Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

Hello everyone
Pitcher plant, in french: sarracénie pourpre = sarracenia purpurea, is taken as 30CH homeopathic granules.
No side effects
Also used in India to treat diabetes and many other conditions.
Hi Channa!
Thank you for pointing out the potency recommended. I will order some S. purpurea to have it, just in case there will be any need in the future.
If others are interested I can recommend Helios Homeopathy.

Here is a link: Helios Homoeopathy
Thank you KS.
I know Alois, but what Krzysztof tolled us was never mentioned by him. Maybe it is because the reality has shifted and the outcome will bie different...
I don't know...

A reader from the future reading through another reader from the future.

If a highway navigator reads the route by mixing its software with that of another highway navigator, the car may end up lost.

Maybe her previous prediction was dangerous and now he balance it with something that discredits it as an accurate source and therefore balances the above.
If a highway navigator reads the route by mixing its software with that of another highway navigator, the car may end up lost.
Sure, it could be that his visions are (from the top of my head):
  • products of his imagination
  • attempts to reason from the facts he's aware of
  • attempts to establish some narration by him or some three-letter agencies
  • remote viewing at the target spoiled by his analytical mind, possibly "frontloaded" by some news he has read
  • remote viewing of what the target thought at that time (with the target's worldview embedded)
  • channeling with some random dead dudes
  • mix of the above
So yeah, don't bet on his visions, but better be prepared for much harder times.
So yeah, don't bet on his visions, but better be prepared for much harder times.
In fact I will never be prepared for that.

Yesterday precisely, the universe has shown me its ability to offer me something for which I was not at all prepared.

I said something like, "Don't f... ..... me!"

What did I do?

I did what I could.

And my main lesson is that you have to act.

We have to move!
Hello everyone
Pitcher plant, in french: sarracénie pourpre = sarracenia purpurea, is taken as 30CH homeopathic granules.
No side effects
Also used in India to treat diabetes and many other conditions.

It's very interesting. I've been digging around a bit more and it looks like it has many health applications:

Anticancer and Antioxidant Activities of the Root Extract of the Carnivorous Pitcher Plant Sarracenia purpurea

In conclusion, we evaluated the TPC, TFC, cytotoxicity, and antioxidant activities of different parts of S. purpurea extracts by using methanol, ethanol, acetone, and distilled water. The cytotoxic effects of S. purpurea-root-acetone on the survival, apoptosis, proliferation, and migration of 4T1 cells were examined. We also determined the ingredients in S. purpurea-root-acetone by GC–MS. These results might indicate the pharmacological potentials of S. purpurea for further clinical anticancer chemotherapies.

Anti-herpes virus activity of the carnivorous botanical, Sarracenia purpurea

Our previous studies demonstrated that S. purpurea extracts could inhibit the accumulation of HSV-1 proteins suggesting an inhibition of viral replication.

And here's a very interesting article about plant-based remedies used in pandemics:

Pandemics and Traditional Plant-Based Remedies. A Historical-Botanical Review in the Era of COVID19

Beyond plant-based vaccines, molecular farming through plants, usually by transient expression of target proteins, can also be deployed to produce diagnostic reagents, as well as antibodies and antiviral proteins for therapeutic use. The Italian biotechnology company Diamante is generating antigens, to use in ELISA tests (serological), based on a SARS-CoV-2 protein also in tobacco plants (Capell et al., 2020). Another EU consortium, Pharma-Factory is also developing plant-based platforms to produce medical, veterinary and diagnostic products, for dealing with COVID19 and also other diseases.

It's very interesting, even more so in light of what has been discussed about proteins as antennas.
It's very interesting. I've been digging around a bit more and it looks like it has many health applications:

Anticancer and Antioxidant Activities of the Root Extract of the Carnivorous Pitcher Plant Sarracenia purpurea

Anti-herpes virus activity of the carnivorous botanical, Sarracenia purpurea

And here's a very interesting article about plant-based remedies used in pandemics:

Pandemics and Traditional Plant-Based Remedies. A Historical-Botanical Review in the Era of COVID19

It's very interesting, even more so in light of what has been discussed about proteins as antennas.

Since people were talking about the homeopathic form of Sarricenia, I took a look in an old Materia Medica written by Dr. John Henry Clarke first published in 1900. The entire book is available online here: Main page - A DICTIONARY OF PRACTICAL MATERIA MEDICA By John Henry CLARKE, M.D. Presented by Médi-T ®

