
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

just read this SOTT shared article, it is in Croatian, but confirming all our thoughst and doubts about Washington direct involvement in destabilizaiotn of Macedonia from the perspective of Miroslav Laznaski, journalist and military analitics
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

solarmind said:
okay, this was just published on one controversial political on-line magazine, but we can read a lot between the lines:

just few translated pieces from article:

- Garda Republic ILIRIDA announced that it has begun the process of implementation of the "Republic of Ilirida" and demanded that the "international factor" meet their order and force the Macedonian authorities to accept the new republic, otherwise they will "destroy the whole region, not just Macedonia "said Commander Hamdi Ndrecaj Panter.

"This is just the beginning, and we go to a general war, and this war will symbolically begin in honor of Ali Harun precisely on May 12," said the terrorist who has not revealed his identity, says "BotaSot". Mention the date apparently chosen to take revenge for the death of their commander Harun Ali who was killed in Skopje, 12 May 2010.

Vienna Albanians held a meeting of support

The Albanian community in Vienna on 9 May was organized and held a protest in front of the Embassy of Macedonia in Vienna to support the terrorist attack in Kumanovo. They expressed their disapproval of the "repression of the Macedonian government. Praised the leaders of terrorist organizations and carried Albanian flags. -

I am asking myself how is it possible to be allowed in EU, a protest of one national group prizing and supporting terrorist attack to independent country?!? Something is deeply wrong here

Its possible in this deeply ponerized society , where psychopaths rule the world and fascism is their religion.The fascism is all over EU, deeply inside. It was never destroyed.It was just covered, transfered to USA, and then spread to Europe again. See the Ukraine for example.
Their story of so called Great Albania is from the time when fascism start.Story of Great Albania is same as the Hitlers story of a great Aryan race. So the same scenario as in Ukraine is preparing. They want unstable and devasteted Macedonia. The article on the Creation SOTT from Mr Lazanski is pretty much describing the whole situation.


KLA or ONA or UCK are same stupid mercenaries as they were ISIS or AL-KAIDA or whatever name they take. Take for example the newest ISIS. A lot of killed ISIS members were Albanians from Macedonia and Kosovo. The situaition is very clear. Dogs of war.The terrible psychopathic minds.Maybe an OPS, soulless mechanical machines.

Official 8 police officers are dead. 3 of them from my town. This third one is one that i knew, he was not friend of my , but in a small place like this people know each other.Another one from this place is in a serious life treating condition in hospital.

There is a eerie silence in the town. You can feel the tension on a empty streets. In all cafes, bars, shops are total silence. There is no music, People just hang out in the nearest cafe and they talk about this disaster.

Even the sparrows on the trees know that USA is involved in this.

This are just first news, first impressions. Officially action against terrorists is over .Around 20 arrested and lot of them eliminated.No more informations.

Situation is tense, and its not gonna be any better very soon. New attacks are expected to North-west part of Macedonia. There are lot of disinformations , so for now i`m trying to focus on real ones.
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

Here is a nice article about relationship between Montenegro and Russia. In short, Montenegrins shot themselves in the foot with their anti-Russian attitude.

Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

Konstantin take care, I will cosider to leave Macedonia maybe this week if you can, before the border and trafic will get closed ... I don't know ... just remember horors form our war, maybe you should consider some emergency plan in case this escalate to more oppressive actions from military and outer forces? ... :hug2: :hug:

As I can see form majority of ignorant fellow citizens here, and I heard same in Skopje from a friend, people just thinking bah it is one more kind of mess with Albanians on the border, and it will stop in few days ... this is just exactly what they want, they want people to believe it is the same as few years ago, and authorities will take care of it, but I will not play on that card any way, things are getting rough it is not bad idea to rethink a back up plan in case of emergency.
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

Persej said:
Here is a nice article about relationship between Montenegro and Russia. In short, Montenegrins shot themselves in the foot with their anti-Russian attitude.


yep if they are converting from the connection with Russia they will be "eaten" by "western prospect" soon, and probably end up like Kosovo ... It was stupid thing to separate from Serbia after all, so who knows what is going on in their mind ... didn't know it escalated so much since I was there last year, didn't get that impression, but thanks for sharing this insight with me ...

and this article is so stiff, you can read between the lines what is going on, and anti Russian propaganda is just unbelievable effective :(
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

Kumanovo operation ends,terrorists neutralized.
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje


It seems a lot of people are jumping on the bandwagon that the government in Macedonia is behind this attack (on themselves) in order to declare martial law, ban protesting and remain in power. This makes absolutely no sense since the attack happened and the martial law has not been declared and the protesting isn't banned, and maybe you can refute or confirm this further Konstantin. So how can they still claim this even though nothing of the sort happened?

So it all seems a bunch of hogwash, some are even saying that there were no terrorists at all and that the government made it all up! Never mind that the KLA/UCK themselves admitted to it and let's not forget that this isn't the first attack that they staged in Macedonia recently.

Attempts to portray the government as a brutal dictatorship cracking down on 'freedom and democracy' should raise everyone's suspicion instead of singing the usual US/NATO tune which is exactly what they want.
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

this is very interesting article indeed

The title is straight forward pointing out that group from Kosovo attacked Macedonia, and NATO and EU is calling for objective investigation! I am asking my self how is it possible that country that is main NATO base on Balkans have such a bad terrorist prevention? Why we need NATO if even from their main base any country in the region can be easily attacked?
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

Anthony said:

It seems a lot of people are jumping on the bandwagon that the government in Macedonia is behind this attack (on themselves) in order to declare martial law, ban protesting and remain in power. This makes absolutely no sense since the attack happened and the martial law has not been declared and the protesting isn't banned, and maybe you can refute or confirm this further Konstantin. So how can they still claim this even though nothing of the sort happened?

