Libel and Defamation Against SOTT, Cass, LKJ, QFG, etc

I just wanted to mention that this konjunktion26 has been sending me a bunch of messages on youtube wanting me to forward a letter to Laura. I haven't been keeping up with this thread so I didn't know who he was so I said that if he wanted to contact Laura he could just post to this forum. He told me he posted the letter and it was immediately deleted and he was banned. He asked me again to send Laura a letter. I told him that I couldn't help him and that if he had a problem he should contact her himself.

I just read up on him so I blocked him. Seems like he is just pretty desperate to get all that info on him off the website and is looking to contact people associated with the cassiopaea forum to help him.
Masamune said:
I just wanted to mention that this konjunktion26 has been sending me a bunch of messages on youtube wanting me to forward a letter to Laura. I haven't been keeping up with this thread so I didn't know who he was so I said that if he wanted to contact Laura he could just post to this forum. He told me he posted the letter and it was immediately deleted and he was banned. He asked me again to send Laura a letter. I told him that I couldn't help him and that if he had a problem he should contact her himself.

I just read up on him so I blocked him. Seems like he is just pretty desperate to get all that info on him off the website and is looking to contact people associated with the cassiopaea forum to help him.

I don't know anything about a letter or him being banned. Methinks he made that up.
Laura said:
I don't know anything about a letter or him being banned. Methinks he made that up.

Interesting. Here are the messages:

konjunktion26 said:
Important Message

Hello. I just found this channel from you and I would like to ask if you have to do with these cassiopaea members. I have nothing to do with them but somebody used my account and now these people from cassiopaea say I said something bad about Laura and I not even know this woman. I wasn´t the one who talked to her, whatever someone said and I found a link to my channel here on YouTube on her site, because someine wrote me a mail here and said I did the right decision. I asked what he talks about? Than this person gave me the link and I saw that on the David Icke forum someone registered and linked a link where a site says something against this Laura, but it has nothing to do with me what this site says.

1.) I don´t this Laura
2.) I have no problem with this Laura
3.) I have no problem with anyone who has interest for esoterics or her forum
4.) I never was on her forum (a hacker published my emails years ago on a board)
5.) I just want that you copy her this mail here and show it to Laura because she think that I have a problem with her but I have NO problem with anyone. I have better things to do all day than posting confusing posts and I never said the things she posted on her site.

I wish her (Laura) love and the best. I have witih nobody problems. Why I should tell lies? And I don´t like at all the way she or they see me. I have nothing to do with all this things. I even uploaded a video on YouTube so everyone can see that my old emailadresses got hacked and someone does whatever with my emails. I erased both last week, so nobody can abuse them. I found out to late that someone did abused my accounts. Also I have read minutes ago on her site that other people all over the internet create lies about Laura to attack her knowledge and her and I thnk these people who do such attacks are not nice or friendly in any way. I have nothing to do with people who attack others and I never would say that Laura is stupid or a liar or whatever. I don´t know her and it doesn´t interest me what she did. I see no connection. I was a very long time ago a registered member, but I didn´t wrote anything. Than I lost my usb-stick downtown in a internet-cafe center and I bet I was still looged in. However. I have nothing to do with the conclusions she write about me. And also I have no problem to give her my data. She or cassopaea members to have to spy who I am. Just ask me who I am, whats my name and family name, where I live, what house, who´s my friends, my phone number, etc. I mean, why people I not even know do stalking with me? I have no problem with answering questions. I am a nice very friendly guy and all people I know they know that. So you can have all informations, you just have to ask me and I will tell you. So please give Laura or whoever released these terrible lies about me. So I wish you a beautiful day and sorry that this mail was so long, so sorry! :-)

little typing error - correction! :-)

oh sorry the 1.) point was a typing error.. it should mean -

"1.) I don´t know this Laura"

Have a nice day! :-)

lol some more errors..
oh no, again typing errors!

It should mean:

"She or cassopaea members don´t have to spy who I am. Just ask me who I am, whats my name and family name, where I live, what house, who´s my friends, my phone number, etc. I mean, why people I not even know do stalking with me? I have no problem with answering questions. I am a nice very friendly guy and all people I know they know that. So you can have all informations, you just have to ask me and I will tell you. So please give Laura or whoever released these terrible lies about me. So I wish you a beautiful day and sorry that this mail was so long, so sorry! :-)"

Second Letter for Laura from Cassiopaea

Sorry if I write so much but I see no way to contact Laura so I trust you that you give her this mails.

