Laura's Book "From Paul to Mark" is out!!!! ... And in French too

Today I received a copy of the book. It is a huge book.:wizard:
The shipment was pretty fast, but the total cost for the book is 95$
I had to pay 50$ more for custom taxes. This is the reason why I never order from Amazon. Even if they sometimes ship to Macedonia, the taxes here are huge.
But I wanted to have this book in my hands, not just on-screen. This masterpiece is very important. I will have to finish the Romantic novel "Devilish Lord Will" -( Mackenzie's Series) and then I will start with the book.
What to say, I am very excited.
My book arrived this week and yeah, it's huge! I'm going to have to get me some reading glasses because it's hard to find a comfortable position to hold it four inches from my face. It's no Kindle. But - unsurprisingly - that hasn't deterred me in the least. I'm already nearing the end of chapter 1. I love Laura's writing, the subject matter is captivating, and because it's a big one I'm going to be savoring it for quite a while. I'm really looking forward to hearing all her personal insights on this monumental topic. And when I'm done, it will be on the shelf! Or maybe in my bugout bag...

Hail Caesar!
I've ordered the book and has arrived somewhere else. Although I was charged more for the book, not too much more, given even how that person had to order outside the book _ inventory domain warehouse(just will not carry it just yet). I will be going under the low of excitement. For the location I'm in and this current city will not allow the book to come through. It's becoming a trip wire of too many authoritarians in the state and I can sense it's fascist uneasy tightening of expectations according to the msm narrative crouched in individuals here in the Washington including many have no rebellious nature or to be Themselves but maybe that is them and that's it. Not surprising. I'll be at more peace once I leave anyway including a big motivation to obtain this book. Thanks
Today I received a copy of the book. It is a huge book.:wizard:
The shipment was pretty fast, but the total cost for the book is 95$
I had to pay 50$ more for custom taxes. This is the reason why I never order from Amazon. Even if they sometimes ship to Macedonia, the taxes here are huge.

It is same for Montenegro when ordering from amazon com, which initally made me sad, but then I found out that the shipping costs are lowered when ordering via amazon co uk? Have you tried the same?
It lowered my shipping costs down to 8.5 pounds.
So far about to enter the last section of the book, an initial comment would be: good luck to the critics trying to discredit this one. It has been so thoroughly researched that is overwhelming, every chapter has been taken with utmost care, yet, not being an academic or scholar by any means, it is easy to read and understand.
It is same for Montenegro when ordering from amazon com, which initally made me sad, but then I found out that the shipping costs are lowered when ordering via amazon co uk? Have you tried the same?
It lowered my shipping costs down to 8.5 pounds.
The shipping costs were about 7-8$. It does not matter from which Amazon I order. The customs taxes are too high. Higher than the book and shipping itself. ANd I already received the book. I started reading it and it is very interesting. So much information. It will be a long and interesting read.
As promised, Laura's book is now also available on our French/EU website!

Arrived at the local post office yesterday, picked up today; less than a week since placed an order at Pilule Rouge, via Snail Mail! :bacon:
And it looks huuuge, almost like a Bible, or better said, after glancing through it and seeing all the sources and how thoroughly researched the subject seems to be - just like The Bible! :perfect:
The snail mail finally brought this great work to my post box, and oh what a start to the read after delving in. Such a smoothly written work that is already imprinting itself - very grateful!

So thank you Laura, indeed a lifetime of deep study to pull on the threads and bring this history into being as it should be told. A book for every serious bookshelf 💐

Tip of the hat to those who helped edit, too. Excellent!
That's one reading of it, but the other one is to look at what was actually preserved at least in part because of Mark and not despite of him. Those with the capability of subtle thinking, even in mainstream Christianity, actually do get a lot out of it. Christianity is still teaching a radically different gospel than Judaism, despite the massive attempts to distort, fake, overtake etc.

Also, consider the historical situation Mark found himself in: after the Jewish War, the Romans turned their destruction of Jerusalem into a massive propaganda campaign that naturally led to extreme hatred of anything even remotely connected to Judaism/Palestine. Mark's masterpiece was written partly to dissociate the Christian communities (Pauline and Christian-Jewish) from Judaism, and to enshrine Pauline theology into an accessible story. And in that, it seems Mark succeeded quite well: he probably even managed to infuse the Christian-Jewish (non-Pauline) communities with Pauline theology (being extremely threatened by the anti-Jewish Zeitgeist, they were ripe for the picking!!), and maybe without Mark, nothing of Pauline Christianity (or any Christianity) would have survived?

In other words, Mark used Roman propaganda and the anti-Jewish sentiments as a vehicle to "Paulinize" Christianity and separate it from Judaism, at the price of "mythilization". This is quite something!
Are you saying the price of mythilization is outweighed by the benefit of preserving important teachings? I'm not sure, because it seems to me that only the minority using subtle thinking can access the preserved teaching, while the vast majority believe the lies of historical Jesus.

I'm not sure it would've been so bad without Mark and without Pauline Christianity, for maybe nothing of Christianity would've survived and nothing of Judaism would've survived and Islam wouldn't have been invented.

I suppose whatever form STO religion took would've been twisted by STS. An endless back and forth of twisting by STS, and countermeasures by STO. If not one thing, then another.

I can see what you are trying to reconcile here, but I have a different take on this idea of “Paul using deception”. Context is key. Laura points out very clearly how during those times “it was just a mess of rivalries and conflicting interests that hat been simmering for many years” (p.312) so we could say the context was rife with hystericization as per Lobaczewski and ideological possession in the form of religious zealotry.
I asked myself a couple of questions to see if Paul can be rescued from deceiving the Jewish Christians.

