Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

The gradual transition from the Paleo diet to the (almost) Keto diet during the past year has, quite literally, been a transformation for me. I am a 28 year old ‘skinny’ woman with O Rh- blood. I have a moderate protein, high fat, low carb breakfast every day, bone broth in the early afternoon (which is fabulous) and a light meal in the early evening. I sometimes fast between breakfasts. We supplement our bought supplies with our own organic chicken, rabbits and eggs, which is a very rewarding and special experience.

I have less than 20g of carbs per day, which is derived from steamed leafy greens or a small salad to accompany the meat or fish. My partner appears to require higher carbs, so I simply increase his portion, though it is still well below the 60g a day maximum. I am careful to avoid high carb and allergenic vegetables. We grow many of our own and are transferring to permaculture due to its emphasis on native perennial greens. He has finally grudgingly admitted to benefitting from the diet, which is amusing, considering that I was practically dragging him along at the beginning (I am the researcher and the cook)!

I usually have 2 cups of black tea a day during the week and a cup of fatty coffee (coconut milk/ butter) at the weekends. This is accompanied by some unrefined organic chocolate as a treat (sugar and dairy free). We drink plenty of filtered rain water.

We do still eat some fruit, though I avoid very high carb varieties and the amount of fruit that we eat has reduced considerably. I enjoy this small quantity and don't appear to suffer any negative effects. My partner is adamant that he will continue to eat fruit and I won’t assume to tell him otherwise.

I now eat less and the health benefits have been immense, they include:

• Significantly reduced chronic back pain.
• Firmer, leaner, stronger body (I do resistance training 2/3 times a week as directed).
• My hair has grown a lot, thickened and is very radiant now, as are my nails - they were always weak and dull before.
• My eyes are less dry and red.
• My digestive system is regulated, with considerably less bloating, aching etc. Bowel movements are regular and unproblematic.
• I tolerate the cold much better - which is a revelation!
• My energy levels are far more stable and I don’t have cravings anywhere near as often. I will openly admit that I have allowed these cravings to overcome me on a number of occasions and paid for it. This is happening less and less, however, as I become more disciplined and in tune with my body.
• Much better sleep patterns with more vivid dreams.
• 'The Work' is progressing much more rapidly, with better emotional control, greater memory recall, faster brain function and information retention. I diligently meditate every night and do full EE once a week. My stress levels are greatly reduced and I am calmer.
• I am finally able to correctly ‘read’ the messages my body is sending me. I know immediately when I have eaten the wrong things and I am retraining myself to avoid them. I now know that I actually have a pretty severe negative reaction to gluten, and the consequences have plagued me since my mid-teens. I had normalised these effects.
• Healed heart palpitations and irregularities.
• Healthier skin.

This is not an exhaustive list and I have been lucky enough not to suffer from any terrible health problems prior to this change but it gives some indications of the immense benefits for me. All that is left for me to do is to thank everyone for their research and information; once again, you have helped me a great deal and I am grateful. I hope that sharing this will go some way towards showing that gratitude.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

lwu02eb said:
This is not an exhaustive list and I have been lucky enough not to suffer from any terrible health problems prior to this change but it gives some indications of the immense benefits for me. All that is left for me to do is to thank everyone for their research and information; once again, you have helped me a great deal and I am grateful. I hope that sharing this will go some way towards showing that gratitude.

That was very inspiring, thank you for sharing :flowers:
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

No problem at all, it's the very least I can do Psyche :)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I finally went to see a hormone specialist -- a "retired" gynecologist that only does hormones now -- about my whacked-out endocrine system, who understood my concerns about hormones and my frustration with HMOs (he has some of those himself), and ordered a raft of tests. I will have blood drawn next week, and we will get back together at the end of next month (we couldn't schedule it earlier).

I have been very cautious in my experiments with low-carb and KD, because I have peculiar issues that my HMO was unable (and unwilling) to help me with. It seems like the policy was, "if we don't understand it then just wait until it progresses into something we DO understand." Hopefully I will be able to obtain meaningful test data and counseling now, with which to guide future decisions. I encourage others here with "peculiar issues" to try to do likewise.

We met for an hour, and were able to talk at a reasonable technical level because of the research that I have been doing. He knew what tests were needed without me saying anything (40 years of clinical experience can be helpful in the right hands :)). He didn't make any of the "standard mistakes" that are so commonly reported. He also confirmed something I had thought about but not fully comprehended that my near-death encounter in early 2010 was likely caused in part by the ignorance of my HMO doctors concerning hormones. I already "knew" what he told me, but I had not made all the connections, having picked up different parts of the information at different times over a span of 6 years.

This doctor does not have significant experience with transsexuals, but he does have experience with intersex conditions. He asked questions that came too late to answer now, but that point to an explanation for my medical history that I had never considered (and which I am not going to discuss here). It seems obvious now, as I suspected even at the time, that my HMO providers knew zero about rare intersex conditions and simply labeled and treated me with something they had a procedure for (transsexual), never giving it a further thought and dismissing my questions.

