"Life Without Bread"

Prodigal Son said:
Although regularly taking Betain HCl, I experienced a similar reaction to pork to you, mince, ham, and bacon were OK, nothing else. I solved the problem by 'pickling' the pork overnight in a mixture of 910ml filtered water, 1/4C cider vinegar, and 1/3C of granulated Atlantic Sea Salt (unprocessed). You may also like to get some back or shoulder fat from your butcher (left over after making sausages), mince this and add to your minced pork, or alternatively use lard - I use 20% of fat by weight.

This may help, or not.

That is some useful information... I remember you posting earlier about your experiments with pork and liver. I will definitely give this a shot. Thanks.
beetlemaniac, it sounds like there may be a problem with digestion, as minced pork will be easier to digest. Just a thought. As your digestion improves, you may come to tolerate all pork better.

What Prodigal Son suggested may help in the meantime.
Since 3 weeks I started a diet with low carbohydrates. But I continue to feel very bad. I have constipation and diarrhea and tomorrow I will go to see the doctor for blood analysis, to see if there is something more in my guts. Maybe I have to go for a colonoscopia? I don't know. I feel tired and depress when I am sick. Is this something I am not doing correctly? We eat around 10 Units of Carbo because I wanted to start slowly, I am 53 and I WAS a big eater of sugar, candies, pastries, pasta, rice.... But because I never took kilos I never pay attention. And in my family and culture bread and pastas are the base. :O Since almost a year we erase of our diet bread, and lacteos. OK. Now we eat meat and fat and little carbo, around 9 or 10 or less units. What can I do to improve my health? Maybe it is something normal to feel sick till the organism cure it self? I am continuing to read the thread of this section but it is a very long thread. And I continue to read the book.

I have to say that this problem of alternation of constipation and diarrhea is there since last summer.

I am conscient too that health is also related to mind: yesterday I saw clearly that since I came in Spain I am sick (14 years!) :cry:. I was no sick before coming in this country. Surely this is not the place to talk about this but maybe I have to talk about this situation in another thread?

I thank you for any advice.

I'm sure you will get lots of advice after my reply, but I have to warn you to be careful as suggested by Life without Bread when trying to do an instant low carb diet after 45 years old.

A lot of us here also gave up all gluten and dairy for over a year before starting a low carb high fat diet.

My suggestion would be to reduce your carb intake slowly.

Are you taking any vitamins, minerals, do you drink a lot of water, what do you eat for breakfast?
Hey loreta,

For what it's worth, I'd wait and see what the doctor says to rule out any possible problems you may be unaware of. Are you taking ox bile and can you say exactly what carbs you are eating? Also, do you take milk thistle? It may be that you're having trouble with sluggish liver.
are you completely gluten and lactose free without exceptions (100%) ?

considering your age and your past of high consumtion of evil things I also think that you should change your diet slowly and not that fast.
I would second truth seeker advice that you should see what the doctor is telling you
Franco said:

I'm sure you will get lots of advice after my reply, but I have to warn you to be careful as suggested by Life without Bread when trying to do an instant low carb diet after 45 years old.

A lot of us here also gave up all gluten and dairy for over a year before starting a low carb high fat diet.

My suggestion would be to reduce your carb intake slowly.

Are you taking any vitamins, minerals, do you drink a lot of water, what do you eat for breakfast?

I take vitamine E, D3, Omega 3, vitamin C... When I have diarrhea I take Prebiotic.... I take Argentum Nitricum and some homeopathic for my intestines... And I am not able to take yet a huge breakfeast. :-[

So do you think that 10 units of Carbo is to small? I cut also all pasta and rice.

Thanks for your answer!
truth seeker said:
Hey loreta,

For what it's worth, I'd wait and see what the doctor says to rule out any possible problems you may be unaware of. Are you taking ox bile and can you say exactly what carbs you are eating? Also, do you take milk thistle? It may be that you're having trouble with sluggish liver.