Paul could not have created a new religion because the Romans would've executed him and all followers of the new religion? The only religions allowed in the Roman empire were the Roman religion and Judaism?

If yes, then Paul would've been forced to pretend to be a member of the officially sanctioned religions in order to survive, and so that wouldn't really be deception. If no, then the problem remains.

In addition, he would only be externally considering the context and situation, by using the format of the Old Testament (like a Jew) by quoting its scripture (as Laura points out) when speaking to this audience made up of the messianic zealot “Jerusalem Christians” and the old school Jews - who knows, there could have been a few transformed ones in there too, as we know this group has always been small. This could be seen as taking the opportunity to speak the Truth, while invited and given the opportunity to do so, applying strategic enclosure in a very wise manner. Paul was simultaneously speaking or writing his letters within the framework of "knowing God's will” and “direction for behaviour,” and “keeping the religious adherent aligned on their path", as per Ashworth.

A contemporary example would be if one of us was in a position to speak to others, such as a pastor or lay preacher called in to speak to a Christian congregation. We would know there are only a few of us around the world that understand the depth of a real transformation, but we would still speak “as a Christian” (“as a Jew” like Paul did) the Truth of the situation. Depending on our situation, we would also have to be careful what we say, especially if we have others to protect, where Paul did not have to consider those things, so he could just “let ‘er rip” :-)
I think it's one thing to have an explicit inter-religion dialogue. I think it's something entirely different to pretend to be part of one religion while covertly trying to convert the congregation to another religion. Jewish messiahism and Pauline Christianity are far apart.

The Paulists seek to subvert the deceptions of the Judaists in order to enable enlightenment. The Judaists seek to subvert the enlightenment of the Paulists in order to twist Christianity towards social control.

Neither faction can operate openly. If the good guys did so, they'd be destroyed by the bad guys. If the bad guys did so, they'd be destroyed by the people. The result is a spiritual shadow war fought using deception. The good guys deceive the enemy by hiding their message in allegories that are capable of carrying the essential core of the message to those with "ears to hear and eyes to see". The bad guys deceive the people by appropriating the allegories and deliberately misinterpreting them in order to turn them towards material advantage.
I don't think the good guys can use deception to convert. I think free will must be respected.
I don't think the good guys can use deception to convert. I think free will must be respected.

That's not what I was getting at. The point isn't that Paul and Mark were trying to trick people into converting - that would clearly be an evil act, which I'm sure they'd have agreed with. It's that, in order to minimize persecution, they had to hide the doctrines in allegory - with the understanding (or hope, maybe) that those who would be receptive to the message would be able to read between the lines and draw the correct conclusions.

Unfortunately, over time the cultural context changed. That context was crucial to a correct interpretation of their writings. Simultaneously, the other side engaged in deliberate historicization of myth, specifically in order to bury the truth and advance a false understanding of history for purely selfish reasons.

Put in a modern context: Tolkien had no expectation that anyone would take The Lord of the Rings as an accurate historical account. It's just a story, meant to entertain and, perhaps, instruct. If later on, a group comes along that insists that it is historical; fabricates documents to bolster their claim; redacts and alters the original works to maintain consistency with their false history; and actively persecutes anyone who claims it isn't real; the fault is clearly not with Tolkien.
I've ordered the book and has arrived somewhere else. Although I was charged more for the book, not too much more, given even how that person had to order outside the book _ inventory domain warehouse(just will not carry it just yet). I will be going under the low of excitement. For the location I'm in and this current city will not allow the book to come through. It's becoming a trip wire of too many authoritarians in the state and I can sense it's fascist uneasy tightening of expectations according to the msm narrative crouched in individuals here in the Washington including many have no rebellious nature or to be Themselves but maybe that is them and that's it. Not surprising. I'll be at more peace once I leave anyway including a big motivation to obtain this book. Thanks

What city are you living in or near?

So far about to enter the last section of the book, an initial comment would be: good luck to the critics trying to discredit this one. It has been so thoroughly researched that is overwhelming, every chapter has been taken with utmost care, yet, not being an academic or scholar by any means, it is easy to read and understand.

That was exactly my objective: to gather together every single probably (even possibly) relevant piece of data and evidence and to assemble it in the best way I could figure out, so that the accumulation might carry the line of force to the proper conclusion. And, I wanted it to be as clear as possible to the lay reader while fulfilling all the requirements of academic study with arguments and references. There is still no real smoking gun, though the details I collected about Pilate appear pretty damning to me and pulls the entire rug out from under mythical Christianity.

Arrived at the local post office yesterday, picked up today; less than a week since placed an order at Pilule Rouge, via Snail Mail! :bacon:
And it looks huuuge, almost like a Bible, or better said, after glancing through it and seeing all the sources and how thoroughly researched the subject seems to be - just like The Bible! :perfect:

Well, I hope it's not "just like the Bible" since the Bible is a mess of myths and fraud. I tried to deal only with historical facts as best as they could be extracted from the limited evidence left to us. I think there was enough to surely make my points, though admittedly, facts were thin on the ground!
Got a phone call about ten minutes ago. My copy just arrived and I'll be picking it up tomorrow morning first thing. Romance novels will be put on hold for a while.
Just picked it up from my book dealer. What a sophisticated and eye-pleasing cover! An appropriate introduction to the knowledge within, and a reflection of the countless dedicated hours of research by Laura that went into this tome.
Also kudos to Chu, AI, Niall, Joe, Lucien Koch, and Sergey Kopeyko for all their collective efforts in bringing this project to completion in book form.
Now, time to start reading.:read:
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