Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

No unusual sneezing here but for other updates:

On the BMs, I'm currently at once per day - once every two days max. About 2 weeks ago I went about 5 days and decided to use doses of Vit C and Mg to clear things out. Since then, no problems.

Over the last month I have been experimenting with coffee instead of black tea - mostly on the weekends. The effects do seem to be different than in the past carbivore eating times. There is much less "buzz". Just lately I've increased the coffee frequency, and it definitely helps me with BM regularity. When I brew the coffee, I'll add a few tablespoons of coconut oil or ghee, cinnamon, and a pinch of licorice root powder (to cut the bitterness) to the filter basket. I brew the black tea the same way.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I've tried out coffee as well - black, no cream; I still don't touch anything to do with dairy unless I have to. (I might try out home made ghee again later to see if it still makes me feel strange - if and only if it doesn't, I might cautiously try low-casein dairy.)

I have had fairly small amounts (half a cup of strong, black coffee) every other day some times so far. I previously (when regularly using coffee years ago) was not addicted to nor noticed clear negative effects from it - I could go on it and then off it cold turkey without issue, except a brief headache when going from several cups a day to none. Back then, when I got habituated, it ceased having any effect that I would notice. (E.g. I could sleep after drinking it.)

Back in 2010 when briefly trying it again at one time, while on the diet of those times, my mind felt off for part of the rest of the day. No such issues this time. It seems to stimulate memory and associative ability, which is consistent with research.

The reason for doing it every other day in small amounts is not to get habituated to it, since from experience, I would expect that it would then cease having any useful effect.

One additional effect of coffee - for me - is that, I would guess, the neurochemical state after drinking it matches more closely with that of years past; at any rate, I am more in touch with some vague psychological remains of my past, surfacing as feeling states, which helps in processing them.

Oxajil said:
Psalehesost said:
The person there this time said she could order it (i.e. have it brought in from the main place outside town), so I'll see how it goes. A good thing I asked if they do get some, because bone broth has ran out again and they have no more bones, not getting them as soon as expected.

Yes I think they should be able to order it. My own butcher doesn't have fresh tallow, but he can order it. So I think every butcher kind of can? Maybe they just don't have it ''in stock'' because there is little interest in them, but are able to order it? Hope it works out.

"Order" means they get it from their regular supplier, which for beef is their own farm. The main place butchers animals at least once every week, and so the store I visit gets a shipment at least once every week.

I did get some tallow, though not much; just as with bone broth, the supply is a bit unpredictable and limited. At any rate, now I get better fat some of the time, which is certainly better - the olive oil substitute will be needed less often.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Megan said:
Nicolas said:
Megan said:
As long as this heavy cream is virtually all fat, it should be OK too; I just have to find some somewhere. Since I seem to be living in The Land of Low Fat, any additional animal fat source I can add is welcome!

Hey Megan, I have found Organic Valley Heavy Whipping Cream at all the Whole Foods in my area. They are in a yellow milk container in pints and half pints.

That might work, if I can avoid the "ultra pasteurized" variety. I overlooked it because of the confusing name. It's just heavy cream, with no sugar added. 0 carbs; 0 protein. Thanks!

They only carry the ultra pasteurized variety of that brand (worst quality, best profit margin), but there is another local brand (Strauss) that has the same kind of product with low-temperature pasteurization, which is the best you can do in most stores around here. I have a couple of other stores to try that are not on my regular route, but this is a good start.

I don't think this type of cream is the same thick consistency as what Laura was writing about, but it is essentially protein free (0 on a nutritional label means less than 0.5), like butter, and should be OK to try.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Dairy, except for ghee, is definitely a no no for me. I had a little bit of pasteurized double cream two days and my belly kept rumbling, had gas and mild pain. I thought, ok, let me test this theory of pasteurized versus raw I've been hearing about, where you can simply be sensitive to pasteurization since the process supposedly stripes dairy out of the necessary enzymes that help digest it. I went to a farmers' market yesterday and bought raw milk and cream. I had about 1/4 of a glass of milk this morning, maybe even less, and do I wish I haven' done it! Such a little quantity and I'm back to strong stomach rumbling, gas and bloating. No pain yet, just feeling very uncomfortable.
Well, at least now I know.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Gertrudes said:
Dairy, except for ghee, is definitely a no no for me. I had a little bit of pasteurized double cream two days and my belly kept rumbling, had gas and mild pain. I thought, ok, let me test this theory of pasteurized versus raw I've been hearing about, where you can simply be sensitive to pasteurization since the process supposedly stripes dairy out of the necessary enzymes that help digest it. I went to a farmers' market yesterday and bought raw milk and cream. I had about 1/4 of a glass of milk this morning, maybe even less, and do I wish I haven' done it! Such a little quantity and I'm back to strong stomach rumbling, gas and bloating. No pain yet, just feeling very uncomfortable.
Well, at least now I know.

I don't think I would have tried the milk at all. We know that casein, in any context, is pretty evil. But cream that has had all the proteins extracted, or to the point that they are almost zero, is probably the only safe thing to try. And even that will be iffy for a lot of people. If there is milk protein in the cream in any significant amount, you will have problems.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Laura said:
I don't think I would have tried the milk at all. We know that casein, in any context, is pretty evil. But cream that has had all the proteins extracted, or to the point that they are almost zero, is probably the only safe thing to try. And even that will be iffy for a lot of people. If there is milk protein in the cream in any significant amount, you will have problems.

