Laura Knight-Jadczyk, Barcelona Conference, October 15th 2011

Wow, Nicolas, you are mighty fast. Maybe I'm going deaf..
I have to keep replaying and replaying, as not all the words are clear. I'll do up to 20 minutes on part 1, and do another 10 mins tomorrow.
Can anyone do 20-40?
Btw, I replaced the first part with a version that has better audio. I'll do the same for the other parts.
Don Genaro said:
Perceval said:
domi said:
Just got around to watching this video on my computer but the following is being reported: "The video has been removed by the user"

Does anybody know what is going on?

Uploading a new one with better sound. Should be available in about 10-15 mins.

I just downloaded both videos to watch at home! Will you be replacing both or just the first part?

Both. And the third will be uploaded soon with good audio.
Perceval said:
Don Genaro said:
Perceval said:
domi said:
Just got around to watching this video on my computer but the following is being reported: "The video has been removed by the user"

Does anybody know what is going on?

Uploading a new one with better sound. Should be available in about 10-15 mins.

I just downloaded both videos to watch at home! Will you be replacing both or just the first part?

Both. And the third will be uploaded soon with good audio.

Great, thank you! I'll go and download them again tomorrow :)

Cassandra: As I said even with the improved audio, I need help with a few phrases or words, so someone needs to check what is here.)

Laura: Like they're either, you know, totally scientific or know who listens to them, or they're, you know, so wacko and out on a limb, that their, you know, weird, ravings and rantings about, you know, the Space Brothers going to, you know, land and take everybody up to Comet Hale-Bopp, or whichever comet du jour, you know, so they don't get attacked.
And this goes back to something Jacques Vallee wrote about in one of his books. I think, Messengers of Deception. How many have read that book?
You know, this is a really terrific book. I would say anybody who was interested in the topic should read Messengers of Deception, because the fact that there is more to this phenomena that meets the eye is evident, and I think the people really ought to know what it is.
Well, anyhow, he gave a model for one of the ways that this information works, and one of those things is that if somebody starts to get close to the truth, or if there is a topic that, you know, groups of people are beginning to ask questions about, what they do is they create so much noise, that they - he described it as being a train that is the truth. And what they do is they keep loading on the fuel, until the train goes faster and faster and faster, until it ends off the track. They give it so much speed, so much momentum, so much noise, you know, so what you do with the fact that there's all kinds of unusual phenomena in our skies and in our lives, except to create a lot of noise?

A scientist, I think he was a climate scientist, I think, James MacDonald, the one that was driven crazy, well anyway, he wrote a paper about it, and he pointed out that the vast majority of what we call - the New Age call it the Human Potential Movement, is noise that was created by, secret government operations to distract people from truth, to, create all kinds of theories and organizations, and so forth, you know, just to attract people.
Part 2 13:30 - 27:30

Now, let's look at the laws of thermodynamics versus the living system. There are two laws of thermodynamics. The first is that the energy of the universe is constant. And, basically this is kind of a closed system interpretation. And it also says the entropy of the universe tends to a maximum. Entropy means everything just kind of like moving to this state of equal equilibrium. And what is the state of equilibrium it means there is no action and nothing is going on. In other words, it kind of tends to decline into resting, you know like you have a swinging pendulum, entropy makes it swing slower and slower and slower and slower. Pretty soon it stops and it's not doing anything at all. (14:45?). So these laws are involved in the production and spending of energy in the living system as well as every other phenomenon in the universe.

This first law tells us that energy is neither created nor destroyed. It can only be converted from one form to another. But the question is asked, whether the first law was violated when our universe came into existence via the big bang. Because, if our universe came to existence, and energy can neither be created nor destroyed, you know then how did that happen? The case can be made that the universe was never created. But it actually creates time and pure energy information. It is thus not defined in terms of time. The first law of thermodynamics shows that energy transfers across system boundaries are classified as either (work or B 15:53) transfers. And the energy of the system itself may change in any process if it goes from one state to another. The direction of flow is the concern of the second law of thermodynamics which states that every process that a thermodynamic system may undergo can go in one direction only and is the opposite process in which both the system and its surroundings will be returned in their original state when possible. Both formidable and influenced is the second law that should come as no surprise that it is a formidable challenge to any origin of life theory. The system is an equilibrium state that is one that undergoes no further effectual change. If a system is not in an equilibrium state, the spontaneous change is not really possible, it is inevitable and universal. However, the living system is one that is not in an equilibrium state, but (one 16:53) that follows is that the living systems have the capacity to maintain all of their subsystems in a state of disequilibrium.

