Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

What he does, and I'm also trying to avoid and cut out from transcripts, is as it's called in remote viewing "Analytical Overlay" (AOL). It's a subjective interpretation of the subconscious data, often to fill the gaps by the mental process. Sometimes those are meaningful, but for the most part not. Especially when what the remote viewer saw is drastically different than his well-established perception of reality, most beginners will for example mistake targeted city lanterns for forest. So yeah, even if he has a very wide and tuned signal line, his interpretations are often off. In the remote viewing process, there's a special position for that: the analyst. The analyst analyses the data gathered by remote viewers and tries to establish some conclusions, taking into account the target. That's our role :whistle: We can cross-correlate data between Jackowski, groups of remote viewers, or astrologists to detect strong signals. Just like Rupert Sheldrake proposed about monitoring animals behaving unnaturally to predict earthquakes, we can observe psychics. But don't bet money on them if unsure ;-)
Thank you for this explanation.
Could you provide a link so I can read more about it?
Thank you for this explanation.
Could you provide a link so I can read more about it?
Sure, you can start with Wikipedia articles on the subject:
As you can see, remote viewing has a military pedigree, and there are strict protocols to adhere to, not free-form clairvoyance as Jackowski does (but some talent might be necessary, as confirmed by Cs).

If you're interested how the protocol could look like (there are many, but quite similar in general), this could be a good introductory video:

Here you have an example session of an experienced remote viewer (Ed Riordan):

Unfortunately, I didn't find any material in Polish for you without any new-age connotations. Remote viewing has nothing to do with these, but as a "pseudoscience," it's often thrown into one bag.
If you're interested how the protocol could look like (there are many, but quite similar in general), this could be a good introductory video:
I forgot to mention that other videos from The Farsight Institute might be a little bit sketchy, because of Courtney Brown (I guess his son is on the video I've posted). But it was mentioned by Cs, that he has experience in remote viewing, so his protocol should be good enough:
Q: (L) Okay, let's move on to Courtney Brown. (T) We all know who he is, and what he is writing about in regard to remote viewing... what is it all about?

A: Vague.

Q: (T) Is the book Courtney Brown wrote, "Cosmic Voyage," concerning the Martian population...

A: It is true that there are underground bases on Mars, but they are Orion STS.

Q: (T) Are there Martians as portrayed by Courtney Brown?

A: Not exactly. He is portraying the Orion STS as the Martians.

Q: (T) Is Courtney Brown a government disinformation agent?

A: More as an "agent provocateur."

Q: (T) Is he working for the government?

A: Not directly, and remember, the government is not one entity.

Q: (L) Who is primarily backing Courtney Brown?

A: Rockefeller group.

Q: (L) Is Mike Lindemann and company part of this Rockefeller group at this time?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Linda Howe?

A: No.

Q: (T) Did Courtney actually do remote viewing to obtain the information in the book?

A: Not really. Not needed.

Q: (T) Does this mean that the whole story is concocted on his part?

A: Semi. Elements of it are factual.

Q: (T) Yes. I could see that there were factual elements. I could also see that there was a LOT that was questionable. that conflicts with EVERYTHING else that has come out from other researchers. This is all totally twisted and different.

A: Close.

Q: (T) Is Courtney able to do remote viewing?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) But he did not use it with this book?

A: No.

Q: (T) So, the book was made up the way it is. It is a story. Some factual information, some invented information, some pure BS thrown in to fluff it out. So, the book is NOT an account of work that has come from remote viewing sessions?

A: No, but not needed.

Q: (L) You have said twice that remote viewing was not "needed." Where did he get his information?

A: Secret sources. Agents of the “nation of the third eye."

Q: (J) What or who - is the "Nation of the Third Eye?"

A: Terran civilization under the surface.
A: More as an "agent provocateur."
A: Not really. Not needed

Q: (J) What or who - is the "Nation of the Third Eye?"

A: Terran civilization under the surface.

All of these statements point out to the underground population who comes up for a specific program. I would guess that they are not quiet people and always try to gather lots of followers - more damage.
Even Jackowski is getting weirder and weirder visions. Is he talking about hubrids here?

