Libel and Defamation Against SOTT, Cass, LKJ, QFG, etc

Seamas said:
This whole cult business could be a similar situation. Just saying "we're not a cult" still puts us in the cult category. We might want to think about spending some time trying to re-frame the debate. Find a different category to associate ourselves with. Like it or not, most people make snap judgments based on the first thing they see. In addition to directly refuting the "cult" charge, we could come up with some other term that we could use to refer to the group. Like "think tank," or "peace coalition".

Any thoughts?

I like the idea. Similarly, when I speak to my conservative Christian family members, I refer to the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind as a “Christian Research Group” instead of a church, which would mean “cult” to them, since it’s not a mainline denomination (which, even then, would be reviled as “liberal”). This has allowed me to discuss many exciting “findings” of such fine (Paleo)Christian researchers as Laura Jadczyk!

Herr Eisenheim said:
Unfortunately if you search for "cassiopeia cult" (which is how many people will search especially those not familiar with proper spelling) the site doesn't come up on any of the first pages. Nevertheless Winnie the pooh's site still comes first although its spelled with aea
Is there any way to go around this?

And apparently, the PTB have tricks even if you spell something correctly--and have a link to it! Case in point, the other day, I was pasting some links I’ve collected into a letter to the writer of a column in a local alternative paper. As I went through the links to see if they were all still working, I got a surprise when I clicked on one saved in 2007.

Instead of going to an article on (“Fairy Tale From Hell,” evidence of a 9/11 cover-up), I ended up at an 2010 article entitled, “Tyranny Alert" on Rush Limbaugh's site!

I don't know what happened, but that alternative news site has vanished from the web. Fortunately, I found links to that excellent article posted elsewhere.

I can’t help but think that Limbaugh was given that decoy title and told to write something--anything--to go with it.
A few days ago, I wrote under the EE thread in thanks for how EE has been helping me in subtle ways to uncover parts of myself.
Yet, lately, it feels that whatever I say acts like a red flag for all sorts of strange challenges. The day after I posted something quite strange happened.

I typed Laura's name on a browser and one of the first sites that came up was cassiopeacult, page after page of warnings about everything surrounding this work.
I should say here, that when I first came upon Laura and the C's, I did actively look up online for the 'opposite side' of the coin. I looked for anything, anyone would have to say that would give me a broader perspective, especially naysayers. I came up with nothing then. Absolutely nothing.

Strange as it may sound, the internet has been very unpredictable lately. Every time I look something up I find different things.
As an example, I'll say that 6 months ago I met a woman who was channeling "Ashtar". I had no idea who or what that name refered to. And although the internet seems to be full of references now, when at that time I looked it up , I came up with nothing, zero pages or information about it. That proved to be detrimental on a few levels.

And now, all of a sudden I'm faced with all this text, all these accusations.
Now, for me, that was quite intense, because out of some weird coincidence every single thing that this person writes about could very well be said for that woman I met who was channeling "Ashtar", which is why I brought her up as an example earlier.
It's almost as if it was written for her. I was overwhelmed by the similarities in what I truely saw and felt while communicating with that woman. If it wasn't for this recent encounter with her, I don't think the accusations on that site would have touched me at all.

At some point I thought of coming here and doing a 'search' on that site to see this side of the story as well, but what stopped me for days was a deeply overwhelming feeling of weariness. I felt that wherever I look there's some sort of war taking place and that is disheartening.

I want to apologise for bringing this up, I am not looking for answers or explanations at all. I'm going to sit down and read the links provided in this thread, as soon as I find the energy to devote to it.
I'm writing about it to share a bit of what's going on in my life lately. It's been hard to keep up with all the new information and all the contradicting issues that seem to surface literally out of the blue.

