Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

I'm actually getting worried for him. Talking about the political situation, an imminent World War 3 or life after death is one thing, but seeing the real power structure existing on a different level of existence that is trying to replace humans...
There were enough attacks directed at him even with what he was saying until now, I hope it won't get worse than it already is. 🙁
Yes, maybe yes.

It depends on how they believe their predictions can affect their desired timeline.

Dangerous times for everyone...

Well, they have always been dangerous for some millennium or another.
MERCI KS, encore une fois, c'est très intéressant de voir comme les informations des Cassiopéens et les visions de ce voyant se recoupent...

THANK YOU KS, once again, it's very interesting to see how the information from the Cassiopaeans and the visions of this clairvoyant overlap...
(...) This reminds me of something like this. People held captive in a large building. A group... Some group will run into a large building where there are a lot of people. These people... This group will terrorize these people. They will keep them in a large public building. Maybe it will be a store. Perhaps it will be a shopping mall. I can't say where it will take place. But this will be talked about because this group will hold these people for quite a long time.
Just maybe what he saw could be related to this:

After reports emerged starting Wednesday and Thursday that Israeli tanks had pushed to the center of Gaza City, Palestinian officials have said tanks have drawn close to and have surrounded key hospitals where thousands of Palestinians are taking shelter as wounded patients are receiving treatment...Civilians waiving white flags have been trapped, in at least one instance coming under fire while trying to escape. Gazan authorities say the Israel's military is firing on them, while Israel claims Hamas is shooting its own people to keep them as "human shields"...Al Jazeera, which has correspondents on the ground, says that tanks are within a mere hundreds of meters of some of the hospitals in question: "Using tanks and armored vehicles, they have closed a roughly 100-metre perimeter around these hospitals, still sheltering thousands of wounded and displaced people,"
Nothing new and unexpected in the latest livestream.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this kind of thing reminds me of something. Blood samples will start to say that something health-threatening is starting to happen in the world and that it can be detected in blood samples. Perhaps, although I am afraid that this may now be my suggestion, a situation may arise in which it will be said that, for example, there is a virus that when a person gets it, it does some things in blood. But explaining it this way will be cheating. So we will be able to test something in the blood and there will be more and more symptoms, but we will be given a certain narrative that it is for such and such a reason, that let's say it is some virus that is not so spectacular externally, but does changes in blood.

People will start testing their blood. And that will be fraud. This symptom will occur for a different reason, it will be diagnosed, and the media will tell us about a completely different reason, a different cause. This kind of fraud reminds me of.

[Netanyahu] Ladies and Gentlemen, at the moment the situation in the Middle East, in the Gaza Strip, is such that the media informs us very little about what is happening there. In fact, you can get the impression that what happened there, there is silence at the moment. This is not the case. I think of a strange thing, I think of bulldozers in the Gaza zone, bulldozers and people being completely expelled, but Israel will also start a second war.

A second war with perhaps Lebanon, perhaps Palestine [???]. The second front will begin and entry into the territory of a foreign country will begin. Later this year, in these two months of this year, a war will break out in the Middle East, and it will be a full-blown war. So we can say that what Israel is doing now is the beginning of a full-scale war that will begin to affect another country.

The United States is ready to attack. Absolutely, what is happening on the part of the United States, i.e. the security situation in relation to Israel, what America has sent to the Mediterranean Sea, is not only about securing Israel. In my opinion, what is happening there is related to a future attack by the United States and Israel. There is a serious war brewing there and this war, in my opinion, may take place very quickly, start very quickly.

This is not just a Gaza issue. What will happen in the Middle East will cause a crisis next year, a deep crisis in Europe. Such a crisis that Europe will make very serious cuts, which will also affect Poland.

From Europe, 3, maybe 4 European countries will take part in what will happen in the future in the Middle East. In a later stage, it will not be the Middle East that will fight, that it will not only be a matter of the Middle East, but the Middle East will become the arena of fighting, in a sense, for Russia and China. United States, Israel.

Europe seems very gray to me. The way I associate Europe is that there will even be a problem with electricity. That there are certain things that when the war in Ukraine started, we were scared, that there might be a problem with electricity, there might be a problem with certain things, raw materials. I have the feeling that it will only come now, it will only start now and two things will overlap.