So basically, being alive, being part of the living system, life itself in a sense is a violation of the second law of thermodynamics. At the microscopic level, each individual reaction functions according to the classic interpretation of the second law. No different from non-living systems. In fact, it's because of the nature of chemistry and the nature of the elements of our universe that cellular processes actually can take place. For example, the assembly of a protein. When a protein is assembled by ribosomes, you know it assembles all the little pieces in a long polypeptide chain, and then it releases it into the (amniotic? 17:47) fluid of the cell. It is the second law of thermodynamics that causes it to make a protein because what happens is all the different atoms in the polypeptide chain are seeking equilibrium and they begin to connect to, you know, the natural other atoms that then create the bonds that causes it to bow and into its characteristic shape that makes it a protein. So at certain levels, these laws operate within a living system. But because the thing about the cellular activity that it definitely not the mind of the law of thermodynamics. So in the end, applied intelligence that is in a relation it's the only factor than can predictably defy the laws of probability and obviously the only factor that can defy the information component of the entropy provision in the second law of thermodynamics. Thus, intelligently applied energy introduced into any system is able to overcome randomness and control the outcome of events. Because of course the second law of thermodynamics deals with these, you know these little atoms that are floating around in the primordial soup that are supposed to hook up with each other and create life. Well, it just doesn't work that way because if they are all seeking to find some sort of equilibrium state, you know they are not going to connect up and become more and more complex without input from an intelligent energy.

Okay. So you take a box of coins. And you take this box and you shake it up, and you shake it up, and you shake it up. You want them all to be you know heads. It's never going to happen. Well okay, it could happen. Say you have 25 coins. So how many millions of times are you going to have to shake that box to make them all come up heads? Do you have any idea? Ark answers: "Not enough for the life of the universe." Yeah, the universe, I mean, it just ain't going to happen. However, if you reach into that box and with your hand and turn them all over, you can create very quickly create a situation where there is complete order in that box.

And, the only reason the principal of the second law came to light in the first place was in the connection with the efficiencies of the steam engine the understanding (...? 20:27) the intricacy and complexity. And yet somehow this little second law of thermodynamics which was devised to study machines with the populating business. And of course, you know, they want all human beings to be machines. They don't want them to be living systems. They don't want them to have consciousness. So the confusion is simply because the second law comprises of two part imparity. Tying together two vary distinct concepts; energy losses and (decorum? 21:01), within the concepts of (entropy? 21:03). The first part involves book keeping of energy. So, for instance, to the first law where energy is neither created nor destroyed. While the second law relationship with energy loss and disorder may always hold in the natural non-living world, it is definitely not the case in a living system phenomenon. This can be explained in only one of two ways, either the linkage between energy and disorder is not as absolute as our traditional interpretation implies, or living systems violate a major provision of that law. The only logical solution is to allow a decoupling of the energy and information incumbent in entropy to allow them to be independent entities because, in fact, they are. If the system is natural and inanimate, that is not living. It will naturally tend toward disorder over time and will behave. If the system is a living system, it will by definition, tend toward increased order over time. The fundamental difference must be directly linked to some faculty that maintains the continuous intelligent supervision controlling all of the dynamic activity in the living cell and the cessation of which signifies death and decay. The only reason, as I said, the principals of the second law came to light was because of machines.

Since human intelligence is a direct result of the increasing complexity phenomenon and characteristics throughout the living system, the creation operation machine by humans is merely an extension of that very same living system phenomenon. So we come back again to the idea that somewhere, somehow, something’s made living machines on our planet and imbued in them the ability to evolve and grow and to create, you know, human beings. So we can't let that take us away because as you have seen, you know, species can come and go and we are possibly no exception. And there is a possibility that we are not (...? 23:40) planning on that. We are reminded that this state of increasing complexity characteristic of biological systems is contrary to every known non-living phenomenon. The moment that we neglect to keep up the intelligent control of maintaining order within the subsystem of our mechanical machines, they will spontaneously let us in the direction of equilibrium and eventually cease to function. We don't put gas your car, you don't keep it maintained, it's going to end up in a junk yard. So intelligence exists in a species level within the system's sophisticated use of distribution statistics that permits species to anticipate biosphere changes, adapt accordingly, and thus be able to control somewhat evolutionary destinies. We also find many examples at the living system level, with any system wide feedback checks and balances that characterize interactions across all species. And that is, you know, different species, like if you have a bunch of rabbits, population of rabbits and they get to be too many, then you have a handy population of foxes that is going to eat a bunch of them. Ah, we should really think about that seriously in consideration of the fact that human beings now have 7 billion on this planet and there really is more than the planet can support.
So life in any system where the information and energy components of entropy are decoupled such that the former component can decrease while the latter always increases. We need to depersonalize intelligence from its egocentric roots and expand its meaning in application which includes the fundamental characteristics of the universe in general. Neither intelligence nor information can be derived from random events because according to the laws of thermodynamics neither exists in a non-living environment. And there is no practical point in determining the origin of intelligence in the natural laws of (...increases? 25:56) because they are ruled by the second law. And the spontaneous tendency towards equilibrium state and greater randomness. It becomes obvious that if the source of such intelligence could not derive from the flesh in biosphere itself. That is from within the random state of its chemical constituents, then it have to of been imposed from outside.

So if the living system is designed to last billions of years, and its purpose was to maintain a library of information stored in the DNA, who is it for? If we are just one of infinite number of species that have lived in the past 3.8 billion years on this planet we just happened to be one, as far as we know, the only kind that lives. And if we can tell from a design analysis of the system that it intended to last for billions of years and it would be taught in the design analysis that what it is intended to conserve is DNA because that is the one thing that all species share in common. (...and so beautiful? 27:14).
So now we need to take a little short divergence. We asked the question who is it for?

