Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

A note on cream: READ THE INGREDIENTS!

At the local supermarket, there is a non-refrigerated liquid cream, 30% fat. One of its ingredients is derived from wheat!

So, best to find something more natural, and preferably double cream. Who wants to eat a bunch of wheat and thickeners and stabilizers, anyway?

A note on coffee:

Coffee used to make me jittery. Now, it's like drinking tea. I did try normal mass-produced instant coffee, and that made me a bit jumpy. Also tried instant coffee from the health food store, and that was fine. So again, if you are able to conduct a coffee experiment, go for something high quality and as natural as possible.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?


Coffee fiends (you know who you are), do NOT do this until you are WELL adapted and have had serious beneficial improvements in whatever condition you have been dealing with.

You have to first have a healed gut, a vigorous liver detox system to the point that you don't need vitamin C anymore because the other system has kicked in, and you have to have keto-adapted along with the mtDNA activation that comes with the serious resistance exercises over a month at LEAST. 6 to 8 weeks would be better.

Because, the fact is, having another source of pure fat that you can take in is a plus. You just don't want that fat leaking through your gut directly into your blood.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I hear you.

I won't be able to test either one for a year or more, if ever. (coffee or full fat cream)

Dairy's been a certain cause of inflammation, so that may not be possible on my end. (pun intended) The only 'dairy product' that doesn't cause immediate suffering is goat cheese from organically raised, 'happy goats'. (Which is not easy to find, so I don't bother.)

Since I'm not sure this was disclosed...I did discover that it was the combination of alcohol with coffee that directly affected the MS symptoms across the board.

When our financial situation improved, Hubby and I celebrated, and I had a martini. By the end of the evening, the eye problems that had been gone via bone broth were back.

It was an "Ah-ha!" moment. During that month before the MS went bonkers, I drank coffee with a shot of whiskey at least twice a week.

It also helped point me in the direction of detoxing the liver. Right now I'm using chlorophyll tablets for that, and the occasional coffee enema. (The coffee is not drinkable, its used specifically for this purpose.) :flowers:
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Mr. Scott said:
A note on cream: READ THE INGREDIENTS!

At the local supermarket, there is a non-refrigerated liquid cream, 30% fat. One of its ingredients is derived from wheat!

So, best to find something more natural, and preferably double cream. Who wants to eat a bunch of wheat and thickeners and stabilizers, anyway?

A note on coffee:

Coffee used to make me jittery. Now, it's like drinking tea. I did try normal mass-produced instant coffee, and that made me a bit jumpy. Also tried instant coffee from the health food store, and that was fine. So again, if you are able to conduct a coffee experiment, go for something high quality and as natural as possible.

For German folks this seems to be one product I could find (there are several translations for creme and creme double but for creme double the following product):


According to their allergy index it does not contain: gluten containing crop, nut and soya.

And it seems eventually only available in big food stores and in certain seasons in Germany, like Christmas and Easter in other stores.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Alana said:
zim said:
This year have been very stressful in many ways in my life and the last months had increased it, that plus a change in my diet lowing carbs maybe it was an impact in my system although I feel better because many symptoms disappear when I ate less carbs than when I increased it, but I do noted felt more tension in all my body that could explain the incredible hair loss, I’m just speculating here since there is no proof that my thyroid or hormones are functioning bad….

Well, stress is a major contributor to hair loss, so that might be the reason for yours, zim. When you say your hair is falling, how much? Does it leave hairless patches on your scalp?

Apart from stress, it's also a change in weather at this time, which might also play role. Twice a year, when the weather is changing from warm to cold or from cold to warm, I lose a significant amount of hair too, but no bold-spots. And it seems to be growing back again once the season has settled in. Do you see any little hair growing above your forehead along the hairline currently?

Yes there are empty little spaces everywhere in my head :shock:, I didn’t see little growing hair yet, and about the weather as Im living in a tropical area it supposed to be rain and dry season but it didn’t applied to this year it have been a mix between those!!! So I don’t know to relate to the season change.

[quotePosted by: SeekinTruth
« on: Today at 07:26:31 AM »] One more thing, smoking is a really great way "to get things moving." I never go longer than 2 days without a bowel movement [/quote]

Same here !!!! The cigarrets it´s my best way to keep things moving!!! :P
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Mr. Scott said:
...A note on coffee:

Coffee used to make me jittery. Now, it's like drinking tea. I did try normal mass-produced instant coffee, and that made me a bit jumpy. Also tried instant coffee from the health food store, and that was fine. So again, if you are able to conduct a coffee experiment, go for something high quality and as natural as possible.

The "Bulletproof Coffee" web pages (_ may contain useful information, although I am not advocating that particular approach. I glean what I can from such sources. I am treating coffee like any other supplement, using as little as possible. The good coffee that I buy (organic and fair trade) is expensive too, at around $16/pound, and if I find that it isn't helping any longer then I will eliminate it.

I did a thorough elimination/challenge test within the last 6 months or I would not even be trying this now. After an extended period of time of non-exposure you can retest things that caused trouble before and you might be surprised. Also, as Laura has noted, the KD may help resolve sensitivities. This is what I referred to earlier as "rewriting the rules." When you change your metabolic mode, that's pretty fundamental and all sorts of things might change, given some time.