Sure enough, there's an entry for Sarracenia (Sarracenia purpurea). From the intro:
The use of the Pitcher Plant in small-pox is a discovery of the Indians of North America, the spotted appearance of the plant probably suggesting a resemblance to the disease. Hale has collected much confirmatory evidence of its power to antidote the small-pox poison. A proving by T. C. Duncan, Thomas, and others brought out symptoms of fever, backache, headache, and gastric disturbance. Hering quotes these instances of its action: (1) A woman far advanced in pregnancy was cured of small-pox with Sarr. 3, 6, and 9, delivery being happily accomplished during her convalescence, the infant bearing on its body numerous red blotches, indicating that it had been affected with the disease. (2) An infant a few months old was attacked with a grave form of small-pox, with variolous angina so severe that it was with difficulty it could take the breast; the mother took Sarr. 3, 6, and 9, and continued to nurse the infant, which promptly recovered, the mother not taking the disease. (3) In an epidemic occurring in the environs of Wavre, Sarr. was given to two thousand persons living in the very middle of the disease and coming in constant intercourse with it, but all who took Sarr. escaped; during the same epidemic two hundred cases were treated with Sarr. without a death. Bilden, who used the 1x tincture in an epidemic with success, concludes that Sarr. is to small-pox what Gels. is to bilious fever. Hale quotes Surgeon-Major C. G. Logie's (allopath) account of his experience with Sarr. (decoction probably) in small-pox: "Four of the cases in my hospital have been severe confluent cases. They have throughout the disease all been perfectly sensible, have had excellent appetites, been free from pain, and have never felt weak. The effects of this medicine, which I have carefully watched, seemed to arrest the development of the pustules, killing, as it were, the virus from within, thereby changing the character of the disease and doing away with pitting."

So they were using homeopathic Sarrecenia to deal with some manifestations of smallpox and even using it prophylactically. But keep in mind that homeopathy is all about matching the symptoms of the disease as they manifest in the individual. One person suffering smallpox may be helped by Sarracenia while another may need an entirely different remedy. Think of it like a flu that hits an entire family. One member may be exhausted laid up in bed while another may be perfectly functional but have a severe cough and yet another have mostly digestive symptoms - same disease, different manifestation. Those people would likely all need different remedies to cure.

Clarke says:
Relations.... Compare: In small-pox, Ant. t., Merc., Vaccin., Variol., Maland. In bone pains, Eup. perf.
Those other remedies, in order are Antimonium tartaricum, Mercurius solubilis, Vaccininum, Variolinum (this is a nosode made from the disease material of smallpox), Malandrinum (this nosode is from the disease in horses referred to as "Grease") and Eupatorium perfoliatum. In other words, all 7 of these remedies were used at some point to deal with smallpox, but it all depended on the symptoms that manifested in the individual.

But this brings up the idea of homeoprophylaxis - taking a remedy to protect against an epidemic. There are many instances in the homeopathic literature of successfully inoculating populations against diseases that were ravaging particular areas, one of the most famous being Hahnemann himself protecting against an outbreak of Scarlett fever using Belladonna. The way homeopaths do this is by looking at the common symptoms of the disease and repertorizing to find the best suited remedy, and/or by looking at the remedy that has most frequently affected cure within the population. This remedy is referred to as the genus epidemicus. Homeopaths around the world were communicating at the height of the Covid pandemic, for instance, to find the genus epidemicus for Covid in an attempt to protect populations not yet infected.

Often, when the specific genus epidemicus is unknown for a disease, homeopaths will resort to using the nosode for the disease; in other words, a potentized version of the disease material itself (in the case of smallpox, they take material that comes out of the vesicles, dilute and potentize it). From this page:
More recently, another method of Homeoprophylaxis has been widely used, involving the use of nosodes – remedies derived from diseased tissue. Nosodes represent the generic appearance of the acute condition, not allowing for individual variation, and are useful in the early stages of an outbreak before the G. E. has been identified.
This is akin to vaccinating, except that using the homeopathic version instead of physical material, it's introducing the information pattern of the disease rather than the crude material (attenuated virus, etc.) and is therefore much safer.

Homeoprophylaxis is like a way of educating the immune system for something it might encounter in the future. A lot of people will take Influenzinum every year as a means of protecting against the flu, for example. But until the disease is actually present and developing symptoms in the population, it's shooting in the dark. It may be beneficial to take Sarracenia or Variolinum prophylactically, and it's highly unlikely it would hurt anything to do so, but a better course of action would be to wait for more information, IMO.
Hello everyone,
Regarding smallpox, several ideas to share:
-I haven't yet ordered a homeopathic remedy, smallpox has been indicated to us by the Cs, but is not yet topical (fortunately).
-There are several remedies indicated for this disease; you will have to choose.
-There are different dilutions, depending on whether the remedy is used "to prevent", "at the onset of", "in the middle of" or "after" the illness.
-There's also the personality of the patient: child, adult in good health or not, etc., as well as the person's character.
For example, someone suffering from rheumatism will take remedy "x" if they feel better by moving around, and someone else will take remedy "y" if they feel better by moving around as little as possible.

I'm not a doctor, not at all, but I've been in contact with and treated by homeopathy and worked with a homeopath in Belgium for several years.
Now I'm in France, in a town where there are no doctors or homeopaths taking on new patients. So I have to manage on my own, which isn't easy.
That's why I've started a 'diseases' folder/directory where, for each disease (and there are a lot), I'm looking for homeopathic, gemmotherapy, traditional medicine and other remedies.

