Laura's commentary on "From Paul to Mark", Religion & Hyperdimensional Realms

Pas de traduction en Français diponible, malheureusement...

No French translation available, unfortunately...
I just tried with the Croatian language and it works pretty well.

Try this:
1. Turn on the Subtitles: you have to have a red line under "CC" button
2. Click on the "Wheel" button
3. Click on "Auto-translate"
4. Choose "French"

For the Aussies looking for a copy of the Amplified Zondervan Bible, Koorong bookshops carry it if you don't want to wait for mail and there's a store handy to you. Note that on the website they also have 1 Enoch: the hermeneia translation listed, but they don't carry it - they order it in if someone wants it so can't avoid waiting for mail on that one as far as I can tell so far.
Thank you for sharing. I just finished listening the second video.
I really enjoy listening lectures, discussion, and such kind of things.
It works for me, as far as I see, it works for a lot of others too.
For example, I can do some routine work and listen to lectures, discussion, etc. I also downloading SOTT audios and listen them.

So, Laura and guys please continue on doing that.
Thanks a lot. :-) :cool2:
From within FPtoM, had copied a section that caught my attention and made me think, what is going on here exactly - perhaps a hyperdimensional aspect, if it was not embellished or scribed in later:

FPtoM (I did not write down the page number):
I know a person in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven – whether in the body or out of the body I do not know; God knows. And I know that such a person – whether in the body or out of the body I do not know; God knows – was caught up into Paradise and heard things that are not to be told, that no mortal is permitted to repeat. (2 Cor. 12.2)

What specific person, and fourteen years ago (from writing) - was caught up in the third heaven, and heard things (did not see things)?

If heard, it could be like a channel, and what was told and heard could not be repeated.
From within FPtoM, had copied a section that caught my attention and made me think, what is going on here exactly - perhaps a hyperdimensional aspect, if it was not embellished or scribed in later:

Oh, have just been watching the second talk and indeed Laura brings up this passage (2 Cor. 12.2) - with much added. As Laura said, he is talking of himself, and also this was not a regular thing that seemed to have happened to him.

A lot to consider.
Chu, thank you very much for sharing!
Thank you Laura for helping the jingsaw to fall into place!
I'm progressing slowly, a lot lot of informations to digest, videos are helping a lot to understand the book and our difficult reality.
Looking forward to new videos!
Having just listened to the latest talk on Enoch and Angels, I just wanted to firstly say a huge thank you for making these talks available - it is tremendously useful to have commentary on FPtoM that aids in making connections, which of course leads to greater learning.

For a while I have had a peripheral awareness of apocalyptic literature (not the Book of Enoch, but the Book of Daniel), but had never really given any serious thought to it or to what reality it may in fact be referring.. Now I have a much clearer sense of why these writings are relevant (and now I have Enoch in mind), so thank you again.
To think of the C's as apocalyptic literature was also very helpful..!

Accepting that organising these talks and recording them takes a great deal of time, effort and sacrifice for a lot of people, I sincerely hope that it is not too onerous a task to continue producing them.
Another one is up! (Thank you @logos5x5!)

In this lecture, Laura Knight-Jadczyk discusses many of the writings of the Apostle Paul, and teaches us to discern the deeper meaning between the lines, as well as to be able to separate those writings that were more likely Pauline, and those which may have been edited and distorted later. She links these ancient writings to more modern research on "seeing the unseen", hyperdimensional realities and Truth.

We managed to catch Laura on video for a bit, but then, due to technical problems, it didn't record till the end. At least you get to see her talk for a few minutes, like some of you requested. :-)

(For me personally, this was was particularly interesting, and it made me like Paul even more. Reading her book helps a lot with the context, but Laura managed to connect so many other writings and details, that it was fascinating. OSIT.)

[Link added to the first post of this thread as well, for easy finding.]
The discussion of what was going on when Paul was speaking, or the influence of his words in comparison to others reminds me of The Tale of Two Sermons from Meetings with Remarkable Men:

I must tell you that in our brotherhood there are two very old brethren; one is called Brother Ahl and the other Brother Sez. These brethern have voluntarily undertaken the obligation of periodically visiting all the monasteries of our order and explaining various aspects of the essence of divinity. Our order has four monasteries, one of them ours, the second in the valley of the Pamir, the third in Tibet and the fourth in India. And so these brethren, Ahl and Sez, constantly travel from one monastery to another and preach there.

