Dagobah Resident
Tertium Organum. I took that bit from the final chapter of The Wave. (Use Ctrl + F to find it on the page) :)
I don't believe you're really seeing how arrogant, aloof and self-important your postings are here on this thread. Perhaps like me there could be some deeper feelings of rejection coupled with elevating the "important" members here. Maybe its something like that, if not though its worth reflecting on how you're coming across and thinking about why that might be.
I absolutely disagree here and would really recommend you read ALL of it, even if it means you read parts again. As others previously remarked: The answers are indeed there.
Do you know casssessions? It has a fine search function...
Archaea, if you can't take the time to read what is recommended to you, or you think it is "a deprogramming tool", then, why ask these questions that you most likely wouldn't like the answers to anyway, other than that way you don't have to actually work to learn the answers? What, exactly, are you fishing for?
Since this forum is based on the Cs, Gurdjieff and Mouravieff, along with other 4th Way teachings, and you don't seem to be collinear with most of these things, why are you even here?
I'm not faulting you for asking questions, it just seems as though you're diminishing the importance of doing thorough reading, & the thorough reading of some key material that has been recommended to all of us - many times.
Muxel said:* How do they know that all is one and one is all? i.e. Do they know from experience or did they follow some kind of logic?
The idea of them arriving at that conclusion by some brand of logic is interesting, but I don't think this question matters much. They are 6th density after all.
Muxel said:* Does contemplating the nature of the prime creator and how it relates to the self lead to the spirit?
Contemplating this could have been said to be a "spiritual" activity for me
long before I came across the term "Prime Creator."You literally are the "figments" of someone's imagination, and nothing more!
Muxel said:
Muxel said:* What did they mean by "See" and "seer?" Is it like what's in Castaneda's books? Or is it something else?
"The union of the heart and intellectual higher centers" : higher abilities, graduation to 4th density...
Ouspensky said:Spirituality is not something opposed to “intellectuality” or “emotionality.” It is only their higher flight. Reason has no bounds.
… In a man the growth of reason consists in the growth of the intellect and in the accompanying growth of higher emotions: aesthetic, religious, moral – which, as they grow, become more and more intellectualized; moreover, simultaneously with this the intellect becomes impregnated with emotionality and ceases to be “cold.” Thus, “spirituality” is the merging together of the intellect and the higher emotions; the emotions are spiritualized from the intellect.
Muxel said:* Is the human aura related to electric charge in some way?
I think everything has to be intertwined in a human: genetic, aural, karmic, electric, soul...
Muxel said:* Is being in a state where you don't have to eat (see Gerald Pollack presentation in this thread (,31363.0.html) he talks about people who don't eat food) a desirable state?
Whatever anyone says, I think it's been established that we need to eat to live. Unless our cosmic environment changes and reality drastically rearranges itself, I say carry on eating food.
Muxel said:* Is there a "natural" way/method for dissolving blood clots that they are aware of?
Chelation? I don't know, I'll have to google this.
Muxel said:* What am I missing with my CC interpretations?
Be patient, keep trying.
Bringers of the Dawn said:... They come into your reality to show you that the reasoning mind cannot control all of the data, much as it would like to. ....
... Basically, they exist to force reality to move - to get you feeling rather than thinking. Most who explore these circles think their way through the circles rather than feel their way through them. ...
Muxel said:* How does the astronomical interpretation fit in?
I guess it fits only where it fits! Not all crop circle patterns have to do with astronomy.
Muxel said:* Is my super-secret theory of physics accurate?
That is between you and the C's.
Muxel said:* Are windows what Seth (by Jane Roberts) called co-ordinate points?
I wonder if it's easier to put aside the term "dimension" and approach this using the concepts of "realities" and "densities".
Q: (L) Physicists talk about multi-dimensional universes. ... How many dimensions does the true universe have?
A: Not correct concept. Should be: How many universes does the “true” dimension have?
Q: (L) All right, then. I think that from a previous session we were told that the number of universes was not countable. Is that correct?
A: Infinite, maybe, but more to the point: variable and selective.
Q: (L) Explain variable and selective, please?
A: For those who know how, universes can be created at will in order to transmodify reality merge.
Q: (L) What is a reality merge?
A: What does it sound like?
Muxel said:* Do windows exist at points where gravity cancels?
Unstable gravity waves.
Muxel said:* Did the Philadelphia experiment and project Montauk involve windows?
I'm confident this is a yes. How could it not be?
Muxel said:* Will the Wave interact with windows and/or the grid somehow?
The Wave is the realm border i.e. it is a "window," isn't it? The window of all windows, lord of them all.
Muxel said:* Are sunspots related to windows?]Sunspots are the direct evidence that electric discharges punch holes in the photosphere to deliver current directly to lower depths said:* Will the Earth's grid be different in 4D?
Does Jupiter have a grid? I wonder.
Good question.
