Survivor said:I know this post was created a couple of years ago but Arwenn...
If you ever read this again- I wish I could give you a huge hug. I went through a horrific relationship with a man and I have spent about a year now trying to put the pieces together for my own sanity. I have taken medications, I have paid hundreds to find "answers" in doctors and therapists as to what has been wrong with me and if the demise of one of the most painful relationship was actually my fault. Like you, I looked into narcissism, bipolar, sociopathic, psychopathic, avoidant love personality types and they do have some aspects that I could recognize in my ex, but nothing, NOTHING has covered all the aspects I have been searching for for so long like this post has mentioned.
I am never one for playing victim but I almost married this man and gave him EVERYTHING and abuse was what I received in return. I am a sensitive, kind, loving soul and he didn't like that. He wanted me to be rigid like him and to never ask for anything. I am only the victim because I allowed it and now I have been one year away from him but I knew there was something else going on here. And now I know....and now I can formally heal.
Putting this information out for the world was such a kind thing for you to do- and just like the end of your post said- you just helped another person who has suffered through a similar situation as you. I finally feel like I can sleep and rest easy knowing that it wasn't me. I have tears typing this...oh the freedom I feel...
Arwenn I hope that your situation has reached a much better place and that you and your children are happy and healthy and that you've even found some real love in your life from a man whose worthy of your love.
You're an angel....Thank you!!
Thank you for your kind words, and I'm glad that my post has been of help to you Survivor! It truly is a liberating feeling knowing that it was all their crap, and not you. I hope you can finally heal, and focus on rebuilding and repairing yourself.

In my case, my ex doesn't have much to do with the kids, for which I am very grateful, as he would have played the same games with them as he did with me. I often have conversations with them about character disordered behaviour and personalities, and also the subject of psychopathy. I am currently reading Women Who Love Psychopaths by Sandra Brown, and it makes for one very interesting insight into why women in particular, tend to be vulnerable to these predators, and just how they operate. If you aren't aware of these things, it's hard to protect yourself.

As for me, while life has been hard, it's a relief not having him in my life. And sure, I would like to meet a man who is co-linear, as so many of us on this forum would, but for now, I just focus on being a better person, and raising my kids. I have a close male friend and we've seen each other through some tough times, but he is not co-linear, and I think of him more as a friend than anything else. Aside from being a bit wary, I know that I have much work to do on myself and if in the process I meet someone, well and good. If not, it's just going to be me and myself, I guess.
There are some books specific to character disordered people like my ex that make a really fascinating study into the subject: books by Dr. George Simon (In Sheep's Clothing and Character Disturbance). Well worth a read, and there are threads here on the forum, with excerpts from these books.
If you would like to continue to interact and post in the forum, then it is customary to introduce yourself in the Newbies section - just a little blurb about yourself and how you found your way here. You will find many kind souls here all working to help each other and a treasure trove of information. Thank you once again for your kind thoughts, & I'm glad that posting about my ordeal has been of help to others. Welcome here Survivor and wishing you all the best!