On a side note, I tried to write this a few days ago as well, but the computer went off as I was typing, which made me think it was probably better to just keep all these conflicting thoughts to myself. But it feels insincere to do EE (because after a 2 days pause I went back to it, it felt as if I had lost a breath of fresh air the 2 days that I stopped) and continue reading material that was introduced to me through this source, while part of me is in such conflict.
Sorry to hear you are having a rough time of it Eva. Life can get a bit overwhelming at times.
I don't know if it helps, but when I read the defamers sites a while ago, I remember I had to stop because of the headache I got. I actually felt like I was ill the next few days, really drained and just wanting to retreat from the world. I really hate any kind of conflict, and tend to withdraw into myself when others argue. If people argue around me it makes me very uncomfortable and anxious.....I want to just curl up into a ball or disappear.
Take some time out for yourself to relax and be kind to yourself. If you get a chance, check out the testimonials really does lift the spirits, which may be what you need right now.
I hope you are feeling better soon. :flowers:
Eva said:
I want to apologise for bringing this up, I am not looking for answers or explanations at all. I'm going to sit down and read the links provided in this thread, as soon as I find the energy to devote to it.

No need to apologize. It's important to bring things like this up - how else do you navigate it? This is another reason that the testimonials that are pouring in are so important. (Redfox linked to them.) The hatred-filled nonsense that is on that site you found can trigger all sorts of doubts and fears - that is its purpose! Normal people, when reading that tripe, have a reaction and that is why it is written the way it is written. There is limitless power in awakening, Eva - and this is why so much effort, money and time is put into steering people away from this information. If enough people can cleanse themselves and heal emotionally in order to be able to live their lives free of control, the whole world may very well change. You were lucky enough to find and try and benefit from EE before finding that information - and it STILL affected you! Think of all the people who weren't and who were frightened away by those lies and who will never benefit from all there is to gain here.

The truth matters - so thank you for sharing your experience, because it matters too.
Thank you for your sincerity, Eva. You are not the only one who was made to doubt after reading that website. That's the whole purpose of the defamers behind it.

In the end, you have to decide, and nobody here will try to force you to believe one thing or the other. The thing is, what they say is not backed up by ANY facts whatsoever. Just reading that site can make one feel sick! On the other hand, you'll see from the testimonials that facts are mentioned and explained. That whole website is full of facts.

You mention a war. Unfortunately, the world we live in is such that, faced with psychopaths, one has to learn to defend oneself. It is a very hard thing to do, when we are all conditioned to be nice, to turn the other cheek. Sometimes enough is enough, and speaking up the truth can help us but also and mainly others. Some people who are searching for answers need to know the FACTS, and then judge for themselves.

It is great to hear that the EE program is helping you! I hope you continue to read this forum and the related websites, and then let yourself decide. The conflict won't last long, I think. Doubting and being skeptical is something that you'll see is actually encouraged here! (all the contrary of what goes on in a cult, btw). So, I think you are really on the right track, if you keep digging and seeing for yourself. Please be gentle with yourself as you keep reading and learning. :)
Thank you very much for your answers.

RedFox, thank you for the link to the testimonials, I read some of them this morning, and yesterday after posting I looked into most of the links provided here and tried to understand the dispute but mostly understand what really bothered me so much in it.
The way you describe your reaction to those sites and your feelings around disputes in general helps me a great deal. I feel the same way, I just want to disappear and stop listening to arguments.

Anart, thank you, again. I keep wondering if there's a point in writting whatever I write, and your reply is deeply reassuring. :-)
You are right, I was lucky to have found EE earlier than reading all this.
In fact, I was doubly lucky to have followed the forum before as well!

Ailén, thank you for your reply, and indeed I am certain that nobody here is forcing anyone to decide on anything. If there's one thing that's crystal clear by reading the forum it's this. The accusations on the defamer's site about this being a cult didn't touch me at all.
In fact, I think that life as it is generally lived without thinking and seeking is itself the product of a cult that looms over us all.
As for the war.. yes, I think that's what really bothers me.
I understand that there's a program running in me, the be nice, turn the other cheek one. But what scares me is whether one becomes strong by overcoming it, or a monster. Surely it's more effective to live by the law of the jungle in order to survive in a jungle.. but then what's the point?
At the same time, I understand that while reading that site, I caught myself feeling pity for the guy that wrote it multiple times.