Muxel said:* If wishful thinking becomes reality in 4D, then would it be possible to travel to other planets using only a telescope?
Could be. Or, "traveling" would become an obsolete term. You could be anywhere and everywhere. The planet you see through the telescope might not be the same planet when you get there.
Right, because if space and time are variable in 4D, the universes would be variable and selective.
Archaea said:Hmmm....
Wowser. I had some misgivings about my get snotty program post. But myyy word. Seems like something going down here I'm oblivious of. Y'all talking to Archaea as if y'all are old friends. Or an arch Nemesis...
I don't think there is anything going down here that you're oblivious to, unless I'm oblivious to it also...
:) :) :)
Vic said:Archaea said:Hmmm....
Wowser. I had some misgivings about my get snotty program post. But myyy word. Seems like something going down here I'm oblivious of. Y'all talking to Archaea as if y'all are old friends. Or an arch Nemesis...
I don't think there is anything going down here that you're oblivious to, unless I'm oblivious to it also...
:) :) :)
:D Love those emoticons. I can understand why you and Al Today use them in the above. Let's dismiss the newbie upstart - who does he think he is, eh? Don't respond to him directly, but put a subtle dig in. Or I'm paranoid. But there is a valid point in that response - self-importance. I have it, but often don't see it until afterwards. I can see it in my original post. Looking forward to the disappearance of my self importance.
But I think you and Al Today's response is full of self importance also. Might be worth looking at. Or not :)
Archaea said:I don't know casssessions, what is it?
Al Today said:Vic said:Archaea said:Hmmm....
Wowser. I had some misgivings about my get snotty program post. But myyy word. Seems like something going down here I'm oblivious of. Y'all talking to Archaea as if y'all are old friends. Or an arch Nemesis...
I don't think there is anything going down here that you're oblivious to, unless I'm oblivious to it also...
:) :) :)
:D Love those emoticons. I can understand why you and Al Today use them in the above. Let's dismiss the newbie upstart - who does he think he is, eh? Don't respond to him directly, but put a subtle dig in. Or I'm paranoid. But there is a valid point in that response - self-importance. I have it, but often don't see it until afterwards. I can see it in my original post. Looking forward to the disappearance of my self importance.
But I think you and Al Today's response is full of self importance also. Might be worth looking at. Or not :)
Definitely so. Continually. 'Tis a long hard battle and sometimes I am full of human emotion that slides out. Am I correct in seeing sarcasm within a judgemental derogatory reply? Was this an attemp to be hurtful, mean or were you just making fun of the lower class? And your point is?
Initiated alignment of will with the creative Whole doesn't guarantee "smooth personal circumstances"; on the contrary, look at the story of every adept, examine the events surrounding the Masters known to history. Rather it ensures that such events will possess the character of an authentic teaching-demonstration, to all who have the Soul to see. It ensures the Will of the Whole is always done, regardless the partiality and prejudice by which that Whole may be perceived in any given case.
Q: (L) At what level of density do these thought centers have their primary focus?
A: Thought centers do not have primary focus in any level of density. This is precisely the point. You are not completely familiar with the reality of what thoughts are. We have spoken to you on many levels and have detailed many areas involving density level, but thoughts are quite a different thing because they pass through all density levels at once. Now, let us ask you this. Do you not now see how that would be possible?
obyvatel said:I think that the above description matches Carl Jung's schema of the conscious ego surrounded and interpenetrated by the personal unconscious which in turn is surrounded and interpenetrated by the collective unconscious. The collective unconscious is made up of all that exists - it is timeless and spaceless. More accessible parts of the collective unconscious include (but not limited to) the social unconscious belonging to the cultural milieu one grows up in, family unconscious spanning across multiple generations, as well as certain mythological motifs and symbols which cut across cultures.
I think System2 in this schema belongs primarily to the activity of the conscious ego characterized by deliberate attention and thinking. System1 is that part of the personal unconscious which influences the conscious ego. The "field of self-aware gestalts" are what Jung called "archetypes" transcending time and space which "entangle" with the personal unconscious and the conscious ego. The C's terminology would be "thought forms" I guess.
As the collective unconscious is characterized by archetypes (for the sake of categorization in the psychological aspect), the personal unconscious contains complexes. Of interest to us are complexes which are split off parts of the consciousness due to early trauma. These are not integrated in the conscious ego. Such complexes drive obsessions or other rigid, inflexible behavioral patterns (programs) which seem to have a life of its own mostly overwhelming the relatively weak ego consciousness. Most of the psychological work is geared towards integrating these complexes which tend to act in an autonomous and maladaptive manner to the current reality.
The Wave Chapter 49: Frequency Resonance Vibration said:However, based on the information from the Cs, we now have some idea that the fourth density (equivalent to the fifth dimension in mathematical terms), is a para-physical realm of archetypes, and that these archetypal groupings may be the arbiters of human, societal, and national interactions as conceived, and created by mass thought or vice versa! We may merely be the actors in an archetypal play that is written, cast, directed and produced from some other layer of reality. It may be that there are set pieces we each play, and perhaps these cumulative events of humans in this world are the energies that express the balance or imbalance of forces or beings at higher levels.