So it all seems a bunch of hogwash, some are even saying that there were no terrorists at all and that the government made it all up! Never mind that the KLA/UCK themselves admitted to it and let's not forget that this isn't the first attack that they staged in Macedonia recently.

Attempts to portray the government as a brutal dictatorship cracking down on 'freedom and democracy' should raise everyone's suspicion instead of singing the usual US/NATO tune which is exactly what they want.

The guy on Croatian news, who joined the Dnevnik from Belgrade, said that's it's highly unlikely that Macedonian government staged all this. Although the anchor-women pulled his tongue into direction of what you wrote Anthony, he dismissed it resolutely. The women's expression after that would have been kind of funny if not being tragic and pathetic.
The guy stressed that this was (probably) armed group from Kosovo as a part of greater organization of Islamic fundamentalists - same story like ISIS in Middle East. Of course, possible Western involvement wasn't mentioned at all, quite the contrary, it was pointed out that EU demands open and transparent detailed investigation.
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

solarmind said:
how is it possible that country that is main NATO base on Balkans have such a bad terrorist prevention?

It's possible for the same reason that it was possible for 'terrorists of unknown origin' to conduct a series of massacres in shops near NATO's HQ in Belgium at a time when Belgians were leaning towards booting NATO out of their country: the 'terrorists' are operating from the base!
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

Niall said:
solarmind said:
how is it possible that country that is main NATO base on Balkans have such a bad terrorist prevention?

It's possible for the same reason that it was possible for 'terrorists of unknown origin' to conduct a series of massacres in shops near NATO's HQ in Belgium at a time when Belgians were leaning towards booting NATO out of their country: the 'terrorists' are operating from the base!

it is stunning how blindness is just permanent state of ordinary people, and how they can buy this crap. :( ... no one asking that question, and it is just so obvious.
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

Yeah and just recently there were reports that Kosovars are joining ISIS at record rate.

Report Finds Alarming Outflow Of Kosovars To Islamic State


From serving as heroin transporting, organ trafficking, jihadi recruitment/shipping corridor, military/intelligence outpost, Kosovo really is an exemplar of what US efforts to 'stabilize' the region really mean.

Great article by Enghdal by the way:

Some months before the US-led bombing of Serbian targets, one of the heaviest bombings since World War II, a senior US intelligence official in private conversation told Croatian senior army officers in Zagreb about Washington's strategy for former Yugoslavia. According to these reports, communicated privately to this author, the Pentagon goal already in late 1998 was to take control of Kosovo in order to secure a military base to control the entire southeast European region down to the Middle East oil lands.
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

Operations in KUmanovo ended. The final result is 8 dead and 37 injured police officers. No information about civilian casualties.
About 20 terrorists arrested and unknown number of them killed. Between arrested there was Kosovo, Macedonia and Albanian citizens , and all of them are Albanian nationality. Five of them are criminals that were on international wanted lists.They were experienced mercenaries that have been to Kosovo war, Macedonia in 2001 and have recently come back from Syria. According to Police 3 of them are arrested.
According to President Ivanov, this group was knows to Macedonian authorities from the beginning of this year. Our Intelligence agency asked for a help from 17 different Western agencies about this group and none of them helped or give any informations about the group .
Well they cant give informations about their mercenaries .
So i think that all this was instructed from western powers in Kosovo. They know about them, they armed them, trained them and sent them .
Kosovo serves as a big recruit center for mercenaries for the so called ISIS in the middle east.
According to official informations , the plans of the group were to attack public and government places and make a lot panic and casualties in the middle of May. Group was tracked, located and was decided to neutralise them while they were on that place.There are still a lot of questions, like why they allow them to fortify almost in the center of Kumanovo in a urban populated area .
Its suspicious that on the social media there are some pictures from some time ago , how former opposition leader is on the same table in a restaurant with some of the leaders of this group.
So there must be some involvement of some domestic elements in this mess.
IF you look from a another angle , then Macedonia is the weakest part of the Turkish stream.It goes from Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary. Maybe they tried to break this project on the weakest point.
Still a lot of unanswered questions.
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

I just read this article ...

I am suggesting to SOTT editors and translators from our region to take it into consideration to translate it in English, if you agree. I feel this is the right point of view and the world needs to know what is relay going on in Macedonia and on Balkans right now.

I feel that it is quite accurate explanation of what is going on at Balkans, that Macedonian conflict is triggered by failure of Ukraine plan, and they just needed to activate back up plan to continue military actions in EU and our Continent against Russians. I think it will be propelled now more and more, scenario already seen in 90s, but I don't think it will escalate if we as a people can be smart and not let any authority to involve us into the conflict. I don't know, but person can always say NO to aggression and abuse.

Considering that Croatian president left on Saturday to visit Afghanistan NATO base with 12 members of her team, and they will spend there few days, I feel that is a next round of preparation for Croatian involvment as a borderline from "new attacks" from the neighbouring republics. I don't like it at all, and I feel we need to question her visit openly and I might write a letter to the cabinet asking the reason of that visit, to let them know that there are individual normal people who want to know what president is doing.

This are not easy times on us at Balkans, and with this level of recession, and most of all, complete collective depressive attitude towards life in general, it will be so easy to make them to go to war against neighbours, and to pump them with the worth of that action, to make them feel alive ... scary movie is going to get rolling on Balkans again, but as I said I do think that power of citizens to say NO can redirect the whole situation into different, non aggressive direction.

I am looking forward to your thoughts about this, as it is not a game, if we can see what is approaching, I think we do have to take some steps before it is to late ...
Re: Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje

just found one more interesting analysis of the Balkan affairs and conflict in Macedonia from one Croatian news portal
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