Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

Feels like a space virus that C's told us about, but for Jackowski, it's a microbe, from Antarctica...
Session 13 March 2021
Q: (Chu) But the same is said about the stomach bugs for children because of schools being under lockdown. But what does that mean later for general immunity. If you keep people locked down, they're gonna be more vulnerable when the lockdown ends.
A: General immunity will fail.

Q: (L) In other words, people really need to get herd immunity by interacting with one another on an ongoing basis?
A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) And we have herd immunity that fails soon before a real pandemic...
(L) So if we have failed herd immunity to what's already out there and developing and mutating all the time, then something could come along and REALLY do a job...
A: Yes. Especially if the pathogen comes from outer space and is distributed globally in the very air everyone breathes.

Q: (L) Okay, so in other words... Now that makes me wonder... Is it possible that that's a planned effect? Weakening humanity by all of this virus pandemic nonsense is setting them up for a major decimation or wipeout event by a virus sent from outer space in some manner?
A: Yes
Session 23 April 2022
(Gaby) In a prior session, they were saying it was not mostly the US experiments that were a threat to humanity, but instead a space virus. So, if that's the case, in theory if there's a 4th density STS virus coming up, will it be a DNA or an RNA virus?

Q: (Gaby) And what kind of disease will it produce?
A: Most likely to be similar to primitive smallpox.

Q: (Pierre) Primitive smallpox is nasty. It's a descendant of the Black Death.
(L) I think we decided that primitive smallpox was the Black Death.
(Gaby) Smallpox is a DNA virus. So if this is an RNA virus, it could be nastier I suppose.
(Pierre) With 79% death rate, it's nasty.

(Joe) What kind of treatments would be effective against such a critter?
A: Vit C and oxygen.
Session 24 June 2022
(Pierre) They dance in an organized way. In a previous session, the C's said no need for a space virus for Plague 2.0 - recombination will do the job. I'm paraphrasing. In a subsequent session, they said 'space virus'. So, it's not mutually exclusive.

(L) No need - recombination will do it, but...

(Joe) Recombination WITH the space virus?
A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Oh yeah.

(Joe) So a space virus that isn't necessarily that bad, but because of the recombination as a result of the mass vaccination program, it makes it worse basically.
Session 21 November 2015
Q: (L) So, in some cases it might be. This Brownstein book says that iodine is an excellent antibiotic for all kinds of organisms including bacteria, tuberculosis, fungi, yeasts, molds, and viruses; that it has no side effects like pharmaceutical antibiotics, and there is no development of resistance against it. Apparently the only reason this is not being talked about is because they can’t patent it and make money. Well, of course, they want human beings weak and suffering: transmarginal inhibition and all that. People are more easily broken psychologically if they are sick or infected with something. So, let me ask you: Could iodine combat AIDS?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Ebola?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Plague?
A: Yes.

Q: (Galatea) Chicken Pox?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Measles?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, why the hell didn't you tell us about this before?! [laughter]

A: Would you have believed it? Also, it is a very good thing that you have gone through various programs already or you would have been one of those that takes years to normalize and you would have lost heart and quit too soon.
Session 13 February 2011
Q: (Galaxia) Will colloidal silver help us fight the plague?
A: Not alone, but very helpful.

Q: (Galaxia) Will our dietary changes help us fight it off?
A: Enormously!!! Especially fat consumption for cell protection.
Get ready for the end/beginning of the world party!
It is black, with thorns like a reef... It will be described as black, it will be called black with thorns like that. Let's say it will be a microscopic creature.

(...) I will come back to Putin and tell you something, because I didn't want to. Such a snapshot, maybe completely nonsense. But I have the feeling that he... It reminded me that something that is in Antarctica, literally that's what I associated it with, will be transported to a place where it's hot, warm. And that's where it will start. Instantly. (...) Something will be taken from Antarctica and released in a warm country, where it is hot and warm. That's strange. But since it came to mind, I should tell you about it.