(...) Perhaps the refugees will start making some revolutions, some massive attacks, and people will get sick and die. And this will not be some sort of incitement, it will be a fact. I have a very bad feeling about this. I'm sorry that I have to tell you this, but I see it this way and I have very bad associations with 2024.

Maybe someone could forward him some material, if there is any translated to Polish, of the C's stuff relating to the hyperdimensional nature of UFOs/4D beings and such things.
I've tried to contact him via e-mail a couple of times but without luck. Had some ideas about what else he could focus on, not only politics... For example, use some events that we know will happen as time markers (as remote viewers often do). Jackowski seems to be very busy, I highly doubt that he reads books, and probably has some mental block concerning Putin and co. to consider some ideas presented here. Too bad, with his abilities, he could be Polish John McMoneagle or Ingo Swann.
I've tried to contact him via e-mail a couple of times but without luck. Had some ideas about what else he could focus on, not only politics... For example, use some events that we know will happen as time markers (as remote viewers often do). Jackowski seems to be very busy, I highly doubt that he reads books, and probably has some mental block concerning Putin and co. to consider some ideas presented here. Too bad, with his abilities, he could be Polish John McMoneagle or Ingo Swann.
Oh our beloved Regime Wizard
I think you greatly overestimate his abilities, while he may be right here and there his credibility is rather poor and intentions not entirely sto, as someone said at the beginning of this thread most of us on this forum can perform this level of future telling.
You are probably right about his mental blocks, and i think there is more of them than just putin, and due to not having clear unaligned with any idea and outcome mind his predictions come out stained by his wishes and expectation.
What clairvoiance is worth if you didn't do the work on yourself first?
There is always an aspect of reneging on our own personal responsibility in hanging on the words of soothsayers, psychics, experts, astrologers and pundits; an aspect of violating our own free will by leaning on others if we don’t think and sense for ourselves…
Thank you KS! Very gentle for doing this for the forum. It is appreciated.

I think what is happening in Gaza is worst then we know. And that's why there is a blackout on Gaza, Bibi do not want nobody to see what they did and are doing.

A war very soon? But please, not before the arrival of the Santa Cometa! 😊
I'm not living in my hometown anymore, but a friend who lives there sent me a photo today morning. I don't remember auroras at any point in my life when I lived there. Somehow, I feel some significance of that dream, so I thought I'd mention that, even though red auroras were seen all over the world yesterday. The overall feeling of that dream was that something was ending. World, order, some cosmic epoch.
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Since the UK is further north than Poland, we do get to experience the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis from time to time, although they seldom come so far south as Stonehenge in southern England.​

Northern lights dazzle in brief appearance over Stonehenge​

Aurora borealis lights up much of UK and Ireland, from Orkney and Donegal to southern England

The northern lights over Stonehenge in Wiltshire on Saturday evening (4th November). This image consists of two photos, a 16-second exposure of the sky and a two-minute exposure of the foreground, merged together. Photograph: Nick Bull/

As to seeing red auroras in the sky in your dream and feeling that "the end of the reality that I knew was near", I am reminded that a strange red light or glow in the sky was seen and reported all over Europe and much of the Northern Hemisphere in January 1938, almost on the eve of the Second World War, which many, including Adolf Hitler, took as an omen for good or bad (the aurora may have even encouraged him to annex Austria, the country of his birth, thus taking the first step on the way to world war). Quoting from Wikipedia:

The 25–26 January 1938 geomagnetic storm (also titled the Fátima Storm*) was a massive solar storm which occurred 16–26 January with peak activity on 22, 25, and 26 January and was part of the 17th solar cycle. As the electrification of Europe and North America was still in its infancy, the light storm could be seen brilliantly. The intensely bright arches of crimson light with shifting spectrum of green, blue-white, and red radiated from a brilliant auroral crown near the zenith instead of appearing as usual in parallel lines. This aurora is believed by many people, especially those of the Catholic faith, to be related to the Fátima Prophecies (explained below).