My carbs are some vegs and I measured them with my balance. Also, I look for mild thistle but I am unable for now to find here, in Spain. My vegs are broccoli, sweet potatoes, sukini, cauliflower, and lettuce. That's all.

Thank you.
Pashalis said:
are you completely gluten and lactose free without exceptions (100%) ?

considering your age and your past of high consumtion of evil things I also think that you should change your diet slowly and not that fast.
I would second truth seeker advice that you should see what the doctor is telling you

I am totally free of lactose. We will see what the analysis will tell. But doctors are doctors. It is not the firt time I tell him I have problems with my colon. And he looks at me like I am a mosquito. But last week he told me that we can first take a blood analysis and then see if we can see something with that. Then continue father if it is necessary. Sanity here is very bad: I live in the country in the most poor region almost of Spain. And now the government is cutting money for sanity. I don't have money to pay for a private colonoscopia.

So maybe 10 Units of carbs is to a small amount? But even with 10 units I have difficulty of taking my grams of carbs! If I take out pasta and all grains, I have just to eat vegs, don't I?

I am aware that eat well it is a big issue and it is a little complicated. It is like the rest: we have to start at the beginning, like little babies.

Thank you for your answer, I appreciate.
loreta said:
Pashalis said:
are you completely gluten and lactose free without exceptions (100%) ?

considering your age and your past of high consumtion of evil things I also think that you should change your diet slowly and not that fast.
I would second truth seeker advice that you should see what the doctor is telling you

I am totally free of lactose.

In other words you are not free of gluten ?
The whole "Life Without Bread" thread covers these topics. Many others have had similar experiences and have experimented and found solutions that are posted there. I know it's long, but it IS worth reading. And if you have questions about your low carb diet, they should be posted there.
Generally, a revulsion to fat can take two forms: 1) programmed by our anti-fat culture; 2) inability of the body to handle the fat. And the second can be caused by the first. When your liver has not been being properly exercised over your lifetime, it gets sluggish and toxins build up in the body. When you start giving it some fat challenges, it may not want to work or may have difficulty doing so. And this is especially true if you continue to have certain carbs that are processed in the liver and take up its time and energy. Also, you may have a congenitally weak liver (which is bad news all the way around). Once the liver comes back online, all kinds of toxins that have been backed up and unprocessed because the liver was diverted, may start unloading into the intestines and that can make you feel pretty sick, too.

So, the problem is: how to get the liver working gradually, encourage the detoxing actions, etc.

I think that the way I went about it, though it wasn't planned and deliberate, was possibly helpful. I didn't know about the Paleo diet, so I was concentrating on detoxing for about a year. I didn't change my diet all that drastically, though I did cut out grains and dairy. I was still eating plenty of veggies and using buckwheat. I increased my fat a lot, though I didn't jump right into eating lots of animal fats on the meat. It was mostly that I was using it to cook my buckwheat, put on my veggies, etc.

I was using supplements, detoxing in a concentrated way, and so forth.

Thus, when I finally got the clue that it was time to cut out the veggies mostly, increase the meat fats, I was a year or so through a detox protocol.

Even then, I had some difficulties for a few months with the transition. I had weakness, headaches, tiredness, constipation, etc. I think some of this was due to the resistance of my body to switching to fat metabolism instead of carb metabolism ADDED TO further detoxing effects by cranking the liver activity up!

Everybody and every BODY is slightly different even if we can figure out that the same evil foods are poisonous for us and, in general, the same foods are good for us. We have to take the individual systems into account. There is no one single path back to optimum health that works perfectly for everyone.
beetlemaniac said:
Psyche said:
Considering the trouble you are having from your family, you'll have make sure you are understanding all the research that is available in order to be able to make decisions better for the sake of your health. In so doing, you will also be able to deal with the pressure from the mainstream people in a more proactive way. You can find a doctor who orders those kinds of tests and whom you can share cutting edge research.
Another thing, could you please give me a hand with these tests, I am not sure which one I should choose. I'm not sure if I can consult a doctor as they may not understand what I need. Also, I get my tests done at a laboratory and not a hospital/health center. I need to choose one of these tests (or some) but I don't know which is best. You had mentioned apoprotein B tests earlier, as I understand it they measure the NUMBER of LDL particles in the blood (by measuring the ligand apoB that comes with each particle). I'm wondering if one of the tests below would give a better idea of what's going on.