At the same time, they had this wonderful device called HAARP, and despite the fact that a lot of people think that HAARP is a weather-war thing, I think that we can rely on the fact, that, most of what's going on in the way of weather and earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, is probably cyclical, planetary changes that have been long predicted, long ago, and they have happened many times in the past.
For example, there's been a lot, of talk recently about these strange sounds that have been coming, into the atmosphere, in different places around the world.
From these humming, roaring, hinking(?), thumping, mumping, you know, really eerie noises, eerie sounds. And these sounds have been recorded by people, you know, hundreds and hundreds of years ago at varying times (?), you know, extreme planetary stress - climate stress, you know when there were earthquakes, when there were floods, when there were volcanic eruptions, and when there were also a great many comets in the skies.
Of course, you know, mainstream science doesn't deal with the, Electric Universe Theory, which is a lot more satisfactory and makes a lot more sense, and explains a lot more phenomena than these standard theories about how things relate to one another in the cosmos. So they are basically unable to explain these kinds of things.

But anyway, back to HAARP. HAARP is, evidently, I mean, I've watched these so-called HAARP metres they publish on the internet, and you'll notice whenever there's so-called activity, if you start reading the news, start scanning the news, I mean really scoping what's really going on, you know, news surfs(?), you find out there's an awful lot of unusual human behavior that's happening, so you kind of have an idea that this thing is designed or built to beam out thought-control signals.
There is some research that was being done back in the 70s, where they were, researching how to project thoughts or images directly in people’s minds without any kind of implanted electrodes being there, available, and they’ve actually succeeded in doing that.
They can put voices in your head, they can ? images, they can control your emotions, and I think that a lot of this is what is being done with HAARP.
And I think HAARP can be very specific. I think it is, set up so that you can target groups, or individuals or an entire country. It can? a country? I think that’s what happened on 9/11. I think that not only was there the, the activity, where they were playing these tapes over and over and over again on television, watching those, you know, those airplanes crashing in these buildings, and I think HAARP was being used to set people up to, program them into a certain belief-system about who or what did 9/11.
Okay, so, let’s have a quick one (?) Now, for people who don’t know what the Cassiopaean experiment is, it really is an experiment. And the reason is, is because I spent many years reading a lot and researching the paranormal. It’s a fascinating topic to me. I spent 25 years doing hypnotherapy. Sometimes I did it privately, and sometimes I did it in conjunction with (some malfunction, at this point- 15:46)
-15:47... having worked at Area 51, out in the desert in the western United States, where he says he saw alien craft, and you know, basically, was kind of exposed to the whole top-secret alien “alliance”. That there was an alliance between the, US government, or the secret government and these aliens.
So we wanted to know about those things. We’d also watched one with this guy, who talked about bases on Mars. And having traveled to Mars, and The Philadelphia Experiment. What was the guy’s name? (Bielek?) Al Bielek. Yeah. Al Bielek. I don’t know if anyone’s watched Bielek’s interview on video. That is the strangest thing I’ve ever seen. I mean he sits the whole time like this: (Laura looks down) I mean he never looks up, never moves his -, I mean like a complete robot.
Anyway, but he says interesting things. So there was Bielek, and they’d been Lazar, and I had been, you know, reading until my eyes were bleeding about this, this kind of thing, cos I thought, you know, this is crazy. I don’t know what’s going on here.
And so these Cassiopaean figures come along, and they say hi, we’re from Cassiopaea. And I say, okay, well, what’s this deal about Bob Lazar? He says aliens refer to human beings as “containers”. What does that mean?
And the answer was, well, containers mean that all of humans are an experiment and they’re, you know, they’re using body parts and stuff, and making experiments, and they consume them, and they’ve got their ? race, and all this weird stuff. And I think, Holy Jesus!You know, who am I talking to? The devil here? I mean, what would you think, you know?
So then they talked about missing children, and the fact that that children were tasty morsels for certain alien races. And I said, My God! I don’t want to hear that. Take my hands off that thing! Ugh! God! And that’s what I did. I mean, there were a couple of times when that kind of stuff came up, that I just turned...I mean, what kind of counselors tell you things like that? And that’s what I was asking myself. And because, if it’s a chaneled source, all you’re supposed to hear is holy stuff, right? I mean, it’s supposed to sound good, and noble, and edifying, and you’re supposed to hear angels in the background, and, you know, harps playing and stuff. And here they’re talking about eating children and body parts? Gah!
So, I went away, and thought about it. And I thought what if it it’s true? What if it’s true? This is something maybe I should check. So I started trying to find out the statistics for missing children. And I found out there was no real way to get them. I mean, I looked it up in the – what do you call it? The World Almanac Book of Facts and I couldn’t get anything there. And so I said, okay, well maybe what I can do, because I wanted to, you know, (see) the difference between children that were missing and then children that were later returned, or children that were possibly, you know, taken by a parent in a divorce custody case, and I wanted to eliminate them, and I just wanted to stick to the ones that were never found.
Nobody, you know, nothing ever turned up. And, you know, and I couldn’t get a number on this. Because, all you would get would be somebody saying “Oh well, the majority of children that go missing, you know, it turns out, you know, that either the custodial carer, you know, lost them because the other parent took them, or they just took them for ?” And I thought, wait a minute, that’s not a satisfactory answer. I want a number. So I thought, well, I can call a police department in a large city and I can see if I can get them to give me some actual numbers, because obviously the police would know, right? I mean they’re the ones who file missing persons reports.

