Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

In a previous post I said I did the Paleodiet for six months, but then I remembered that I started before the congress in Barcelona last year which I attended with a friend. I liked the PD because suddenly I found myself eating the same food again when I was a child. Much porc, lard and bacon and eggs : the food of the poor in those days.
During the PD I quickly noticed that I had problems with veggies, so I reduced them to a minimum and without knowing the word 'IF', I did IF because I did not feel like cooking in the evening.

I am in my second week of KD now and I feel ok. Very glad for the coffee and the fat cream. No problems there. But.. I haven't read (or overlooked it) anyone mentioning the itching. It feels like my body is on fire or something. Not in the arms or hands or the legs and feet. Just from the skull down and from my face to the legs. This is very annoying. It is a feeling as though something wants to come out through my skin.
It started after the fourth day of KD. I did not think of it much but now I am scratching myself as though I have rashes or allergies or exczema or something. Never have all of these. When I look at my skin there is nothing to see...
I also do the resistenc exercises.

Can somebody please help me out with this? Thank you so much.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

maxtree said:
... I haven't read (or overlooked it) anyone mentioning the itching. It feels like my body is on fire or something. Not in the arms or hands or the legs and feet. Just from the skull down and from my face to the legs. This is very annoying. It is a feeling as though something wants to come out through my skin.
It started after the fourth day of KD. I did not think of it much but now I am scratching myself as though I have rashes or allergies or exczema or something. Never have all of these. When I look at my skin there is nothing to see...
I also do the resistenc exercises.

Can somebody please help me out with this? Thank you so much.
This is usually associated with passing the threshold into full ketosis (or going back out of it).
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Thanks Prodigal Son!
Does this last long? I have this now for six days in a row.
Do I need to do something or just wait until it passes?
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I'd like to share my resistance training routine here. I've been going for few months in a gym
about 3-4 times in a week. I have this kind of training program:

day 1: chest and shoulder workout. 3-4 different workouts for both muscle groups with 3 x 10-15 repeats.
day 2: legs workout. 5-6 different workouts for leg muscles with 3 x 10-15 repeats.
day 3: biceps and triceps workout. 3-4 different workouts for both muscle groups with 3 x 10-15 repeats.
day 4: back workout. 5-6 different workouts for back muscles with 3 x 10-15 repeats.

one session lasts about 1 hour usually and it seems to work quite well for me.

maxtree said:
I am in my second week of KD now and I feel ok. Very glad for the coffee and the fat cream. No problems there. But.. I haven't read (or overlooked it) anyone mentioning the itching. It feels like my body is on fire or something. Not in the arms or hands or the legs and feet. Just from the skull down and from my face to the legs. This is very annoying. It is a feeling as though something wants to come out through my skin.
It started after the fourth day of KD. I did not think of it much but now I am scratching myself as though I have rashes or allergies or exczema or something. Never have all of these. When I look at my skin there is nothing to see...
I also do the resistenc exercises.

Can somebody please help me out with this? Thank you so much.

I've had similar but visible eczema in my back now for about a month now. Some of the places has been changing little bit: part of it was in my shoulder blades but now it's moved into back of my neck from there. Little bit also in my stomach.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Seppo Ilmarinen said:
I'd like to share my resistance training routine here. I've been going for few months in a gym
about 3-4 times in a week. I have this kind of training program:

day 1: chest and shoulder workout. 3-4 different workouts for both muscle groups with 3 x 10-15 repeats.
day 2: legs workout. 5-6 different workouts for leg muscles with 3 x 10-15 repeats.
day 3: biceps and triceps workout. 3-4 different workouts for both muscle groups with 3 x 10-15 repeats.
day 4: back workout. 5-6 different workouts for back muscles with 3 x 10-15 repeats.

one session lasts about 1 hour usually and it seems to work quite well for me.

A lot of people here have been having good results with just a 20-30 minute weight lifting routine. With exercise, more is not necessarily better, fwiw.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Mark Sisson just published an article about how much sport you should or shouldn't do. He is not specifically talking about resistance training, but about the total calories spent per week.

The gist of it is that if you spend less than around 3500 kCal per week on sports you don't get the optimal health benefits from it. But also if you spend more than 4000 kCal per week your health benefits diminish as well. And 4000 kCal are easily spent ...

