
And all this is happening just because Gruevski's government
- didn't impose sanctions against Russia and in fact, he was collaborating with Russia
- allowed big Chinese companies to build major roads in Macedonia
- supported south stream from Russia and Turkey.

So at the core of all this, it is again " evil Russia" and all this is just a deep state scenario so in the future no future politician in the region should try to do similar things, to be close and to cooperate with Russia and China.

This is the price that we must all pay now for not being Deeps state puppets.
Yozilla said:
Central Balkan Republic- must admit i like it...It's catchy :cool2:

But how should we call their citizens? Central Balkanians? That's just stupid. I suggest that they sell their name for sponsorship which can be revised each 10 years. Who pays the most gets their name on a country. Just like they do it today with stadium and arenas. Of course, the flag would also be designed according to the sponsor.
Only an uprising can save Macedonia from the US installed Junta

No Macedonian ever thought the country will be led by a humanoid monkey installed in power by the CIA via a coup in 2016. According to numerous reports of foreign intel agencies who’ve gotten their hands on CIA’s recruitment documents, and recently confirmed during a TV interview with Lazanski when the Americans seek to recruit a foreign ‘leader’ who will dance to their tune, they are seeking three qualifications:

1. The Individual must be marginalized in society, willing to do anything for power.

2. The individual must possess low IQ.

3. The individual must be of limited intellectual capacity, borderline mental retardation and will not question any orders.

In other words, if you’re recruited by the CIA, you’ve miserably failed at life. But, here comes Zoran Zaev who is over qualified in each of the above requirements. The SDS leader and illegitimate PM of the Macedonian Government has recently taken his unhinged self into uncharted territory. In an interview with Bulgarian TV, Zaev claimed it was the Bulgarian fascists who freed Macedonia from the Bulgarian fascists!? Earlier, in an interview with Serbian TV, he told them that it was Serbia who helped Macedonia defeat fascism, adding we’re the same people. He told the Bulgarians we’re the same people too. His next move is likely to meet Merkel and to thank her for the Germans freeing Macedonia from the Nazis. Obviously, Macedonians are the same people with them as well.

But if you think this CIA and Deep State backed deranged lunatic is done, think again.

Baily’s minions in DUI will soon introduce a fake genocide bill, accusing Macedonians of “genocide” against the albanians. The bill has nothing to do with history and certainly nothing to do with genocide, but is meant to grant the albanians in western Macedonia, in locations where they are not present the right to demand land and secession rights because they were “kicked out” from the land during an imaginary genocide. This bill too is pushed from the office of US Ambassador and CIA operative Jess Baily and it follows the Tirana Platform of former CIA head John Brennan to the tee.

Only an uprising can save Macedonia at this point. The current junta installed by the US will follow the scenario of Georgia and Ukraine. In both countries the CIA put in place “leaders” who perfectly fit the three recruitment points above. Saakashvili and Poroshenko. Both countries after US involvement endure perpetual misery. They lost large chunks of territory for good, all their gold reserves “disappeared” over night in unmarked planes bound for United States, thousands were killed in a war initiated by the CIA, and they became impoverished to incredible levels. If Macedonians want the same future then we should do nothing.

Uprising is the only option.
Syrian church in Sweden to screen Serbian movie about Albanian atrocities after Swedish regime bans the screening in its halls (Video) (1:24 min.)

November 20th, 2017 - Fort Russ News -
- Sputnik Srbija - - translated by Samer Hussein

Swedish authorities have refused to offer their halls for the screening of Kosovo: A Moment In Civilization, a Serbian documentary movie directed by Boris Malagurski which exposes the atrocities committed by Albanian terrorist groups against Serbian civilians in Kosovo.

The movie was originally scheduled to be premiered on November 26th in the Swedish capital city of Sweden. However, the organizers were later forced to relocate the screening to one of the halls of the Syrian Orthodox Church in the city of Södertälje after ABF (Sweden’s largest adult liberal education association) refused to offer its own facilities for the screening of the movie.

The Albanian internet portals have shedded some light on the subject, namely by copying Facebook status of Salih Shala, the leading Albanian lobbyist in Sweden.

In his statement, Shala said he contacted ABF and demanded the screening of the movie to be banned. He then received a positive response from the association, saying that screening of the movie is banned due to its content violating the Swedish laws and the right of equality of all people in Sweden.

How can such movie be considered racist, while Ramush Haradinaj’s war crimes artistic freedom, is not exactly known.

In an email to the organizers of the movie premiere, namely the Serbian Association in Sweden and the Brotherhood of St. Jovan, ABF confirmed that screening of the movie is banned, noting that the association has become aware that the brief review of the movie which was submitted earlier did not conform to the movie title and its content.

“ABF is not a broadcasting/screening authority”, said Malagurski in an interview with Sputnik.