There is conflicting information on the Web about the possible nutritional benefits of coffee. I am not convinced that it is of particular value for anything other than constipation, and I am not going to rely upon it as a source of nutrients. Adding heavy cream or pasture butter, however, can certainly increase the nutrient value.

I tried adding something else this morning. I have been pouring the leftover grease from cooked meat (cooked on low) and from the ghee and coconut oil that I use onto my breakfast plate. It is a major part of my fat intake for the day, but it is messy. This morning I poured it instead into my coffee cup -- not bad!

If you insist that your coffee must taste a certain way then you might not like it, but I have become accustomed to the taste of oil in coffee, and this is much neater than pouring it on the plate. Before there were at least a few veggies to soak it up, but now it just rolls around until I soak it up with bits of egg and meat. The last straw, I guess, was when Cassie jumped up on the couch beside me after I had finished eating, and landed in my plate. What a mess! She is part Maine Coon and has long foot fur. Yuck! No more greasy plates.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

My ingenious way to solve the greasy plate issue after I finish my meal is to lick the plate. :lol:
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

zim said:
Yes there are empty little spaces everywhere in my head :shock:, I didn’t see little growing hair yet, and about the weather as Im living in a tropical area it supposed to be rain and dry season but it didn’t applied to this year it have been a mix between those!!! So I don’t know to relate to the season change.

Then it must be stress. What you describe I saw in a couple of my friends who were undergoing very stressful periods in their life, it's called alopecia if you want to search it. Once they were able to gain some time distance from the stressor and relax, the problem was solved and their hair grew back. They were in their twenties at the time though, I don't know if that makes a difference, but I hope the same happens for you. This has been a stressful year for you too. Maybe add more pipe-breathing in your daily life and take some warm baths with epson salts, you could even try some deep tissue massage to relax your muscles (scalp and all else).
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Odyssey said:
My ingenious way to solve the greasy plate issue after I finish my meal is to lick the plate. :lol:

He! He! Something I always liked to do from with my childness, but I "could not" do it, it was not "great"! So now, I do it boldly and with greed! :P

Edit: spelling
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Alana said:
zim said:
Yes there are empty little spaces everywhere in my head :shock:, I didn’t see little growing hair yet, and about the weather as Im living in a tropical area it supposed to be rain and dry season but it didn’t applied to this year it have been a mix between those!!! So I don’t know to relate to the season change.

Then it must be stress. What you describe I saw in a couple of my friends who were undergoing very stressful periods in their life, it's called alopecia if you want to search it. Once they were able to gain some time distance from the stressor and relax, the problem was solved and their hair grew back. They were in their twenties at the time though, I don't know if that makes a difference, but I hope the same happens for you. This has been a stressful year for you too. Maybe add more pipe-breathing in your daily life and take some warm baths with epson salts, you could even try some deep tissue massage to relax your muscles (scalp and all else).

Thank you Alana for your advice I´ll try to do more Pipebreath and take that baths suggested, today my flu get worst, - yesterday I went to give one class to the university I was fine but during the class I began to feel bad so I finished the class at 9:00 pm and drove to home but I couldn’t sleep because the fever and a caught also so many nightmares, today I´m feeling not good Im with fever, but trying to keep a good mood eating the breakfast with eggs plus butter and bone broth to recover. :cool2:

That amazing new I received today was that there were 3 persons death because the flu in my country!!!! :scared:
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I'm currently trying out the coffee experiment and am surprised that except for a very slight abdominal ache (that went away quickly) about 1/2 way to 3/4 through, it's gone down well. I decided to try it out with iced black coffee so that the ice would water it down as I drank it. Because I couldn't find the appropriate cream, I had a good deal of fat beforehand as well as bone broth to see if that would make up the difference.

What's very interesting is that coffee always made me 'go' within 1/2 hour of drinking it but I haven't experienced that at all.

If anyone does decide to try this experiment, I agree with others that a really good quality coffee should be used. As someone who really missed coffee, so far, I'm really liking this experiment!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Odyssey said:
My ingenious way to solve the greasy plate issue after I finish my meal is to lick the plate. :lol:

The only place where I DON'T lick my plate is in a restaurant - and I really have to hold myself back.
Maybe it's time to break this rule too ... :lol:
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

nicklebleu said:
Odyssey said:
My ingenious way to solve the greasy plate issue after I finish my meal is to lick the plate. :lol:

The only place where I DON'T lick my plate is in a restaurant - and I really have to hold myself back.
Maybe it's time to break this rule too ... :lol:

Oh, do I know what you mean... the other day we had guests for dinner and after I finished my meal I kept staring at my plate exercising my willpower not to lick it.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

This is a bit of an overdue status update on my experiences so far in the past month or so.