What is consciousness? Who are you? Am I in your "universe"/consciousness or are you in mine?
From "Why You Don't Create Your Own Reality" by Michael Topper
Initiated alignment of will with the creative Whole doesn't guarantee "smooth personal circumstances"; on the contrary, look at the story of every adept, examine the events surrounding the Masters known to history. Rather it ensures that such events will possess the character of an authentic teaching-demonstration, to all who have the Soul to see. It ensures the Will of the Whole is always done, regardless the partiality and prejudice by which that Whole may be perceived in any given case.
Don't spend too much time on it. This forum certainly doesn't. File it away in your mind as a theoretical concept and if you come across anything, mystic or scientific, that verifies/corroborates it you'll have a better understanding of what Castaneda was actually talking about.
Therefore food is not a necessary requirement for life? Not correct logic. Think of those people as crop circles... they're the anomalies who show you that there is more to this reality than you are told. You don't have to go out of your way to be one!
What about: nattokinase. (Did you have a stroke or have DVT?) In any case prevention is better - do the Diet and supplement with some magnesium. Your body has the natural ability to break down clots.
Can you provide me with a quote if you have it? I haven't read the Seth material.
Each thought or emotion therefore exists as an electromagnetic energy unit or as a combination of these under certain conditions, and often with the help of coordinate points, they emerge into the building blocks of physical matter. This emergence into matter occurs as a physical "result" regardless of the nature of any given thought or emotion. Mental images, accompanied by strong emotion, are blueprints therefore upon which a corresponding physical object, or condition or event, will in your terms occur.
Okay, but the astronomical CC's seem to me to use the same symbol set as the non-astronomical CC's.
So sunspots are electric current channels?
Electric Sunspots
The reason I decided to make this post comes down to what I think of as the mystery of existence (i.e. Why is there something instead of nothing?) and how the C's might relate to it, do they know the answer, or is it still ultimately a mystery to them?
globalgrrl said:DMSO is said to dissolve blood clots when used in a cream of 70% or higher. It can be taken orally too, but it makes your breath smell fishy/garlicky.
Early clinical trials with DMSO were stopped because of questions about its safety, especially its ability to harm the eye. The most commonly reported side effects include headaches and burning and itching on contact with the skin. Strong allergic reactions have been reported.[full citation needed] In high concentrations, DMSO can be fatal to humans.[full citation needed] Industrial-grade DMSO is sometimes contaminated with other substances. DMSO can cause contaminants, toxins, and medicines to be absorbed through the skin, which may cause unexpected effects. DMSO is thought to increase the effects of blood thinners, steroids, heart medicines, sedatives, and other drugs. In some cases this could be harmful or dangerous.[22] It is a developmental neurotoxin.[25]
In Australia it is listed as a schedule 4 poison, and a company has been prosecuted for adding it to products as a preservative.[26]
As for the blood clots,I had my own experience with previously very viscous blood that would clot up every time I would have a blood sample taken to check Iron etc. It worried me a lot as my family has a history of strokes. At the time I already had been gluten free for a while, I cleaned up my diet further along the dietary guidelines recommended here and other sources. My blood flows beautifully now when I get a blood test.
So just a bit of work and patience I would think. I hope that is helpful.
(L) I see... Okay, so there are a couple questions I have here. First question is for a friend of ours, who has got a detached retina and she's really suffering. She wrote me and asked me some questions about it, but I can't find the message that she sent to me. I wrote to her and asked her and she didn't get it here in time before the session. So, I'd just like to ask for anything about her eyes. Is there any suggestion you can make for her to end her suffering?
A: S*****, you had symptoms of issues for many years, it is not possible to get a quick fix especially with the way you drag your feet while expecting fast action from others and the body. Go... Near... Listen... Look... Wait... Be persistent through the difficulties. You need mainly very strict diet control with ZERO slips, and vitamin E occasionally and primrose. Your gut needs to heal before anything else. That can take time.
Q: (L) So, if she gets her gut healed, her body will sort itself out in some way?
A: Yes.
I have wondered this a lot myself. It perplexed me from a young child.
Many years ago, one day after ruminating on this for some time, a simple thought occurred to me. That 'existence' became conscious of itself and it was pretty lonely. So in this became 'creation' enabling separation into individuals.
Archaea said:globalgrrl said:DMSO is said to dissolve blood clots when used in a cream of 70% or higher. It can be taken orally too, but it makes your breath smell fishy/garlicky.
Hi globalgrrl,
Thanks for pointing DMSO out, I'm always interested in new ideas. :)
I had a look at the Wikipedia page for DMSO ( and it say's that DMSO can be dangerous: