I think you both got off on the wrong foot here.
Un Chien A. Your question to arbitrium was a bit presumptious. He wrote:
I'm folowing this page on the facebook
Members are Serbs in Libya and talking where they are, how are they, whats situation, will they be evacuated etc. Also saying that situation is not so dark and bloody as on TV, don't believe them too much.
And then you replied:
Are you sure about this ? Because as far as I know also there are many Serbs in Libya working for Gaddafi as mercenaries and mostly as snipers etc. Do you know each person in that facebook group personally so that you can assume this information source is more reliable than western media ?
What were you asking him if he was sure about? He didn't sound sure to me. He didn't make any assertions about the truth or otherwise of what was being said on that FB group, he just said he was following it and that that is what they were saying.
There are Serbs trapped in Libya, no doubt. It is also likely that, if gaddafi has put out a call for mercenaries, there are Serb mercenaries in Libya, along with mercenaries from dozens of other countries, especially African, but also American, British, French etc.
The fact of the matter is that there is no way to know that the people on the FB group are who they say they are. Given how widespread FB use is these days, there's a good chance however that some of them ARE normal people. There could also be some who are part of some kind of disinfo program aligned with gaddafi.
Arbitrium, you clearly had a nationalistic button pushed, and over-reacted.I didn't see anything in what Un Chien A said to you that could be construed as attacking your national identity or insulting you, he was just being presumptuous.