1. Apolipoprotein A
2. Apolipoprotein B
3. Lipoprotein Electrophoresis
4. Lp (a) (Lipoprotein a)

edit: The main reason I have to do this is to calm my dad down. But through emotional contagion or something like that I get worked up at the same time... it's a little crazy-making really.

Yeah, it is crazy making, considering your age and you are still learning to get a hold of the diet. I think that as you are able to digest better, your HDL will go up.

Those tests will do (lipoprotein electrophoresis and lipoprotein a will give you the info you need) and with a little bit of effort, you might be able to explain their importance to any doctor. Here is an old article, but it is a review, so it explains things into more detail.


Low-density lipoprotein size and cardiovascular risk assessment

The peak size of LDL in humans shows a bimodal (rather than a normal) distribution, and can be separated into two phenotypes that differ in size, density, physicochemical composition, metabolic behaviour and atherogenicity. These phenotypes have been called ‘pattern A’ (larger, more buoyant LDL) and ‘pattern B’ (smaller, denser LDL predominate).2–5

LDL size correlates positively with plasma HDL levels and negatively with plasma triglyceride concentrations, and the combination of small, dense LDL, decreased HDL cholesterol and increased triglycerides has been called the ‘atherogenic lipoprotein phenotype’6 (Figure 1). This partly heritable trait is a feature of the metabolic syndrome, and is associated with increased cardiovascular risk.
Figure 1.
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Figure 1.

LDL heterogeneity and plasma triglyceride and HDL cholesterol concentrations (modified from reference 3).

LDL size seems to be an important predictor of cardiovascular events and progression of coronary artery disease, and a predominance of small, dense LDL has been accepted as an emerging cardiovascular risk factor by the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III.1

Dietary factors are also important. A very low-fat high-carbohydrate diet can induce pattern B in people who are genetically predisposed to this phenotype.12

You can download the full article on the link. There seems to be no consensus as to which percentage of small evil LDL in lab tests should constitute pattern B. But, if there is a lot of small LDL, it is bad, regardless if tests categorize them as pattern A based on some arbitrary threshold. From the health catastrophe we see in the world today, people who are eating a diet rich in carbs and processed foods should have a lot of small LDL particles which is skyrocketing the risk of cardiovascular health.

With all the crazy making around you, you might need to start your own database of articles like this. Usually they are referenced in articles such as the one you quoted.
loreta said:
Pashalis said:
are you completely gluten and lactose free without exceptions (100%) ?

considering your age and your past of high consumtion of evil things I also think that you should change your diet slowly and not that fast.
I would second truth seeker advice that you should see what the doctor is telling you

I am totally free of lactose. We will see what the analysis will tell. But doctors are doctors. It is not the firt time I tell him I have problems with my colon. And he looks at me like I am a mosquito. But last week he told me that we can first take a blood analysis and then see if we can see something with that. Then continue father if it is necessary. Sanity here is very bad: I live in the country in the most poor region almost of Spain. And now the government is cutting money for sanity. I don't have money to pay for a private colonoscopia.

So maybe 10 Units of carbs is to a small amount? But even with 10 units I have difficulty of taking my grams of carbs! If I take out pasta and all grains, I have just to eat vegs, don't I?

I am aware that eat well it is a big issue and it is a little complicated. It is like the rest: we have to start at the beginning, like little babies.

Thank you for your answer, I appreciate.

Are you taking water from a well or artesian spring near you? If sanitation is bad and you are drinking local water that may be part of your problem- just a thought
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