You know, even my youtube account I had to change many times the emails + passwords because someone went into my account here. All my friends know about these account hackings since a long time.

It really makes me sad to see what people did with my accounts. But I´m not the only one, others also have such problems. I just don´t like that there is now a woman (Laura) who thinks that there is a young guy (me) who has nothing better to do that tak about her. I never did this. I have so much things to do all day. I´m not often at home and if than I work on my musical projects with a lot of other music artists because I do a lot of collaborations and also I´m working as a audio engineer and I do mastering for friends and artists that I like who ask me to do this. I never took money because I am friendly so I do it for free always to help other people and it makes me very sad to see how a site (laura cassiopaea cult site) talks lies about me. I am nobody special and nobody needs to do stalking who I am. You can have directly here and now all my data but no - Laura doesn´t thought that far to write me and ask me first why I said something and if I said something at all because these days all kind of hackings of accounts are all over the internet. So ask Laura please if she would like to respect the truth about me because her lies about me are very wrong.

I wish Laura the best, really. Please don´t believe any lies. Why I should get nasty? And also I saw the one posting was posted via my account that I love Hitler. Hello? Check my favourites there is even one video AGAINST racism. I love to love and I don´t respect racism at all. I am not even german. Not really. But Laura not even talks with me or asks me, she just started conclusions against me. But you know its the mad world of the internet. I guess everyone will get sonner or later under attack. I am already under terrible attack(s) since years.

Maybe I should quit my internet connection. When I go outside into the nature for a walk, its so beautiful. So full of peace. But as soon I get online with google, I see see hate in my guestbook, here and there just attacks, hate, lies, stalking, terror.

Internet doesn´t makes anymore sense at all. Its just a huge paranoia in some areas (just check my guestbook).

Re: Important Message

Hello no I don´t want to join her forum because she doesn´t likes me. I want that she feels nice and happy and I see that she feels not happy when she talks about me and she not even knows something about me or my life. I just wish that Laura is again a happy person and stops getting angry because some people over internet attack her, because I am also under attack from many ones. I don´t like to have trouble with anyone and I do my best to have harmony with everyone. I have no time at the moment because I´m now working on a song a friend of mine did. I just finished the mastering, but still need to analyse the transients and other sonical elements of it. So I wish you a nice night and I hope you gave her my 2 letters because I have no interest in any discussion with this woman, because she started conclusions about me without speaking or asking me something. If someone makes you unhappy or angry or whatever, than just speak directly to him, say "listen this and that is no ok, why you say this? did you say this at all?" - et cetera. But not like this. Anyway, I have my head full with important things and no time for running behind people I don´t know because they do stalking behind my back and tell lies about me. Next time Laura should just ask me and speak with me and not just start wrong conclusions about me. She knows nothing about me and who I am and I think its not easy to respect such situations but internet is full with all kind of such situations. So I wish Laura a beautiful sunday and more I don´t have to say. Would be nice when you would give her all my letters so all this confusing conclusions from her about me stop. I really have no problem with her or anyone. How often do I need to say this? I don´t know her and I have other things to do. I really don´t understand why Laura is so extremly focussed on me. If she has questions, she can ask and I will answer her all questions. I wish you all a nice night and now I would like to work again on my audio engineering job for a friend. Bye and enjoy the night! :-)

Re: Important Message

Ok, maybe your idea wasn´t so bad. I just registered at her forum and I will speak to Laura myself to clear all this confusing wrong conclusions up. I hope she will understand it. Have a nice night!


Unfortunately this message got deleted somehow but I have the beginning of it from the notification email.


I just got banned after I posted the long letter. So what I should do now? My letter was not even 60 seconds online. Now its gone and I´m banned. What the reason for such a paranoid behaviour? And all the lies are still on her site. This Laura has no right to publish LIES about people she doesn´t know.

Could you please post my long letter again?



I registered just because the situation is messed up. I explain everything in a simple way so the situation doesn´t get more complicated than it already is. For those who don´t know who I am, just ask Laura Knight Jadczyk. She put already informations about me on her site before she even talks with me, because she thinks that I have a problem with her but this is not true and the point is that Laura missed some very important points. Laura Knight Jadczyk put wrong informations about me on her site and says that I said or wrote things that I didn´t said or wrote. She s...
I see. I was busy and missed all that.