I've been primarily living off beef bone broth and it's been going pretty well. When I started it was great--I had had long standing issues with reflux after eating and it went away, which was incredibly exciting. They returned for a bit afterwards, though, after I added pork fat to the broth--after removing the pork fat and switching to butter, the reflux is at least 90% gone. I had been wondering if there was something going on with my gut flora, so for a little while before introducing the beef bone broth I was eating Kerrygold cultured butter (the silver package) with better success than the pork fat. However after introducing the broth, I had a negative digestive reaction to it, so I've been using the standard Kerrygold butter (gold package) with good success. Currently, though, I'm not sure if I can successfully eat pork or whether it's something to do with where I've been getting it from (I've been to the farm a number of times and the pigs forage a lot, but they also get non-organic grain--so it likely contains GMOs, so perhaps that's playing a role). I had tried HCL and there didn't seem to be an amount that would result in good digestion, so right now I have to assume that it was the pork.

I was seeing an acupuncturist for about a month or so and at one point he said that he thought that I had mucus somewhere in my intestines (I think he said lower intestines). This appears to be the case and after first starting the broth I had diarrhea for about a week and there was definitely mucus at times. I've also had mucus in my lungs and sinuses for a while and all of these have definitely been improving. There seems to be a significant correlation between even the slightest digestion issues I have and any flare ups in my eczema, mucus production, and also sneezing (I've been sneezing if my digestion is off, sometimes a lot, and I usually feel better afterwards)--I almost never sneeze otherwise. All of this has been improving with the bone broth. I have been feeling nauseous on occasion--when this happens I'll often get some stomach gurgling and my digestion will start to move and I may have gas or maybe diarrhea, or maybe neither. Occasionally I've still had some diarrhea in the past couple of weeks, but it's been rare and may be the result from when I eat pork (which I ate recently for a special occasion). I have a bowel movement ranging from once a day to once every few days, usually soft and small and which has been getting darker recently (hopefully from better nutrient absorption).

For a while, I was also having extremely foamy urine that was often very dark colored. I also would often get up at night to pee and release a large quantity of foamy urine and then go more in the morning. The urine, however, seems to have returned to a lighter color and is ranging between moderate and no foam recently, which I take as an improvement.

I'm currently not regularly taking any supplements (I took some Vit C throughout the day yesterday or the day before in water and had a bit of reflux) and I had a really strange reaction to take 375MG of Magnesium a little over a week ago. I got hot, felt nauseous, and had an increased heart rate (fairly significant increase, too), along with the tension in my back getting worse (I've had some tension in my back for a while--in the left kidney area and right mid-upper back--this also seems very strongly correlated with how well my digestion is doing). This was taking Magnesium Taurate from Cardiovascular Research with these other ingredients: Gelatin, Calcium Stearate, Cellulose, Silicon Dioxide, and Croscarmellose Sodium. I haven't tried taking Magnesium Citrate in a while (I have it in powder form), so I may try that and see how I react. I also tried HCL once recently and had some reflux from it, so I currently don't think that I have HCL issues, but I'm not entirely confident that this is the case--I may try more later, but I'm also really, really tired of having reflux at all.

My heart rate is still higher than I'd like it to be (last measured at a little over 70BPM a week or so ago--I think it's around there currently), but has definitely been improving (down from the mid 80s) and I think drops below 70 at times as well. This also seems to be strongly correlated with my digestion, so I've been hypothesizing that I may have been having some kind of reaction to pork (a main staple food for over a year) and possibly other things and that this was causing an adrenaline release which was bleeding my energy reserves dry and causing the back tension I have. I still have much lower energy than I'd like, but this seems to be slowly improving, especially with weight lifting.

The weight lifting has been going very well, though it feels daunting sometimes when I have low energy. The first time left my body sore for about a week (during which I didn't lift any more), but subsequent sessions have been much smoother. The results are pretty much staggering--I've done (I think) my fourth session today, and prior to this it appears that I've lost a good amount of body fat and am seeing increased muscle tone. I didn't have very much body fat (I'd say I'm probably a medium build--not really skinny or fat), but it's surprising to see it go so quickly, especially with only a few 20 minute work outs. I don't have a scale so I haven't weighed myself, so this is by my subjective observations.

I'm intrigued by the coffee experiment--I've actually never drank a cup of coffee in my life (I'm 29, by the way), but I'll probably hold off until my digestion gets a bit more in order. I looked around the local Whole Foods today to see about cream options, in the event I decide to try such an experiment, and all they had was various kinds of heavy cream, not double cream, and the heavy creams definitely felt pretty liquidy when I shook them, so I doubt they've been double centrifuged and I'm not sure that I want to get that close to milk.

I think that's pretty much everything for now :)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

The best I could find in the cream department was 48% fat content,,which still has 1.6g of protein per 100g and 3.6g of carbs. I'll give that a spin, but ideally I'd like to find higher-fat cream ... otherwise it's back to butter!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Since Foxx mentioned the sneezing, I thought I'd better toss in the fact that, during the extreme low carb to no carb period, and for awhile at the beginning of KD, I was sneezing my head off multiple times during the day. I never sneezed so much in my whole life. I would get up in the morning and start sneezing, do it about 20 times, then off and on all day long - five or six sneezes at a time, then a quiet period, and then more. Then it just sort of died down and now I sneeze occasionally as before.

Don't know what was up with that. Just another curious manifestation of something changing over in the body.
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