Laura's Stem Cells

Good to know you know have the opportunity to rest and read, and everything points at a slow but sure recovery. We agree wholeheartedly that in the face of growing turmoil we indeed have to watch out for each other even more, and this was discussed between my partner and I just a day or two ago. Let not the light go out even for a moment.
Laura said:
So, it's a process and I'm still in the serious recovery stage. I'll be glad when two months is up and I can knock off two more of the drugs.

Thanks for the update Laura, I hope everything comes into balance for you swiftly. Sending healing thoughts and prayers. :flowers: :hug2:
Alada said:
Laura said:
So, it's a process and I'm still in the serious recovery stage. I'll be glad when two months is up and I can knock off two more of the drugs.

Thanks for the update Laura, I hope everything comes into balance for you swiftly. Sending healing thoughts and prayers. :flowers: :hug2:

Ditto to that and although it must be very difficult for you please let the time do its healing. :hug2:

And enjoys your reading. :lkj:
I'm a little late in welcoming you back, but want to let you know that you've been in my thoughts and prayers and happy to know that your recovery is underway.

Laura said:
Thebull said:
I was wondering if your having reiki, massage or any other therapies at the moment to help you with your recovery?

We do Reiki about once a week.

I went to the physiotherapist and he refused to work on me because he was afraid of doing more damage. He said my knee was such a wreck, he wouldn't touch it and we can only pray that the stem cells do something. That was kinda depressing, but better he should be cautious, I guess.

I'm using red light/near infrared on it and that feels good. I guess we'll see if it does what it promises.
This came to mind after reading about your knee, Laura... I've always had excellent results using comfrey poultices for bone breaks and joint injuries (ie. strains, sprains, tendonitis, etc)
It isn't hard to make and apply, but it'll be easier with an assistant:
-If using dried root and/or leaves, soak 1 cup of root and/or leaves in a quart of water for 12 hours.
-If using fresh, double the amount of root/leaves, chopped coarsely and skip the soaking part.
-Bring to a boil, cover and simmer for 30 minutes.
-Add about a half a cup of thickener such as cornmeal, ground flax or oat bran and a 1/8 t. of cayenne (omit if your skin is sensitive to this) to help with opening circulation to that area. Cover and remove from heat to allow thickening to occur, 20 minutes or so.
-Spread a thin layer of this mucilage out on a couple layers of woven cotton, large enough to wrap around knee and something you won't mind throwing away when done. Old flannel sheet or shirt works fine.
-Place that on a big enough piece of plastic wrap so it has an inch or more margin larger than cotton. Allow to cool, but apply as warm as you can tolerate.
-Wrap snugly and secure with tape or a couple strips of cloth tied around both ends of poultice or more plastic wrap. Leave on until nearly dry, keeping your leg raised and resting. (Putting it on before bedtime is ideal, but you may want to put old sheet underneath in case of leakage from poultice)
-Repeat as soon as you can, preferably when you can rest with it on, making sure to gently heat mucilage, but not allowing to boil, before assembling next poultice.

For chronic conditions, it seems to help prime the area by alternating hot and cold compresses, 20 minutes each, and at least 3 times for each; this helps open things up and squeeze some of the lactic acid out of tissue. Then apply the poultice, after allowing skin to come to ambient temperature. Since you're using IR, I would think that applying poultice after using IR would be as beneficial as the Hot/cold alternating compresses, the whole idea being to increase circulation.

My first success with using a comfrey poultice was almost 25 years ago, using dried leaves and roots of comfrey to make the poultice which was applied to a friend's ankle sprain. The way he recovered after the hot/cold alternating compresses before each of the three poultice applications over the course of two days was amazing! Only caution to note is that because it works so well, MAKE SURE any broken bones are set first since it does speed the bone knitting process. (I found that out first hand when son's "sprained finger" was actually broken; it had to be re-broken and yea, bones had already knitted enough from using comfrey poultice. Lesson learned!)