“As such, I do not know how could they come up with a conclusion that the movie is not suitable for screening, given that they obviously haven't even looked through the content”, he added.

Malagurski pointed out that he personally contacted ABF to find out what exactly was “wrong” with the movie, but failed to receive a response.

“This is an obvious example of censorship and violation of the freedom of speech, triggered by a single ethnic lobbyist who is trying to use the Swedish equality and human rights to his own advantage, to a degree that he is violating them completely”, Malagurski said, adding that he was glad that the organizers were able to find a solution in such a short period of time, namely by screening the movie in the hall of the St. Jacob of Nsibin Syrian Orthodox Cathedral in the city of Södertälje.

“The Syrian nation knows what it means to destroy one nation’s culture and historical heritage. The ABF should have recognized the obvious fact that since 1999 more than 150 churches and monasteries literally in the heart of Europe were destroyed. I wonder if ABF will also ban the screening of destruction of Palmyra due to the content being offensive to the ISIS supporters in Sweden? ”, Malagurski asked.

Goran Popov, one of the organizers of the event from the Brotherhood of St. Jovan said that in such a liberal country like Sweden where theoretically all of the voices are allowed to be heard, one would hardly expect such occurrences, noting that the whole ABF charade is incompatible with the liberal values otherwise so typical for Sweden.
Karakacanov: SDSM actively works with Bulgaria’s secret service

In Macedonia, it was a quite modern to accuse the VMRO-DPMNE of being “bulgarofilles” and that they worked for the eastern neighbor. I can tell you that SDSM accused VMRO-DPMNE of the things they themselves are doing for years. SDSM in the past and today actively works for the Bulgarian secret service – says Bulgarian MP Krasimir Karakacanov in an interview with Vasko Eftov.

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Ratko Mladic, the former leader of Bosnian Serbs and a military commander was sentenced to life in prison after the UN war crimes tribunal found him guilty of the involvement in the Srebrenica massacre and committing crimes against humanity.

UN Court: Mladic 'Significantly Contributed' to Srebrenica Massacre

On Wednesday, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia announced its verdict in the trial of former Bosnian Serb army chief Ratko Mladic. He has been charged with having committed genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity during the 1992-1995 war in Bosnia. Mladic denied all accusations.

A three-judge panel at the court formally known as the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia found Mladic guilty of commanding forces responsible for crimes including the worst atrocities of the war – the deadly three-year siege of the Bosnian capital, Sarajevo, and the 1995 massacre of some 8,000 Muslim men and boys in the eastern enclave of Srebrenica, which was Europe's worst mass killing since World War II.

"For having committed these crimes, the chamber sentences Ratko Mladic to life imprisonment," judge Alphons Orie told the Yugoslav war crimes court after finding Mladic guilty on 10 of 11 counts, including genocide for "heinous crimes against humankind."

UN Hails Conviction as 'Victory for Justice' - United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al-Hussein hailed Mladic's conviction as "a momentous victory for justice," adding that Mladic was "the epitome of evil," and his prosecution is "the epitome of what international justice is all about."

According to the commissioner, the general "presided over some of the darkest crimes to occur in Europe since World War II, bringing terror, death and destruction to thousands of victims, and sorrow, tragedy and trauma to countless more. Today's verdict is a warning to the perpetrators of such crimes that they will not escape justice, no matter how powerful they may be or how long it may take. They will be held accountable."

Background - The trial against Mladic began on May 12, 2012 after his arrest by Serbian authorities a year earlier; the former commander had been in hiding for years before his capture.

In December 2016, prosecutors demanded a life sentence for Mladic for his role in the alleged killing of 8,000 Muslim men and boys during the July 1995 Srebrenica Massacre, for the protracted siege and bombardment of the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo and the "ethnic cleansing" of Muslims and Croats in other areas.

Mladic's defense lawyers, for their part, insisted that Mladic did not order the Srebrenica killings, and said that the trial against him was biased.

October 2015, a leading forensic pathologist set to testify for the defense was found dead in his hotel room, just days before his testimony for the Tribunal, furthering rumors that the case against the commander was little more than a kangaroo court.

In March 2017, the lawyers called for provisional release of Mladic, who they said was not getting relevant medical treatment at the UN detention center in The Hague. The requests were rejected by the judges in May.

Crimes Shrouded in Scandal - Among Bosnia's Serb community, in Serbia, Russia and elsewhere in Eastern Europe, officials, academics, and other observers have rejected the blunt and unequivocal placing of blame for the carnage during the Bosnian war on the Bosnian Serbs alone. In 2015, Russia vetoed a UN resolution describing the Srebrenica as a "crime of genocide" for this very reason. Moscow argued that the war in Yugoslavia saw the crime of ethnic cleansing committed by all warring sides.