For smallpox, I'm reading a whole series of texts on the subject to find all the remedies and dilutions that relate to it.

We could group the remedies together and ask the Cs for their opinion.
What do you think?
Hello everyone,
Regarding smallpox, several ideas to share:
-I haven't yet ordered a homeopathic remedy, smallpox has been indicated to us by the Cs, but is not yet topical (fortunately).
-There are several remedies indicated for this disease; you will have to choose.
-There are different dilutions, depending on whether the remedy is used "to prevent", "at the onset of", "in the middle of" or "after" the illness.
-There's also the personality of the patient: child, adult in good health or not, etc., as well as the person's character.
For example, someone suffering from rheumatism will take remedy "x" if they feel better by moving around, and someone else will take remedy "y" if they feel better by moving around as little as possible.

I'm not a doctor, not at all, but I've been in contact with and treated by homeopathy and worked with a homeopath in Belgium for several years.
Now I'm in France, in a town where there are no doctors or homeopaths taking on new patients. So I have to manage on my own, which isn't easy.
That's why I've started a 'diseases' folder/directory where, for each disease (and there are a lot), I'm looking for homeopathic, gemmotherapy, traditional medicine and other remedies.

For smallpox, I'm reading a whole series of texts on the subject to find all the remedies and dilutions that relate to it.

We could group the remedies together and ask the Cs for their opinion.
What do you think?
Very good idea. That would be very useful !
Thank you for the recommendation Odin. Have you ordered any yet?. I'm quite confused on what sizes and their choices on the 1st line of ordering.
Hi Tuatha de Danaan,

Yes, I have made an order.

In the first line, I chose "Granules"(sucrose). The granules are small white circular pieces that you place under your tongue and just let them gently disintegrate. Since I first started using homeopathic remedies I got the granules so I am used to it. Maybe some other option is better for you.

On the second line, size, I normally order 28 grams. That is enough to last for several years, at least for me.

For potency, I went for the 30c after Channa's post. Normally I use 1M(stronger).

I have a strong interest in homeopathy but my recommendations are only based on my personal experiences and I am not a homeopath.

I hope you find what is best for you Tuatha :)
Hi Tuatha de Danaan,

Yes, I have made an order.

In the first line, I chose "Granules"(sucrose). The granules are small white circular pieces that you place under your tongue and just let them gently disintegrate. Since I first started using homeopathic remedies I got the granules so I am used to it. Maybe some other option is better for you.

On the second line, size, I normally order 28 grams. That is enough to last for several years, at least for me.

For potency, I went for the 30c after Channa's post. Normally I use 1M(stronger).

I have a strong interest in homeopathy but my recommendations are only based on my personal experiences and I am not a homeopath.

I hope you find what is best for you Tuatha :)
Went to their site and they give only two options, one for the EU and one for Ireland only.
Can we order to the US or Canada?
We could group the remedies together and ask the Cs for their opinion.
What do you think?

I think it would be a better idea to wait for an epidemic to actually start manifesting and then we network about it here on the forum, collecting reported symptoms, looking at what homeopaths are reporting (who may even be coming up with the genus epidemicus), and networking to find the answer ourselves. The C's don't often give answers to us if it's something we could figure out ourselves.

I had a look in the Complete Repertory by Roger Zandvoort to see what remedies are listed for smallpox. Under Skin, Eruptions, smallpox, variola there are 106 remedies listed. That means that, with no other information, you have a 1 in 106 chance of picking an effective remedy, and that's assuming that list is complete (it's likely not).

If people are really worried about it, one could take the Variolinum remedy in a 30C as a prophylactic (see my previous post on homeoprophylaxis); that's the nosode for smallpox (if you're a sensitive person who tends to react to medicines or the environment, go lower potency, like a 6C or 12C). But keep in mind that this is taking action on very little information. The C's said the coming plague would "similar to primitive smallpox," not that it would be smallpox, so it's unknown whether any remedies used in previous smallpox epidemics would be effective against a recombined virus. But since homeopathy is quite safe, taking this action is relatively low risk. Worst case scenario would probably be feeling lousy for a few days after taking it (and that's only likely to happen in very sensitive individuals).

Having Sarracenia purpurea on hand in it's herbal tincture form (not homeopathic) makes a lot more sense as a precaution, simply because its mechanism of action is broad spectrum and it's likely effective against multiple viruses. That way, in the unlikely event that you're affected by this new virus in the early days, you'd have something on-hand that could be effective, rather than relying on a 1 in 106 chance (at least) you happen to have the right remedy for it.

Homeopathy is very effective, but it's difficult to practice. It requires a completely different way of looking at disease and healing than we're used to. It's not at all like using pharmaceuticals or even herbal remedies, where there's a cause-and-effect mechanism of action that works the same on almost everyone who takes it. I say again, taking action at this point with a homeopathic remedy is really shooting in the dark, and not likely to work.
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