Killary Clinton, The Donald, or Jill Stein: The US Election

luc said:
LOL no-man's-land, did you install the Drumpfinator? Because your post is surely drumpfinated :D I de-installed it actually because I couldn't reply in this thread without Drumpfinating my post. It's hilarious though to read drumpfinated articles!

Actually not. It's because the sound of the word "Drumpf" really reflects his personality better than anything else, so I just use it manually^^.

luc said:
On a more serious note, yes, the parallels with Hitler are really interesting - not so much because they have the same "spellbinding style" (they are different), but because indeed, people laugh at Trump, and he really is comical in his inconsistencies and nonsense. And so was Hitler :( There is this article from the Washington Post that speaks some truth I think:

The moment of truth: We must stop Trump

Like any number of us raised in the late 20th century, I have spent my life perplexed about exactly how Hitler could have come to power in Germany. Watching Donald Trump’s rise, I now understand. Leave aside whether a direct comparison of Trump to Hitler is accurate. That is not my point. My point rather is about how a demagogic opportunist can exploit a divided country.

To understand the rise of Hitler and the spread of Nazism, I have generally relied on the German-Jewish émigré philosopher Hannah Arendt and her arguments about the banality of evil. Somehow people can understand themselves as “just doing their job,” yet act as cogs in the wheel of a murderous machine. Arendt also offered a second answer in a small but powerful book called “Men in Dark Times.” In this book, she described all those who thought that Hitler’s rise was a terrible thing but chose “internal exile,” or staying invisible and out of the way as their strategy for coping with the situation. They knew evil was evil, but they too facilitated it, by departing from the battlefield out of a sense of hopelessness.

One can see both of these phenomena unfolding now. The first shows itself, for instance, when journalists cover every crude and cruel thing that comes out of Trump’s mouth and thereby help acculturate all of us to what we are hearing. Are they not just doing their jobs, they will ask, in covering the Republican front-runner? Have we not already been acculturated by 30 years of popular culture to offensive and inciting comments? Yes, both of these things are true. But that doesn’t mean journalists ought to be Trump’s megaphone. Perhaps we should just shut the lights out on offensiveness; turn off the mic when someone tries to shout down others; reestablish standards for what counts as a worthwhile contribution to the public debate. [Comment: Like Russia is doing in the Nanny case?] That will seem counter to journalistic norms, yes, but why not let Trump pay for his own ads when he wants to broadcast foul and incendiary ideas? He’ll still have plenty of access to freedom of expression. It is time to draw a bright line.

One spots the second experience in any number of water-cooler conversations or dinner-party dialogues. “Yes, yes, it is terrible. Can you believe it? Have you seen anything like it? Has America come to this?” “Agreed, agreed.” But when someone asks what is to be done, silence falls. Very many of us, too many of us, are starting to contemplate accepting internal exile. Or we joke about moving to Canada more seriously than usually.

But over the course of the past few months, I’ve learned something else that goes beyond Arendt’s ideas about the banality of evil and feelings of impotence in the face of danger.

Trump is rising by taking advantage of a divided country. The truth is that the vast majority of voting Americans think that Trump is unacceptable as a presidential candidate, but we are split by strong partisan ideologies and cannot coordinate a solution to stop him. Similarly, a significant part of voting Republicans think that Trump is unacceptable, but they too, thus far, have been unable to coordinate a solution. Trump is exploiting the fact that we cannot unite across our ideological divides.

The only way to stop him, then, is to achieve just that kind of coordination across party lines and across divisions within parties. We have reached that moment of truth.

The rest of the article promotes voting for Killary and so on, so I spare you that, but the parallels between Germany at the time of Hitler's rise and the US are very interesting, I think.

Well considering what the documentary of this guy revealed that was posted by Approaching Infinity here, one doesn't need that much fantasy to figure out what he's going to do if he really become president.

I guess, that would be the moment for every men with two firing neurons to leave the country before it's too late. Going into internal exile would not safe you. Sad to see that the ground is fertile and so well prepared. If Germany was just a test run and this one should become the real deal, then wow, fasten your seatbelts.
Approaching Infinity said:
Didn't see it posted so far in this thread (I might've missed it, though!), but WhoWhatWhy recently ran a series of articles posting an old documentary of Trump that never aired at the time, because Trump threatened the filmmakers. But it's been available online for a while now. It exposes Trump's shady business practices and just generally shows what kind of a guy he really is. (direct links to the 12 YT vids:

Great documentary. A textbook example of the corporate Psychopath who is called Donald Drumpf...
I read this article this morning (written last summer) suggesting that Donald Trumps whole campaign could be a false flag tailored to help Hillary. NOT saying I agree, but his freak flag keeps flying higher and higher with no temperance in sight, it made me pause for a moment. :/ (?)
One of the main reasons that I think will result in Trump not being allowed to be the next US president is that he'll put the relationship between America and it's 'allies' into jeopardy. Its safe to say most citizens of western countries are somewhat reasonably left on a lot of issues, especially in Europe. What European leaders will stand with a straight face next to Trump on a platform. David Cameron for one will be signing his own politics demise as you can bet money that Jeremy Corbyn will be vocal in condemnation. Trump will only attract extreme fringe leaders to step forward but the vast majority of populations would not want that for their respective countries. Putin/China will also run circles round Trump.