I am still not sure if I agree with the whole psychopath literature provided here, in fact there are many points that find me completely against it, and other points that do make sense, more sense than I'd hope for. But the pity-hook really seems to be valid. Looking at my life in general I can see it being a main point of all my "wrong" decisions.
I don't doubt that we become prey by feeling pitty. But if the only options are predator and prey then I think I'd rather remain prey than condemn the predators and become one of them in the process.
I hope there's a middle avenue and I'm trying to find it.
The material provided here is very helpful in this process. I do thank you again for being here.
Eva said:
In fact, I think that life as it is generally lived without thinking and seeking is itself the product of a cult that looms over us all.
As for the war.. yes, I think that's what really bothers me.
I understand that there's a program running in me, the be nice, turn the other cheek one. But what scares me is whether one becomes strong by overcoming it, or a monster. Surely it's more effective to live by the law of the jungle in order to survive in a jungle.. but then what's the point?
At the same time, I understand that while reading that site, I caught myself feeling pity for the guy that wrote it multiple times.

I am still not sure if I agree with the whole psychopath literature provided here, in fact there are many points that find me completely against it, and other points that do make sense, more sense than I'd hope for. But the pity-hook really seems to be valid. Looking at my life in general I can see it being a main point of all my "wrong" decisions.
I don't doubt that we become prey by feeling pitty. But if the only options are predator and prey then I think I'd rather remain prey than condemn the predators and become one of them in the process.
I hope there's a middle avenue and I'm trying to find it.
The material provided here is very helpful in this process. I do thank you again for being here.
Hey Eva,

I also want to thank you for posting what a lot of people probably feel but never state or even realize.

Yes, there can be a middle ground - one where we choose our battles so to speak. I also initially had that program where I wanted to "be nice" because I felt uncomfortable with seeing conflict and had the reaction that led essentially to a need to avoid such things. What I eventually came to realize is that the only way these situations stop is when we face them and speak the truth.

It seems to me that the way bullies operate is by obtaining complicity on the part of the victim - predators hope the the people they victimize will stay quiet. This allows predators free reign - an unspoken permission - to do what they do, not just to their current victims but also all future victims.

So the speaking out is a way of saying "no more". At that point what usually happens is that the predator, in it's inability to see itself will then attempt to project. this usually takes the form of trying to evoke pity from others - an attempt to try and regain the foothold of complicity.

It doesn't stop with silence. That's been tried and unfortunately doesn't work. The only thing left to do at that point is to speak up. If you look at the state of the world around us, you will see how this dynamic plays itself out time and time again. It is only when people choose to have the courage to see reality as it is and address issues as they come up that there is even the slightest possibility for change to happen. Imagine what our world would look like if more people did this! Hope that helps. :)
Eva said:
Surely it's more effective to live by the law of the jungle in order to survive in a jungle.. but then what's the point?

I prefer to think of it more like being in a burning hotel. I live by the law of the burning hotel (not jungle). I stay low to stay out of the smoke, even though I normally walk erect. It's slower and less efficient, but I'm not passing out from smoke inhalation. I test the heat of a door before opening it, and I try to wake up as many occupants of the hotel as I can before getting out of there alive.
Eva said:
The way you describe your reaction to those sites and your feelings around disputes in general helps me a great deal. I feel the same way, I just want to disappear and stop listening to arguments.

Glad I could help! I remember feeling like that many a time at school when I was younger and being picked it is a very familiar feeling to me.

Eva said:
I understand that there's a program running in me, the be nice, turn the other cheek one. But what scares me is whether one becomes strong by overcoming it, or a monster. Surely it's more effective to live by the law of the jungle in order to survive in a jungle.. but then what's the point?

People can become 'monsters' by becoming 'strong' (in ego)...this happens by not dealing with their psychological/emotional wound's. Psychopaths on the other hand appear to be born that way, just like people with colour blindness (they just happen to suffer from consequence/empathy/conscience blindness), osit.

Becoming strong by healing you're past traumas and rediscovering the 'you' under all the bruises and scars is what we are working towards on the forum.

