Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

I replied on the subject of smallpox, simply because we had talked about it.
When I wrote about the possibility of asking the Cs, it was only a proposal.
Personally, I have nothing to ask.
I receive CS by reading the sessions, I try to understand, assimilate and act accordingly.
It's an enormous gift and I thank them for it.
Oops, I only sent half the message
Yes, homeopathy is very effective, but it's difficult to practise because it's so subtle.
That's why I said that I was in the process of compiling a repertory of illnesses, indicating for each illness the appropriate remedy and the form in which it could be taken.
for each illness, the appropriate remedy and the form in which it could be taken.
In this way, someone living in a city will be able to order oils, mother tinctures, etc. and someone living in or near nature will be able to find plants that they can use directly.

I replied on the subject of smallpox, simply because it had been mentioned.
When I wrote about the possibility of asking the Cs, it was only a proposal.
Personally, I have nothing to ask.
I receive CS by reading the sessions, I try to understand, assimilate and act accordingly. It's an enormous gift and I thank them for it.
Homeopathy is very effective, but it's difficult to practice. It requires a completely different way of looking at disease and healing than we're used to. It's not at all like using pharmaceuticals or even herbal remedies,
Totally agree. Homeopathy can be so very effective in an almost astonishing way, & I think it’s both an art and a science. It’s not just selecting the correct remedy that matches most/all of the symptoms, but also the correct potency & dose. Too high or low a dose or incorrect frequency & you could actually do a proving (not much fun) or get a healing crisis. I studied it for a year & would need many more years of study & practice to begin to feel remotely competent. For now, I mainly stick to lower potencies & only use it on my family.

And it’s also imperative how & who handles the remedies, and how they are stored. I’m reminded of this part of an excerpt from book The Field by Lynne McTaggart, quoted by Laura here:
Once Benveniste had got his robot up and working, he discovered that generally it worked well, except for certain occasions. Those occasions were always the days when a particular woman was present in the lab. Cherche la femme, Benveniste thought, although in the Lyon lab, which was replicating their results, a similar situation occurred, this time with a man. In his own lab, Benveniste conducted several experiments, by hand and by robot, to isolate what it was the woman was doing which prevented the experiment from working. Her scientific method was impeccable and she followed the protocol to the letter. The woman herself, a doctor and biologist, was an experienced, meticulous worker. Nevertheless, on no occasion did she get any results. After six months of such studies there was only a single conclusion: something about her very presence was preventing a positive result.
Benveniste suspected that the woman must be emitting some form of waves that were blocking the signals. Through his work he developed a means of testing for these, and he soon discovered that she was emitting electromagnetic fields which were interfering with the communication signalling of his experiment. Like Popp's carcinogenic substances, she was a frequency scrambler. This seemed too incredible to believe — more the realm of witchcraft than science, Benveniste thought. He then had the particular woman hold a tube of homeopathic granules in her hand for five minutes, and then tested the tube with his equipment. All activity — all molecular signaling— had been erased.'
In France, I have an aunt, my father's sister, who has used homeopathy all her life. In fact, we can use it with a good book, reading and studying. I've cured myself of many health problems with homeopathy, so for me, yes, it's a science, and yes, it's within everyone's reach. I'm currently taking homeopathic antibiotics for a tooth, and I've never doubted taking them. And they work fantastically.

If I had known, I would have become a homeopath. Ah, if I'd known. But like everywhere else, except in France, homeopathy is perceived as quackery, when it's allopathic medicine that's quackery. We know the song, but I didn't know the song at the time.

My aunt has always been healthy thanks to homeopathy, which she herself found by reading good reference books.

There's a lot of information on the Internet when you have a small health problem. For my migraine that I had for 40 years and that allopathic medicine was unable to cure, I finally decided, 10 years ago, to go and see a homeopath and my migraine was cured. For certain illnesses like migraine, a good homeopath is important, but when it comes to minor ailments like colds, flu, eyes infection, bad digestion, muscle aches, sadness, anxiety, etc., you can self-medicate.

They say that homeopathy heals the soul, and I believe it does. Dr. Bach, who was a very good homeopath and created the Bach Flower Remedies, says that our illnesses, all of them, come from our soul. That's why homeopaths say that homeopathy heals the soul. And the Bach Flowers Remedy also.
Totally agree. Homeopathy can be so very effective in an almost astonishing way, & I think it’s both an art and a science. It’s not just selecting the correct remedy that matches most/all of the symptoms, but also the correct potency & dose. Too high or low a dose or incorrect frequency & you could actually do a proving (not much fun) or get a healing crisis. I studied it for a year & would need many more years of study & practice to begin to feel remotely competent. For now, I mainly stick to lower potencies & only use it on my family.