Elena Guskova, a respected Russian Balkans expert who was on the ground during the Bosnian war, has also questioned the use of the term "genocide" to describe what happened in Srebrenica, and said that there is evidence to conclude that the deaths there were caused by fighting between Serbian forces and the Muslim Bosnian army. She pointed out that the figures of the Srebrenica massacre have themselves been subject to manipulation, fluctuating radically between 5,000 and 25,000 people. At the same time, she said, Western powers continue to turn a blind eye to the estimated 4,500 Serbian civilians killed by Muslim Bosnian armies, effectively under the protection of the UN's Blue Helmets.

Other observers have criticized the decidedly anti-Serb slant in the Yugoslav Wars war crimes trials in general, including against those against Serbian commander Radovan Karadzic, who was convicted of genocide in 2016, and former Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic, who died in his prison cell at The Hague in 2006, before the conclusion of a separate trial covering the wars in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo. Milosevic was never convicted.

Russian journalists have also pointed out that the anti-Serbian angle behind these trials not only ignores the crimes committed by the other side during the wars, but justifies US, European and NATO actions in the Balkans, from their tacit support for anti-Belgrade forces in the early 1990s, to their open military interventions in Bosnia and Serbia itself during its 1999 78-day bombing campaign of the country.

These interventions, particularly the 1999 bombing campaign, have resulted in the deaths of over 5,000 Serbian civilian deaths, thousands of injuries, and a trail of cancers and other illnesses caused by the depleted uranium ammunition used by NATO forces. Observers of Mladic's trial have questioned when justice will be served in the case of the Western alliance's actions.

The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has sentenced Bosnian Serb military leader Ratko Mladic to life in prison as he was found guilty of involvement in some of the most notorious episodes of the Bosnian war in the 1990s, including the Srebrenica massacre and the siege of Bosnia and Herzegovina's capital, Sarajevo.

Ex-Bosnian Serb Leader Mladic to Appeal UN Court's Ruling – Son

Darko Mladic, the son of General Ratko Mladic, said at a press conference after the court's ruling was announced that his father considers the trial was an attempt to "accuse Serbs of all the crimes."

"We will file an appeal," the ex-commander's son said in The Hague, also saying that "justice was used for [anti-Serbian] propaganda."

Citing the talk with his father, Darko Mladic noted that the former commander considers the accusations a "lie" that has been used to "criminalize" Serbs.
sToRmR1dR said:
Zaev releases MONSTERS who have massacred children at Smilkovsko Lake

Constitutional Court nullifies sentences for terrorists involved in Smilkovsko lake executions

In a shock to many, the Macedonian Constitutional Court nullified previous convictions of terrorists involved in the brutal murder of five Macedonian teenagers at the shores of Smilkovo lake.

The special prosecution team (SPO) had stated they were unhappy with the convictions very early on during their mandate, even though their mandate itself was formed to investigate the alleged wiretapping scandal.

Six people were issued life-term sentences, however four of them were protected at the US Base of Bondsteel where they remained detained over alleged carrying a fire-arm penalties. Kosovo never extradited them to Macedonia.

Thanks to the Macedonian Constitutional Court, they are now free, and the likelyhood of them being re-convicted now is very low, considering the efforts that went into overturning the judgement in the first place.

Kathimerini: Meeting with Nimetz is sign of continuity of the positive climate

The meeting between representatives of Macedonia and Greece with the UN mediator in the name dispute, Matthew Nimetz, scheduled for Dec. 11-12 in Brussels, is a sign of continuity of the positive climate that has been created in the relations between the two countries after change of government in Macedonia, Greek daily Kathimerini reads.

The next NATO Summit, to be held on July 11 and 12 in Brussels, is in function of a time frame, which moves to dispute resolution and achieving a mutually acceptable solution. Macedonia hopes that it will finally open the way to becoming a member of the Alliance.

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias has repeatedly stated that the issue will be resolved in the first half of 2018, warning that if this does not happen, there will be major difficulties.

I believe this issue must be settled within the first half of 2018. If it’s not, there will be major difficulties. If it gets resolved, it will then be a matter of three to four months of bureaucracy at the United Nations. As a result, it should wrap up by the end of 2018. If we do not manage to reach a settlement by the end of 2018, 2019 starts off with presidential elections in the neighboring country and then, in the summer of 2019, it will be our turn to hold an election,” Kotzias said.

The positions expressed by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov are moderate and linked with the spirit of readiness to compromise. However, there is a big difference from the public statements to the essential acceptance of a different position. And certainly it is not just a matter of name that caused big reactions in FYROM. Even if a mutually acceptable solution is reached, it is necessary to have the readiness to use it, Kathimerini writes.