In short, there is absolutely zero chance this guy will be let into the Whitehouse. Wall street will see to that! Hillary will be let in. I think she's pure evil but she's the kind of evil they like to endorse. The world under her will be driven by further escalations of tensions and war as America struggles to reassert itself as the undisputed super power and supreme leader of the earth.
I figured to share this here because, my lard she's a liar and what she says here i find very interesting (i haven't seen the clip before). The clip is from like the 80's or something then they talk about her 'now':

Published on 3 Mar 2016

Hillary Clinton is said to owe her success in the latest Democratic primaries in part to African-American voters. A large part of her campaign is dedicated to the rights of minorities. But her past remarks are still coming back to haunt the presidential hopeful.

Super-predators’: Clinton confronted over past remarks on minorities

from the the first minute, the rest is just a news reel:

"They are often the kind of kids called Super Predators; no conscience, no empathy, we can talk about why they ended up that way but first we have to bring them to heel"

Clearly she's describing herself/her own kind. But her choice of words surprised me

Years later when confronted she said something like "You run for president then" and her press said she wouldn't say stuff like that now...
There was a German article that noted that Hillary is actually a pretty weak candidate. Bernie Sanders' rise against her shows this pretty well - and he isn't even criticizing her much. Everyone also thought that Bush is the most likely Republican candidate and that didn't happen either.

I think that at this point, the PTB may decide to "allow" a protest candidate like Trump become president and find an arrangement with him, so that it would be something like Obama 2.0 - no real change, but people will be pacified for a while.

Also, Trump just changed his tune on using torture and going after the families of terrorists. Now he says he will respect the law and the advice of his military commanders.
Yoinks! This whole thread makes me feel very ill at ease. That's probably a good thing.

Drumpf is one spooky machine, and his followers are just plain nuts. -That video where the interviewer subbed in Hitler quotes for Trump quotes was remarkable; seeing the people accommodate this when the truth of the quote source was revealed was both alarming and very recognizable. We live in a world where those people exist for real, and in large quantity.

If that apocalyptic passage from the very first C's proto-session is going to come to pass, I think the U.S. needs to take a hard turn into nutsville in order to complete the conversion to a full-on ponorized snake-eating-its-own-tail state.

From the very first transcript...

A: 94 per cent.
Q: (L) 94 per cent of what?
A: Of all population.
Q: (L) What do you mean?
A: All are containers; 94 per cent use.
Q: I don't understand.
A: Will be used. 94 percent.
Q: (L) Used for what? You mean eaten?
A: Total consumption.
Q: (L) What do you mean by consumption? Ingested?
A: Consumed for ingredients.

Hillary seems like last month's flavor; that is, evil with a side of "can still pass for human" (when you don't look too closely). I have trouble seeing a Clinton psychological paradigm able to take things to the necessary level of Nuts. -Which suggests to me that she just isn't going to be elected because she's not the correct machine part needed for planet-wide harvesting.

Trump, however, does represent the next notch up on the crazy ratchet, and I don't see how you go about organizing the U.S. into "94 per cent use" without going up to that level of insane. -Because people are needed to run the human-food cannery, and the Hillary behavioral template leaves too much expectation of a sane, moral pretense of behavior for truly barbaric acts to take place across the board. -That is, people in positions of power from airport security to class rooms to government legislatures emulating her pretense of sanity would have more difficulty shoving humans into the mulching end of the machine than they would if their heads were operating on Trump reality behavioral programming.

I certainly hope the comets fall before we get to a "Denver Airport human processing hub" kind of paradigm. Because right now, that still sounds more like purple prose and spittle-in-yer-beard talk-radio crazy than it does a possible reality you can actually touch and feel (and be processed by).

But with Trump in power, -a thing which I can actually see happening in a step-by-step manner from where we are right now, then kooksville seems like a far more plausible result.
But with Trump in power, -a thing which I can actually see happening in a step-by-step manner from where we are right now, then kooksville seems like a far more plausible result.

I can see this too. I think it does not matter a lot who gets in as all paths will likely lead us up the same creek. Also, I think it does not make a lot of difference your political perspective, as every candidate (except Johnson, IMO, for me anyway) offers some group of people a scary wake up call. Waking up is essential if one is going to get out of that canoe. Take your pick of the color and flavor, since all the candy is poison.

My question is whether or not all this is necessary for real change for the better to occur? Maybe the surviving people really will have to have seen how bad it was to entrust our governors with our welfare. Maybe when we start over, we will know better.
axj said:
There was a German article that noted that Hillary is actually a pretty weak candidate. Bernie Sanders' rise against her shows this pretty well - and he isn't even criticizing her much. Everyone also thought that Bush is the most likely Republican candidate and that didn't happen either.

I agree with the bolded statement. I've been noticing the ongoing Benghazi investigation really seems to mean to light a fire underneath Hilary. All the information about Hilary destroying Libya in the mainstream media is certainly a calculated move. I think the PTBs seem legitimately concerned she won't be able to pull off the job. Sure, she can say yes to everything and make $200k speeches, but her stint at the department of state was quite disastrous. In spite of being an out-and-out tool I think she's been given warnings she's just as expendable as the rest of the "elected" establishment.

I think that at this point, the PTB may decide to "allow" a protest candidate like Trump become president and find an arrangement with him, so that it would be something like Obama 2.0 - no real change, but people will be pacified for a while.

That is the allure of Sanders and Trump for sure. And if either of them get too out of line in office, they can simply assassinate them. Sander's supporters will blame Trump's base, and Trump supporters will probably just start committing more violence against minorities. American set against American in violence directed away from the establishment. Pretty sweet deal for some.
Now we know where Drumpf learned the way he speaks now; From Hitler himself:

Ex-Mexican president: Trump 'reminds me of Hitler'

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox, buoyed by the support in his criticism of Donald Trump, went further and told CNN the frontrunner reminds him of Adolf Hitler.

"Today, he's going to take that nation [US] back to the old days of conflict, war and everything. I mean, he reminds me of Hitler. That's the way he started speaking," Fox told CNN in a phone interview.

"He has offended Mexico, Mexicans, [and] immigrants. He has offended the Pope. He has offended the Chinese. He's offended everybody," Fox told CNN in a phone interview. Vincent Fox, 73, served as Mexico's president from 2000 to 2006.

Fox's latest remarks come just a day after he lambasted Trump's plan to make Mexico pay for a wall between the Mexico-US border.

"I'm not going to pay for that f***ing wall," Fox said in an interview with Fusion's Jorge Ramos.

Republican presidential front runner, Donald Trump bashed former Mexican President Vicente Fox Thursday on Twitter for using the "F-word" in declaring that this country would not build a wall at the U.S. border to stop illegal immigration.

FMR PRES of Mexico, Vicente Fox horribly used the F word when discussing the wall. He must apologize! If I did that there would be a uproar!

Fox told CNN he won't apologize for that remark.

It is not the first time a Hitler reference has been linked to Trump. A Vanity Fair expose from 1990 on Donald and Ivana Trump's divorce said Ivana told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that her husband kept a collection of Hitler's speeches in his bedside cabinet, and from time to time read them.

The book was My New Order, containing Hitler's speeches from his earliest days up to the Start of World War II in 1939

CNN also reported last month Anne Frank's stepsister accused Trump of "acting like another Hitler."
A Vanity Fair expose from 1990 on Donald and Ivana Trump's divorce said Ivana told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that her husband kept a collection of Hitler's speeches in his bedside cabinet, and from time to time read them.

The book was My New Order, containing Hitler's speeches from his earliest days up to the Start of World War II in 1939
Yikes! I guess he does know what he's doing then. That's a bit scary.

To me it all seemed like random idiocy, but if he's actually read how demagogues did it in the past, then the original video in this thread may not be so off-base. I had kinda thought "Donald Trump" presidency would be something like a "Kanye West" presidency - not advisable and ignorantly/stupidly narcissistic, yet not establishment and different from the way things have been. Now the ignorant part can be scratched off.
Woodsman said:
I certainly hope the comets fall before we get to a "Denver Airport human processing hub" kind of paradigm. Because right now, that still sounds more like purple prose and spittle-in-yer-beard talk-radio crazy than it does a possible reality you can actually touch and feel (and be processed by).

Cosmic wrath ending all this ponerogenic farce is a very distinct possibility. I was just watching this video where Andy Dean, former president of Trump Productions, was blabbing some anti-mulslim rant:

Then I noticed this meteor slowing blazing through the sky right above Dean's head (1:28 - 1:31) and I thought it was a pretty good summary of the whole situation. All those politicians are so infatuated in their lies, schemes, self-aggrandizement, pursuit of power and wishful thinking that they don't see any of the unmissable signs. They've no idea of what is coming up and they've even less idea of the noxious role they play in this cosmic drama.
Hi Pierre, interesting observation and interpretation of the symbolism you see there. I don't know what was being shown. I went back for a second look to see what I could find. A meteor wouldn't be ascending through the sky though. Also the light appears first around .55 and at 1:12 emerges from above his right shoulder going upward. Maybe these where 4d craft or a whole meteor shower :shock: Subliminals saying this person is a rising! who knows!
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