They come to us twice a year. Their arrival at our monastery is considered among us a very great event. On the days when either of them is here, the soul of every one of us experiences pure heavenly pleasure and tenderness. The sermons of these two brethren, who are to an almost equal degree holy men and who speak the same truths, have nevertheless a different effect on all our brethren and on me in particular.

When Brother Sez speaks it is indeed like the song of the birds in Paradise; from what he says one is quite, so to say, turned inside out; one becomes as though entranced. His speech purls like a stream and one no longer wishes anything else in life but to listen to the voice of Brother Sez. But Brother Ahl's speech has almost the opposite effect. He speaks badly and indistinctly, evidently because of his age. No one knows how old he is. Brother Sez is also very old, but he is still a hale old man, whereas in Brother Ahl the weakness of old age is clearly evident.

The stronger the impression made at the moment by the words of Brother Sez, the more this impression evaporates until there ultimately remains in the hearer nothing at all. But in the case of Brother Ahl, although at first what he says makes almost no impression, later, the gist of it takes on definite form, more and more each day, and is instilled as a whole into the heart and remains there forever.

When we became aware of this and began trying to discover why it was so, we came to the unanimous conclusion that the sermons of Brother Sez proceeded only from his mind and therefore acted on our minds, whereas those of Brother Ahl proceeded from his being and acted on our being.

Yes, professor, knowledge and understanding are quite different. Only understanding can lead us to being whereas knowledge is but a passing presence in it.
In this lecture, Laura Knight-Jadczyk discusses many of the writings of the Apostle Paul, and teaches us to discern the deeper meaning between the lines, as well as to be able to separate those writings that were more likely Pauline, and those which may have been edited and distorted later. She links these ancient writings to more modern research on "seeing the unseen", hyperdimensional realities and Truth.

We managed to catch Laura on video for a bit, but then, due to technical problems, it didn't record till the end. At least you get to see her talk for a few minutes, like some of you requested. :-)

(For me personally, this was was particularly interesting, and it made me like Paul even more. Reading her book helps a lot with the context, but Laura managed to connect so many other writings and details, that it was fascinating. OSIT.)
Thank you once again to all involved in producing and editing this video (and to those who contributed comments and questions!).
These videos of Laura giving commentary on From Paul to Mark are immensely useful in conjunction with the thoughts / comments / insights that emerge in the online reading workshop.
I repeatedly find that I have missed a great deal in my own reading of the book (and Paul for that matter), so these videos and being able to read From Paul to Mark with others is giving invaluable feedback and guidance.
I don't have much info about the following clip, but it's Russia's Partiarch Kirill talking about the geopolitical situation, and i thought it was notable that he briefly quotes Paul, and how it relates to this thread. It's not the first time he's talked about these kinds of things, of course.

(Note the transcription below is a copy of the subtitles in the video below)
because, even the victory over globalism in a single country will not be significant for the whole world, although it will be important, In other words, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" as the apostle said. And today these words are taking on a very visible expression, and everyone can understand what it is about, and with understanding, the possibility of resistance opens up. And here is our resistance to all these destructive tendencies - this is the growth in our faith. This is loyalty to our traditions, this is love for the fatherland, and as long as our fatherland is this island of freedom, the rest of the world will also have a certain sign of hope for the opportunity to change the course of history and prevent a global apocalyptic end, at least to push it to that perspective, with which none of us connects our lives, nor the lives of our immediate descendents,

I thought it was interesting that he says it's necessary to understand what forces are at work in order to resist. Not quoted above is that a few sentences prior, he talks of the importance of the churches, and so i guess he's referring to those as being an aspect of that resistance.
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Not quoted above is that a few sentences prior, he talks of the importance of the churches, and so i guess he's referring to those as being an aspect of that resistance.
There were some videos a few months ago, about how thugs in the middle of the sermon in Ukraine, forcibly took away the priests to an unknown fate. So whatever energies is working through these thugs/nazis, it seems clear that they see the church as a threat to their control and domination. The same things happened also in Syria.
I think it helps, at least for me, when one sees what is happening as a battle taking place on a different plane, against truly evil forces which are not of blood and flesh.

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