Laura's Stem Cells

dear laura,

thank you for informing us on your therapy, i am glad everything went well and i wish u a speedy healing and successful reconvalescence.
You are a very brave woman, loved by so many so i think you will recover very soon.

again the very best wishes!
Adaryn said:
Arwenn said:
Thanks for posting the photos! It looks really clean & welcoming (both inside & from the outside). Most clinics and hospitals I've seen or been in have a very stark, clinical somewhat foreboding look and feel to them.

Oh yes, it looks so nice, clean, peaceful and warm! Like a family home/B&B. But what an ordeal it must have been. All for the best though, hopefully. Wishing you the best recovery, and waiting for you to be ready to r'n'roll :scooter: :bacon:

Oh yes, it's VERY different from rooms of french hospitals for example, much more like an hotel indeed, and a sweet one ! And if it doesn't prevent the cleanness and obviously gives some more comfort to the patient, one can wonder why it's not more general (OK, I don't really wonder of course).

Thanks for the pictures Laura ;)
So glad you were able to have the treatment and now back home on the road to recovery. May you grow stronger with each passing day! :D
Laura said:
Laurentien said:
Thanks for the up date Laura, glad everything went well and that you received good care. By reading your post, you seem to be well both in mind and spirit, a big plus I'm sure for a speedy recovery. Best wish and a big hug Laura. Don't hesitate to ask for fund for future treatment, I will gladly contribute. :bacon:

Thanks so much.

The miracle, right now, is that I can stand up and sit down without any pain at all in my knees/legs. After a year of agony every time I did that, it sure is a relief. And that is, I'm sure, just the beginning. In fact, other than the soreness in my belly from the liposuction, which is receding slowly, I'm generally pain free. They gave me a lot of brain fog clearing drips, anti-brain aging drips and such, so my head feels generally pretty good at this point. I'm still in the resting mode because I know I have "baby knees" at the moment. They have been put back together and loaded with healing stuff, but it can take 3 months for the new cartilage to be fully formed. And believe me, my knees were destroyed; the left worse than the right; stuff broken off and floating around, displaced, etc.

From reading your description above, despite some of my knowledge around our health care system, I still shake my head how they dare insist in denying all the latest scientific knowledge at disposal in our world. Of course, we´ll know what stands in the way, but I´m really astonished and clapping my hands upon your improvements, Laura. I´me just dreaming now for a moment what our world would be like if our first priorities wouldn´t depend so much on our so called professional doctors who are writing down diagnosis impossible to decipher, let alone our intent to spell their written letters.

Have a nice journey towards the fullest recovery as possible, from all my heat.
Laura, I'm so relieved that you speedily got this done and the group joined its financial forces to make it possible. To me it feels like we've dodged another (extremely) negative timeline without you in the world. A few days after the latest May session when the money was being raised and, I think, decisions were being made over in France I had a dream where I was being attacked by the forces of darkness and you and your "son" rushed in to protect me. I say "son" in quotes because it seems that you are a mother more than the biological sense to the crew over there. When I woke up I had the sense of relief and my own brand of mental suffering which is my personal portal for attack was diminished.

It's so maddening and unsurprising how this treatment seems to have the possibility of really alleviating a whole host of autoimmune disorders. One is reminded of Royal Rife's work. I hope that the clinic is not facing attacks of it's own. At least it's not in the US. A quick google revealed that the Empire is gearing up for a fight:

I'm interested to hear more about what the doctors said about hyperinsulinemia and how stem cell therapy alleviates it. I also remember the Cs stating how damaging insulin can be when they were discussing the Keto diet a few years back.
Adaryn said:
Gaby said:
One of the docs understood Laura when she said she had a high threshold for pain. According to her Laura should have been on a wheel chair or screaming in pain.

Dear! :cry: Laura, you're so tough and strong - working constantly, doing research, helping others all the time, always being there for everyone - that we sometimes might tend to "forget" or not have much of a clue about how much pain you must have been in, and are still in, even if you're starting to feel better. I very much hope that the pain will completely go away and that you recover once and for all. You certainly had your share of pain and suffering, and enough is enough :hug2:
I second this wholeheartedly, Adaryn. I am relieved to hear that these procedures are now over, Laura and that your knees are already on the mend. I hope we get to see a picture of you dancing with Ark when you are feeling better. :hug:
It seems that this treatment is very much worth the price. I am so glad that your knees are so much better and your pain was left in the past, Laura. :flowers:
I wonder if this whole stem cells thing isn't part of the transition:

Q: (L) When the energy changes to fourth density…and you have already told us that people who are moving to fourth density when the transition occurs, that they will move into fourth density, go through some kind of rejuvenation process, grow new teeth, or whatever…what happens to those people who are not moving to fourth density, and who are totally unaware of it? Are they taken along on the wave by, in other words, piggybacked by, the ones who are aware and already changing in frequency, or are they going to be somewhere else doing something else?

A: Step by step.

Q: (T) In other words, we are looking at the fact that what’s coming this time is a wave that’s going to allow the human race to move to fourth density?

A: And the planet and your entire sector of space/time.

Q: (T) Is that what this whole plan is about, then, if I may be so bold as to include all of us here in this? There are people who have come here into human form, to anchor the frequency… Is this what we are anchoring it for, for this wave, so that when it comes enough of us will be ready, the frequency will be set, so that the change in the planet can take place as it has been planned?

A: Yes.

It's interesting that stem cells are indeed being used to grow new teeth:
Glad to hear your back and all went well Laura and team. I saw in that your planning to write about the experience and the results. One thought I had is are you doing video documentation as well to show how your progression goes? To be able to actually see the changes taking place on top of all the information gathered may be helpful in making the case for its potential use and/or acceptance. Im not suggesting it to be put up on the forum or elsewhere per say, b/c im not sure sure if it would be the proper course of action,but i figured it could be used as further documentation. Does this seem like a good idea?
Bobby said:
Glad to hear your back and all went well Laura and team. I saw in that your planning to write about the experience and the results. One thought I had is are you doing video documentation as well to show how your progression goes? To be able to actually see the changes taking place on top of all the information gathered may be helpful in making the case for its potential use and/or acceptance. Im not suggesting it to be put up on the forum or elsewhere per say, b/c im not sure sure if it would be the proper course of action,but i figured it could be used as further documentation. Does this seem like a good idea?

Well, I'm going to wait a bit before I write anything; want to see more results and also need simply to rest. That was a freaking ORDEAL!!!
Fantastic to hear everything well so well and your back home safe. Really looking forward to hearing you are running around chasing the doggies in a couple of months. Have a super swift recovery Laura. big hugs to you :hug: :hug:
Thank you Laura for the update and the photos, I am impressed by this procedure and their professionalism, sorry for these difficult moments to pass, I hope that her pain will soon be a bad memory. :hug: :flowers: :dance:
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