True, good thing I only had so little. Problem is that none of the creams I have found so far have protein ratios written, so I have no idea of whether it has been extracted. I suppose that the thickness you mentioned earlier is the cue, but I only found cream that thick in sour form, and I am not a fan of that.
Doesn't hurt to keep searching though.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Gertrudes said:
True, good thing I only had so little. Problem is that none of the creams I have found so far have protein ratios written, so I have no idea of whether it has been extracted. I suppose that the thickness you mentioned earlier is the cue, but I only found cream that thick in sour form, and I am not a fan of that.
Doesn't hurt to keep searching though.

In UK, I think it is "Cornish Cream" or "clotted cream".
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Laura said:
In UK, I think it is "Cornish Cream" or "clotted cream".

Thanks! Just found it online using either terms.

There is a lot of activity in my belly right now, which reminds me of how I used to feel when I was still having dairy. I would have my morning milk and feel uncomfortable for the whole morning, sometimes even day. Funny how I had no means of comparison and normalized the sensation. Now I know that this is in no way normal, it's just bad and wrong.
It also explains why for most of my life, until my dietary changes of the recent years, I wouldn't have breakfast. I had 1/4 of a glass at 8.30am today, it is now 1.30pm and I'm still not hungry! Until my belly rests enough it can't cope with food.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Gertrudes said:
...I thought, ok, let me test this theory of pasteurized versus raw I've been hearing about, where you can simply be sensitive to pasteurization since the process supposedly stripes dairy out of the necessary enzymes that help digest it...

Pasteurization comes in different "flavors" these days. Low-temperature pasteurization attempts to keep as much of the good stuff as possible, given that it is being pasteurized.

Ultra pasteurization attempts to improve profits by heating to a higher temperature than regular pasteurization, but for a shorter period of time. Stay away from that one! It cooks the product, altering the flavor. Flavor change means nutrient change, and I don't know if anyone has even tried to figure out what that really does to it or us. But who cares -- just avoid it.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I have done 3 test- t3 -t4 and tsh here it is the results:

T3: 55.1
T4: 5,91
TSH: 1,45

all normal..... :huh:

So the thyroid isn’t the problem of the hair loss, my estrogens and progesterone are with normal values too!!! So isn’t premenopausal either!

I find out that I was wrong saying that it was normal numbers the T3 is very low since the normal average is 85-179 and I have 55.1!!!! :-[ :P That could explain more my body-situation now, :PI read some of the effects of this T3 lower level and could explain many of the things I had had several years now… plus the effect with Stress factor in my system. :rolleyes:
I'm waiting for the doctor for an appointment at the clinic. It appears that there is a link between Hypothyroidism and Celiac disease too, interesting!.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Update: Finished my second batch of bone broth yesterday. OMG it came out a very rich brown color with an inch thick layer of fat in an almost filled Quart jar. Very gelatiney (this a word??). I made it with just under 3 lbs. of bones, 1 yellow onion chopped, whole bulb of garlic with the individual cloves crushed, about 1.5 tsp of salt, some white pepper, a dash of cayenne, approx. 1 tsp of the following each: cumin, tumeric, ginger. And this stuff is YUMMY!!! No need to flavor at all....just scrumptious! Also, the smell during the first 2/3's of the cooking process was dramatically improved.

Also, I'm not on the KD yet...I really think I ought to transition through the Paleo Diet first. However, that being said, including the bone broth on a daily basis (around 8 fluid oz a day) I find I am able to think more clearly, concentration/focus has improved, and it seems like my nail bed health in my toes is starting to get better (both big toe nails in the last year or so have started growing inward -- ouch) I would definately class this food a superfood. Least of the benefits has been more/longer lasting energy throughout the day. :cool2:

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

RflctnOfU said:
... and it seems like my nail bed health in my toes is starting to get better (both big toe nails in the last year or so have started growing inward -- ouch)

Your nail problem has a lot to do with proper nail hygiene (or improper .... :))

First off, always cut your nails straight and don't curve inwards towards the nailbed at the edges. This is the main reason for ingrown toe nails ...

Another thing you can do to relieve ingrown toe nails (apart from having it excised by a surgeon under local anaesthesia) is to use a nail file to file the top of your nail so that the top is much thinner than the borders. This relieves the downward pressure on the edges and helps your ingrown nail to heal too. Takes a lot of filing as the top needs to be so thin as to be soft to pressure with a pointed instrument, but might be worth it. Had an ingrown toe nail once a week before a big hike ... was very scared I'd suffer a lot, but with this method everything went very well.

Hope this helps!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

nicklebleu said:
RflctnOfU said:
... and it seems like my nail bed health in my toes is starting to get better (both big toe nails in the last year or so have started growing inward -- ouch)

Your nail problem has a lot to do with proper nail hygiene (or improper .... :))

First off, always cut your nails straight and don't curve inwards towards the nailbed at the edges. This is the main reason for ingrown toe nails ...

Another thing you can do to relieve ingrown toe nails (apart from having it excised by a surgeon under local anaesthesia) is to use a nail file to file the top of your nail so that the top is much thinner than the borders. This relieves the downward pressure on the edges and helps your ingrown nail to heal too. Takes a lot of filing as the top needs to be so thin as to be soft to pressure with a pointed instrument, but might be worth it. Had an ingrown toe nail once a week before a big hike ... was very scared I'd suffer a lot, but with this method everything went very well.

Hope this helps!

Thanks. :cool: However, the issue is not ingrown nails. The arch of the toenails, particularly at the edges, has been becoming more pronounced, curving down and into the nail bed. An extreme version of what is happening would cause the letter 'O' from the front....make sense??

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