Yesterday i finished to re-read the Silmarillion (3rd time, or 2nd time). I chose it hasardously, in-between 2 romance books, and it's fun that i finished it +/- when they release this new series.
I started to watch what @Michael B-C posted above but close it after a few minutes - I was fearing the worst about this series and it seems they again succeeded to destroy one good thing.
Now i hesitate to embark in re-reading the 3 books of LOTR or to continue on the romance series, dunno yet ^^
For the series ? well, this will wait :)
I have not seen "The Rings of Power" but serms it follows the same path of The Sandman and its woke festival
Amazon Blocks Negative Reviews Of Its Woke Lord Of The Rings Series
Not long ago, if a company or corporation faced intense backlash from millions of their intended customers, they would try to fix the problem and appease the people that put money in their pockets. In the past few years, though, things have changed. Now, if millions of people don't like a product they are attacked and shamed by companies as “bigots, racists, misogynists, etc.” The idea is a rather authoritarian one – The consumer is now beholden to the establishment and its business partners. If the establishment approves of a product you are not allowed to dislike or criticize that product. If you do, you are a bad person with malicious intent.
The business/buyer relationship has become a landowner/peasant relationship. In their minds they have cast pearls of propaganda and because you are swine you just see it as garbage.
In the case of popular media and streaming entertainment when the public or a fandom criticizes a product the corporate response is to call it “review bombing.” There is, of course, no such thing. As a production company you must acknowledge that a large number of people don't like your film or TV show and you are losing customers – You don't own them, they own you.
For Amazon, the intention was to take yet another beloved property (Lord Of The Rings) and twist it into a vehicle for more woke propaganda, including intersectional feminist messaging and forced diversity casting for a story that was written as an ancient historical record of England.Imagine if a company decided to make a movie about a fantastical African mythology and half the casting was white? It would not go over very well...
Is 'The Rings Of Power' the worst case of leftist propaganda ever created? No, but it is the straw that broke the camel's back. This time the fandom is in heavy opposition and is not afraid to speak out. The American consumer has grown weary and frustrated with the endless injection of social justice politics into our entertainment culture and now they are fighting back and speaking out.
Amazon and leftists in general are not happy about this. Amazon is particularly worried because they have spent billions in production costs already for a show that now has a 37% audience ratings score on Rotten Tomatoes. It appears they have decided that they won't allow the same thing to happen on their own website.
Amazon is currently blocking reviews for 72 hours in order to “weed out the trolls.” Meaning, they will most likely remove numerous negative reviews and keep all positive reviews in order to artificially boost the show's audience rating. There has been suspicion of this kind of behavior by Amazon and other websites in the past when it comes to woke productions, but this is the first time they have blatantly declared censorship of negative reviews. At the very least, it is a sign of panic among the Hollywood establishment as they face widespread exposure of their propaganda.
Not planning on watching the TV series of course, but I imagine that its "quality" will be their own punishment. When you lack creativity, you cannot create. Everything nowadays is a re-imagining, a sequel, a prequel, etc., as if nobody knows how to tell a story anymore, which humans have excelled in for eons. Tolkien's story is still beloved after all this time, and Jackson's cinematic version two decades in. Who will still remember this TV series in a couple of years or so? Maybe some masochists.
Telling stories is humanity remains wise, the fact that they're doing this to all the major stories in the west is like attempting to destroy knowledge, and sever the connection that these stories create.
That video was excellent Michael, thanks for sharing, and while I was on the fence about watching it, mostly because I still remember Peter Jackson's trilogy so fondly, I think I have decided not to after watching that video.
It's sad, sad, sad when humans are no longer able to tell stories and when they destroy the stories at their convenience for their agenda, but it's a symptom of where we are and where we're going, the destruction of everything. Humanity is dead, kaput, it's a fact.
Let's stay true and loyal and faithful to the great story tellers of all times since the beginning of time and continue to read them because they are a treasure to be kept, to be protected,
They want to destroy everything, we know it. Beauty, knowledge, imagination, they want to raze everything, as they do in all wars, and we are at war, we must not forget it! But even in the wars some humans have done everything to protect the works of art, the beauty, the creation. We are there, it seems to me.
It's sad, sad, sad when humans are no longer able to tell stories and when they destroy the stories at their convenience for their agenda, but it's a symptom of where we are and where we're going, the destruction of everything. Humanity is dead, kaput, it's a fact.
Let's stay true and loyal and faithful to the great story tellers of all times since the beginning of time and continue to read them because they are a treasure to be kept, to be protected,
They want to destroy everything, we know it. Beauty, knowledge, imagination, they want to raze everything, as they do in all wars, and we are at war, we must not forget it! But even in the wars some humans have done everything to protect the works of art, the beauty, the creation. We are there, it seems to me.
I agree, they can't create, they have no idea how to create, they can only destroy, twist, manipulate in the likeness of their twisted minds. The whole world is beginning to reflect their minds.
I agree, they can't create, they have no idea how to create, they can only destroy, twist, manipulate in the likeness of their twisted minds. The whole world is beginning to reflect their minds.