Dr. Shook writes (in Dr. John Christopher's book School of Natural Healing):
" It does not seem to matter much which part of the body is broken, either internally or externally; comfrey will heal it quickly. It is a great cell proliferant or new cell grower, it grows new flesh and bone alike, stops hemorrhage, and is wonderful for coughs, soothing and healing the inflamed tissues in a most remarkable manner."

Laura, I'm not sure if the condition of your knee would contraindicate using a treatment such as this. Just sharing my experience with this healing poultice, seems the least I could do after the wealth of sharing you have done with all of us.
Here's to your speedy recovery. :cheer: Write On, Laura!
Hi Skyfarmr, you have absolutely, not as really absolutely, but as simply to take a look
on this comfrey thread started by Laura:,21597.msg536179.html#top
zak said:
Hi Skyfarmr, you have absolutely, not as really absolutely, but as simply to take a look
on this comfrey thread started by Laura:,21597.msg536179.html#top

Thank you Zak. I wasn't going to say anything but will now: if ANY alternative therapy might have helped, I tried it. You can take that to the bank.
Thanks for the update Laura. Our thoughts are with you.
Take your time to get well and in the meantime enjoy your reading.
Merci pour le partage du lien dont je n'avais pas connaissance...

Thanks for sharing the link I did not know ...
Laura said:
mouse said:
I wish you a fast and great recovery.

I'm "working" on it.

It's actually hard work to NOT do stuff. I've found I have to severely limit my time in the desk chair because of the need for proper support for the knee. And I definitely want it to heal as soon as possible. So, I do hit and run checks of the forum and FB and Twitter: a couple minutes a few times a day. That way I feel like I'm doing as much as I can to keep the energy moving.

I admit that reading the news is often disheartening, and that is why now, more than ever, we all need to be encouraging and supporting each other and talking through things. The Cs told us this day was coming and they even gave us an approximate time for the beginning of turmoil. Well, it's here, so let's deal with it!!!

And ya'll please, watch my back for me while I get well! Be excellent to each other and keep your spirits and energy up!

Patience is our best friend.You are having a dramatic changes in your body.The new cells need time to place them.Probably is going to be a great recovery,but maybe not so fast.

We will watch your back always ;) and i manage to keep the spirit and the energy up,specially since i re-reading Petty Tyrants and Facing the Unknown.Recibe un super abrazo y mi afecto!!! :hug2:
Laura said:
I wasn't going to say anything but will now: if ANY alternative therapy might have helped, I tried it. You can take that to the bank.

Yesterday 'came up' on my mind :)



The mud from the Dojran Lake has the ability to extract all that is negative in body and skin, such as certain diseases, freckles and lichens. According to experts, Doyran mud is healthy because it contains many ingredients from plants that decompose in Dojran.

Despite Doyran algae which is known and contains a large amount of iodine in the mud there are many other plants that decompose in water. The mud is very rich in minerals that have a positive effect on skin and rheumatic pains. Experts found that the mixture of extracts released by decomposing plants, water and mud, is the recipe for this natural remedy.

Strange and seemingly uncomfortable, so unique mix of odors can not be felt in any other place in the world. Only experienced and breathes right on the shore of Lake Dojran Dojran that makes it special and distinctive.

The lake water is hot, green and opaque. At the entrance of water is felt mud underfoot. From the lake to the coast ceaselessly swirling foam, which resembles a foam soap. When you are experiencing all this, and when, moreover inhaled the smell of algae have a feeling like you are in the midst of a swamp. It is for blooming of algae in the lake. The foam produced exactly their flowers, it is quite natural. It is only fifteen days a year - in the middle of August,in this period the water has the most healing effect!
Interesting, SR. I have heard of some pretty powerful seaweed packs, but this place wins the prize!
Laura said:
Interesting, SR. I have heard of some pretty powerful seaweed packs, but this place wins the prize!

sToRmR1dR said:
Despite Doyran algae which is known and contains a large amount of iodine in the mud there are many other plants that decompose in water.

Fascinating. But I think I'll just stick with my Lugols for now. :P

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