bloated. If, on the other hand, I spend more then three to four days without a bowel movement I feel like I have a rock on my abdomen, and when I do get a movement the feces are hard, I strain and it is painful. So more then 3/4 days is definitely not good for me.

Laura said:
For cream to be absolutely safe, you have to get "double cream" which has been centrifuged twice. It's so think that you have to spoon it; it won't pour.

Oooooh, I love cream! I have been wondering about dairy since hearing so many podcasts and studies praising its benefits, though in all of them raw dairy is preferred. Are you having it raw or pasteurized?
I also remember that you all at the Chateau had a negative experience with cream when you tried it months ago, was it a different type of cream you had back then?

I won't go back to coffee as I don't like the kick I use to get, sometimes too much black tea works like a coffee for me, so I don't need more caffeine. However, I been thinking about trying raw dairy.
As Carlise mentioned it is very easy to find double cream at any UK supermarket or off license, but having it pasteurized seems to me as having something that's been stripped from all its goodies, so I will try a raw version.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

It's interesting that several people have noticed a connection between coffee and "keeping things moving." I made it in several steps, first noting that I sometimes felt lousy in the morning when things wanted to move and couldn't, and then trying a little coffee to see if it helped (there wasn't much in the house), and then noticing that it did, not because of the caffeine itself so much as because things started to move! And then I tried having it regularly for a week or so, finding that I felt better if I limited it to one 10-ounce mug in the morning. More than that is probably just too much liquid on top of breakfast. That's where I was when Laura posted about what she was trying.

I have been dairy free except for butter & ghee for several months, ever since I finished elimination testing that showed that I had become quite sensitive to most forms of dairy other than those. Clearly, the problem was with the protein and not the fat.

As long as this heavy cream is virtually all fat, it should be OK too; I just have to find some somewhere. Since I seem to be living in The Land of Low Fat, any additional animal fat source I can add is welcome!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Megan said:
As long as this heavy cream is virtually all fat, it should be OK too; I just have to find some somewhere. Since I seem to be living in The Land of Low Fat, any additional animal fat source I can add is welcome!

Hey Megan, I have found Organic Valley Heavy Whipping Cream at all the Whole Foods in my area. They are in a yellow milk container in pints and half pints.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Nicolas said:
Megan said:
As long as this heavy cream is virtually all fat, it should be OK too; I just have to find some somewhere. Since I seem to be living in The Land of Low Fat, any additional animal fat source I can add is welcome!

Hey Megan, I have found Organic Valley Heavy Whipping Cream at all the Whole Foods in my area. They are in a yellow milk container in pints and half pints.

That might work, if I can avoid the "ultra pasteurized" variety. I overlooked it because of the confusing name. It's just heavy cream, with no sugar added. 0 carbs; 0 protein. Thanks!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

An update on my KD experiment:

Everything is going pretty well. Ever increasing amounts of fat are keeping me sated. I'm still not weighing myself but my clothes are getting bigger and bigger. I went out and bought some new-to-me (thrift store) clothes and those are getting bigger now. A few times I've had some water retention, twice in my feet and ankles which was more pitting edema vs your run of the mill swelling. The other time was pre-menstrual belly area bloat. This sticks around for about 4 days then I pee like crazy and my pants get even bigger. I searched about it on the net for a possible explanation and found it's been termed "dieter's edema" by Brad Pilon of Eat Stop Eat fame. Apparently, periods of water retention can occur in strict diets and is usually followed by weight loss which is referred to as the "whoosh effect" termed by Lyle McDonald. Is anyone else experiencing this?

A couple of links:

Last week I had a major DOH!! moment. I started having some super wild food cravings (plate sized pancakes, pop tin biscuits, doritos and cheetos mixed together, wheat thins and queso sauce...crap that I thought was a distant memory ). I had one of my world famous 3 day headaches. Well the culprit was that I'd bought some of what I thought was just straight up capelin fish roe (masago) from the Asian market. It was small (maybe 4oz) store packaged container and I would add a small spoon to whatever seafood I was eating. I'd gone back with the intention of getting more and saw a pre-packaged container with ingredients of :barf: wheat, soy, msg. I asked the clerk if the two packets had the same ingredients. Of course, the answer was yes. I hadn't even finished the package and my reaction to it was so strong. Maybe one day I'll get so sensitive I'll just look at some SAD food and spontaneously combust.

It was so crazy how the crap contained in that food told my brain exactly what to crave. Food really is information. I was both amazed and disgusted at the same time. Thankfully, things are back to normal now.

I've also reacquired my taste for cigarettes. I switched from organic kentucky select to AS organic.

I also got one of those blood ketone meters. I had a few readings ranging from 4.5mmol to 5.1 with one at 1.9 (?) at various times of the day. Blood glucose readings were 64 to 83 at various times.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Laura said:
So, I decided to use myself as an experimental subject (yeah, I was willing to fall on my sword!). Joking aside, since I was so sensitive to coffee that I had to quit cold turkey over 8 years ago, I figured that if there was anything really evil that my system would react pretty darn fast. But there was something else I was thinking: that coffee could be another carrier of a form of very rich fat: cream. It has to be pure cream because casein/lactose are still opiod type things. One article suggested that coffee was similar to gluten and was thus, purely evil, but as the above excerpt suggests, I'm not sure we really know that. Nobody has done any experiments from the keto-adapted state.


Obviously, this should NOT be tried until a person has been Keto-adapted for a month or more and STAYS that way.


Coffee fiends (you know who you are), do NOT do this until you are WELL adapted and have had serious beneficial improvements in whatever condition you have been dealing with.