[Kamala Harris] (...) She is a guarantee of some inner strength in America. It is a guarantee for this strength. I don't want to tell you any nonsense here. But this power in the United States comes from two "planes".

(...) Ladies and Gentlemen, I will tell you one thing. When I focus on this woman, I have one strange impression. She is a guarantor of people who do not actually live in public, and are important people, but they do not live, they do not interact in the public world and these people come from two "planes". How should I understand these two "planes", that one "plane" is us living here on earth, and as if they were also people or beings from the other "plane". And as I continued to focus, I had an even more extreme impression that this group was a group, that these two "planes" were like two cultures, not to mention two species of humans or beings. It made me think of it very strangely.

(...) Incredible. I have the feeling that the world is ruled by the influential power of people who do not live public life, and these people do it together, with people or beings who are outside our "plane". Exactly this sentence: "our plane". This doesn't make logical sense to me.

Selection was introduced in the world and it was stopped. And this inhibition is only for a certain time due to external reasons. Slowing down the population and focusing on technology.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this reminds me of something like this... (...) That it doesn't have to be creatures from outside our earth. Only they are creatures of the second "plane". So there's some selection... slowing down the population and focusing on technology. But I immediately thought that this focus on technology meant these beings from the other "plane". Creatures perhaps manufactured, invented, technologically.

(...) Human duplicates. The world would go crazy if it knew what was done to them. Selection is interrupted temporarily, periodically.

(...) The world would go crazy if it understood what was done to them. Strange thing. It looks as if... as if... I don't know how to use the word... Is it a "guarantor"? A "guarantor"... The President is presented as a creation, as a hostage, as someone. But he is the guarantor of it. It's like he controls, watches over.

London. There will be events on the Thames. (...) Something very bad will happen. I have a feeling it will happen on the Thames. So in London, England. The second provocative thing will happen, a big one. So we have the Gaza Strip, Israel. And now something is going to happen on the Thames. That is, in London. And if this happens on the Thames, people will be so afraid that many Europeans will want to leave Europe. This is what I feel when I look at this lady's photo... This will deprive Europeans of any certainty of peace in the near future.

(...) This is very strange. And I want to tell you that I do not understand that it is as if there was a government that did not reveal itself. It's even a bad word "government". Decision makers who don't reveal themselves. And this is one group, but consisting of decision-makers from two "planes". And these two "planes" reminded me as if some came from one "plane", and the others came from another "plane". But what are these “planes”? I don't know at all...

[After focusing for a few seconds] “Inverse worlds dependent on each other.”

Even Jackowski is getting weirder and weirder visions. Is he talking about hubrids here?

[Kamala Harris] (...) She is a guarantee of some inner strength in America. It is a guarantee for this strength. I don't want to tell you any nonsense here. But this power in the United States comes from two "planes".

(...) Ladies and Gentlemen, I will tell you one thing. When I focus on this woman, I have one strange impression. She is a guarantor of people who do not actually live in public, and are important people, but they do not live, they do not interact in the public world and these people come from two "planes". How should I understand these two "planes", that one "plane" is us living here on earth, and as if they were also people or beings from the other "plane". And as I continued to focus, I had an even more extreme impression that this group was a group, that these two "planes" were like two cultures, not to mention two species of humans or beings. It made me think of it very strangely.

(...) Incredible. I have the feeling that the world is ruled by the influential power of people who do not live public life, and these people do it together, with people or beings who are outside our "plane". Exactly this sentence: "our plane". This doesn't make logical sense to me.

Selection was introduced in the world and it was stopped. And this inhibition is only for a certain time due to external reasons. Slowing down the population and focusing on technology.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this reminds me of something like this... (...) That it doesn't have to be creatures from outside our earth. Only they are creatures of the second "plane". So there's some selection... slowing down the population and focusing on technology. But I immediately thought that this focus on technology meant these beings from the other "plane". Creatures perhaps manufactured, invented, technologically.