Sounds like the "X-Files"?
Sounds like the "X-Files"?
Yeah, I'm trying to monitor what the remote viewers on the internet are presenting, and he seems to be alone in his visions of the next, real pandemic. Even though remote viewers are working on targets, sometimes some big events distract them with importance. Hope he's wrong on that one.
I guess nicotine will be very important. I share 2 new links for consideration:


Black Plague Left a Genetic Imprint in Four Genes in Europeans: Specific Genetic Variants Found in Survivors Indicate Plague Deaths Involved Metal-Based "Medical" Treatments
Was the Black Plague fatality rate just survival of the infection? There's a bit of a surprise in the responses of ERAP1/ERAP2 and two other genes to certain metals...
(Gaby) In a prior session, they were saying it was not mostly the US experiments that were a threat to humanity, but instead a space virus. So, if that's the case, in theory if there's a 4th density STS virus coming up, will it be a DNA or an RNA virus?

Q: (Gaby) And what kind of disease will it produce?
A: Most likely to be similar to primitive smallpox.

Q: (Pierre) Primitive smallpox is nasty. It's a descendant of the Black Death.
(L) I think we decided that primitive smallpox was the Black Death.
(Gaby) Smallpox is a DNA virus. So if this is an RNA virus, it could be nastier I suppose.
(Pierre) With 79% death rate, it's nasty.

(Joe) What kind of treatments would be effective against such a critter?
A: Vit C and oxygen.

On that note, I found an article about a study that shared the benefits of S. purpurea extracts against Poxviridae:

Rediscovered Native American remedy kills poxvirus

In this study, we demonstrated that S. purpurea extracts were able to effectively inhibit viral replication and the viral-induced cytopathic effects of various Orthopoxviruses. The data supports that S. purpurea effectively inhibited MPXV and VARV replication similarly to VACV, and points to the relevance of using VACV as a model of the more virulent MPXV and VARV. At doses where virus replication was inhibited, little to no cellular toxicity was observed.

[...] In regards to broad-spectrum antiviral activity, the data supports that the antiviral activity associated with S. purpurea was at least partially specific to poxviruses in comparison to other non-related viruses tested. Since S. purpurea treated cells were still able to support the replication of other virus families, it further supports that S. purpurea treatment does not disrupt the intracellular environment of the cell. For VACV, a single treatment was fairly effective at preventing viral replication, but partial replication soon recovered, likely due to a breakdown or utilization of the active component(s) within the extract. However, treating the cells with fresh S. purpurea every six hours completely abolished the replication of VACV.

In Vitro Characterization of a Nineteenth-Century Therapy for Smallpox


During the 1800's, patients were treated with S. purpurea after the symptoms for smallpox had already appeared and as a preventive during epidemics. Historical reports stated that “the effects were so…speedy and beneficial as to leave no doubt that they were due to the Sarracenia [8]. “The disease continued very severe until (S. purpurea) was administered, and became entirely changed in its severity after the administration…, the effect being due to (S. purpurea) alone” [1]. In this study, we demonstrated that S. purpurea extracts were able to effectively inhibit viral replication and the viral-induced cytopathic effects of various Orthopoxviruses. The data supports that S. purpurea effectively inhibited MPXV and VARV replication similarly to VACV, and points to the relevance of using VACV as a model of the more virulent MPXV and VARV. At doses where virus replication was inhibited, little to no cellular toxicity was observed.