I understand the fear of becoming the predator....ironically it stops us from becoming something better. Someone who genuinely cares and is capable of putting that love of humanity into action, for the betterment of all. We refer to this type of thinking as 'the predators mind', in that it is the part of us that actually acts like the predator, that keeps us trapped and small and afraid to be anything else.
Just like a wife beater tells her 'she is nothing' without him, it tells us 'we are nothing' without it...or worse 'we will become it if we gain strength'.....'see, you are just like me' it would say. And we curl back into that small ball inside ourself.

As a consequence of dealing with this internal 'predator' (which formed to protect us from the traumas we suffered as children) you start to see the external ones differently, and find that applying similar rules (exposing their behaviour to the world at large) is one of the best ways of disabling them. But more importantly, it helps stop them harming others.
For me helping other has been one of those driving forces in my life, and to know that the things I do or say help other, and maybe even protect others from being victimised, drives me to keep trying to find the best ways to do that.

So it is a different kind of strength, and a different kind of 'fight' we bring to the table.

To use an analogy from nature, heard animals (for example wilderbeast) would sound an alarm call if a predator is spotted in order to alert the heard to danger. Without that, members of the heard can be picked off and eating with ease.
What we are doing is learning how to make that alarm call again.....because it seems somewhere along the way to sound that alarm was considered socially evil. To warn others was to be as bad (or worse!) than those praying on us.
How messed up is that?!

Eva said:
I am still not sure if I agree with the whole psychopath literature provided here, in fact there are many points that find me completely against it, and other points that do make sense, more sense than I'd hope for. But the pity-hook really seems to be valid. Looking at my life in general I can see it being a main point of all my "wrong" decisions.

If you feel like sharing you're understanding some time, and what you are not sure you agree with I would be most interested to read it. It may sound odd, but learning what others see really does help me understand things more clearly, mostly I think because it means I have to think about it differently or in new ways.
Explaining how we reach the general conclusions we have on the forum is good practice in testing you're understanding of the data too.
I was wondering why i didn't receive a reply from you in the translators group, Eva, and now i read this. It's very interesting too that you found that site right after you did an excellent job in the translation team. I am also very glad you shared, and in all honesty, I understand you, you know. Especially these parts you write:

Eva said:
The way you describe your reaction to those sites and your feelings around disputes in general helps me a great deal. I feel the same way, I just want to disappear and stop listening to arguments.
As for the war.. yes, I think that's what really bothers me.
I understand that there's a program running in me, the be nice, turn the other cheek one. But what scares me is whether one becomes strong by overcoming it, or a monster. Surely it's more effective to live by the law of the jungle in order to survive in a jungle.. but then what's the point?
I don't doubt that we become prey by feeling pitty. But if the only options are predator and prey then I think I'd rather remain prey than condemn the predators and become one of them in the process.
I hope there's a middle avenue and I'm trying to find it.

I was (and still am to a degree, still ways to go), the same way regarding the "war", as in: "i don't want to fight, because if i do i will kill what's 'good' and 'nice' in me, and become like the predators" or "i better not get involved, that requires responsibility, and me standing up for my values, and it's so much nicer and cosier in my little corner here".

What i came to realize however, is that what i felt was nice and good in me was nothing but programmed conditioned responses in me, embedded early in childhood by my parents/the culture i was growing up in, as to reassure that i am a good obedient girl and don't give them (my parents and then society at large) any trouble, so they can control me. The truth is that i was a rebel as a child and i was able to remember that too recently, and try to reclaim it. It was fear of punishment that finally got me, and it's understandable for the me of that time. But it's not understandable or excusable for the me right now, not in my eyes. Not when i try to uncover under of these layers of programs who i truly am, so i can be able to act for my fate, and as much or little as i can offer, to the fate of us all. Not when humanity is reaching another curve of extinction in its history; not when everything that i consider beautiful, and good and true and human and loveful, is being killed everyday by those who don't understand anything about beauty, love, humanity and all those little/grand things that make life worth living. What's the "goodness" in me going to do me when all else is gone? Where will i be when the people i trust the most and help me find my way, are silenced by some no-brain, no-heart scambags, and how can i live with myself for not standing up with them, and together, to what we believe in? Who will stand up to beauty, truth, goodness, justice and love, then?