You have to first have a healed gut, a vigorous liver detox system to the point that you don't need vitamin C anymore because the other system has kicked in, and you have to have keto-adapted along with the mtDNA activation that comes with the serious resistance exercises over a month at LEAST. 6 to 8 weeks would be better.

Because, the fact is, having another source of pure fat that you can take in is a plus. You just don't want that fat leaking through your gut directly into your blood.

You have no idea how excited this makes me :D I was just remarking today that, even after years of no coffee, I still miss it. I had missed the coffee thread, so thanks for the update.

I have been keto-adapted for a couple of months now, haven't taken any vitamin C, or any supplements, in that whole time. Pretty sure the gut and liver are both in good shape. I just past the one month mark on the resistance exercise, too. I may have to try a coffee experiment this weekend, although finding any cream over 35% in Canada is a challenge. I may have to add butter to it :) The fact is, getting enough fat at my meals without going overboard and making myself quite sick has been a real challenge. Another source of fat is definitely something I'd benefit from. And if this gets the bowels moving more regularly (as it always did when I drank coffee previously), all the better.

It's Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend, so I'd like to take this opportunity to give thanks for the COFFEE :D
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Yeah, back when I used to drink coffee -- haven't for several years now -- (and many other people had also mentioned it), it seemed to have a stimulating affect on bowel movements. I can get the really thick cream that has to be spooned out quite easily here. I may experiment with it at some point.

One more thing, smoking is a really great way "to get things moving." I never go longer than 2 days without a bowel movement. I smoke cigarettes AND pipe which I also inhale like cigarettes, and it does the trick. Also, when you can consistently handle about 80% of daily calories as fat, the bowel movements become more regular. Although, going overboard with fat once in a while (probably hitting over 90% of calories), might result in loose stools, but it gets less so the longer you are on the very high fat/almost 0 carbs diet. FWIW.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

SeekinTruth said:
Yeah, back when I used to drink coffee -- haven't for several years now -- (and many other people had also mentioned it), it seemed to have a stimulating affect on bowel movements. I can get the really thick cream that has to be spooned out quite easily here. I may experiment with it at some point.

One more thing, smoking is a really great way "to get things moving." I never go longer than 2 days without a bowel movement. I smoke cigarettes AND pipe which I also inhale like cigarettes, and it does the trick. Also, when you can consistently handle about 80% of daily calories as fat, the bowel movements become more regular. Although, going overboard with fat once in a while (probably hitting over 90% of calories), might result in loose stools, but it gets less so the longer you are on the very high fat/almost 0 carbs diet. FWIW.

The same here, smoking is a really great way as you said, and it is something I always noticed. :cool2:
I smoke at the first time on the morning just after my glass of cold water and sea salt, and before to eat bone broth/lard and three pieces of pork belly. It works each day even by being a little move some days. My 2 cents.
And by the way, I do not drink any coffee from several years now.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Adaryn said:
Alana said:
zim said:
This year have been very stressful in many ways in my life and the last months had increased it, that plus a change in my diet lowing carbs maybe it was an impact in my system although I feel better because many symptoms disappear when I ate less carbs than when I increased it, but I do noted felt more tension in all my body that could explain the incredible hair loss, I’m just speculating here since there is no proof that my thyroid or hormones are functioning bad….

Well, stress is a major contributor to hair loss, so that might be the reason for yours, zim. When you say your hair is falling, how much? Does it leave hairless patches on your scalp?

Apart from stress, it's also a change in weather at this time, which might also play role. Twice a year, when the weather is changing from warm to cold or from cold to warm, I lose a significant amount of hair too, but no bold-spots. And it seems to be growing back again once the season has settled in.

Indeed, just as trees lose their leaves during the Fall, so it's quite common to lose more hair than usual during that time (and to a lesser extent, in the beginning of Spring). If there's no health issue, the hair loss stops after a few weeks and the hair normally grows back.

That was also my first thought, cause autumn starts on the northern hemisphere.

Gertrudes said:
Laura said:
For cream to be absolutely safe, you have to get "double cream" which has been centrifuged twice. It's so think that you have to spoon it; it won't pour.

Oooooh, I love cream! I have been wondering about dairy since hearing so many podcasts and studies praising its benefits, though in all of them raw dairy is preferred. Are you having it raw or pasteurized?
I also remember that you all at the Chateau had a negative experience with cream when you tried it months ago, was it a different type of cream you had back then?

I won't go back to coffee as I don't like the kick I use to get, sometimes too much black tea works like a coffee for me, so I don't need more caffeine. However, I been thinking about trying raw dairy.
As Carlise mentioned it is very easy to find double cream at any UK supermarket or off license, but having it pasteurized seems to me as having something that's been stripped from all its goodies, so I will try a raw version.

Definetely coffee I don't like to try ;), but somehow cream sounds delicious, but don't know why, it is something I would yearn for with stevia and a bit cocoa :) .

Yesterday I had the first really great day with lots of energy and it improved bit by bit. But then I dined out yesterday and ate some grams of onions (I picked a lot to the side) and wild mushrooms and feel like crab again with stomach pain. Somehow I may suspect onions cause one week ago I bought some canned sausage which also contained onions and I felt also not good the next day and in the middle of the night. So something I need to look for and avoid.

The last bowel movement took two weeks and one day according to my keto-diet diary. Insulin need also improved again and is stable at the moment and BG is perfect.

And ketones are about 4-7 mmol/l with the Precision Xceed testmeter
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