Edit: I found that I was painfully slow! Happy to continue, but if time is of the essence, then I need some help!
Hey there everyone, nice work :) Just saw these posts before bed so here's some a couple pages that I've gotten transcribed:

If the report is closed down because the child has been returned then they have a number. So, I had a lot of trouble getting anything from anybody because they say we don’t really know, we don’t really have any answers, and then finally a friend of mine got a figure for me and so I extrapolated that figure out over the entire United States. You know, I mean by population, because it was a particular population density and since I didn’t plan on talking about this I don’t have the number with me. But it ended up being a figure so staggering that the next question was where are the bodies? I mean, if that many children go missing the entire United States has got to be littered with bodies! I mean you wouldn’t be able to go anywhere without stumbling over a body! Well, you know, relatively speaking. I mean they could be dumping them in, you know, certain places, whatever, but eventually we’re talking about a staggering number of bodies! Where are they? And I couldn’t get an answer to this. So then I started thinking ok, maybe they’re telling the truth. And I had to really sit there and think about that for a while. I mean do you really want to sit down at the board again and talk to some, you know, entities or whatever they are because at that time I really didn’t know anything, that are telling you, I mean I asked the question but did I really want that answer? Do I want to do this again? Maybe I should be more careful what I asked. If you don’t want to know the truth don’t ask the question. And you know, I was going through all of this in my head and I started thinking well all I really want is the truth and if this is true, if this is true, we’re in deep doo-doo! We’ve got a real serious problem. And what do we do about it? I mean can anybody in here think of what you could do about something like that, I mean if that’s true? Well, of course, probably most of ya’ll who have been following my work know that it’s not only true but it’s actually worse than that. Um and what we’ve been doing basically is telling about it, talking about it, writing about it, and of course that’s why they want to arrest me. Got to shut me up somehow. So that’s how the Cassiopeian Experiment kind of got started, those are some of the highlights of the things that were going on. All of this stuff is written about in pretty much exhaustive detail and is published on the web and is also in the Wave books. You know you can read the Wave on the web or you can buy the book. You know my belief is that we do the research, we put everything on the web for free because I know, I well know, that sometimes the people who have the most questions and sometimes the people with the best minds, actually don’t have a lot of money. And probably because they do have the best minds and they do have the best questions is why, you know, the system beats them down and makes sure that they don’t have a lot of money because if they have a lot of money they’d be one heck of a powerful source for change. So everything is free on our website but it supports us to continue doing everything we do when you buy our books or make donations. You know you don’t have to be a member of the cult or anything, you don’t have to give me ten percent of your, but if you buy a book every once in a while (23:42 inaudible). So that’s basically what I wanted to say about the Cassiopeian Experiment and you’ve already heard what Ark had to say about things we’ve learned and things that he’s figured out since then and what they really meant by “we are you in the future.” It’s looking more and more likely after what, it’s 1994 to 2011 that’s what, 13 years, 14 years, huh, 17 years I’ve been doing this. I’ve kind of run out of questions. They’re really looking, I mean everything that’s happening in our world today is stuff that they told us would happen. They told us the entire planet would be taken over by a Nazi like regime, and the Nazi experience in Germany was just a trial run to work out the bugs. And of course they talk about these things from the point of view of hyper dimensional realities, hyper dimensional (inaudible 24:51) And as Ark said you know when you have information and organization, it isn’t always good. But then sometimes what may start out bad can turn into good, because when bad things happen to good people sometimes it changes them, transforms them, makes them rise up to situations they wouldn’t otherwise be able to deal with. It’s like in the um, in the play Faust you know where Mephistopheles describes himself, you know as one who constantly intends evil but always does good. (25:26=end)
Good man, Hesper! Is that the end of part 1?, because I was envisioning doing another 40 mins. Please tell me it ain't so. But if it indeed is, I would like to do it, as I haven't helped much here, and I owe you (plus, it's good practice, and I'll get quicker).

