"Life Without Bread"

Oxajil said:
Another thing to mention, is that I still haven't had my period for about 6 months now. As I was doing the diet, the first few times of having my period were almost symptom-free, then I didn't get any anymore. It doesn't feel negative or anything, it actually feels like I'm saving energy, somehow.
My period stopped for 6 months but now seems to have returned regularly so hang in there - I think yours will probably regulate itself as well. My current thoughts are that the system goes through a reboot, so to speak. For what it's worth and based on my own experiences through experimentation, there seems to be a direct link to gluten/sugar/carbs to reproductive organs specifically as well as in addition to the entire body in general.

I think the above suggestions given are good with regard to digestion and liver cleanse.

As a general aside, if any guys haven't read the thread posted by RedFox, it may be a good idea to do so. It's not just helpful in better understanding women but I suspect that men may also be affected in terms of their reproductive organs but are unfortunately unaware of it since problems don't manifest in the same ways.
Gertrudes said:
Oxajil, I just thought I'd share my very similar experience with you.
I have also experienced bloating in the beginning of the diet. In my case I think this was triggered by the Candida protocol I started doing one year ago that really made my gut upset, and then it became a little worse when I went full on paleo. It got bad enough for people to ask me if I was pregnant.

I know what you mean! If I don't cover my belly, people might say the same thing!

Gertrudes said:
Well, in my case I had to reduce protein A LOT. I hadn't realized how much less protein I needed when doing paleo. I also greatly reduced my meal portions and increased my fat intake. To be honest, my meals right now are very small, but I eat a lot of fat. I'm never hungry, and the fact that portions sizes are so small has REALLY helped my gut.

Yea that's what I've been gradually doing, I'm pretty amazed at how little I eat at a time. Actually, the amount that I eat now can easily be cut in half, which I will try to do next. And increasing my fat intake as I go. It makes a lot of sense actually, that smaller portion sizes ask for less effort from the gut.

Gertrudes said:
Another thing I did was take L-glutamine for many months. My huge jar is now coming to an end and I won't be buying more afterwards as I feel that I no longer need it. I also took lactoferrin for a while, and peppermint capsules to help my gut. For a short period, I took Oxy-cleanse. I noticed that my bloating significantly decreased when I started taking these supplements, to then disappear completely after reducing meal sizes and protein.

I have been taking L-glutamine as well, but just once a day, how many did you take a day, if I may ask? I haven't tried peppermint capsules, but did drank peppermint tea a few times, however it doesn't sit well with me and it causes a mild headache. I did try Aloe Vera when you mentioned it, that helped me to some extent.
I remember you said you are very casein sensitive, so I'm wondering whether the lactoferrin bothered you at all (just something I'm a bit worried about)? I'll also be looking into Oxy-cleanse. Thanks so much for your input, Gertrudes! It's inspiring to hear about your results :D

Gertrudes said:
About not having periods...I haven't had mine since August 2010, except for once in October 2011. In my case I know the period stopped due to physical and emotional stress, but I'm inclined to think that the fact that it hasn't yet appeared may be diet related. The last time I had it in 2010, I had just started the Ultra Simple Diet, where I was only eating meat and veggies, which is similar to our current paleo diet, except for the excess of veggies and not as much fat. For the first time in my life, ever, I also had a painless period. Up until then I had suffered from pain that had, on occasion, led me to the hospital. Interesting how so many of us women have experienced either total lack of pain, or greatly reduced period pain with the diet!

So, all in all, I think that several of us are having similar experiences with the diet, now we just need to figure out what is causing what, and put the pieces o the puzzle together.

Yea! And the effects the diet seems to have on menstrual periods is pretty interesting!

truth seeker said:
My period stopped for 6 months but now seems to have returned regularly so hang in there - I think yours will probably regulate itself as well. My current thoughts are that the system goes through a reboot, so to speak. For what it's worth and based on my own experiences through experimentation, there seems to be a direct link to gluten/sugar/carbs to reproductive organs specifically as well as in addition to the entire body in general.

I think the above suggestions given are good with regard to digestion and liver cleanse.

