Laura's Stem Cells

Merci Laura pour les nouvelles... Cette IRM était donc une révélation...
En attendant votre prochaine visite en Janvier prochain, reposez vous au maximum...
Prenez bien soin de vous...
Nous somme de tout cœur avec vous...

Thank you Laura for the news... So this MRI was a revelation...
Waiting for your next visit next January, rest yourself at the maximum...
Take good care of yourself...
We look forward to working with you...
Thank you for the update, Laura! I'm glad to hear that the MRI provided you with useful information helping you solving this issue, and may the appointment in January one step towards that. It's inspiring to see how you tackle these things step by step and work your way back to health. Onwards and upwards! :flowers:
Of course, Laura, you have no reason to feel guilty. You are already doing a huge job, and you are clearly an example to us all.
Be sure to rest and not overindulge during the holidays. ;)
The latest news looks promising for your recovery.
I wish you good health for the coming year !
Hi Laura
It’s good to hear that you are feeling so much better. I am new but not really new new. I was actually in touch with cassiopaea back in 2011 but I have recently signed in. As, I think I was not ready before and wanted to become a member when I was ready for it. I have read all parts of waves, secret history of world, beginners of the dawn, unholy hungers and lot more. But, definitely unholy hungers helped me a lot to fight vampires inside me everyday and kill all the multiple eyes inside me and think in a very clear way. You are so inspiring Laura hats off to all your efforts. Just by reading your experiences it gives goosebumps but they way you fight gives inspiration. You are a very positive person and I am 100% sure you will fight all the attacks that come through your way and help others as well. Keep up the good work. Sending lots of positivity and love towards your way.
Complexity said:
Wishing you all the best Laura.

I'm suffering herniated L4-L5 causing nerve compression. It happened about 9 years ago, I'm only 26 now and otherwise fit.. but it's been getting me down quite a bit, with the pain, discomfort and stiffness worsening.

I'm a trooper.. but some days I can't troop. :scared:

It feels like my backs in a vice, whilst lightening courses down my body.

Medical services in the UK right now are a joke too.
Took them 2 years to agree to send me off for a scan because they thought I was being a hypochondriac.. or treated me like one, anyway. (I rarely visit the docs).

I might have to look into alternative therapy.

Well, I've only had one treatment and it held for a couple of days. Then the Dr. came down with the flu and had to cancel my next appt. So, we'll see after I go again.

It did help and, supposedly, getting the treatment at proper intervals allows the disc to move back into its proper place. And yeah, I can understand it getting a person down!!! It's a dreadful place to hurt!
Merci pour les nouvelles Laura...
J'espère que vous vous remettez bien de la grippe...
Nous attendrons de vos nouvelles...
Prenez bien soin de Vous...

Thank you for the new Laura...
I hope you're recovering well from the flu...
We look forward to hearing from you...
Take good care of yourself...
Laura said:
Complexity said:
Wishing you all the best Laura.

I'm suffering herniated L4-L5 causing nerve compression. It happened about 9 years ago, I'm only 26 now and otherwise fit.. but it's been getting me down quite a bit, with the pain, discomfort and stiffness worsening.

I'm a trooper.. but some days I can't troop. :scared:

It feels like my backs in a vice, whilst lightening courses down my body.

Medical services in the UK right now are a joke too.
Took them 2 years to agree to send me off for a scan because they thought I was being a hypochondriac.. or treated me like one, anyway. (I rarely visit the docs).

I might have to look into alternative therapy.

Well, I've only had one treatment and it held for a couple of days. Then the Dr. came down with the flu and had to cancel my next appt. So, we'll see after I go again.

It did help and, supposedly, getting the treatment at proper intervals allows the disc to move back into its proper place. And yeah, I can understand it getting a person down!!! It's a dreadful place to hurt!

I'm glad to hear you're trying this treatment before opting for surgery Laura. Good luck!
Just discovered via accident the latest interview from Joe Rogen with Mel Gibson, where he shares the story of how his 92 year old dad was helped via stem cells treatment. The other guest is the doctor who administered the stem cell therapy and has a clinic.

Mel Gibson is an actor and filmmaker. Neil Riordan, PA, PhD is one of the early pioneers and experts in applied stem cell research.

Just listened to the first few minutes and it sounds pretty interesting. The clinic of Neil Riordan (Panama) could be a solution for people in the US where the treatment is still illegal. Also nice to see it getting more attention through Gibson sharing the story with his dad. The recovery of his dad was remarkable, especially considering his age. His dad is now 100. Neil Riordan shares also some science behind the stem cell treatment.
J'ai regardé l'émission de télévision en France du Docteur Vétérinaire DEE "Véto en Alaska", elle a prélevé un peu de graisse du corps d'un petit chat pour cultiver des cellules souches avec un bon résultat...

I watched the television show in France of Doctor Vétérinaire DEE "Véto en Alaska", she took a little fat from the body of a small cat to cultivate stem cells with a good result...
Just listened the first 15 minutes and interesting information is said.Mel Gibson shares his story also.He got shoulders`pain and was released from it thanks to the injection of cells.Thanks Pashalis for sharing it.

Laura we hope you soon will dance a nice tango!:bacon:
Hi Laura, did you come to some agreement/deal with Swiss Medica about forum/FOTCOm members getting a discount if getting treatment in Belgrad/Moscow?

I'm having a discussion with them right now about treatment plans etc….
Hi Laura, did you come to some agreement/deal with Swiss Medica about forum/FOTCOm members getting a discount if getting treatment in Belgrad/Moscow?

I'm having a discussion with them right now about treatment plans etc….


I would advise you to do autohemotherapy for at least a year before attempting the stem cell treatment. The stem cell business is brutal.

I would advise you to do autohemotherapy for at least a year before attempting the stem cell treatment. The stem cell business is brutal.
Ok. Brutal in what sense? I will get a 3-day treatment (can send you the preliminary treatment plan if you will, just to compare)

Maybe you got the full hardcore version?

The nurse that was suppose to help me with AHT changed her mind, so I have to find another one.
Ok. Brutal in what sense? I will get a 3-day treatment (can send you the preliminary treatment plan if you will, just to compare)

Maybe you got the full hardcore version?

The nurse that was suppose to help me with AHT changed her mind, so I have to find another one.

If you are as bad off as you say you are, the travel, the ordeal of harvesting the stem cells, the multiple infusions, etc, is terrifically exhausting. You have to have freaking energy to go through it. It took every last drop of energy I had to do all that. And then, I was in pain and exhausted for months afterward as I've described previously. It wasn't until I got the infrabed and the autohemotherapy going that I really started to pull out of it.

A three day treatment probably is just going there, harvesting as soon as you walk in the door, infusing, slam, bam, out the door. You would probably not survive it, it is exhausting.

The harvesting is done under anaesthesia even if they call it a mild twilight sleep. You are still pretty much knocked out, and it takes days to get over that. And depending on your body's reaction to being invaded, may take longer.

Quite a few people I saw there having it done along with me were either 1) in a lot better shape than I was, though they had some sort of thing they wanted to cure; 2) in a wheel chair with somebody pushing them around so they probably didn't notice how blasted they were anyway.

AHT is the real ticket, activates your stem cells, your immune system, cleans up the bad stuff in the body, is exactly right for your condition on the given day, costs almost nothing, you don't have to leave home. If it was me, I'd find a AHT buddy to learn with, and get the equipment and do it at home. It took a few months for real results to kick in, and now, it's like I'm back to better than before. My recent bloodwork was the best it's ever been in my life. My doctor is very pleased!!!
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