Edit: Okay, sorry for the above, will continue with 25:26 - about 35.
It seems to me that the sound of part 1 is better. Thank you very much! And thank you all of you for the transcriptions, it is always very important to have it on paper, to read and read and return to it for much understanding. Thank you, thank you.
25:27- 29: 09:

So what happens is, one of the things that happens is a function of who you are inside. So even if there is a movement for a global, New World Order, fascist takeover, total control of absolutely everything on the planet. But one thing the Cs did say, in concert with this, which, you know, we see that part of it happening, but they said that this was happening because a big change was imminent. Now this change can be consciousness, this change can be a change to our reality. It can involve earth changes as part of the transition, but, you know, the hopeful thing about it is, that it is a precursor to, you know, basically a global kind of change, but I think that we all have to become agents of change. We can't just say “Oh well, it's getting bad, because it's going to get better. Let's just sit back.” I don't think it's entirely that easy. I think people have to at least work on themselves. I don't know that it's necessary to go out there and march on the streets or do anything like that. I've never been an advocate of violence, but I think if people work on themselves individually, that somehow that spreads. That changes the, that changes the consciousness of the entire planet. So that's the one thing we've noticed is, the Cassiopaeans, despite the fact that they've told us some pretty unpleasant things to have to hear, and have driven us to research, research, research and discover that what they've told us was true, it doesn't, you know, it just shows that they are actually way in the ballpark, and we have a lot ahead of us, a lot on our plates.
So, I think we're going to take a break now, if I can start off with my previously planned discussion. So let's have a short break. Can we? ( Yes) Much applause. Short break.

Human Beings and Immortality

Here we go. What I want to talk about is The Living System. And the reason I'm calling it The Living System is very particular. We are all cells in a much larger entity that lives on this planet. And because we have consciousness and the ability to reflect on our consciousness, that is self-consciousness, we tend to become pretty anthropocentric, that is we begin to think we're all the center of the Universe. But we should never forget that we are part of a system and that, you know, we individually, unless we choose otherwise via freewill as I've described, you know, probably don't matter that much, contrary to what a lot of religions or cults may tell you? (28:37)
So, let me see how you make this work. There's this nice little book called The Living Stream: Evolution, by Sir Alister Hardy. Alister Hardy has another theory going, which is The Aquatic Ape. His idea is that human beings, or early hominids were diverted into the situation where they had to deal with a very aquatic environment at some early, early point in their history, like maybe millions of years ago and that this was what caused us to (29:09)
Ok here's up to 42:29 Cassandra. If you want to split the rest of the video up so we don't end up doing the same work I can start at the end and work backwards.