Ohh, it did come back, huh? That's interesting. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on that truth seeker. So the hold-up may have occurred so that DNA repair can take place, among other things. And once the reproductive system has become as fresh and renewed as it can be, it can start doing its thing again?
Oxajil said:
I know what you mean! If I don't cover my belly, people might say the same thing!

Indeed! My partner's parents were all happy when they saw one of our photos at the time thinking they were getting a grandson/daughter :rolleyes:

Oxajil said:
Yea that's what I've been gradually doing, I'm pretty amazed at how little I eat at a time. Actually, the amount that I eat now can easily be cut in half, which I will try to do next. And increasing my fat intake as I go. It makes a lot of sense actually, that smaller portion sizes ask for less effort from the gut.

Yes, you may even try eating really small portions, and if hungry, eating more often. What I found when doing so is that when I stop eating I may feel that I can eat more, but after half an hour I am actually satisfied. Then, if I need more I'll eat more later. This keeps my digestion smooth, and also prevents for me any sensation of nausea or heaviness due to the amount of fat.

Oxajil said:
I have been taking L-glutamine as well, but just once a day, how many did you take a day, if I may ask? I haven't tried peppermint capsules, but did drank peppermint tea a few times, however it doesn't sit well with me and it causes a mild headache. I did try Aloe Vera when you mentioned it, that helped me to some extent.
I remember you said you are very casein sensitive, so I'm wondering whether the lactoferrin bothered you at all (just something I'm a bit worried about)? I'll also be looking into Oxy-cleanse. Thanks so much for your input, Gertrudes! It's inspiring to hear about your results :D

I had 5 grams in the morning and 5 grams mid afternoon/evening. So 10 grams a day. Lately is has been just the morning one. I took Lactoferrin because contrary to bovine colostrum, lactoferrin doesn't have lactose, and I was perfectly fine with it.
Glad that it's been helpful :) Many of us have gone through similar things, so collecting our experiences can give us all a broader picture.

truth seeker said:
My current thoughts are that the system goes through a reboot, so to speak. For what it's worth and based on my own experiences through experimentation, there seems to be a direct link to gluten/sugar/carbs to reproductive organs specifically as well as in addition to the entire body in general.

Also, considering how our organism needs time to adapt to burning a new fuel, our reproductive organs will probably be no exception in how long they take for such profound changes.
I agree with truth seeker that the "Paleo Women/Diet and Menstruation" thread is full of very interesting information, discussions, and experiences. For whoever hasn't done so already, both men and women, you may want to check it out. And for women, you'll see that you're not alone if you're having anything unusual about your cycles/periods, whether it's stopping for a while or being very easy, pain free and short. FWIW.
Oxajil said:
Ohh, it did come back, huh? That's interesting. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on that truth seeker. So the hold-up may have occurred so that DNA repair can take place, among other things. And once the reproductive system has become as fresh and renewed as it can be, it can start doing its thing again?
I wish I had a better and more scientific answer for you but don't feel I have enough info under my belt yet. So I don't want to misinform you. If I remember correctly, I think Psyche posted a link or at the least posted about PCOS (in the menses thread) that gives more accurate info and I believe is on the track to what is happening. I currently think that a good majority, if not all women's issues (from discharge to sexual interest to menopause) may have the same/similar causes and the symptoms (whether recognized or not) just present differently depending upon the individual. It's "just" that very few people want to come out and say what exactly is causing it out of fear of losing income or standing within the scientific community.

Apologies to all for the slight derailment. Any further menstruation comments should go in that thread, ladies. :) Since part of the subject seems to deal with digestion, I'll let it stand for now as I think it would be too difficult and confusing to split.

edit: clarity
Gertrudes said:
Indeed! My partner's parents were all happy when they saw one of our photos at the time thinking they were getting a grandson/daughter :rolleyes:


Gertrudes said:
Yes, you may even try eating really small portions, and if hungry, eating more often. What I found when doing so is that when I stop eating I may feel that I can eat more, but after half an hour I am actually satisfied. Then, if I need more I'll eat more later. This keeps my digestion smooth, and also prevents for me any sensation of nausea or heaviness due to the amount of fat.