(...) Human duplicates. The world would go crazy if it knew what was done to them. Selection is interrupted temporarily, periodically.

(...) The world would go crazy if it understood what was done to them. Strange thing. It looks as if... as if... I don't know how to use the word... Is it a "guarantor"? A "guarantor"... The President is presented as a creation, as a hostage, as someone. But he is the guarantor of it. It's like he controls, watches over.

London. There will be events on the Thames. (...) Something very bad will happen. I have a feeling it will happen on the Thames. So in London, England. The second provocative thing will happen, a big one. So we have the Gaza Strip, Israel. And now something is going to happen on the Thames. That is, in London. And if this happens on the Thames, people will be so afraid that many Europeans will want to leave Europe. This is what I feel when I look at this lady's photo... This will deprive Europeans of any certainty of peace in the near future.

(...) This is very strange. And I want to tell you that I do not understand that it is as if there was a government that did not reveal itself. It's even a bad word "government". Decision makers who don't reveal themselves. And this is one group, but consisting of decision-makers from two "planes". And these two "planes" reminded me as if some came from one "plane", and the others came from another "plane". But what are these “planes”? I don't know at all...

[After focusing for a few seconds] “Inverse worlds dependent on each other.”

Hmmmm, very interesting KS. Thank you as always for the translation.
[Kamala Harris] (...) She is a guarantee of some inner strength in America. It is a guarantee for this strength. I don't want to tell you any nonsense here. But this power in the United States comes from two "planes".
When reading this, I immediately thought of the two planes that hit the Twin Towers on 9/11. The mysterious number 11 (eleven) could also be interpreted as "one-one." One civilization above the ground, one below the ground.
Guess what replaced the Twin Towers? One Tower... One World Trade Center... One World Order... One civilization...
Q: (L) Does any of this underground civilization activity have any relation to this massive underground base the Russians are building?
A: No.

Q: (TK) Is any of this under the ocean?
A: Yes.

Q: (TK) Well, we'll never explore all of what is under the ocean. (L) It just staggers the mind to think about it. What do they want these people for?
A: To replace you.

Q: (TK) And why? Because they can control them better. Right?
A: Completely.

Another meaning to "programming is complete?"

Session 9 August 1997
Q: So, it will just be inciting people to frenzies of speculation...
A: Invasion happens when programming is complete...

One World Trade Center opened on November 3, 2014...

Session 11 August 2018
(Pierre) About this recent drop in UFO sightings: Over the past month, sightings dropped drastically. I would like to know why?
A: Programming is complete.
Sounds like the beings from the second plane are 4D STS and the humans on this plane are the secret consortium or secret world government.

edit added: that would fit with the C's cosmology, since if you substitute 'plane' with dimension or density it makes more sense to us.

Maybe someone could forward him some material, if there is any translated to Polish, of the C's stuff relating to the hyperdimensional nature of UFOs/4D beings and such things.
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Even Jackowski is getting weirder and weirder visions. Is he talking about hubrids here?

[Kamala Harris] (...) She is a guarantee of some inner strength in America. It is a guarantee for this strength. I don't want to tell you any nonsense here. But this power in the United States comes from two "planes".

(...) Ladies and Gentlemen, I will tell you one thing. When I focus on this woman, I have one strange impression. She is a guarantor of people who do not actually live in public, and are important people, but they do not live, they do not interact in the public world and these people come from two "planes". How should I understand these two "planes", that one "plane" is us living here on earth, and as if they were also people or beings from the other "plane". And as I continued to focus, I had an even more extreme impression that this group was a group, that these two "planes" were like two cultures, not to mention two species of humans or beings. It made me think of it very strangely.

(...) Incredible. I have the feeling that the world is ruled by the influential power of people who do not live public life, and these people do it together, with people or beings who are outside our "plane". Exactly this sentence: "our plane". This doesn't make logical sense to me.

