Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

@MJF, sending light and prayers your way for a full recovery. Don't push yourself ok? You have had a lot to process and the shock to your system has taken a toll, it will take some time to recover. Your valuable contributions, enlightening presence and wonderful mind are missed, but you are always connected to the group heart and contributing in ways that perhaps you don't fully realise.
Take good care of yourself and we will see you when you are ready and firing on all cylinders. vroom vroom! 🌈 💕 :hug2:
You absolutely do, Perlou. The grace of God's love and light shines through every souled being in unique and beautiful ways, inspiring and touching all. A big hug and lots of love to you, our dear darling 💕 Perlou 💕 xxx
Yes dear @PERLOU, you are such a beautiful and inspiring human being. I also want to thank you for all your care, love and strength and all the faith that radiates through all your posts. 🤗☀️
I hope you are well again too, as I was wondering?? :hug2:
Merci Breo, vous me faites tous rougir... Merci à tous pour vos doux mots... J'ai bien récupéré et vais très bien... Merci.

Thank you Breo, you all make me blush... Thank you all for your sweet words... I have recovered well and am doing very well... Thank you.
@MJF vient de donner de ses nouvelles :
Malheureusement, il m’a fallu beaucoup de temps pour me remettre de ce virus, bien plus que prévu. Je n’ai pas vraiment eu envie d’écrire pendant cette période mais, rassurez-vous, j’ai pour objectif de me remettre à l’écriture de nouveaux articles dans un avenir proche, que je publierai sur le Forum.

@MJF just gave us some news:Unfortunately, it took me a long time to recover from this virus, much longer than I expected. I didn't really feel like writing during this period but, rest assured, I aim to get back to writing new articles in the near future, which I will publish on the Forum.
I'm from Poland and I watch Krzysztof Jackowski regularly. Since your last entry, Jackowski has recorded forty-three videos. Why don't you post the transcript of his vision anymore. Maybe I'll post it if you don't have time.

I think that if you wish and have the time, continue with the transcriptions. In fact you could just do a summary of the 40+ and continue with the new ones. Thanks
I'm from Poland and I watch Krzysztof Jackowski regularly. Since your last entry, Jackowski has recorded forty-three videos. Why don't you post the transcript of his vision anymore. Maybe I'll post it if you don't have time.
That would be lovely, yes! I think the person who did the translations was very ill, which is why he didn't carry on doing them.
I will try to present to you what Krzysztof Jackowski says using Google translator because I do not know English. I present the overdue vision from November 28, 2023.
Entry of American troops into certain areas of two countries. I think it's about Iran and Syria. This will be preparation for a multidimensional war. This will be explained by the fact that these areas will be occupied temporarily and will be a guarantor of the stability of the state of Israel. I associate it with a narrow isthmus where ships pass through and it will be a problem that an Arab country will create, then America will threaten military action.
The second stage of this war will take place in the Gaza zone and it will not be so massacre. The Gaza zone will be transformed into a buffer zone. Clearing the Gaza zone is clearing the area for a more serious war that will happen soon.
There will be airstrikes in Syria and they will be carried out by groups from Syria. Americans will link these attacks with Iran. Iran will be attacked three times. The first, second and third time, there will be only political shouting from Iran. but soon there will be a response that the United States will be waiting for. When this starts happening, Türkiye will support Iran. This will greatly confuse the already confused situation because Turkey is in NATO and is an ally of the USA, but it will be behind the Middle East. In the initial phase, Türkiye will do nothing but show fury. Russia and China will not interfere until Iran is attacked.
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