Yes, that seems like a right way to go about it. I'm gonna try to eat very small portions as well (decrease my protein intake more and increase fat intake)

Gertrudes said:
I had 5 grams in the morning and 5 grams mid afternoon/evening. So 10 grams a day. Lately is has been just the morning one. I took Lactoferrin because contrary to bovine colostrum, lactoferrin doesn't have lactose, and I was perfectly fine with it.
Glad that it's been helpful :) Many of us have gone through similar things, so collecting our experiences can give us all a broader picture.

Indeed! Thanks for sharing the amounts you took, I will also look into lactoferrin.

And thank you truth seeker for your comment, I'll be re-reading the thread that was mentioned.
Oxajil said:
Yes, that seems like a right way to go about it. I'm gonna try to eat very small portions as well (decrease my protein intake more and increase fat intake)

Let me also add, and I should have mentioned that before, that even though my previous symptoms seem to be very similar to yours what worked for me may not work for you, I am also still experimenting and learning how to navigate a whole new dietary approach. In any case, hopefully some of what's been suggested by several of us will help you normalize your digestion :)
SeekinTruth said:
Hmm. Interesting. That may well be a detox reaction, as well. The high quality fat should probably do that -- especially with the right omega 3 to 6 ratios -- also given that high omega 6 content would make cooking/heat damage a problem. And now, with the removal of that problem, maybe other physiological processes started? Also, it takes a while to change the body's fat composition -- so being in ketosis will burn old, toxic fats (oxidized, glycated, trans fats, etc.) and toxins stored in them, also indicating that a detox reaction could have been triggered. OSIT.
Another symptom that came up off and on was an itchy rash behind my left elbow (at the crook of the forearm). Also I *think* that I'm becoming more sensitive to foods, something that usually never happens as it seemed to me that I was a bit of a garbage can, being able to eat anything. I had some spicy chicken just yesterday and minutes after I started having this strange throbbing headache I'd never experienced before. Also, the nausea seems to have disappeared since the last time I posted about it, and the brining suggestion by Prodigal Son may have helped, indeed.

SeekinTruth said:
There's also this full recent article on SOTT: https://www.sott.net/articles/show/242558-Metabolic-Syndrome-Caused-by-a-High-Fructose-and-Relatively-Low-Fat-Low-Cholesterol-Diet-

It goes into a LOT of detail on the mechanisms and physiological processes of cholesterol, fat, glycation, triglycerides, etc. And has 76 References cited to other studies/papers, so it's a great addition to the database.
You're right, that article really does go into detail. For example the role of macrophages in the adipose cells, something I never knew. The fact that metabolic syndrome (hyperglycemia, high triglycerides, low HDL, central adiposity, hypertension) is an early indicator for all our current epidemics (cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity) gives a better understanding of why low-carb approaches work, and how carbohydrates from sugar and grains create the whole problem. The only issue I have is explaining how a diet predominating in fat is actually health-promoting. Fat and dietary cholesterol! So misunderstood and such an emotional topic. I get really stressed trying to explain it! It's just too extreme for them to even consider that you could eat all the butter and lard you ever wanted and not get your arteries all clogged up.
Perhaps use as much external consideration and strategic enclosure as possible, and only if the opportunity is right, give links such as the above article, beetlemaniac. Your father being a doctor will probably respond to well designed scientific studies contradicting the "conventional wisdom" than your attempts at explanations? There's certainly MUCH more credible research supporting your approach to diet and nutrition than all the corrupt junk science of the manufactured "consensus" variety. FWIW.

So, it seems like as you adjust more and your digestion improves and gut heals, you'll be better able to tolerate more types of meat, particularly pork. Just keep experimenting in a systematic way and see what happens. :)
SeekinTruth said:
Perhaps use as much external consideration and strategic enclosure as possible, and only if the opportunity is right, give links such as the above article, beetlemaniac. Your father being a doctor will probably respond to well designed scientific studies contradicting the "conventional wisdom" than your attempts at explanations? There's certainly MUCH more credible research supporting your approach to diet and nutrition than all the corrupt junk science of the manufactured "consensus" variety. FWIW.