Two countries implement confidence building measures, through small and easy steps, but symbolic and very useful.

In this context, the Greek media commented on noticeable curbing of passions regarding the agenda of former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski over Skopje 2014 project.
New or Northern Macedonia, speculates Boutaris: With new name, Macedonia could find new identity for itself and its people

Just ten days after his visit to Skopje and a meeting with Prime Minister Zaev, Thessaloniki mayor Yiannis Boutaris told the Austrian newspaper ‘Kurier’ that for the Macedonian Prime Minister, the Republic of New Macedonia or Northern Macedonia is acceptable compromise on the name.

“The new Prime Minister Zoran Zaev has no nationalist ideas as his predecessor Nikola Gruevski, who was a terrible misfortune for the country. Zaev wants a compromise on the name: the Republic of New Macedonia or Northern Macedonia. Greece would never accept the Republic of Macedonia,” Boutaris said, who recently visited Skopje and met with the entire state leadership, including Prime Minister Zaev.

Where these statements come from and what was discussed at this meeting between Zaev and Boutaris, we can only guess, but more than worrying is the fact that only ten days after the meeting with Zaev, the Thessaloniki mayor gives statements for European media with concrete proposals for the name change.

Moreover, in his statement for the Austrian medium, he said that “with the new name, Macedonia could find a new identity for itself and its people.”

Greek media has already analyzed the current “progress” in the relations between Athens and Greece as a milestone in closing the name issue.

“After Zoran Zaev’s victory, Greece shows ‘goodwill’ and this is interpreted as an opportunity to find a solution in New York at all costs, because what matters is – the course of FYROM … towards the Euro-Atlantic Union.”

BOC accepted to be mother-church of MOC-OA

The Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church (BOC) at a session Monday has decided to engage in establishing the canonical status of the Macedonian Orthodox Church (MOC) and to represent before local Orthodox churches.

“The Holy Synod, given that the Macedonian Orthodox Church (MOC) recognizes the Bulgarian Orthodox Church (BOC) – Bulgarian Patriarchate as its Mother Church, has decided that the BOC, assuming its holy duty, accepts the responsibility to demonstrate utmost assistance by mediating and by representing itself before local Orthodox churches all the while taking all necessary measures to establish a canonical status of the MOC,” reads a decision on the BOC’s Holy Synod reached in relation to a letter sent by the MOC on Nov. 9.

The Bulgarian Orthodox Church (BOC) – Bulgarian Patriarchate has never been indifferent to the hardships of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, adds the decision.

The BOC Holy Synod decided to set a committee of bishops tasked with negotiating with the Macedonian Orthodox Church.

The synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church convened today to discuss the letter of the Macedonian Orthodox Church requesting recognition of its autocephaly and eucharistic unity with the BOC.

Patriarch Neofit: Decision on MOC is complicated, had to be carefully considered

Decision on the Macedonian Orthodox Church (MOC-OA) had been delayed for many years because it was complicated and had to be very carefully considered, stated Bulgarian Orthodox Church Patriarch Neofit, answering questions from the media.

Neofit noted that this issue should be carefully considered and the decision to be brought by the majority and all Orthodox churches to have a clear idea of the question of autocephaly, which was not considered at the last world’s Orthodox Bishops gathering in Crete.

The Macedonians are our brothers and accepting the outstretched hand of the Macedonian Orthodox Church is the least we can do, Patriarch Neofit said.

The Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church is to consider Monday the letter from the Macedonian Orthodox Church – Ohrid Archbishopric sent on November 9 asking to be recognised as an autocephalous church and for the Bulgarian Orthodox Church to be its mother church.

According to the announcements of Bulgarian bishops, a prompt answer from the Bulgarian Orthodox Church is not expected, but a commission will be formed to inform other orthodox churches and to hear their opinion in regard to MOC-OA request.
'Neocon's good will and the democracy lesson'

Court: Zaev will be prosecuted for Bribery when we are told to do so

The bribery case of SDS leader Zoran Zaev was postponed for the 14th time today after the newly appointed Constitutional judge Afrim Fidani who took responsibility of this case, claimed that he can’t make any decision until his assistant is selected.

Last week, a travesty occurred in the selection of judges which saw over twenty judges with well known “friendly” ties to the US Embassy put in power despite not possessing the strict credentials in (age, experience and education) required to be in such positions.

For over two years, Macedonian Courts have refused to start proceedings for Zaev’s bribery case where he blatantly asks businessman for bribe in order to give him a building permit.

In his defense, Zaev back in 2015 claimed that he does not recognize the authority or validity of Macedonian Courts. It appears, his statement still stands.
Meanwhile, Gruevski has had his purely fabricated case well underway by the Courts. In addition, to add to his humiliation his passport has been taken away. All of this was of course, self-inflicted, Gruevski removed himself from power due to external “pressure” that he apparently was unable to handle.