...have some particular characteristics that are peculiar only to human beings of all the hominid type creatures who exist on the planet, so it is well worth reading for any of you who are interested in that sort of thing. Now, life took hold on this planet between 3.4 to 3.8 billion years ago. The life that existed then is not anything like what we would necessarily call life, it was mostly something called cyanobacteria. Uh you could say that the entire planet was basically covered with a bacteria that actually produced the oxygen atmosphere that we enjoy today. Prior to that time there really wasn’t oxygen in our atmosphere and other types of life could not have existed. Right here you have uh, archaic inaudible (30:02) which is uh very very, and what you’re seeing in these bands are levels of dead bacteria, and this is like covering a very long period of time with a bunch of these dead bacteria making these striations. And this is another very ancient fossil of another creature that finally developed and had a little hard shell cover. The thing about fossils is they really don’t have much of a shelf life and the best type of creature to produce a fossil is something that has, you know like an exoskeleton and hard body parts, so there’s probably way more than what has ever been left as fossils that existed because they don’t survive well. And this is a little shrimp like creature from the cretaceous period, and this is a kind of a gastropod from the Pliocene, you can see the side is one centimeter so it’s really small and attached to it is a little worm. Isn’t that cute? Ok this is the interesting thing that I want you to look at. This, this chart shows you the main vertebrate groups through the passage of time and you can see here, this is four hundred million years, and these are the different periods according to the way this guy named them, and each one of these, it says the comparative abundance of the different groups is roughly indicated by the thickness of the bands. Ok so this was a pretty big one and then right off from this came this group, which got big and then got really small and then extincted. This one extincted here. This one formed that one, this one, and then it got really big and then it had a little period where they almost died off and then became enormous again, and you can see these kinds of things for all of these different types of creatures, and this is based on of fossil studies. So pay attention to how this is flowing. Ok here we have bony fish. And what you’re going to notice here and it’s the same thing. They come into being as a species, proliferate, and get very small and then become extinct, and this happens over and over again. Ok then you have a little line and this goes to the reptiles, right? That way, we don’t see reptiles here. And here we have amphibians, and as you see there were quite a few amphibians that came into being and then went away, became extinct. Um this is the evolution of the main groups of the reptiles and I want you to notice oops, sorry go back, notice right here. This is the group from which, um mammals also became, see that goes to mammals. But here you have, these are the dinosaurs, right? And you can see how hugely they proliferated and then things happened and boom, gone. This is the history of the orders of placental mammals. Placental mammals are basically us. You know, creatures that don’t lay eggs any more, they have a placenta and nurture their young and move them on from home and ok, it says the common name, the main representatives. Ok you’ve got anteaters, sloths and armadillos, hares and rats, rats mice, vermin, inaudible (33:57) monkeys, apes and the other animals would be, oops go back. Number four would be monkeys apes and man, these are the primeates. Ok sea cows, manatees, blah blah blah. Now the evolution of many families of just one of the orders of the placental mammals, the carnivores, and that means you’ve got seals, sea lions, raccoons, pandas, bears, dogs, weasels, martins, otters, skunks, (inaudible 34:28) and cats. So you see that there are, there are a bunch of them that are extinct here, they didn’t prove viable, and this group, this one group went off here and from it were formed all these others. And you’ll notice that when they draw this diagram they put these little offshoot lines as the approximate point on the species where a new species speciated away from them. So, now we have here the main group of anthropoid branch of the primates and this is basically what we belong to. And as you can see there’s a bunch of them that didn’t go anywhere. A lot of them. And at the end of all this, oops, look at this. Here’s gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutangs, pretty much it, right? Ok this is a diagram that shows the typical evolution of several species and you can see how often they end in extinction. Anything that doesn’t go extinct is kind of extraordinary. And we notice that more lines end within these [humans? 36:00] and when they do continue they continue in greatly modified forms so that’s very important, greatly modified forms. Now, the interesting thing about this, why we’re interested in this is because: “the comparison between a physical river system flowing downhill in space and the stream of life”: the thing is is that the stream of life flows in reverse. Ok? I mean if you had a typical river system you’d have a stream and then another stream and then another stream and they come together and another one and another one and they all to a single source and dump into the ocean. But here supposedly we have, theoretically, according to materialist science we have you know that accidental organism that sprang into being in the primordial soup because some amino acids accidentally bumped together and everything is supposed to come from that one creature. Now this is a little bit from physicist, uh, was Sheehy a mathematician too? I know he was a physicist, I know that for sure. Now I want you to notice what he said up there; let me try to catch up on my page here. Ok, what we see is that life has been highly organized and very busy for a very very long time on this planet. Almost four billion years. There is a definite sequence of fossils from some of the lowest phases upwards. There are dating problems for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is cataclysmic activity which can reset the dating clocks. In the charts we see the approximate points of origins of one group to another. The reptiles from the amphibian the amphibian from the bony fish and so on. We clearly see the great outbursts of dinosaurs, and that was the Mesozoic period. All the archosaurian reptiles have been massed together for simplicity; they are actually eight diverging lines. Ok. Looking back at the chart at for hominids, I want to go back and look at the chart of hominids, looking at the chart of hominids we see that man is part of this evolutionary process. When we look at the timescale and see that man has been here less than one two thousandths of the total time spreading these charts, and remember these charts don’t even go back the entire four billion years people I mean yeah. This system has been continuing without pause for at least three and a half billion years. We are part of a vast chemical reaction taking place on the surface of this planet. And this reaction has been modified thousands or literally millions of times over that period. And this is what I’m calling the living stream because it looks like this river system. And the poor thing about the river system is of course that it is flowing in reverse and it is essentially defying the laws of thermodynamics. Does everybody know what the laws of thermodynamics are? Anybody not know? Ok. Well, we’ll get to it. So looking at what Erwin Schroedinger said, “it is by avoiding rapid decay into the inert state of equilibrium that an organism appears so enigmatic; so much so, that from the earliest times of human thought some special non-physical or supernatural force was claimed to be operative in the organism, and in some quarters is still claimed. How does the living organism avoid decay? The obvious answer is: By eating, drinking, breathing and (in the case of plants) assimilating. The technical term is metabolism. The Greek word means change or exchange. Exchange of what? Originally the underlying idea is, no doubt, exchange of material. That the exchange of material should be the essential thing is absurd. Any atom of nitrogen, oxygen, sulphur, is as good as any other of its kind; what could be gained by exchanging them?” Why can’t we just get born, you know eat once, and be done with it? What are we really getting from this act of metabolism? What then is that precious something contained in our food What then is that precious something contained in our food which keeps us from death? That is easily answered. Every process, event, happening – call it what you will; in a word, everything that is going on in Nature means an increase of the entropy of the part of the world where it is going on. Thus a living organism continually increases its entropy – or, as you may say, produces positive entropy - which is something very positive. What an organism feeds upon is negative entropy, or to put it less paradoxically the essential thing in metabolism is that the organism succeeds in freeing itself from all the entropy it cannot help producing while alive. In short life is something altogether different from any other process we know of in the universe, it does not obey the traditional accepted interpretation of the second law of thermodynamics. So, what is life? 1953, James Watson, Frances Crick; they announce their discovery of the (42:29)
Part 2 27:30 - 46:20

Information Therapy: Programmed Perception and the Human Mind
Okay. Now, I like this little quote because this is very much (...? 27:47) and we already quoted him on the other part when he was talking about negative entropy and positive entropy and is from the same book actually. And he says the most interesting thing. It is impossible for a single mind fully to take command of more than a small specialized portion of it. I can see no escape from this dilemma than some of us should venture to embark on the synthesis of facts and theories at the risk of making fools of ourselves.