It should be noted that "they" is the system rather than a person. A production such as this would consist of thousands of people and a few of them would have contributed to the story. I believe it is the system in which the story is written and production occurs that has resulted in this poor production. With it being so expensive to make, there would have been some big egos involved and psychopathic executives no doubt. Creativity can hardly survive - ego, lack of substance etc.
More than the casting choices, the story telling appears to be abysmal from what I saw in the review video posted by Michael. Having different faces say the words would still not remedy the underlying issue.
That video was excellent Michael, thanks for sharing, and while I was on the fence about watching it, mostly because I still remember Peter Jackson's trilogy so fondly, I think I have decided not to after watching that video.
Same here, under no circumstances will I watch it! I'd rather watch the Jackson's movies once again, as I do regularly.
Thanks for the feedback Michal-BC and Puma. They underestimated the Tolkien's fans and they are shooting themselves in the foot. And frankly, it's almost a delight to watch them doing so.
From Puma: "For Amazon, the intention was to take yet another beloved property (Lord Of The Rings) and twist it into a vehicle for more woke propaganda, including intersectional feminist messaging and forced diversity casting for a story that was written as an ancient historical record of England. Imagine if a company decided to make a movie about a fantastical African mythology and half the casting was white? It would not go over very well..."
From Loreta: "It's sad, sad, sad when humans are no longer able to tell stories and when they destroy the stories at their convenience for their agenda, but it's a symptom of where we are and where we're going, the destruction of everything. Humanity is dead, kaput, it's a fact."
I agree with your comments. It is indeed sad and detrimental that we must now have "artistic freedom" in all the new shows to include the woke movement that is prejudice toward the majority of the viewers. LOTR is a classic story that express historical contents that JRR Tolkien wanted to preserved in his creative endeavor. This is what he taught as an expert in the field of Anglo Saxon history.
I have the movies and read the books except Silmarillion.
Other examples: Bridgerton, a Napoleonic time drama on Netflix. I refused to watch it despite a friend suggesting it. My argument that i was tired the "artistic freedom" being displayed to satisfy a movement that laughs at history despite it's faults. Imagine if a white actress should take on the role of Mrs Tubman and see if the public would accept a different culture impersonating a heroine like her! I'm pretty sure the backlash would be tremendous.
The last Air Bender: that movie was criticized for not having any Asian actors in it. Anne Boylen: so being white in the first place was not "strong enough"? if you were married to Henry the 8th, you had to be insane or extremely strong to attempt living with him!
Sad indeed that we have to reinterpret classical literature and\or historical figures and events! Not sure that i will watch either. The only artistic freedom i want to see are the costumes. Loved them in LOTR!
Note: I'm having a hard time editing. My fonts are not cooperating.
I was talking about this to a person yesterday and they mentioned that to "young" people it normalises multiculturalism by seeing faces from different races/cultures in movies or shows which historically would have been cast differently. That it's all a matter of Hollywood persevering with this trend for long enough until young people grow up who will then find it to be quite normal as this is what they would have been watching since they were young!
It got me thinking that this may be the strategy!
In any case, I think the bigger worry here is the really poor storytelling and that the casting seems "forced".
I have not seen "The Rings of Power" but serms it follows the same path of The Sandman and its woke festival
Amazon Blocks Negative Reviews Of Its Woke Lord Of The Rings Series
Not long ago, if a company or corporation faced intense backlash from millions of their intended customers, they would try to fix the problem and appease the people that put money in their pockets. In the past few years, though, things have changed. Now, if millions of people don't like a product they are attacked and shamed by companies as “bigots, racists, misogynists, etc.” The idea is a rather authoritarian one – The consumer is now beholden to the establishment and its business partners. If the establishment approves of a product you are not allowed to dislike or criticize that product. If you do, you are a bad person with malicious intent.
The business/buyer relationship has become a landowner/peasant relationship. In their minds they have cast pearls of propaganda and because you are swine you just see it as garbage.
In the case of popular media and streaming entertainment when the public or a fandom criticizes a product the corporate response is to call it “review bombing.” There is, of course, no such thing. As a production company you must acknowledge that a large number of people don't like your film or TV show and you are losing customers – You don't own them, they own you.
For Amazon, the intention was to take yet another beloved property (Lord Of The Rings) and twist it into a vehicle for more woke propaganda, including intersectional feminist messaging and forced diversity casting for a story that was written as an ancient historical record of England.Imagine if a company decided to make a movie about a fantastical African mythology and half the casting was white? It would not go over very well...
Is 'The Rings Of Power' the worst case of leftist propaganda ever created? No, but it is the straw that broke the camel's back. This time the fandom is in heavy opposition and is not afraid to speak out. The American consumer has grown weary and frustrated with the endless injection of social justice politics into our entertainment culture and now they are fighting back and speaking out.
Amazon and leftists in general are not happy about this. Amazon is particularly worried because they have spent billions in production costs already for a show that now has a 37% audience ratings score on Rotten Tomatoes. It appears they have decided that they won't allow the same thing to happen on their own website.