Again, this is not about resistance training and with the resistance training recommended on this forum we most likely spend less than 3000 kCal per week ... just thought that this was interesting.

Source: _
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Just received the results from my latest blood lipids, they have skyrocketed ...

Cholesterol 14.2 (0 - 5.5 mmol/l)
Triglycerides 4.98 90 - 1.8 mmol/l)
HDL 1.27 (0.9 - 2.00
Chol/ HDL ratio 11.18

These figures would send every cardiologist into a spin. Now I am not a believer in the lipid hypothesis, but these figures are a bit scary. I wonder if there is something that I have overlooked ...

Had a look into the medical literature: There is not a great deal of lipids and ketogenic diet. It seems though that a ketogenic diet in children (to control seizures) is often accompanied by a rise in lipids. That promptly disappears when they go off the KD and long-term effects don't seem to have been observed thus far (but long-term here is not more than 10 years and is in children).

Another study showed the same result, and there was not much change over 24 months, with lipid profiles being somewhat higher than before embarking on a KD.

I have been strictly zero-carb now for around 4 months, with BOHB levels between 3.7 and 6 mmol/l. I feel very good physically and emotionally and I don't plan to change my diet significantly. I also have lost weight (now almost ideal). Problem is it has gotten me on the radar of mainstream medicine. I have so far been able to fend off attempts to put me on low-fat and statin drugs, but the pressure surely will rise over time.

I have put myself onto Niacin, but it is not a very pleasant thing to do (flush). I will start with a low dose and gradually try to increase it. Also checked thyroid function which is normal (couldn't get reverse T3 though), as well as Hb1Ac (also normal).

Anyone with another bright idea?
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Odyssey said:
Seppo Ilmarinen said:
I'd like to share my resistance training routine here. I've been going for few months in a gym
about 3-4 times in a week. I have this kind of training program:

day 1: chest and shoulder workout. 3-4 different workouts for both muscle groups with 3 x 10-15 repeats.
day 2: legs workout. 5-6 different workouts for leg muscles with 3 x 10-15 repeats.
day 3: biceps and triceps workout. 3-4 different workouts for both muscle groups with 3 x 10-15 repeats.
day 4: back workout. 5-6 different workouts for back muscles with 3 x 10-15 repeats.

one session lasts about 1 hour usually and it seems to work quite well for me.

A lot of people here have been having good results with just a 20-30 minute weight lifting routine. With exercise, more is not necessarily better, fwiw.

That's true. I think my routine is still quite moderate compared to the average gym trainer but yes, i'm not sure is it the most optimal. I'd tend to think that your age and overall physical health also affects what is the best amount of weight lifting for someone. I could try to variate my exercise time so i can see how that 30 min would work for me.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Odyssey said:
Seppo Ilmarinen said:
I'd like to share my resistance training routine here. I've been going for few months in a gym
about 3-4 times in a week. I have this kind of training program:

day 1: chest and shoulder workout. 3-4 different workouts for both muscle groups with 3 x 10-15 repeats.
day 2: legs workout. 5-6 different workouts for leg muscles with 3 x 10-15 repeats.
day 3: biceps and triceps workout. 3-4 different workouts for both muscle groups with 3 x 10-15 repeats.
day 4: back workout. 5-6 different workouts for back muscles with 3 x 10-15 repeats.

one session lasts about 1 hour usually and it seems to work quite well for me.

A lot of people here have been having good results with just a 20-30 minute weight lifting routine. With exercise, more is not necessarily better, fwiw.

Yes, this is more of a bodybuilding workout, to promote hypertrophy (bigger muscles) with a lot of volume (sets x reps). This doesn't seem to work long term on a keto diet, with no glycogen for the muscles.

Maybe a shorter, high intensity workout would have a better effect (less volume) depending on your age and health. Also a day just for arms is not necessary unless on a pure bodybuilding program looking to have the biggest muscles possible. A couple sets on triceps on chest day, and biceps on back day is all I would personally bother with, if that.

That said, if it's still working well for you (any routine will if you were untrained initially) then keep going :) .

