The Cs once said 4D STS control whether the economy goes up or down... the whole thing is a sham... so if it takes the economy collapsing to get Trump in, that means that he is the elect to lead the US as mandated from those levels...
Looking at the progression of the presidency since 2000s, Hillary seems to be more the natural choice... Bush to Obama to ?... Hillary would be more a continuation, an accentuation... If Obama was Bush 2.0, she'd be Obama 2.0.... she would be able to better implement certain programmes... Trump would almost be like an anomaly on that graph of progression, a break... I don't know... in poker for example, sometimes you are in these situations where you don't know really but at each turn you must put money down to back up what you think... usually if you go all the way, more often than not, it turns out the obvious answer was the correct one i.e. if you knew you didn't have the strongest possible hand and you were hoping they were bluffing but they kept on calling and raising and when it came time to turn the cards over.. guess what? they had the strongest hand!
Hillary is packing some serious heat... Trump just has a bunch of rabid angry supporters... when it comes time to turn the cards over... it'll more than likely be shown that's all he had whilst Killary was like on a royal flush i.e. 'slam dunk fait accompli'.. she's got the supporters (liberals/feminazis/moderates... in short, she's got the centre ground on lock-down + the left), the endorsements, the money, wall street, international backing, lineage, she'll be the first woman US president... what else does she really need to win? her list is ridiculously long... what does Trump have? Angry supporters? Is that it.. he needs to add more to his list... It's like a one dimensional angry boxer going in against Floyd Mayweather... i.e. as much as you hate to admit it, you know who's going to win.