Amazon is currently blocking reviews for 72 hours in order to “weed out the trolls.” Meaning, they will most likely remove numerous negative reviews and keep all positive reviews in order to artificially boost the show's audience rating. There has been suspicion of this kind of behavior by Amazon and other websites in the past when it comes to woke productions, but this is the first time they have blatantly declared censorship of negative reviews. At the very least, it is a sign of panic among the Hollywood establishment as they face widespread exposure of their propaganda.
They just cannot get to Peter Jackson's level and he had but a portion of their budget.
But the media machine works well. I saw articles on the net, on social media talking about those racists fans who put bad ratings on the Rings of powers. How dare they!
I went to check on Rotten Tomatoes website to read the ratings and found no racist/homophobic etc... comments. Just people who think the show has no soul, no creativity, actors who don't deliver, elves aren't elvish, visuals and costumes look cheap and overall the show is an insult to Tolkien legacy.
But you cannot win with those people. For the second film of "Fantastic Beast" one of the characters, Nagini (a cursed woman who turns into a snake and will one day remain trapped in a animal form) was a slave. The actress was Asian.
- FIRST SCANDAL : how dare they picture an Asian woman as a meek, weak, submissive slave?! It's just the stereotype for Asian women!!! (Apparently. I am sorry to all Asians reading this)
Producers explain that Nagini is an Indonesian legend. They wanted to be consistent and hire an Asian actress.
SECOND SCANDAL: the Asian actress is Korean, not Indonesian! Many scream that it's because, as a Korean, she's prettier and whiter and thus it is systemic racism, 'cause fair-skinned asians have nearly has much priviledge as white people.(I kid you not)
Producers explain that the Indonesian actress who was initially picked-up had to give- up the role because she was pregnant.
I was talking about this to a person yesterday and they mentioned that to "young" people it normalises multiculturalism by seeing faces from different races/cultures in movies or shows which historically would have been cast differently. That it's all a matter of Hollywood persevering with this trend for long enough until young people grow up who will then find it to be quite normal as this is what they would have been watching since they were young!
It got me thinking that this may be the strategy!
In any case, I think the bigger worry here is the really poor storytelling and that the casting seems "forced".
I had the same kind of comment from one of my siblings when we watched the Bridgeton series on Netflix. I told her that if the show proved something, is that if people of color end up at the top of the social ladder, they will be no better than the whites and the plebs will continue to suffer. That shut up the argument quickly.
My younger daughter always urges me to read Lord of the Rings. Up to now she was not successful - but after reading all these posts here I think I should give it a try. I am a total Harry Potter Fan, btw.
It's sad, sad, sad when humans are no longer able to tell stories and when they destroy the stories at their convenience for their agenda, but it's a symptom of where we are and where we're going, the destruction of everything. Humanity is dead, kaput, it's a fact.
Let's stay true and loyal and faithful to the great story tellers of all times since the beginning of time and continue to read them because they are a treasure to be kept, to be protected,
They want to destroy everything, we know it. Beauty, knowledge, imagination, they want to raze everything, as they do in all wars, and we are at war, we must not forget it! But even in the wars some humans have done everything to protect the works of art, the beauty, the creation. We are there, it seems to me.
This is true. And it's very sad. And thank you, because it's your words which brings me hope. But your assessment that Humanity is dead? We see that our humanity is in the struggle not to be enslaved but there is resistance and that will continue I bet. There are times when much of art and beauty is lost, yet some knowledge lasts. World is falling apart with one bang after another and how it looks queer! I don't know what to say, I guess I'm looking forward to a new reality.
I was talking about this to a person yesterday and they mentioned that to "young" people it normalises multiculturalism by seeing faces from different races/cultures in movies or shows which historically would have been cast differently. That it's all a matter of Hollywood persevering with this trend for long enough until young people grow up who will then find it to be quite normal as this is what they would have been watching since they were young!
It got me thinking that this may be the strategy!
In any case, I think the bigger worry here is the really poor storytelling and that the casting seems "forced".
I hope my comment was not offensive to anyone. It was simply meant as an opinion.
I live in a multicultural environment with complete acceptance of all cultures. It is widely promoted in our schools and in all social events in our city. My own friends are from different cultures and we all benefits from learning from each other's ways.
Each culture possesses rich historical customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements that should be exploited to their advantages with full artistic creativity.
A science fiction story is great to normalize multiculturism. It creates great opportunities for many cultures.
I'm afraid I'm biased when it comes to real history and real portraying of history/classical stories based on history.
Political ponerology is too involve now in creative cinema.
I feel almost sad putting this here but as its an apt and precise take down of this bloated, pretentious, agenda ridden piece of tat by Amazon, (with their clear intent to overwhelm the deep affection held by millions for Tolkien's anciently rooted sense of humanity with the vacuous ideologies of woke identity and feminist optics backed by nothing but hyperinflated spending and a lap dog media), here goes; the first 40 seconds alone is priceless:
Excellent point Michael it simply isn't Tolkien and the Ptb seems bent on destroying something that many people love but they won't succeed because it's badly written,badly acted and souless...the dialog..
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