SDS junta detains Chavkov, actor Vlado Jovanovski, Angelov, Durlovski….

This morning, the SDS junta arrested 16 public officials and prominent Macedonian personalities. The official ‘charge’ is that they were involved in the April 27th protests in and around Parliament.
Unofficially, the arrested individuals have been determined to be a “threat” to the SDS junta and had to be detained due to their outspoken ways in public.

MINA finds, among the arrested are world renowned opera singer Igor Durlovski, actor Vlado Jovanovski, former chief of DBK Mitko Chavkov, Veles native Goran Angelov – Kjoseto.

The SDS police has broken the law and ignored the fact MPs have immunity and detained several DPMNE MPs among which are: Zaklina Peshevska, Krsto Mukovski, Ljuben Arnaudov and others.

In the past three months, terrorists, jihadists and major criminals have been illegally freed from prison, but actors, singers and MPs are jailed.

Durlovski and Vlado Jovanovski charged with same crime as Divo Naselje defendants – terrorism

Actor Vlado Jovanovski, opera singer Igor Durlovski, activist Goran Angelov -Kjoseto, director Boris Damovski, MPs Krsto Mukovski, Ljuben Arnaudov, Zaklina Peshevska and other twenty-eight suspects in connection to the April 27 events in the Parliament – are more dangerous for the Macedonian society than the Kosovo terrorists who provoked an armed clash with the Macedonian police in Divo Naselje, which resulted in eight dead police officers, estimates the basic public prosecutor’s office.

Republika made a comparison between the crime that the Divo Naselje defendants are accused of and the crime that the lawmakers and patriots who stormed the Parliament on April 27 are accused of.

The Divo Naslje defendants are facing terrorism charges, for which Article 394-a provides a minimum sentence of 8 years in prison.

On the other hand, the crime for which the suspects in the 27 April events are charged with by the basic public prosecutor’s office is “terrorist endangerment to the constitutional order and security”, for which Article 313 of the Criminal Code provides a prison sentence of at least 10 years.

In the Divo Naselje case, which the basic public prosecutor’s office is treating as a minor crime than the April 27 events, there were eight killed police officers, in contrast to the events of April 27, when there were wounded MPs for whom thugs are serving a prison sentence.

None of the detained persons charged today with “terrorist endangerment to the constitutional order and security” has participated in any violence in the Parliament.

SDSM’s MOI demonstrates force – police with full military equipment raided MP Mukovski’s house (Photos)

Oliver Spasovski’s police this morning at 5 am with a large number of police officers raided the family house of MP Krste Mukovski in Vevcani. Oliver Spasovski sent five policemen dressed in civilians and about 15 policemen with automatic rifles, armor and full military equipment.

The family of Krsto Mukoski is visibly shaken. The wife of MP Mukoski, Katerina is disturbed, and their four children, the 13-year-old son and the three daughters aged 11, 9 and 3 woke up frightened, crying during the police raid in MP Mukoski’s home.

His parents Milan and Ruzica are also confused and frightened.

Vevcani residents are revolted by this demonstration of force and attitude towards the family.

During Peshevska’s detention for alleged terrorism, her three underage children were heard crying

At 5 am, the police raided the house of lawmaker Zaklina Peshevska, a mother of three underage children.

Masked policemen and Alphas without a question and warning raided the MP’s property while the three underage children cried out of fear and begged the police officers not to do so.

According to Republika’s information, one of the policemen turned to them with the words “get out so we don’t see you.” One of the policemen waived with his hands after the young children, after which the husband reacted.

Zaklina Peshevska is a VMRO-DPMNE MP and one of the suspects in connection to the April 27 events.

Nikoloski: MPs detention is violation of the Constitution and the Rules of Procedure

MP and former chairman of the Committee on Rules of Procedure and Mandatory and Immunity Issues, Aleksandar Nikoloski, in a statement for Republika said that Tuesday’s detention of MPs is a violation of the Constitution and the Assembly’s Rules of Procedure.

“The Rules of Procedure of the Assembly and the Constitution have been violated, a MP cannot be detained without the approval of the Assembly, there is a procedure for this. Perhaps it is interpreted that at this moment they are summoned to give a statement and there is still no decision for detention, but it is a deprivation of liberty, and for that, permission of the Assembly is needed,” Aleksandar Nikoloski told Republika.

MPs Krsto Mukovski, Ljuben Arnaudov and Zaklina Peshevska were detained early Tuesday in connection to the events of 27 April 2017 in Parliament.

Gruevski: We demand unconditional halt of all processes in this political persecution

It is the last hour when we need to act, to protect the people, because justice is on our side, this is a battle of the people for their state against the junta in power that runs this captured state, the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Nikola Gruevski said at Tuesday’s press conference.