And it’s also imperative how & who handles the remedies, and how they are stored. I’m reminded of this part of an excerpt from book The Field by Lynne McTaggart, quoted by Laura here:
Curiously, we have been discussing on the Alton Towers thread how wave genetics may play a part at the quantum level in producing things like the frequency scrambler effect referred to in Laura's post. The late Peter Gariaev's experiments and theories may help to explain why the woman had such a negative effect:​

Nexus seem to be on a roll with articles on DNA and genetics. I have just bought the latest December/January edition today, which has an article with the title DNA as Wave Genetics by the late Professor Peter Gariaev. He was perhaps best known for his discovery in 1984 of the phantom DNA effect whereby an electromagnetic trace is still detectable in water after the DNA has been removed from the solution. He also championed the theory of wave genetics. He discovered through his experiments that genetic data and information held on the quantum level can be captured, transferred and influenced using electromagnetic and acoustic waves. Like the chicken/duck embryos I referred to in my previous post, Gariaev did a similar experiment where he shone a low power laser through some salamander embryos in one container onto some frog embryos in a separate container with the result that the frog embryos developed into adult salamanders.

He postulated that the genome is multidimensional and exists in a chromosome continuum - a stable wave that travels through the organism along the highly structured double-helix DNA and holds the genetic information as electromagnetic and acoustic holograms. He considered that these holograms that create nodes on the universal hologram as a record of all that is, and has been, are the true record of our genetic blueprint.

He had some very interesting genetic treatments, which brought scorn on him from conventional scientists but many who tried them claimed they worked. He died unexpectedly in November 2020 only a month after he had been advised that he had been short-listed for the 2021 Nobel Prize for medicine.

Another Forum member Dennis posted a useful video which helps to explain the wave genome theory and how our DNA can leave an imprint on things including water. See:

Based on this thinking, perhaps the woman experimenter who was a 'frequency scrambler' effected the success of the experiment because she was emitting an incoherent light field through her DNA.​
@MJF , pourriez vous donner de vos nouvelles car je m'inquiète pour vous, j'ai souvent pensé à vous et à votre voyant mais je ne voyais rien venir et ne vous retrouvais pas d'où mon message tardif... J'espère que tout va bien de votre côté... Rassurez nous s'il vous plait... Merci

I've often thought about you and your clairvoyant but I couldn't see anything coming and couldn't find you, hence my late message... I hope all is well with you... Please reassure us... Thank you
MJF a été souffrant mais il va mieux et sera bientôt sur le forum...
Je lui ai envoyé la dernière session des Cassiopéens...
ll souhaite à tous les membres du forum une Bonne Année 2024...

MJF n’était pas bien mais il va mieux et sera bientôt sur le forum...
Je lui ai envoyé la dernière session des Cassiopéens...
Il souhaite à tous les membres du forum une bonne année 2024...
Voici les nouvelles de @MJF que je vous communique avec son accord :
Hier, le 09 01 2024
Merci de m’avoir contacté. En fait, je suis assez malade depuis le Nouvel An. J’ai contracté un vilain virus qui m’a laissé avec de la fièvre et une toux terrible qui m’a empêché de dormir pendant plusieurs nuits d’affilée. Je ne me suis pas senti à la hauteur de poster pendant cette période, mais je vais maintenant mettre un message d’attente sur le fil de discussion Alton Towers pour expliquer la situation. J’avais en fait commencé un nouvel article sur le rouleau de cuivre, que je crois que les Templiers ont peut-être trouvé à Jérusalem (peut-être une copie exacte du rouleau de cuivre découvert à Qumrân en 1947). Cela les a aidés à localiser l’Arche d’Alliance et le Graal et d’autres trésors juifs. J’en ai déjà posté une partie sur un autre fil de discussion puisqu’il traite, entre autres, de la génétique très spéciale du sacerdoce lévite. Cependant, dès que je me sentirai mieux, je le terminerai et le posterai sur le fil Alton Towers.
Je comprends cependant votre inquiétude à mon égard. Les derniers mois n’ont pas été faciles, avec l’accident de voiture et maintenant cette vilaine maladie. Cependant, je n’ai pas perdu la résolution de continuer à poster et j’espère produire quelques nouveaux articles dans un avenir proche, qui continueront à explorer le vrai mystère de Rennes-le-Château, pas les absurdités de Dan Brown.
Je profite de l’occasion pour vous souhaiter une bonne année tardive et mes meilleurs vœux à vous et à tous les autres membres du Forum.