I found this person by "accident." I had started with the Paleo Physician's Network website ( that I heard about from a podcast, where I found one doctor listed in my area. When I called to make an appointment, he was gone -- it turns out he had been at that clinic for advanced training in hormones, and had recently left to open his own practice. So I made an appointment with the doctor that had been training him!

One lesson here is that for someone with unusual medical concerns, using an HMO may be unwise, and may even be risking your life. I have always had access to PPO-type plans through work, but I have never understood why I might want to select one. Only when I realized that I was going to have to pay out-of-pocket for any further useful medical advice, if I stayed with my HMO, did I consider changing, and then I waited another year, not wanting to give up the "security" of the HMO that I had belonged to for 35 years.

Next task: find a primary care provider that "gets" the ketogenic diet.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Does anyone know if clotted cream is as low or lower in casein than clotted cream? In the US, it looks like the only double or clotted cream available is from the "Devon Cream Company" brand, which seems to be available in some Whole Foods stores and probably other "upscale" or specialty/gourmet grocery stores (or online). Here's their double cream and clotted cream:



The process of making the two is different and the fat content is different (min 55% for clotted vs 48% for double vs 40% for Organic Valley Heavy Whipping Cream).

A description of how clotted cream is made:

Clotted cream is made by allowing fresh, unpasteurized milk to stand for about 12 hours before gently heating it and allowing it to stand again. The cream in the milk slowly rises to the surface, forming clots that are sometimes studded with small golden dots of butterfat. This intensely rich cream is skimmed off and sold. Fresh clotted cream should be used within three to four days, although shelf stabilized and pasteurized versions are also available.

Another thing I found on clotted cream:

Cream, like milk, is an oil-in-water emulsion, containing large protein molecules held in colloidal solution. All of this is stable unless one of two things happens. When the acidity level rises (for example, during souring), the proteins in the milk curdle, producing the familiar threads of casein, the most abundant protein in milk. Secondly, boiling milk produces a degree of curdling on the surface, which is why it boils over. The vapour bubbles get trapped underneath the thin skin of curdled protein.

Clotting is a different process whereby casein combines with calcium in the presence of a protease enzyme such as rennet. The resulting mass is calcium caseinate, quite different to the thin curds of precipitated casein. A similar process happens in our stomachs during digestion. The term clotted cream of Cornish fame in the UK, refers to the heavier high fat product produced from the industrial process of cream making, rather than from the action of rennet. The cream is allowed to rise and separate overnight while being gently warmed. It has a minimum content of 55% fat, compared to 18% for single cream and 48% for double cream.

I'm not sure if this calcium caseinate result is more, less, or about as harmful as the standard milk forms of casein (or whether this site is just wrong--they don't really know much otherwise).

There's also this recipe I found for making "clotted cream", which really sounds more like a different process which leads to thicker cream (though not necessarily even technically double cream, since it's not in a centrifuge). I don't think this would reduce the casein content at all, but I'm really not sure:

2 cups pasteurized (not ultra-pasteurized) cream

Set a coffee filter basket, lined with a filter, in a strainer, over a bowl. Pour the cream almost to the top of the filter. Refrigerate for 2 hours. The whey will sink to the bottom passing through the filter leaving a ring of clotted cream. Scrape this down with a rubber spatula and repeat every couple of hours until the mass reaches the consistency of soft cream cheese.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Foxx said:
Does anyone know if clotted cream is as low or lower in casein than clotted cream?

I don't know the answer to that one, I haven't researched it. However, I would abstain myself of having ANY cream if I were you, as long as you are going through some kind of immune/neurological reaction that you are just starting to heal from.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Psyche said:
Foxx said:
Does anyone know if clotted cream is as low or lower in casein than clotted cream?

I don't know the answer to that one, I haven't researched it. However, I would abstain myself of having ANY cream if I were you, as long as you are going through some kind of immune/neurological reaction that you are just starting to heal from.

Indeed. Such experimentation should NOT be undertaken unless you are at least a year free of symptoms of whatever.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Laura said:
Psyche said:
Foxx said:
Does anyone know if clotted cream is as low or lower in casein than clotted cream?

I don't know the answer to that one, I haven't researched it. However, I would abstain myself of having ANY cream if I were you, as long as you are going through some kind of immune/neurological reaction that you are just starting to heal from.

Indeed. Such experimentation should NOT be undertaken unless you are at least a year free of symptoms of whatever.

Ok, will do. Thanks to you both!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Hey, guys!
I have been on a ketogenic/Paleo diet for a couple of months and what I have noticed is that I lost weight. Now, that wouldn't be a problem if i was overweight but I was already quite thin.
I live on the country side and my parents actually buy a pig from a grower and slaughter it. So we have plenty of lard and I do consume it.