My reply turned longer and more emotional than expected, i apologize for this, but i have been there where you are, Eva, and it was the prospect of death of everything that i hold dear that kind of shook me out of my unwillingness to accept that this is truly a war, and this war is in urgent need of soldiers who love Truth and Humanity. Perhaps a tiny bit from us all can make a difference. We won't know till we try. For what is worth....
Eva said:
I am still not sure if I agree with the whole psychopath literature provided here, in fact there are many points that find me completely against it, and other points that do make sense, more sense than I'd hope for. But the pity-hook really seems to be valid. Looking at my life in general I can see it being a main point of all my "wrong" decisions.
I don't doubt that we become prey by feeling pitty. But if the only options are predator and prey then I think I'd rather remain prey than condemn the predators and become one of them in the process.
I hope there's a middle avenue and I'm trying to find it.

A couple of things:

First, psychopaths are only a small minority of people, maybe 4 to 6%. There are others who are damaged and act that way, of course, and others who act predatorial, but there are also real human beings who can help and who aren't as predatorial. With a true network of these people, it doesn't have to be the law of the jungle.

Also, there is a difference between pity and empathy. It seems to me that you don't have to lose your empathy for the real humans while you are being careful not to fall for psychopaths' pity ploys.

I also think that you have voiced concerns that many here probably have, had, or will face. So thank you for having shared so honestly.

Others have already addressed your questions very well.
You've also touched on an emotional subject for me when you mentioned "turning the other cheek" and further expanded with:

Eva said:
But what scares me is whether one becomes strong by overcoming it, or a monster. Surely it's more effective to live by the law of the jungle in order to survive in a jungle.. but then what's the point?

As some of the members here, I've also lived for a long time under the "turning the other cheek" belief for the fear of becoming a monster, or of acting as the aggressor myself. This, seemingly acting as the predator, was the very last thing I ever wanted. Well, truth is, looking back, I feel that by not standing up for myself I was "raping" my very soul. By not acknowledging abuse, by ignoring it and believing that that would make abuse go away, I mastered the art of being increasingly abused, and of deluding myself.

Eva said:
I don't doubt that we become prey by feeling pitty. But if the only options are predator and prey then I think I'd rather remain prey than condemn the predators and become one of them in the process.

It is only understandable for you to feel this way I think, it is natural for us not to want to act similarly to the actions we feel repelled by. However, perhaps it isn't so much about becoming the predator, but rather about defending your very self. And the latter doesn't imply the former.

You can maybe think of it this way, what happens when you don't acknowledge reality? Does it change or disappear because of that? It doesn't. Although one has to distinguish that acknowledging reality is not the same as compulsive feeding of an idea and making it larger then reality itself.
These are two different things, maybe often confused, where one might think that acknowledging what's wrong will make it bigger. In reality it won't, it might seem initially bigger because you are finally allowing for all your perceptions, sometimes repressed perceptions, about that given subject to emerge. On the long term, however, by Seeing what is happening, you enable the development of your own inner tools to handle the problem/attack and, if necessary, fight for your own survival. A war that isn't acknowledged (whatever shape that war might take in one's life), is likely to repress perceptions (because we do perceive the war, we just choose to ignore it in favour of a temporary illusory state of gaining peace and being good), and the war will carry on, only worse for the side that's being attacked because it doesn't defend itself.

Choosing to fight the attack won't make it worse, at least not necessarily. It might make it more obvious, clearer, and in some cases not so covert. Choosing to fight the war that's been set against us won't necessarily turn us into a predator either, but can instead help us claim our right to be ourselves back, our right not to be stepped upon over and over.

Just my thoughts...

Again, thank you for having shared that Eva.
Anybody who has NOT read Betsy's "Truthimonial" should check it out for some real fun!
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