So, it seems like as you adjust more and your digestion improves and gut heals, you'll be better able to tolerate more types of meat, particularly pork. Just keep experimenting in a systematic way and see what happens. :)
Thank you SeekinTruth, I appreciate your suggestions. I haven't given much thought to strategic enclosure since I started doing the Work a while ago. Also I find that I feel very insulted when people criticise my diet and lifestyle, especially the people who I thought were very open about it. Just me being identified so much with the diet... an area for improvement right there. I think if I'm less emotionally identified with it I'll be able to be more objective about it. I think strategic enclosure needs to go hand-in-hand with non-identification to be really effective.

Although one thing I noticed about my dad is that he likes to take the Devil's Advocate position in all our discussions. So any amount of scientific evidence seems not to work, since he's always pessimistically disposed to the whole thing. It's sort of his program. I've seen it occur in other instances as well. That's another thing I'll have to break through. Also, his observation of me is that I tend to take things to extremes, so maybe he looks at me in that way and doesn't want me to go overboard. I think it's going to be a really slow process of consistent external consideration to get through to him, if I ever do. I hope the new blood tests come useful.
Well, just keep working on yourself and your diet. Your father has his own free will and lessons to learn and you have yours. Work on your programs and identification issues along with working out the personal details of the diet. It sounds like there's some self-importance creeping in too when you "feel very insulted" when people criticize your diet and lifestyle. Like you said, plenty to work on. And finally, proper external considering and strategic enclosure should take care of the problem with your dad (and others). You're an adult and can make your own informed decisions about your diet and health, and what he's telling you is just an opinion, after all, and not a very well informed one. FWIW.
SeekinTruth said:
Well, just keep working on yourself and your diet. Your father has his own free will and lessons to learn and you have yours. Work on your programs and identification issues along with working out the personal details of the diet. It sounds like there's some self-importance creeping in too when you "feel very insulted" when people criticize your diet and lifestyle. Like you said, plenty to work on. And finally, proper external considering and strategic enclosure should take care of the problem with your dad (and others). You're an adult and can make your own informed decisions about your diet and health, and what he's telling you is just an opinion, after all, and not a very well informed one. FWIW.
I usually don't feel that way with most people. Only the people who I *think* understand why I chose this diet and lifestyle. It shows how my assumptions about others influence my reactions to them. I guess it's the difference between my expectations and reality, again.

On another note, for people who seem to have high LDL counts on the diet, there could be a reason for it: People with the APOE genotype E4 (they can be of one of the two alleles, for example E3/E4 or E4/E4) tend to have higher serum cholesterol and LDL while having lower HDL. The problem with mainstream literature on this is that high LDL is automatically assumed to be atherogenic. I see it as an interesting explanation for my particular composition of serum cholesterol. But I could be wrong. There's a paper about it here:
Just thought I would note that I notice a little fat sensitivity in myself lately. Not much, just a bit, and I wonder if that is because of the lengthening of the days/light? Are we programmed to need less fat in spring and summer?
Laura said:
Just thought I would note that I notice a little fat sensitivity in myself lately. Not much, just a bit, and I wonder if that is because of the lengthening of the days/light? Are we programmed to need less fat in spring and summer?

Hmm. I haven't noticed anything in myself yet. But it hasn't warmed much here and keeps snowing a bit every few days. This winter, the coldest parts were Nov / very early Dec, and the very late Feb / most of March so far. Weird.

Can you describe the fat sensitivity a bit, Laura? I'll keep alert to see if I notice anything different.
Laura said:
Just thought I would note that I notice a little fat sensitivity in myself lately. Not much, just a bit, and I wonder if that is because of the lengthening of the days/light? Are we programmed to need less fat in spring and summer?

I'm starting to think this may be the case. There seems to be several people reporting fat sensitivity (including myself) over the last few weeks. I've noticed insects emerging from hibernation and blossom out on the tree's here - about a week after I noticed the fat sensitivity.
Spring is the time when everything starts to grow/reproduce, so perhaps with spring our diets need a little more protein/carbohydrate (up regulate growth/reproductive systems) and a little less fat (down regulate long term survival/repair systems)?

The only other possibilities I can think of is there is a virus going round that may be effecting the guts/liver, or we are all depleted of 'something'?
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