Now what do you think would be the best way to consume it? I usually just dip the meet in a lot of fat or simmer vegetables in it or eat eags baked on it.

So, is there perhaps a more effective way of consuming fat because I don't want to lose any more weight. ;D
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Domagoj said:
Hey, guys!
I have been on a ketogenic/Paleo diet for a couple of months and what I have noticed is that I lost weight. Now, that wouldn't be a problem if i was overweight but I was already quite thin.
I live on the country side and my parents actually buy a pig from a grower and slaughter it. So we have plenty of lard and I do consume it.

Now what do you think would be the best way to consume it? I usually just dip the meet in a lot of fat or simmer vegetables in it or eat eags baked on it.

I do all of the above (with the exception that I rarely have any vegies), plus I put lard or butter on EVERYTHING I eat. I even put butter in my tea (I tried lard but I didn't like the taste so much).

Two more things are very important on the KD: bone broth and resistance exercise (you will find lots of info about those in this thread and if you use the forum's search function). I am also one of the skinnies. I gained a few pounds when I first started KD and then I lost them and some more. But now it seems that my weight is stable, and I am hoping with gaining more muscle mass from the exercise, it will start going up again.

Also, one thing I noticed was that I seem to gain weight when I have long good sleep at consecutive nights. I don't know if it's my imagination though. Did any of you notice any correlation between sleep and weight loss or gain?
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Domagoj said:
I live on the country side and my parents actually buy a pig from a grower and slaughter it. So we have plenty of lard and I do consume it.

Now what do you think would be the best way to consume it? I usually just dip the meet in a lot of fat or simmer vegetables in it or eat eags baked on it.

Along with those, I'd also suggest adding it to bone broth to make it super fatty. As well, I like frying up the back fat (which has a bit of protein in it to keep it in one piece) and it ends up being a big hunk of something kind of like bacon. I found getting enough fat from liquid fat alone was a bit challenging in terms of taste, so I eat a lot of butter now (I also may have issues with pork so I'm currently not eating it) which currently seems to work well for me and is tasty and convenient. However, when I was still eating pork I ate a lot of back fat and really enjoyed it.

Also, if you haven't read this entire thread yet I'd recommend it in order to have a more complete idea of what to do and what might be going on with you while changing over your diet.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Alana said:
Also, one thing I noticed was that I seem to gain weight when I have long good sleep at consecutive nights. I don't know if it's my imagination though. Did any of you notice any correlation between sleep and weight loss or gain?

I definitely see a loss/stabilization in visceral fat when I get proper/restful sleep. The sleep in the early morning hours of 7 to 8 am seem to have the biggest effect especially on mood. Very mysterious, sleep is. FWIW.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Also, one thing I noticed was that I seem to gain weight when I have long good sleep at consecutive nights. I don't know if it's my imagination though. Did any of you notice any correlation between sleep and weight loss or gain?

I have recently got myself a decent scale ( the old one was up to 5kg out depending how you put your weight on it) and I keep it in my bedroom/batcave
I weigh myself last thing before I go to bed and first thing I get up and I noticed I can lose up to 1.5kg (no toilet breaks) over night with 8 to 10 hours of sleep but put most of it back on during the day
I m on KD /paleo with 1 cup of coffee with doublecream/day
having reached my ideal weight 66.6 kg/176cm I am not aiming at losing any more weight but noticed that I am still losing "size''
I now joke being a geek girl trapped in the body of a super model...freakishly tall,sticky-out hip bones and no breasts to speak of ;)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

hehehe - that sound familiar rrraven!!! :lol:
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I've finally been able to read through this thread. Thank you for all of the information and contribution.

I think I need to stay away from coffee and clotted cream. I picked some CC up at the local Whole Foods and added it to my morning tea and then tried it in coffee a couple of mornings. The aching in my joints returned, not pleasant. The funny thing is, I thought I'd really enjoy both but find I'm not really interested. Old programming. I've been VLC since Aug 2011 but found I would often start craving chocolate by Friday afternoons at work. I realize I wasn't eating enough fat. I didn't know I could get back fat as well as bacon from the pork provider. I've been making cracklings and canning the lard. Man is it delicious. Now when I get home from work the first thing I want is some fat.

I'm also finding I can read the more esoteric books, my mind is clearer and my energy is off the scale on days when I do IF. My house has never been cleaner! LOL. And I'm also so much calmer and do not react like I used to, so much easier to Work with my machine.

The bone broth is amazing. I grew up with home made soups and have been making my own with grass-fed beef and lamb and occasional pork hocks since I went VLC. I just wasn't adding enough fat. Oh, and I am amazed that I LOVE liver pate. I tried making it over a year ago and it made me gag, now I truly enjoy it, with pork liver. I started with chicken for the milder taste and now it's pork all the way. Again, I don't think I was adding enough fat to the mix.

Thanks again everyone for your experiences and sharing!
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