Well, as far as I can see, he can prove his good intentions only by actions: like publishing a public apology in all the places he has defamed me where he can also say that he was motivated by anger, revenge and hatred fueled by satanists and pedophiles from .
All these URL's were "updated" (reposted) Feb 16

"Laura Knight-Jadczyk: Con Artist or Psychopath?" :

Sept 30
IP Address:

Sept 29
IP Address:

IP Address:

IP Address:

IP Address:

IP Address:

IP Address:

IP Address:

IP Address:

IP Address:

IP Address:

IP Address:

IP Address:

Also found this:
Sept 15


Domain Name: 2012CONFERENCE.ORG
PO Box 1697
Port Townsend, WA 98368

Administrative Contact , Technical Contact :
PO Box 1697
Port Townsend, WA 98368
Phone: 360-379-4796

Record expires on 05-Dec-2012
Record created on 05-Dec-2007
Database last updated on 05-Dec-2007

Domain servers in listed order: Manage DNS

Thanks Guardian, I've created a post about it.
Hi, Laura, I'm new here. I have admired your and your group's work and scholarship since I found you on the net, about 2007. As tough as it is, I would make members aware of defamation issues (which you have done), but I wouldn't expend any more time or energy on the subject. Just a reminder that there is no telling where these people's minds are, and I honestly think ignoring them is the best route. From a legal standpoint, it's not defamation or libel if the antagonist truly believes what he/she says! And there you go: The mind of the psychopath/sociopath at work!
Slow Motion Mary said:
Hi, Laura, I'm new here. I have admired your and your group's work and scholarship since I found you on the net, about 2007. As tough as it is, I would make members aware of defamation issues (which you have done), but I wouldn't expend any more time or energy on the subject. Just a reminder that there is no telling where these people's minds are, and I honestly think ignoring them is the best route. From a legal standpoint, it's not defamation or libel if the antagonist truly believes what he/she says! And there you go: The mind of the psychopath/sociopath at work!

It's not just about making members aware of the defamation. In fact I think the new website is more focused on those who are just coming across the material and are searching about it. For people to be aware of it, it needs to be in view and that's gonna take work on an ongoing basis. It's incredibly healing to write a testimonial and read them. If you haven't read through them, I'd highly recommend it! Over time the defamation seemed to have some kind of effect - even to those who know completely that what the defamers are saying are lies. That's what pathology does. In Ponerology Lobaczewski talked about how getting away from a pathological professor for the weekend with friends and talking about the situation provided a type of immunity. This project creates a similar dynamic and seems to not only help those who might be negatively influenced, but it is also helpful in providing strength for the group as well.
Slow Motion Mary said:
From a legal standpoint, it's not defamation or libel if the antagonist truly believes what he/she says! And there you go: The mind of the psychopath/sociopath at work!

Sorry, but we ignored it for years. It is causing harm to other people. Also, it is not true that it is not libel or defamation if the person believes it; it is libel or defamation if it is not true. It is not CRIMINAL if they believe it, but they can still be found guilty in a civil damages case if one were to feel inclined to spend the time and money on that (which, in most cases, I am not because a judgment is very difficult to enforce on people who have nothing.)
Laura, thanks for the replies. Not sure about how to use the "quotes" yet so they're not posted here. All good points, very true about criminal vs. civil; and yes, civil cases are time consuming and don't usually profit anyone except lawyers. Most people tie up their funds and become "judgment proof". My view is taken from Siddartha (sp?), when confronted with manifestations of all that is seemingly evil, to not blink. Could these be more attacks designed to derail your work?
Slow Motion Mary said:
Laura, thanks for the replies. Not sure about how to use the "quotes" yet so they're not posted here. All good points, very true about criminal vs. civil; and yes, civil cases are time consuming and don't usually profit anyone except lawyers. Most people tie up their funds and become "judgment proof". My view is taken from Siddartha (sp?), when confronted with manifestations of all that is seemingly evil, to not blink. Could these be more attacks designed to derail your work?

It's important to keep in mind that Laura's work is for the sake of others. Blocking access to what she offers would be derailing her work.
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