Aujourd'hui le 10 01 2024
Malheureusement, c’est la saison du rhume et de la grippe en Europe de l’Ouest, alors je suppose que c’était à mon tour d’attraper quelque chose. Je devrais cependant être reconnaissante d’être sur la voie de la guérison, car ma sœur vient de rentrer à l’hôpital de Seattle avec sa deuxième pneumonie en l’espace d’un mois. Elle a de graves problèmes de santé sous-jacents, ce qui la rend particulièrement vulnérable à de telles infections.
N’hésitez pas à poster mon message sur le fil approprié. C’est très gentil de votre part.
Avec tous nos remerciements

Here is the news of @MJF that I communicate to you with his agreement:
Yesterday, 09 01 2024
Thank you for contacting me. I've actually been quite ill since the New Year. I contracted a nasty virus that left me with a fever and a terrible cough that kept me up for several nights in a row. I didn't feel up to posting during that time, but I'm now going to put a holding post on the Alton Towers thread to explain the situation. I had actually started a new article on the copper scroll, which I believe the Knights Templar may have found in Jerusalem (possibly an exact copy of the copper scroll discovered at Qumran in 1947). It helped them locate the Ark of the Covenant and the Grail and other Jewish treasures. I've already posted some of this on another thread since it deals, among other things, with the very special genetics of the Levite priesthood. However, as soon as I feel better, I will finish it and post it on the Alton Towers thread.
But I understand your concern for me. The last few months have not been easy, with the car accident and now this nasty illness. However, I haven't lost my resolve to keep posting and hope to produce a few new articles in the near future, which will continue to explore the real mystery of Rennes-le-Château, not Dan Brown's nonsense.
I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you a belated Happy New Year and my very best wishes to you and all the other members of the Forum.

Today 10 01 2024
Sadly, it's cold and flu season in Western Europe, so I guess it was my turn to catch something. I should be thankful that I'm on the road to recovery though, as my sister has just returned to hospital in Seattle with her second bout of pneumonia in the space of a month. She has serious underlying health problems, which make her particularly vulnerable to such infections.
Please feel free to post my message on the appropriate thread. That's very kind of you.
With many thanks
Voici les nouvelles de @MJF que je vous communique avec son accord :
Hier, le 09 01 2024
Thank you very much PERLOU for contacting MJF and relaying his message to us. Wishing MJF a speedy recovery but as we all know these things take time. Hope you also PERLOU are feeling much better. It's a difficult time of the year, as it's always been, for us humans but we are still here.!! :hug2:
He postulated that the genome is multidimensional and exists in a chromosome continuum - a stable wave that travels through the organism along the highly structured double-helix DNA and holds the genetic information as electromagnetic and acoustic holograms
MJF is here talking about doctor Peter Gariaev, and his discoveries are extremely interesting and resonate with the Seth material, where it has been stated that the chromosomes in particular and the DNA in general are only interfaces used by consciousness to manifest specific, particularized data from a larger, non-localized, non-physical repository, what Seth calls the "MENTAL genetic code".
There is a difference between the physical chromosome pattern, and the mental gene code, in that the chromosomes carry translated inner instructions in condensed physical form, for the physical cells to follow. [...] This inner data is transmitted through the mental genetic system by way of the generalized molecular consciousness to the chromosome system, and the chromosome system then translates data into a physical code for the cells to follow.
So indeed conventional science would have us believe that the miracle of life is wholly explainable from a materialistic view point where the genes actually contain within themselves ALL information required for biological differentiation, and within this framework anything else is totally unnecessary, including of course, any talk about "molecular consciousness".

To further make the point, elsewhere the Seth material states:

The physical mechanism has chromosomes indeed, but the physical chromosomes have a psychic counterpart, and the psychic counterpart is the original; and within you is the codified information containing all your past lives and all your knowledge, and it is hidden so deep within you that the subconscious as you know it does not realize the truth, for the subconscious as you know it is, indeed, a very shallow affair containing only those hidden memories from this life.

Additionally, and well along the lines of the C's information regarding the influence of "future selves" or the "us-in-the-future" paradigm, as Laura puts it, the Seth material is clear about how the physical chromosomes can be acted upon not only by consciousness in general, but more specifically by "us-in-the-future":

the species is pre-cognitively aware of those changes it wants to make, and from the “future” it alters the “present” state of the chromosomes and genes to bring about in the probable future the specific changes it desires.

The whole idea behind doctor Gariaev's experiment mentioned in the video recommended by MJF is that light and sound waves are the vehicle that "teleports" the genetic data from this non-physical continuum to the physical realm, affecting not only the chromosomes but also potentially the environment. The video mentions how the human's living environment receives the imprint of the genetic make-up of the individuals in both positive and negative ways (in more common parlance, charging specific places with pos. or neg. "vibes"). But the whole idea of waves activating the genes and initiating physical manifestations is also to be found within the Seth material:

There are certain properties within the structure of the chromosomes that must be activated by specific internal sound values. If this activation does not take place then the “attributes” latent within the chromosomes remain so.

Interesting how very little information is to be found regarding doctor Gariaev's death. Back in 2020 he was nominated as candidate for the Nobel Prize in medicine but for reasons that are not too clear his elegibility was retired and shorthly after that he died.
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