Selection was introduced in the world and it was stopped. And this inhibition is only for a certain time due to external reasons. Slowing down the population and focusing on technology.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this reminds me of something like this... (...) That it doesn't have to be creatures from outside our earth. Only they are creatures of the second "plane". So there's some selection... slowing down the population and focusing on technology. But I immediately thought that this focus on technology meant these beings from the other "plane". Creatures perhaps manufactured, invented, technologically.

(...) Human duplicates. The world would go crazy if it knew what was done to them. Selection is interrupted temporarily, periodically.

(...) The world would go crazy if it understood what was done to them. Strange thing. It looks as if... as if... I don't know how to use the word... Is it a "guarantor"? A "guarantor"... The President is presented as a creation, as a hostage, as someone. But he is the guarantor of it. It's like he controls, watches over.

London. There will be events on the Thames. (...) Something very bad will happen. I have a feeling it will happen on the Thames. So in London, England. The second provocative thing will happen, a big one. So we have the Gaza Strip, Israel. And now something is going to happen on the Thames. That is, in London. And if this happens on the Thames, people will be so afraid that many Europeans will want to leave Europe. This is what I feel when I look at this lady's photo... This will deprive Europeans of any certainty of peace in the near future.

(...) This is very strange. And I want to tell you that I do not understand that it is as if there was a government that did not reveal itself. It's even a bad word "government". Decision makers who don't reveal themselves. And this is one group, but consisting of decision-makers from two "planes". And these two "planes" reminded me as if some came from one "plane", and the others came from another "plane". But what are these “planes”? I don't know at all...

[After focusing for a few seconds] “Inverse worlds dependent on each other.”

Either he has read the last sessions of C's or he has been clearly correct in this prophecy.

For those who haven't thought about that possibility, it has to be surprising to hear this.
Even Jackowski is getting weirder and weirder visions. Is he talking about hubrids here?
Everything. 4D STS, hybrids, replacement bodies "in the labs underground". It looks like he's talking about all of it. He had a glimpse of it and it caught him so off guard that he didn't know what to do with it, how to interpret it. It caught everyone off-guard. 😶

I mean, it's not a surprise he gets such "weird" vision from someone that is "in the know". What surprises me is that he got this vision from Kamala Harris, as if she was among those that know what's really going on. We all knew she's "Biden's handler", but i expected her to be just another psychopath doing her thing, at best working for the CIA, and being completely unaware of the true puppet masters.

But apparently, she's more than that. Much more.

For those who haven't thought about that possibility, it has to be surprising to hear this.
Judging from the comments under that video, most people are surprised not because they didn't think about it, but because they didn't expect it to come out in such way. They knew about the "reptillian conspiracy theory", they are simply in shock that Jackowski's vision "confirms it".

I'm actually getting worried for him. Talking about the political situation, an imminent World War 3 or life after death is one thing, but seeing the real power structure existing on a different level of existence that is trying to replace humans...
There were enough attacks directed at him even with what he was saying until now, I hope it won't get worse than it already is. 🙁
Sounds like the beings from the second plane are 4D STS and the humans on this plane are the secret consortium or secret world government.

edit added: that would fit with the C's cosmology, since if you substitute 'plane' with dimension or density it makes more sense to us.

Maybe someone could forward him some material, if there is any translated to Polish, of the C's stuff relating to the hyperdimensional nature of UFOs/4D beings and such things.
As I read I thought, what if he had a better understanding of the hyper dimensional nature of our world that has been so hidden. Would this expanded information focus his impressions more clearly since it would increase the possibilities in his understanding and wouldn’t violate his free will? Strange impressions to get from viewing Kamala. Freaky and disturbing. Yeah it’s time to see the hubrids/hybrids exposed in the US government. The destruction of the planet is full steam ahead it seems. 🙁
“If” Kamala had to be trained to be among regular humans. That would fit with her weirdo-ness. Like talking to adults like they are kindergarten children or the incessant cackling she does.

I didn’t think of it till just now, but “programing Complete” could have meant the under-grounders are fully programed? Not just up top here, which are only partially programed. Lots of loose end up here.

But the under-grounders:

Q: (TK) And why? Because they can control them better. Right?
A: Completely.
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