I've personally been training in the gym for just over a year now. When I went into deep ketosis I eventually had to say byebye to my strength gains, and my muscles are noticeably smaller, as they're not pumped full of glycogen. Since it has been a hobby of mine for quite a while, it is rather frustrating to be unable to make progress on this diet, so I have been considering starting a Targeted Ketogenic Diet. This is where you only have carbs pre/post workout, around 50-100g, when your muscles can utilise it most effectively.

Still, this doesnt sound conductive to our experiment, and may stall the healing effects of the KD. It also appears to be partly driven by a program of mine, of wanting to be big and strong physically, so I am very hesitant to experiment with it.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

maxtree said:
Thanks Prodigal Son!
Does this last long? I have this now for six days in a row.
Do I need to do something or just wait until it passes?
In my experience it lasts just a few days, and you need to do nothing about it, it just passes. It is reported on, earlier in this thread.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I'm now on the seventh week into the KD.

Around 15 days ago I had to stop the HIIT because of a bad move that makes my back pain worst. At the same time I went out of meat and I dicided to add eggs again to see if there is any allergy (I haven't eat them for several month now). So I have eat eggs, broth with added fat at every meal (including two meals with fish and one egg). That must have put me to 3g of carbs a day.

7 or 8 days after that I have had cravings one hour after the "presumed" last meal of the day and I went on eating probably more than 100g of salami the first day, 85g the 2nd day (still having the same cravings in the evening) and 50g with ghee the third day.

I don't remember what came first but I was very low on energy during this period.

The fourth day the cravings were still there and I began to have diarrhea again. I managed to not eat after dinner this time and the next day the cravings were lower.

The day after was last sunday, I add back the HIIT as I knew my etiopath doctor will help me with my back problem the next day.

Monday I had a lot of strength but was very tired and add a snap in the afternoon before going to the dr. After the "operation" (the dr says his technique is a kind of manual surgery) I must not do any workout for at least 3 days. So that would be this evening. So I will start again the every other day HIIT today or tomorrow.

I still have diarrhea.

The scratching are still there from the beginning of the KD.

So this interlude seems to have slow down the process. I will try to stick to the program again.

Good day, forgiveness, thank you
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Thanks Prodigal Son, Seppo Ilmarinen.
I did a searchcheck but didn't get there yet as I continued reading all the posts on the two threads: KD and 'Life without bread'.

I will keep up the work and see what happens. I feel rather tired today. Tomorrow will be better.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

nicklebleu said:
Just received the results from my latest blood lipids, they have skyrocketed ...

Cholesterol 14.2 (0 - 5.5 mmol/l)
Triglycerides 4.98 90 - 1.8 mmol/l)
HDL 1.27 (0.9 - 2.00
Chol/ HDL ratio 11.18

I'm not familiarized with mmol/l, but it does look very high. I read some paleo research which I can't find right now. I can only find some mentions of it in comments here and there. It was basically a few people starting the paleo diet and having super high levels of cholesterol that were actually concerning, not the high level that should be normal when you throw out the cholesterol myth. Through various tests and experimentation, it was tracked down to a lack of cooper, magnesium, iodine and choline in the diet. These were balanced up and there were some positive results. Perhaps researching this line will bring some results. It could well be that your body is lacking on specific nutrients according to your needs and how you process cholesterol.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Here is Jimmy Moore's latest update. It is very promising how incorporating resistance training has pushed him to new levels of healthiness. Longevity seems to be the key, I will definitely not be experimenting with any carbs after reading of his success so far.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Carlise said:
Yes, this is more of a bodybuilding workout, to promote hypertrophy (bigger muscles) with a lot of volume (sets x reps). This doesn't seem to work long term on a keto diet, with no glycogen for the muscles.

Maybe a shorter, high intensity workout would have a better effect (less volume) depending on your age and health. Also a day just for arms is not necessary unless on a pure bodybuilding program looking to have the biggest muscles possible. A couple sets on triceps on chest day, and biceps on back day is all I would personally bother with, if that.

That said, if it's still working well for you (any routine will if you were untrained initially) then keep going :) .

Thanks for the feedback Carlise. Putting triceps and biceps into other workouts makes sense. I'll experiment my next week workout program with less volume and try to keep it in 30 minutes. Maybe 2x5 repeats with little bit heavier weights would do the trick?
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