“VMRO DPMNE is waging the battle for justice and the battle for the homeland, we will be at the helm of that battle with an idea and honor and name, the battle will be difficult and long, but the battle will be won. It must result in victory, we will be the voice during this hardship. We will be in the frontline of the homeland, defend the freedom and patriotism of the people, everywhere with the people, it is our maxim, on the streets, in the homes wherever it is needed. We demand unconditional halt of all these processes of this political persecution, we demand immediate and unconditional halt of the abuses, terror and the harassment that SDS is doing,” Gruevski said.
The former Croatian wartime commander has died after he drank liquid from a flask while listening to his sentencing in a UN court.

UN Court Suspended After War Crimes Suspect Claims to Have Swallowed Poison (Videos) (0:41 min.) (1:28 min.)

72-year-old former Bosnian Croat military leader Slobodan Praljak has died in a hospital in The Hague hours after he drank something which was alleged to be poison from a small bottle, Croatian state news agency HINA reported, citing sources close to Praljak.

As a judge announced Praljak's 20-year jail sentence during an appeal hearing in the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), the suspect said "I am not a war criminal, I oppose this conviction" and swallowed liquid from a flask.

Praljak's lawyer Natasa Faveau-Ivanovic consequently confirmed that his client "drank poison this morning."

The hearing was immediately suspended after the incident and the judge called for an ambulance.

Praljak was taken out of the courtroom and security service ordered that "nobody touches a bottle."

Croatian lawyer Goran Mikulicic told the network Tportal, that Praljak could easily take a flask with poisonous liquid with him into the courtroom, as the checking procedures are not rigorous.

Answering the question who could have passed the poison to Praljak while he was in a prison cell, Mikulici said that that visits from relatives, friends, lawyers and journalists are allowed, though only defendants are allowed to bring a bag to the visiting area.

However, anyone could have smuggled in a small bottle containing poison, as x-ray machines are unable to detect the contents.

The courtroom where Praljak has reportedly swallowed poison has been dubbed "crime scene," with police conducting investigation into the incident, Reuters reported, citing a UN judge.

Praljak is one of six former Bosnian Croat wartime commanders convicted of murdering Muslims during Bosnia's war who were due to hear their verdicts today.

Previously, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia found former leader of Bosnian Serbs and military commander Ratko Mladic guilty of the involvement in the Srebrenica massacre and committing crimes against humanity and sentenced him to life in prison.

Wednesday's hearing was the last judgment by the UN war crimes tribunal before it closes next month.

Ratko Mladic, also known as the "Butcher of Bosnia," was convicted of Srebrenica massacre by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) on Wednesday. He faces a life sentence in prison.

Lawyer: Ratko Mladic Trial All About NATO Securing Its ‘Encirclement of Russia'

Despite the verdict, many critics aren't thrilled with the tribunal court that dealt the hand to Mladic. In fact, many question its legitimacy.

​Speaking to Sputnik Radio's Loud & Clear, Christopher Black, a lawyer qualified to practice at and on the list of counsel of the International Criminal Court, says the tribunal is really just a setup for NATO, which will use it to ensure the bloc's interests.

It's quite clear that [NATO] wanted to set up a tribunal they could totally control," Black told show host John Kiriakou. "[The] tribunal was set up as a NATO tribunal and [it's] really using fascist methods."

Black says the protocols allowed in the tribunal are outrageous, as the court allows secret witnesses, many of which are never even seen, while others are completely "scripted."

"They're told what to say," Black said.

"Lawyers who really want to fight are not allowed in, and lawyers that play the game are," Black adds, describing the unfair methods he's witnessed in the court. "So they run it, they arrange it in many different ways, but they essentially control the mechanisms and the outcomes of these trials and even the convictions… even the acquittals are arranged politically if there is an acquittal."

Kiriakou asked about the chances of the 74-year-old former general in the court's appeal process, as his lawyers have promised to appeal the decision.

The appeal is one of the problems of the appeal, [because] there is no separate appeal chamber," Black said. "The appeal chamber, as they call it, is composed of judges rotated in and out of the trial chamber, so they're not a separate body at all."

"They circulate, so there is no separate appeal chamber, [so an] appeal on his charge now would be very, very difficult," he added.

After remarking on NATO Secretary Jens Stoltenberg's comments about how the Mladic verdict brought "an end [to the] dark chapter in the history of Europe," Black surmised that the trial was really all "about [NATO] securing the Balkans so they can eventually complete their encirclement of Russia… that's what the whole thing is about."

Ratko Mladic (74), the former leader of Bosnian Serbs and a military commander, has been charged with having committed genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity during the 1992-1995 war in Bosnia. Mladic denied all accusations.