Matter and energy comprise of surface structure of the universe. The surface structure (...? 28:43) the eternal structure is more subtle. It consists not only of matter (...? 28:53) but of information and wonder. And then Tom's information on the eternal structure of the universe and he died alone not too long ago.
So the first thing I want to talk about is our perceptions. Our familial social programming. Our historical experience and why it is that we sometimes have trouble perceiving things as they are. Take a squirrel for example, a squirrel, he knows for some instinctive reason that he must collect acorns and bury them for the winter. When a fellow squirrel dies, you know he thinks nothing of it. He doesn't make up stories about acorns being gifts from god or being brought by aliens or being bombed, or explode and causing him to lose his mind. You know he has no life that he can think about these things in anyway other than a totally practical pragmatic way when a friend squirrel dies he's gone. When the acorn appears he buries it, he knows what to do with it you know when he gets hungry he eats. Human beings seem to be the only ones who make completely irrational stories about phenomenon in our universe that bear absolutely no relationship to what is really on the ground. You can say that we all have an internal mental map, a map of the universe. We have a map of our world. And, the question is how close our mental map is to what is actually real? I mean how many people have phobias? You have agoraphobia, claustrophobia, you have any number of phobias. And you know a phobia is just an exaggeration of this tendency you know you go out into an open space and you feel like you know something terrible is going to happen to you as you are not protected inside your house. How rational is that? Well, for somebody who doesn't have any it’s obviously clearly totally irrational. It’s like claustrophobia. You get in an elevator and all of a sudden you can't breathe you know you start having an asthma attack. Well somebody who is (...? 31:14) and looking at a person who is having a claustrophobia attack, hey this person is nuts. You know you're being totally irrational. Nothing is coming from behind you. This is an elevator for god's sake. You just push the button and you get to the next floor and get out. You know it’s only for a few seconds can't you control yourself? But to the person who is suffering from it, it is such a big illusion, it’s such a big thing that they can't master it, they can't control it. Their free will detector has really gone off (lane? 31:41).

So. But the thing is that most of what we think about our world is part of a program. Its part of what we have been inculcated with. Because human beings seem to be, because of their neoplasticity the fact that everything in the (hard wired recommends? 32:04). There's something else exits in this that helps them perform social groups. And social groups apparently were necessary for survival. In the case of Neolithic times people had to get along to support one another or they died. So there is this neoplasticity that allows a group to form its own kind of rules and then they get, you know, put on all the children and they all grow up. They know how everybody behaves and this is how (animate? 32:30) culture. You know what is expected of them. How to behave, you know, what is polite, what is not polite, what is (.... scale? 32:36) and they all, you know, perform to it. And if you look around the world you see all different kinds of cultures everywhere. For example, you know, France is a very specific kind of culture. Spain has a different kind of culture. American culture is different. I mean we have been doing a lot of talking recently about the differences between American culture and the French culture. You know the French don't got any truth. They got easy enable to argue intellectually very well. It doesn't matter whether they are right or true. It doesn't matter, you know, what matters is that they do it extremely well. That they are rational, that there are logical points, are masterful, they have the best quotes from the best sources. You know, and in the US, it’s a little bit different, you know, even though they have been taken over by the same disease since 9/11, its still use to be that in the US, truth had a very high value and I think that is probably from the protestant ethics while France is still pretty much controlled by the Catholic church. Whether it is a secular thing or not but I mean still. So, you can take a child and say, you can take a child from a very primitive culture, say from the darkest jungle in the Amazon and you can bring him into, I mean if he is an infant, you can bring him in and you can raise him in a modern western culture and he would learn and adapt and be just exactly like, you know, any modern western kid. And by the same token you can take one of the, you know, a western culture baby, and give it to this primitive child and it would grow up to be just as savage as the other children in that savage tribe. You can take, you know, this is something that has been done during World War II that there were a lot of Jewish children that were taken and raised in non-Jewish households. And they became completely non-Jewish. You know in terms of their ethnicity or their religious practices or there customs and so forth. So the point is, is that the way a person is, is not the way they have to be. That it is enculterated. We believe what we believe, we think what we think, we behave the way we behave, because it has been programmed into us. And this goes to more than just, you know, cultural things. You know what we believe is a lie. You know, what we believe is truth. These are things that are not necessarily natural to us. So the point is that our perceptions are programmed. And one of the main programs that have been put on most of humanity in the last 50 years is the material nature of our world. It is matter. Matter rules. The kabala, I mean there's a whole lot of things that are being done to propagandize food, drink, you know, social ideas, sexuality, all that sort of thing. It's all being changed. So, that's our perceptions.

Now. The question is can information exist outside of the human brain? When a tree falls, and no one is there to hear it, does it produce a sound? How many people think that the falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, and it still produces a sound anyway? Raise your hand. Okay, how many people believe is if there is nobody there to hear it, it doesn't? So, we are about equally divided. Some people think that if there is nobody there to hear it, it doesn't produce a sound. And other people say okay so how, it depends on how you define sound? Ark answers: "I vote for both." He voted for both! Training your sound? Well, the thing is, is that there can actually be two correct answers depending on how you define sound. If you define sound as meaning an event upon the ear drums on a witness, then clearly when the tree falls and there is no ear drum there to receive that sound, then there is no sound. However, if you define sound as movement of waves through the air, whether or not, in the event you find (...? 37:08) so yes, it does make a sound. The thing is that the first answer is egocentric. And the (...? 37:23). Because such an answer will get in our way of an objective analysis of reality. In everything it's all about egotism. How are we ever going to understand how the universe sees itself? If you were not here and only the universe was, would that tree make a sound?

