goyacobol said:Laura said:Interesting, SR. I have heard of some pretty powerful seaweed packs, but this place wins the prize!
sToRmR1dR said:Despite Doyran algae which is known and contains a large amount of iodine in the mud there are many other plants that decompose in water.
Fascinating. But I think I'll just stick with my Lugols for now. :P
I will also stick to my Lugol's. I have been there at Dojran Lake 7 years ago. I also heard that that black mud is packed with iodine and minerals. I put tons of it on me and my son. He has a great time playing in the mud actually.
I haven't noticed any difference after that. The only thing I remember is the terrible smell of it and I could not wash that smell of me for days after I came home.