The trial against Mladic began on May 12, 2012 after his arrest by Serbian authorities a year earlier; the former commander had been in hiding for years before his capture.

In December 2016, prosecutors demanded a life sentence for Mladic for his role in the alleged killing of 8,000 Muslim men and boys during the July 1995 Srebrenica Massacre, for the protracted siege and bombardment of the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo and the "ethnic cleansing" of Muslims and Croats in other areas.

The ICTY found him guilty of multiple charges including of genocide of Bosnian Muslims and Croatians, crimes against humanity and war crimes, committed during the Bosnian War (1992-1995), in particular, of the Siege of Sarajevo and and the Srebrenica massacre.
Court orders 30-day detention of 13 people, 6 are put under house arrest

A Skopje court has ordered thirteen 30-day detentions and 6 house arrests for 24 people, who were arrested yesterday for being suspected of ‘terrorist enlargement of the constitutional order and security of the country’ regarding their involvement in the violent events in April in Parliament.

“Acting upon a motion of the Basic Public Prosecution in charge of prosecuting organized crime and corruption on ordering detention, 24 people were brought before a pre-trial judge at the Basic Court Skopje I… A decision has been made to put 13 people in detention lasting 30 days,” the Criminal Court said Wednesday.

The court also ordered to put 6 people under house arrest.

The MPs arrested yesterday have left the court overnight. The Parliament is yet to decide whether they should be stripped of their parliamentary immunity after the court has sent such a request.
Four hundred and ninety posts and thirty three pages for the event that didn't even happened? With all due respect Stormrider, I'm not sure if that deserves so much attention . . .
Parliament committee votes to strip six MPs of their immunity

The Committee on Rules of Procedures and Mandatory-Immunity Issues has suggested that Parliament should remove the parliamentary immunity of six VMRO-DPMNE MPs upon a detention decision by a Skopje court over their involvement in the violent events on 27 April 2017 in Parliament’s building.

These MPs inlcude Krsto Mukoski, Johan Tarculovski, Zaklina Pesevska, Ljuben Arnaudovski, Ljupco Dimovski and Saso Vasilevski.

MPs of the opposition coalition led by VMRO-DPMNE didn’t attend the committee’s session on Thursday

The six MPs have been already notified about the outcome of the session.

SDSM lawmaker Aleksandar Kiracovski was the only MP who addressed the session. He called the events of April 27 ‘an attack on democracy and the constitutional order of the country and an attempt to put the lives of then opposition deputies in danger.’

“The institutions of the Republic of Macedonia have full credibility, duty and responsibility to fully investigate the case making sure that justice prevails and that such crimes never happen again.”

MP Kiracovski was one of the dozen deputies who were at the press hall in Parliament when it was stormed by a violent mob.

“Every moment, every minute spent at the press hall was worth it, because we had won our fight for justice, democracy, to restore the functioning of a normal system in our country,” he stated.

We, Kiracovski added, have fought for years to restore the rule of law in Macedonia, and Parliament should and must be the primary institution where the practice prevails. “No one is above the law, not even us, the MPs,” he said elaborating why the MPs voted to strip six MPs of their immunity.

The chairman of the Committee on Rules of Procedures and Mandatory-Immunity Issues, MP Pavle Bogoevski, is tasked with preparing a report, which is set to be forwarded to Parliament. By Saturday at the latest, Parliament should pass the final decision on whether it will remove parliamentary immunity of the six VMRO-DPMNE MPs. A simple majority is required for the deputies to be stripped of their immunity.

The MPs are suspected by the Public Prosecution, along 36 people, of ‘terrorist endangerment of the constitutional order and security of the country’ in connection of the violent storming of Parliament on 27 April 2017.

US Ambassador: Those responsible need to be held accountable, but presumption of innocence must be respected

Those responsible for the events of April 27th need to be held accountable, but the process must also respect full presumption of innocence, US Ambassador to Macedonia Jess Baily said Thursday.

Speaking to reporters outside Macedonia’s Parliament, Baily stated that the US Embassy, alongside the representatives of the EU to Macedonia, were following the recent developments after the string of arrests related to the violent incursion into Parliament in April.

As a friend and strong supporter of Macedonia, we are following these important developments. Police, prosecution, the judicial system should proceed transparently with full respect of the highest standards. We, the EU, have said that those responsible need to be held accountable, but the process must also respect full presumption of innocence. That’s part of due process. The Parliament, as it is its role, has important discussions on that front. That’s part of a democratic governance,” Ambassador Baily told members of the media.

Asked to comment on an information that he could be succeeded by Hoyt Brian Yee, Baily said that there was no nomination of the next ambassador of the US to Macedonia and that the only institution in charge of appointing ambassadors was the White House.

