loreta said:I think there is more than that, also. I just received an email from my aunt, who lives in England. She accepts this military presence without questioning anything. So one of the reasons of all this paraphernalia is also to make believe to people that "the Arabs" are the enemies and that we need to protect ourselves from them. It is propaganda against them. To continue the discourse of Bush and all the others crackpots. People, in grand majority, see all this false protection as something that will protect them from Muslims. It is, under my humble point of vue, an act of war but very subtly put in place. I am very angry, yes indeed!
And by reading what is happening in Syria, no doubt the propaganda is everywhere... And during this time I heard today 3 millions of people came to see the Olympic flame. :(
I sometimes have the feeling I do not live on the same planet.
Perceval said:I think it's more than that. The 'Muslim terror threat' is very useful to the ptb these days because it keeps the people distracted and dependent on their leaders at a time when there is clear evidence that the fate of all of humanity hangs in the balance in the form of 'earth changes' and increasing comet fragment/meteorite activity in our skies, and there is nothing the ptb can do to protect anyone from it. As always, protection comes from within yourself and colinear individuals that form a network, and it is this fact that the ptb don't want the people to understand, because if they understood it, why would they need leaders at all...
Thank you Perceval to focus again on this point. And this is for why the fact we are just here is already as a gift. This is the first one. The second gift comes from us by learning, understanding, knowing. The third one is to share what we know. And you all do this so well! You're rock!
loreta said:Yes, I understand what you mean, Perceval. If I refer to my aunt, it is true that she is completely unaware of the activity in our skies, and accept without comments this military show. That is more than a show. She is completely brainwash about the fact that something strange is happening on the earth. Maybe my anger of yesterday was in fact my anger towards my aunt!
How I can understand you loreta, I also felt angry these last days, against my sister who as your aunt, (for what I understood, correct me if I am wrong) does not want to ear the Truth, certainly because it could put out her convictions on many things... I tried, but fro now I decided to get down my anger by thinking it is her choice. It is the most complicated thing to balance, between to inform and let free-will play... I also understand it is not easy to adjust words in the same time many others are diffused by the media, which only are liars and manipulators, themselves manipulated...