Killary Clinton, The Donald, or Jill Stein: The US Election

SummerLite said:
Hi Pierre, interesting observation and interpretation of the symbolism you see there. I don't know what was being shown. I went back for a second look to see what I could find. A meteor wouldn't be ascending through the sky though. Also the light appears first around 1:12 and emerges from below his right shoulder going upward. Maybe these where 4d craft :shock:

Depending on the angle of entry, and from which they're being viewed, it can appear as if meteors are ascending, even if they're not. But I think you're right, and these aren't fireballs. One passes at around 0:48, then another (lower) at around 1:10, then another at 1:22 (same angle as the first). I think they're graphics from the green screen, similar to the graphics behind Anderson Cooper. Still kind of symbolic, though!
Hi Approaching Infinity, You responded to my post before I edited it adding a few "meteors" and another comment. I didn't know about the trajectory, thanks for the clarification. Ah, the green screen, yes. It is still symbolic I agree. They did purposely select this scene though for some reason.
SummerLite said:
Hi Pierre, interesting observation and interpretation of the symbolism you see there. I don't know what was being shown. I went back for a second look to see what I could find. A meteor wouldn't be ascending through the sky though. Also the light appears first around .55 and at 1:12 emerges from above his right shoulder going upward. Maybe these where 4d craft or a whole meteor shower :shock: Subliminals saying this person is a rising! who knows!

You are right. It seems to me like some special effects in the background. I saw too much into it than there actually was.

That's a pity because I really liked this symbolism! :(
Pierre said:
SummerLite said:
Hi Pierre, interesting observation and interpretation of the symbolism you see there. I don't know what was being shown. I went back for a second look to see what I could find. A meteor wouldn't be ascending through the sky though. Also the light appears first around .55 and at 1:12 emerges from above his right shoulder going upward. Maybe these where 4d craft or a whole meteor shower :shock: Subliminals saying this person is a rising! who knows!

You are right. It seems to me like some special effects in the background. I saw too much into it than there actually was.

That's a pity because I really liked this symbolism! :(

The flip side to this is, the cosmic warnings are less prevalent, so maybe this political disaster scenario isn't going to be the deal breaker for the planet you though it was? :)
If Drumpf was going to be the next Hitler in the USA, why would main stream media be comparing him to Hitler off and on? Isn't this something the ptb would want to hide? I don't watch tv news, and have explained my work takes me into peoples home where they do

A few days ago a scene was being described (I was in another room and didn't see the tv) where Drumpf had people raise their right hand and repeat a oath that sounded similar to the Pledge of Allegiance to me. This was commonly said by school children in the past at the beginning of the school day, with their right hand over their heart, pledging allegiance to the flag. The reporter then compared this to the Hitler solute. So once again I have this question why the media would compare him to Hitler, which I've noticed here and there, if the intension is for him to be just that. Seems contradictory to me. Is it planting a seed in peoples minds? Does anyone have any thoughts or explanations on that?
Yes quite am intriguing issue - this "overt" picturing of Herr Drumpf as Fuhrer (an Erdogan too)... Maybe pushing some archetype buttons in peoples' minds... but maybe the real agenda is who will save the world from those numerous incarnations of Großer Führer/next Große Reich... Who will beat the beast(s), who will liberate the world (again????) and lead/rule/tyrannize in "centuries to come"? Which would be the another shining city on the hill? Meet the new boss, meet the old boss?

Hm, maybe that biblical Beast is just meant to be slaughtered just to present any tyrant who kill it as false savior of human kind?



SummerLite said:
If Drumpf was going to be the next Hitler in the USA, why would main stream media be comparing him to Hitler off and on? Isn't this something the ptb would want to hide? I don't watch tv news, and have explained my work takes me into peoples home where they do

I think that to the PTB it doesn't matter that much who wins the elections, because they know quite well that the Prez is not in charge! On the other hand, assuming they do want Trump to be the next one, they probably also understand the psychology of the masses quite well, and know that sometimes attacking a candidate makes him stronger. Or as they say, there is no such thing as bad publicity! When Germany witnessed the rise of Hitler, many saw him as a clown, not to be taken seriously. Yet he did get to power and made a mess out of it. So ridiculing or demonizing someone (even if they deserve it) does not necessarily mean they will find it harder to win.

Those who have been most vocal about the Hitler comparison have not been Americans, or at least not mainstream public figures, to my knowledge. Recently it was the Mexican president and another Mexican former president who made the comparison, but those two had to represent the feelings of their people, who are still resented for Trump's comments about immigrants as drug-dealers and rapists and the whole 'build a wall' business.
Now there are riots in the streets of Chicago over Trump's postponed rally:
A Jay said:
Now there are riots in the streets of Chicago over Trump's postponed rally:
Yikes! That's reminiscent of the Nazis battling the SPD and the KPD (Socialists and Communists) in the streets of German cities before Hitler became chancellor. That didn't end well.

I'm wondering if there weren't agents provocateur inserted into the Sanders supporters to get things going on order to make Hillary more appealing by painting both Trump and Sanders supporters as violent extremists.
Mr. Premise said:
A Jay said:
Now there are riots in the streets of Chicago over Trump's postponed rally:
Yikes! That's reminiscent of the Nazis battling the SPD and the KPD (Socialists and Communists) in the streets of German cities before Hitler became chancellor. That didn't end well.

I'm wondering if there weren't agents provocateur inserted into the Sanders supporters to get things going on order to make Hillary more appealing by painting both Trump and Sanders supporters as violent extremists.
I just read this (_ which lends some credence to the agents theory:

Interesting segment on CNN just now. Jeff Zeleny is explaining that at least outside the Chicago event the crowds were very diverse - ethnically, in terms of age, individuals and families - and orderly, not violent or threatening. A real cross section. Obviously inside the event things got unruly. But that seems to be a very incomplete picture of what happened.
SummerLite said:
If Drumpf was going to be the next Hitler in the USA, why would main stream media be comparing him to Hitler off and on? Isn't this something the ptb would want to hide? I don't watch tv news, and have explained my work takes me into peoples home where they do

A few days ago a scene was being described (I was in another room and didn't see the tv) where Drumpf had people raise their right hand and repeat a oath that sounded similar to the Pledge of Allegiance to me. This was commonly said by school children in the past at the beginning of the school day, with their right hand over their heart, pledging allegiance to the flag. The reporter then compared this to the Hitler solute. So once again I have this question why the media would compare him to Hitler, which I've noticed here and there, if the intension is for him to be just that. Seems contradictory to me. Is it planting a seed in peoples minds? Does anyone have any thoughts or explanations on that?

I think the seeds were planted long ago, and now it's activation time. And I think it has to do with choice.

-Getting people to actively choose to become Nazis; that's where the real power is.

Heating and cooling the American mixture over decades, adding influences, tweaking the media message, ponorizing values, bringing the grand mind-control program around to the point where people ARE Nazis, enthusiastically engaged, deliberately selecting the option with both eyes open. That's how the Dark Side wins at the war for heart and minds. It's biblical; Angels and demons winning or losing the grand metaphoric battle for souls, which in the end, isn't all that metaphorical after all.

In order to achieve this end, the media needs to every now and then drop the idea into the public bath and see if it dissolves or is rejected. It appears to be taking relatively well.

Look where we are now:

Racial slurs, nasty rhetoric and violence at Trump rallies have become commonplace against protesters, bystanders, and reporters. Assaults are committed not only by rowdy Trump fans, but by the staff he employs to keep the events safe. But rather than denounce these incidents, Trump is making them part of his brand, and uses them to rev up crowds.

"There may be somebody with tomatoes in the audience," Trump warned people at a rally in Iowa last month. "If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously. Okay? Just knock the hell -- I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees."

Trump has even threatened to personally get in on the action. "I'd like to punch him in the face, I'll tell ya," he said of a protester on Feb. 22.

Threats against reporters have become so pervasive at Trump rallies that many of those who cover the Republican front-runner seem to have a personal story. As Katy Tur, the Trump embed for NBC News, described in a Tweet, "Trump trashes press. Crowd jeers. Guy by press 'pen' looks at us & screams "you're a bitch!" Other gentleman gives cameras the double bird."

As Trump moves closer to winning the Republican nomination, the tension at his events has grown.
Mr. Premise said:
Mr. Premise said:
A Jay said:
Yikes! That's reminiscent of the Nazis battling the SPD and the KPD (Socialists and Communists) in the streets of German cities before Hitler became chancellor. That didn't end well.

I'm wondering if there weren't agents provocateur inserted into the Sanders supporters to get things going on order to make Hillary more appealing by painting both Trump and Sanders supporters as violent extremists.
I just read this (_ which lends some credence to the agents theory:

Interesting segment on CNN just now. Jeff Zeleny is explaining that at least outside the Chicago event the crowds were very diverse - ethnically, in terms of age, individuals and families - and orderly, not violent or threatening. A real cross section. Obviously inside the event things got unruly. But that seems to be a very incomplete picture of what happened.

I shudder to think of the conditions at polling stations in NOvember. It's not hard to imagine Trump's brownshirt crowds driving ethnic minorities away through assaults and intimidation. I hope a big chunk of space rock smacks that toupee clear off his orange face.
whitecoast said:
I shudder to think of the conditions at polling stations in NOvember. It's not hard to imagine Trump's brownshirt crowds driving ethnic minorities away through assaults and intimidation. I hope a big chunk of space rock smacks that toupee clear off his orange face.
I still think the comparisons of Trump to fascism and Nazism are overstated. Although polling data should be taken with caution, a February poll shows Trump receiving 10% of the black vote. This is equal or higher to that of any other Republican candidate. It is also comparable to the % of black voters favoring the Republican candidate in the pre-Obama elections. (The black vote traditionally greatly favours the democratic party, with only 10% support for the Republican nominee in pre-Obama elections. When Obama was running that fell to 4-5% support for the Republican candidate.)

One person, who may well have been an angry and racist redneck, punched a black protester at a Trump rally. This is out of a number of rallies of 10,000 to 20,000 people, so should be kept in perspective. Trump did make remarks before that attack about wanting to punch protestors. I think after a protestor was actually punched, Trump will likely tone down those remarks. If he does become the Republican nominee versus Hillary Clinton, I think he will likely shift the tone of his rhetoric and racial attacks to a more moderate one to combat Clinton.
SummerLite said:
If Drumpf was going to be the next Hitler in the USA, why would main stream media be comparing him to Hitler off and on? Isn't this something the ptb would want to hide? I don't watch tv news, and have explained my work takes me into peoples home where they do

A few days ago a scene was being described (I was in another room and didn't see the tv) where Drumpf had people raise their right hand and repeat a oath that sounded similar to the Pledge of Allegiance to me. This was commonly said by school children in the past at the beginning of the school day, with their right hand over their heart, pledging allegiance to the flag. The reporter then compared this to the Hitler solute. So once again I have this question why the media would compare him to Hitler, which I've noticed here and there, if the intension is for him to be just that. Seems contradictory to me. Is it planting a seed in peoples minds? Does anyone have any thoughts or explanations on that?

I think it's important to keep in mind the general level of ignorance of the average American citizen/voter. With the dumbed-down school system churning out barely literate graduates with little knowledge of world history or culture, even college students seem oblivious to any topic or issue outside of celebrity culture in the USA. Then combine this with over a decade's worth of persistent media brainwashing and ponerization against Muslims and you have a populace ripe for a divisive leader like Trump.

If we look at history and Hitler's rise to power, it came on the heels of the post WW1 loss in Germany, where the economy was faltering and times were hard. Hitler used the crisis to invoke nationalistic feelings amongst the downtrodden German population. Trump's "make America great again" slogan reminds me of Hitler's "fight for the freedom of the Fatherland". If the US economy tanks hard (which seems more and more likely these days), then the American populace may soon find themselves in similar dire circumstances, and will look to a man like Trump to solve all their problems while simultaneously blaming brown-skinned people for said problems.

I agree with Windmill Knight that it probably doesn't matter who among the candidates actually wins the election, as all the front runners have been more or less vetted by the PTB by now and are pretty much interchangeable. But with Trump it's different. He's such and blatant idiotic stooge, I can almost see the real PTB cackling with glee as they go out of their way to deliberately promote his similarities to Hitler, knowing full well that most people are too dumb to make the connection and understand it's implications.
Timótheos said:
He's such and blatant idiotic stooge, I can almost see the real PTB cackling with glee as they go out of their way to deliberately promote his similarities to Hitler, knowing full well that most people are too dumb to make the connection and understand it's implications.

I think most elements of the PTB are still trying to stop Trump becoming the Republican nominee. If Trump won both Ohio and Florida on March 15, he would be practically certain to obtain the number of delegates required to be the nominee. Ohio and Florida are both winner-take-all states for the numbers of delegates awarded. Kasich is polling slightly ahead of Trump in Ohio. In other words, if the PTB actually wanted Trump to become the delegate, a very simple way to ensure that would be to have Kasich withdraw from the race and let Trump win Ohio. By having Kasich stay in the race, it opens the possibility for a brokered Republican convention where they can bend the rules to select just about anyone.
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