un chien anadolu said:
Arbitrium Liberum said:
I live in Serbia, which had some 2000 people working in Libya, mostly in the hospitals and in the military logistic.
Arbitrium Liberum said:
Members are Serbs in Libya and talking where they are, how are they, whats situation, will they be evacuated etc. Also saying that situation is not so dark and bloody as on TV, don't believe them too much.
Hi Arbitrium Liberum,
Are you sure about this ? Because as far as I know also there are many Serbs in Libya working for Gaddafi as mercenaries and mostly as snipers etc. Do you know each person in that facebook group personally so that you can assume this information source is more reliable than western media ?
And how do you know that? Are you sure that source that tell you that is reliable? What is your source? I know for instance that many of them are working with turks for Russian railroad in Libya. And that many of them evacuated by Turks for Istanbul.
Any proof for that, any slightly sign of proof?
Is your attention to offend or insult me personally, or something like that? Why? What is your goal with that, to shut me down, or what? Why?
I can give you two sources for your claims, Serbian sensationalist newspapers "Alo" and Kurir" (google for them and read for yourself).
Now, there are many ex-Yugoslav there because Yugoslav companies and also army companies really did mainly technical maintenance of Libyan army, also Iraqi, Indian (my uncle was engineer India in 1970s for instance). After Yugoslavia falls apart those jobs was taken over by firms in Serbia, Croatia, and some in Bosnia. They are doing that to this day. I personally know one man, who is mechanic, and worked some time in Libya maintaining their tanks, which Yugoslavia sold them during 70s and 80s, that makes him mercenary, sniper? Nowadays there was also other nations doing that because Serbian companies are mostly decayed during past 20 years.
There are also people from Serbia working for Turkish, Greek and Russian companies there.
Now please tell me, do you really "buy" everything that you see on TV? If so, god help us. I said what I think of the media, and said my reasons.
Main difference is that you "believe" them, while I know, I know the method, I lived that. Read the previous page. Do you maybe want it more elaborate for you, do you need some video or film material for things that I'm talking from personal experience, and you are talking just what you saw on TV. I'm ready to search some documentaries and materials (made even by the same western media) and send them to you.
Because as far as I know also there are many Serbs in Libya working for Gaddafi as mercenaries and mostly as snipers etc. Do you know each person in that facebook group personally so that you can assume this information source is more reliable than western media ?
When you calm down, since I can see that you are being emotionally taken with the media, which means that they got you exactly where they wanted you, can you tell me please do you know each person who works in the western media so that you can assume that they are more reliable that that facebook group?
Do you know serbo-croatian so that you understand what they are talking, are you give any effort to learn more of the mater, and also innuendos like you have presented as truth? Remember "you know"?
In the same maner that you have asked me about rumors from sensationalistic press, I can ask you, since you are Turk: Why did the Turkish state shielded trafficking of human organs? I'm telling specifically about hundreds kidnapped and killed Serbians and other non-Albanians at the Kosovo during last ten years. That is something well documented and also was done and proved by investigations from European Community. I will give only some of the links:
Only thing that I can tell you is shame on you, and I am ashamed for being on the same forum together with you.
Pashalis said:
Arbitrium Liberum said:
Of course that people don't lie, but it is question how someone sees the "bad' situation, obviously that Pashalis, for instance, and I, don't have the same "vision" of bad situation.
what "vision" do I have?
and what's your "vision" of the bad situation ?
Pashalis, sorry. Didn't saw that till now. Will answer maybe in the morning. I am little bit shaken right now for that.