Laura's Stem Cells

I didn't saw Laura's MRI, but I did witnessed Ivan's aka P.T.'s diagnostic maneuvers and re-positionings. A good physiotherapist is certainly not faint of heart...

From physical maneuvers, he diagnosed Laura's problems in a precise and complete manner, later everything was confirmed with the MRI. He was able to sense from touch alone that the hamstring was severely torned.

He said that he was trained in Germany for the Spark Shock Therapy which attracts stem cells where the spark is applied.

He re-positioned the torned meniscus which was "catapulted" out of place with Mulligan's techniques. He recommended Cyriax Orthopedic Medicine and Mulligan's physiotherapy techniques. He warned to stay away from sports practitioners because they are too focused on sports injuries and nothing else.

He said it was important to work on the whole unit, bones + muscles + nerves. A chiropractor might neglect the muscles and a physiotherapist might neglect the bones.

He had several machine, one of the favorite ones were the laser therapy (near far infrared and red) which comes with cuppings with electrodes that transmit energy that cross inside the articulation.

The physiotherapy in Serbia rocks :)

One of the docs understood Laura when she said she had a high threshold for pain. According to her Laura should have been on a wheel chair or screaming in pain.
Gaby said:
One of the docs understood Laura when she said she had a high threshold for pain. According to her Laura should have been on a wheel chair or screaming in pain.

Dear! :cry: Laura, you're so tough and strong - working constantly, doing research, helping others all the time, always being there for everyone - that we sometimes might tend to "forget" or not have much of a clue about how much pain you must have been in, and are still in, even if you're starting to feel better. I very much hope that the pain will completely go away and that you recover once and for all. You certainly had your share of pain and suffering, and enough is enough :hug2:
Thank you for sharing the photos, and for the additional information Laura and Gaby. :flowers: It's great to hear you were treated by true professionals who know what they're doing and who cover all aspects with much care. And it's really great that you're already noticing benefits! :hug2:
Laura said:
Shijing said:
Laura said:
You might be interested to know that they also checked for the MTHFR gene variant: negative.

I've been curious about that -- I'm glad they thought to check for it, and thanks for letting us know what the result was. At least that's one less thing you need to worry about.

Those guys and gals are THOROUGH. They explore EVERY avenue, discuss a case up one side and down the other. And in my case, what it comes down to is that my hyperinsulinism is pretty much at the root of everything. I think that is correct. Controlling and stabilizing the insulin is the main objective, while correcting some of the damage it has done in other respects.

I'm glad you are doing better Laura! Insulin is indeed the silent killer. I remember many years ago you discovering Syndrome X and it's implications on health. So many years in the past with this toxic sugar/carb/gluten diet in the USA must have done a number on your body which couldn't keep up even with the offending things removed. I'm glad you are feeling a reversal, especially on the knees!
Laura, each time I read something more from you in this thread, I find myself feeling happy and more and more excited for you. I get bubbly from thinking how it's going to feel to you to actually feel GOOD! It might be a while before you cool it on the happy feet.

Laura you are a very great being and will be much greater in the years to come. We give thanks for being able to returned to earth at this time with a spirit as powerful as you. All will be well.
Knee pain gone already - Awesome!!! I'm so happy all is working out well for you, Laura and that you received such top notch care. Soon enough, you'll be fit as a fiddle! Even in hospital, plugged in to something, you're looking great!
:perfect: :cheer: :hug2:
Lilou said:
Even in hospital, plugged in to something, you're looking great!

Yes, you looked great despite the extensive treatment. And it seemed a nice cozy place that was conducive to healing. Thanks for sharing the pics. I'm glad you're already seeing benefits! :)
Great to hear you're feeling so much better. With some rest, sounds like you'll be a "reset" Laura soon. :)
Glad to hear that everything went well. My wishes for the speedy recovery! Maybe you should find some physiotherapist who could subscribe set of individualized physical exercises for the knees (usually very mild ones). If there is a need for some footwork to be done in Belgrade, just ask, I'm there.
3D Student said:
Lilou said:
Even in hospital, plugged in to something, you're looking great!

Yes, you looked great despite the extensive treatment. And it seemed a nice cozy place that was conducive to healing. Thanks for sharing the pics. I'm glad you're already seeing benefits! :)

When I saw the photos from the clinic my first thought was that Laura looked really good in blue. But I assumed it was probably not a very good idea to share my girly observations. But heck, since you guys brought that up I'll throw it in too :D
Merci d'avoir donné le lien pour suivre votre traitement et aussi pour les photos...
Je suis si contente que vous soyez rentrée chez vous et que vous alliez un peu mieux...
J'ai hâte de lire prochainement vos progrès...
J'espère que vous irez de mieux en mieux...
Ne vous fatiguez pas trop...
Je vous souhaite bon courage et un prompt rétablissement...
De tout coeur avec Vous...

Thank you for giving the link to follow your treatment and also for the photos ...
I'm so glad you're back home and you're a little better ...
I look forward to reading your progress in the near future ...
I hope you get better and better ...
Do not get too tired ...
I wish you good courage and a speedy recovery ...
Wholeheartedly with you...
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