In regards to broad-spectrum antiviral activity, the data supports that the antiviral activity associated with S. purpurea was at least partially specific to poxviruses in comparison to other non-related viruses tested. Since S. purpurea treated cells were still able to support the replication of other virus families, it further supports that S. purpurea treatment does not disrupt the intracellular environment of the cell. For VACV, a single treatment was fairly effective at preventing viral replication, but partial replication soon recovered, likely due to a breakdown or utilization of the active component(s) within the extract. However, treating the cells with fresh S. purpurea every six hours completely abolished the replication of VACV. This correlates well with how patients were treated in the past where the treatment regime involved taking 4–6 doses of the extract per day [11]. Our data supports that extracts of S. purpurea effectively inhibit the replication of VACV, MPXV and VARV in vitro. This activity toward Orthopoxviruses is consistent with the historical reports of S. purpurea as a therapy against smallpox infections. The goal of this study was to characterize anti-poxvirus activity of S. purpurea extracts in order to verify and evaluate the botanical material under similar preparation methods as that done historically in the 1800's. Collectively, the data suggests that S. purpurea targets early viral transcription leading to an inhibition in viral replication.
KS what a strange session. Sometimes I hear his session, as I told you, I like to listen to him even if I don't understand a word. And if I have time I checked the comments, I use DeepL and see what people say. It is very interesting.

Thank you for the translation KS! You are so gentle.
On a recent livestream, he focused on Alois Irlmaier, who is probably known by German forum members here. It's a German clairvoyant known for the famous "Three days of darkness" prediction that is yet to happen (or not).

(...) He was an abrupt and choleric man. He didn't like contact with people at unnecessary times. There were moments when he liked talking to people, he liked being surrounded by people, but he could also change suddenly, stop everything and prefer to be alone. Such a choleric.

I have to say it, even though it makes absolutely no sense. There's a horse standing there and he says something about the smell of horse dung. I don't know, it makes no sense, but I'm telling you this. This is not full contact with him. These are some snippets.

The feeling comes from him: "there's a cry coming." “Cry for the planet.” It's as if there was an attack on people. On units. But this will cause a great war. It reminded me of some water splitting. And he says, as if to advise, that if the worst thing happens, "soak a white cloth and cover yourselves with this white cloth." I would like to emphasize that I do not subscribe to what I say. I feel it from this photo.

(...) “There will come a critical moment when the prince will rise. (...) It will be an Arab prince. The prince will rise.

He's talking about some dust. It will go with air. You need to soak some white cloth, lie down and cover yourself with a wet, white cloth. I don't know what to refer to, but it reminds me of it. It must be wet.

“The judgment days are ahead of you.” “Because you allowed yourself to be guided and manipulated.” “You will have to leave your homes.” "You will have to wait out this difficult time in the forests, and you are not accustomed or taught to live in the forest."

“You will fear an invisible threat.” The way I explain it is that the invisible threat may be in radiation or in microorganisms.

When I think about it all the time, it reminds me of being dark.

“Many of you have a broken chain.” But it's not about the literal chain. “It's just getting started.” Chain changed or broken.

And now it seems to me that the worlds are vortexes. And there are many of these worlds, or more than one. When you're there, everything that's there seems very small. This is tiny.

(...) I don't understand either, people... Many people have been defiled and they don't know about it. He says so. “No help will come to the defiled.”

And when it happens, when the day of revenge comes, don't wait, don't fight, hide. It's not about the world being dark. This will be a dark time in our thinking. Like a lost hope. This is very strange, because it will look as if we are afraid of something that we will not see, but we will be aware of it.

“These are purges you are not aware of.” That's what I feel from him.

That's weird. “Beware of the army that will come to defend you, for they will be your executioners.”
It's a bit... clumsy everything I associate it with, but maybe that was his character.

He tells us if something starts to run away into the forest, don't wait, don't fight, and when the army comes to defend us, they will turn out to be our executioners.

They will use war to hide the fraud. Fraud towards people.

This is the second time I remember this because I didn't want to say it, but he says it will end. In 2042.

“You will look for your loved ones and you will not find many of them.”

Two forces will fight each other, which will not be for people, but will be against each other. (...) In this case, he makes me feel that if there is a big war, it follows that there will be two forces that will fight each other, but neither of them will be friendly to people.

Very interesting KS. Thank you a lot! War is a terrible thing.

I look for Alois Irlmaier information. I found something about him and about his prophecies.

Always the little salt with us. Everything we see, we read, we listen with a grain of salt. :-)
Hello everyone
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