The US Ambassador today accompanied Laura Cooper, US Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, in a meeting with Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi. Cooper is visiting Macedonia where she is set to take part in the U.S. – Adriatic Charter Defense Ministerial in Ohrid on December 1.

Macedonia's communist junta arrest nephew of great patriot because of his last name

Macedonia's Communist junta has lost all senses with reality and jailed Jane Chento, the grandnephew of Macedonian ASNOM leader and first president Metodija Andonov Chento.

According to the Court, the reason for the arrest is simply his famous last name which "could pose a threat to the state". Metodija Andonov Chento was the head of the armed resistance against the Bulgarian fascists in WW2. He was jailed for his activities in 1944.

The unhinged Government charged Jane Chento with "terrorism" charges for... carrying the name Chento.

Macedonia's communists jailed Chento yet again in 1946 for his work on the creation of independent Macedonia. He died in prison. Today, the offspring of the Macedonian communists who call themselves "social democrats" jailed Chento's nephew simply for being the nephew of a great Macedonian patriot.
SDSM structures in DBK and Police behind storming of Parliament on April 27th

A person with direct knowledge of the April 27th storming of Parliament has stated the entire chaos was planned, initiated and executed by SDSM (interim) structures within Macedonian’s Intel Agency DBK and the Police.

An anonymous FB profile was created in the past few days, calling itself Zlata Meglenska who gave detailed information of the SDSM structures involved in storming of Parliament whose goal was to create chaos and accelerate the illegitimate appointment of Xhaferi for Parliament Speaker quickly followed by the appointment of Zaev as head of Government.

Security cameras inside Parliament captured dozens of SDSM operatives working both in DBK and Police, among which are Goran Trajanovski, who was illegally promoted by Spasovski several levels above his qualifications. Trajanovski is now Deputy Minister for Technology within MoI. He was captured on camera with Kiril Mitich, MoI director for organized crime. Jovce Remenski, current deputy head of the DBK was also present. Risto Ajtov president of ARM’s Syndicate is seen near Trajanovski and Mitich issuing orders. Daniel Samandov, former member of elite army unit the “Wolves” is also seen nearby. Samandov now works with the Alfa police unit and whose job on April 27th was once the chaos is created to help in the protection of Zaev. Accompanying Sandov, the Parliament cameras captured Zoran Tripunovski – Zhaba who was kicked out of the police force for attempted murder. Tripunovski coordinated SDSM’s activities inside Parliament.

All of the above mentioned individuals communicated and met with each other both in and outside of Parliament during the SDS initiated chaos on April 27th. All of this is captured on camera and the video material is in possession of the Public Prosecution Office.

After April 27th numerous police operatives offered ‘information’ in order to advance their careers within their departments. Their names as well as those of foreign operatives inside Parliament will become known at the appropriate time – says in its FB profile Zlata Meglenska.

Court still reviewing illegal selection of Xhaferi as Parliament Speaker

Seven months after the illegal selection of Talat Xhaferi for Parliament speaker and the absurd playing of the albanian national anthem in Macedonian Parlaiment, the Macedonian Constitutional Court is still reviewing the multiple lawsuits launched by both MPs and national organizations.

Lawsuits are pending against Ferid Mukikj, Goran Misovski, Talat Xhaferi for falsifying Parliament records and official data. Cases are also pending against 64 other MPs involved in the Coup.

The Constitutional Court has submitted the case as “under review” with no information how many months or years this review will go on for.

MINA’s Gorazd Velkovski says the Constitutional Court will act as it had done before. “The traitors at the Court will not dare touch the case. However if the same traitors are in the know that Zaev’s Government will fall, then over night Zaev and Xhaferi will be found guilty in order to save themselves from going to jail.”

For now Velkovski says, there is no chance they’ll touch the case. Meanwhile the same Court is ordering the detention of MPs, actors, singers and private citizens who were passing near Parliament on April 27th.
Avala said:
Four hundred and ninety posts and thirty three pages for the event that didn't even happened? With all due respect Stormrider, I'm not sure if that deserves so much attention . . .

Yes, the name of the topic could be changed, because, which is now obvious, both parties wanted to get into the NATO, so there was no need for Maidan, like it happened in Ukraine. In Macedonia there was no strong sentiment towards Russia, or opposition towards NATO. The only problem was the name of the country, because of Greece, and one party had no problem with changing it and the other did, so the US had to step in and 'help' with that problem. And they managed do do it in a fairly mild way, compared to the Ukraine where there was a real clash of 'cultures'.

So yes, Macedonia is going into NATO, BiH is probably also going into NATO, once they make more centralized organization of the country, and also Kosovo once they invest enough money into their new army.

And that leaves us with just one true anti-NATO country in Balkans. But for how long? That should probably be a new main question in this topic. Macedonia is, unfortunately, already a done deal.
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