Okay. Basically it would be like saying that if we leave the lights on in a room, as soon as we leave the room, even though you left the lights on, the light no longer exist. Or as soon as we turn off the radio or the TV, the room is no longer filled with radio or TV wave transmissions. Our civilization has created whole institutions to store information outside of our brains. Libraries, art galleries, museums, radio waves, computer disks, books. It was not until the invention of time keeping devices, that time was uncoupled from life events. In wasn't until the invention of devices to do work that energy was uncoupled from things. Galileo began to study cannon balls to analyze force and motion. Before that time, matter and energy were not separate. And Europe's (Hegelian? 38:49) world views, the fact that we use heat on metal meant simply you were adding more of one of the elements, you know, earth, air, fire, water. You added more fire to the metal and that would change the metal into something else. It wasn't that the metal got hot, it was in the fundamental change by introducing fire. We are presently facing the necessity to uncouple information from our brains where the general resides inherit its objective format. Scientists are exploring natural properties of information including the structure of dynamic behavior and statistical features. Who ever thought that information had structure and dynamical features? Information is more than something we manipulate inside our heads. Electronic devices change the information into physical form. DNA carries the information that instructs the single cell to come alive and (...? 39:46). That is, DNA is a physical substance that carries information, and has been doing so for several million years to our knowledge. And that is, information existed long before our brains came to be.

Can information be processed outside the human brain? At the most (...? 40:09) level, we can input into a computer two numbers, 5 and 7, and instruct the computer to add them and get back the number 12. The 12 is not entered by the human operator. So, the computer processed that information and gave something that we didn't put into it. This is very different from things that just store information, such as books, videos, paintings, and certainly information processed at the cellular level, as in the activity of the ribosomes in constructing polypeptide chains.

There are different forms of energy; mechanical, chemical, electrical, heat, sound, light, nuclear, In the same way there are different forms of information. Human information is only one form. When a radio transmitter emitting radio waves carrying human information also imposes patterns of information such as frequency and modulation often raw energy. Computers impose their own logic pattern on information. You know 0 and 1, yes and no. The raw energy that has been formed by the radio transmitter as electrical and might come from the steam energy that imposes patterns of information on heat to cause it to produce electricity. At each step, energy becomes more organized that is processed by human created information machines. That is, under certain circumstances, machines can convert energy into information and vice versa. The same can be said for printing presses and computers, electronic signal generators, clocks, spinning wheels, and more. That is to say that even when it’s not doing anything a machine stores information. An automobile is a storehouse of information. And a living system is a storehouse of information. A good engineer that has never seen an automobile before can look at one can figure out what it does, what the different parts are, how it works and everything about it because it has that information inherent in is form and structure. Same is true with living systems.
Information, therefore, seems to be a property of the universe is part of an internal structure. The term information includes data, knowledge, insight, and wisdom. There is a second, the datum is a small chunk of information, the low end of the spectrum, moving fast, organized knowledge, (... organized for living? 43:14). All of these represent increasing levels of complexity. Knowledge, insight, wisdom represent the increasing complexity of organized information in people's heads.

We define new information as that which is perceived or transmitted without making a judgment as to its accuracy or reliability. That is information has an independent reality meaning that it is not in the group of accurate perception. Because you get raw information from the universe. Pretend you are a squirrel. There is an acorn. It is an acorn and not an alien. It is not a bomb. You know it is not anything other than an acorn. Something to eat. Your squirrel buddy dies, he's gone. And he has never gone from, you know, happy squirrel hunting grounds. You know you don't have to imagine that there is more to the events than what is there. I mean that is just pure raw data. And I'm not saying that what we do with information that, you know, asserting meaning or assigning meaning is the wrong thing about it, I'm trying to point out that if you want to really work with something you have to separate your own preconceptions from the data before you can even begin to manage it properly. Meaning that the interpretation of information in relation to some context, a radio picking up Morse code in a foreign language is detectable but not necessarily common (interval? 44:47). A book written in a foreign language carries information but may be incomprehensible to read. And a person who speaks English looks at a book written in French, he at least recognizes much of the letters, but if he looks at a book written in Arabic, the only thing he can know is that it’s a book and contains information but he recognizes nothing. So there is a lot of evidence of the fact that the information exits in context that we don't even recognize yet. Such as looking at the living system itself as something vague in information to us. We must not confuse the detection and or interpretation of information with the information itself. Information is considered to be distinct of the system which interprets it. Information is. It does not need to be perceived to exist. It does not need to get a (should? 45:52) to exist. It requires no intelligence to interpret it. It does not have to have meaning to exist. Information is. Items which convey no information are of little interest at all. Dr. Watson, we're loaded with clues for sure.

I will try and do some more tomorrow night. Whew, this is hard stuff! I have a new found respect for this transcribing task! :cool:
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