On January 25–26, 1938, the sky was lit up with an aurora borealis light storm, seen all across the world. The storm was identical to other storm-induced, low-latitude aurora borealis. The great aurora that was witnessed across Europe, the Americas, and Oceania had not been seen/documented in Europe since 1709, and in the Americas since 1888. The storm was remarkable primarily because of how far and wide it was observed, and for the brightness of its green strip lights and red glow, which led many to believe the cause was a fire. Reports collected at the time show that the aurora was witnessed in the far north of Canada, and spread as far south as Southern California and on Bermuda in the North Atlantic off of the Carolinas. In Europe, the aurora was seen in Northern Scotland, East Austria, in southern Sicily, Gibraltar, and Portugal.

*The Fatima Storm

The January 25–26 geomagnetic storm of 1938 is alleged by some Roman Catholics to have fulfilled a prophecy by the Carmelite nun, Sister Lúcia Santos. Twenty-one years prior, Lúcia and her two cousins had allegedly experienced Marian apparitions, events now known as Our Lady of Fátima. The children had heard Mary give them three secrets, to be revealed later. The second secret had to do with the beginning of World War II: "When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that he is about to punish the world for its crimes..." Lucia wrote that the aurora borealis that took place on this night fulfilled the prophecy, insisting that it was not a natural phenomenon. Some Catholic organizations such as the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fátima take the position that the storm was of supernatural origin, though it is important to note that January 1938 was only eight months after the last solar maximum in April 1937, and it takes six years for solar activity to go from maximum back to minimum. Some Catholics have also asserted that the aurora borealis was indeed a natural phenomenon, and that the prophecy of the "unknown light" is still to come.

The Second World War would, of course, break out in September 1939 with the invasion of Poland and in many ways it spelt the end of the old world order based on the European empires. Who knows, you might find some elderly relatives or associates who may remember the strange red glow in the sky of January 1938, which many took as a harbinger of doom. My father certainly remembered it, as we discussed it not long before he died. He was 11 years old at the time.
A pretty weird session he had yesterday. Feels like a space virus that C's told us about, but for Jackowski, it's a microbe, from Antarctica... Short transcript from the session, cutting most of his digressions out:

[von der Leyen] Overwhelming. It will look like the plague. For this plague, there will be no remedy, no possibility, no rescue. The situation will be one big helplessness.

And one more strange thing. Europe as the European Union will still be this Union, but I have the feeling that there will be three cantons of this European Union. (...) One will be managed by the Germans, the second will be managed by, say, the French and Italians, the third... I don't know who will be in charge, but...

(...) I cannot understand this atmosphere. I associate the atmosphere of such hopelessness. (...) Something will happen that there will be no solution for, you will only be able to control the situation, but there will be no solution for it. But this is not a war in Europe.

People will be able to take something. It will either be in liquid form or in something else, but if you take something, it won't be a solution anyway. I don't understand this hopelessness.

This is strange, because there are internal preparations and regulations for this. As if they knew it was coming. But what will come, I associate it more with the idea that it will come from nature. Only this will be very dangerous.

It will come from the world.

[Lavrov] (...) Rejection. I have the impression that something, some Russian proposal, was rejected. Maybe the media doesn't report it, maybe the media doesn't know about it. The proposal was rejected.

I'm afraid this isn't a suggestion, but after this vision, I have the impression that he's afraid of biological warfare. Something very big is threatening us from nature, but perhaps it will not be created by nature itself...

[Putin] Holding Lavrov and holding Putin, I have the impression that they are afraid (...) that something will start happening in the world, it will not be a typical war, but it will be much more dangerous than a war.

It is black, with thorns like a reef... It will be described as black, it will be called black with thorns like that. Let's say it will be a microscopic creature.

(...) I will come back to Putin and tell you something, because I didn't want to. Such a snapshot, maybe completely nonsense. But I have the feeling that he... It reminded me that something that is in Antarctica, literally that's what I associated it with, will be transported to a place where it's hot, warm. And that's where it will start. Instantly. (...) Something will be taken from Antarctica and released in a warm country, where it is hot and warm. That's strange. But since it came to mind, I should tell you about it.

Ladies and Gentlemen. Before this broadcast, when I was preparing for this broadcast, I felt something strange. Not the first time. She's been bothering me for some time. (...) Something awaits us over which we will have absolutely no influence. When this happens, we will quickly realize that we have absolutely no influence on it. (...) Whatever happens, no one will have any doubts here. That's the terrible difference. And it's getting closer. This will be the main problem.

The most interesting thing is Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen, who feels that preparations for this are already underway.

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