Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Missing Plane

Pashalis said:
Then the flight continuous on its normal path across Vietnam and disappears in the sea of coast of vietnam while another plane (the yellow smaller one) seems to follow the path of flight 370 and disappears as well right after flight 370 has disappeared. Notice also that flight 370 seems to jump or accelerates rapidly before it disappeared:

I did play around with flightradar and there are sometimes planes running over the map and stopping/freezing and one also disappeared in the ocean. Personally I don't know how reliable it really is. Flight mh370 disappears as shown in the first video and also doesn't show these other movements, nor does it come back east of Vietnam it is just gone on the last position. And what needs to be kept in mind, it is no radar data that is available on flightradar, but responders/GPS data from planes.

viking said:
Could this be a repeat of Pan Am flight 800? Instead of a missile it could an EM pulse weapon or similar that opened a parallel dimension "window" in the wrong position and the plane accidentally flew into it. Sure as eggs, EM technology has far advanced since the Philadelphia Experiment days. Does not mean that things cannot go still go wrong.

Hi viking, if you like you could introduce yourself in the Newbies section.
Gawan said:
Pashalis said:
Then the flight continuous on its normal path across Vietnam and disappears in the sea of coast of vietnam while another plane (the yellow smaller one) seems to follow the path of flight 370 and disappears as well right after flight 370 has disappeared. Notice also that flight 370 seems to jump or accelerates rapidly before it disappeared:

I did play around with flightradar and there are sometimes planes running over the map and stopping/freezing and one also disappeared in the ocean. Personally I don't know how reliable it really is. Flight mh370 disappears as shown in the first video and also doesn't show these other movements, nor does it come back east of Vietnam it is just gone on the last position. And what needs to be kept in mind, it is no radar data that is available on flightradar, but responders/GPS data from planes.

viking said:
Could this be a repeat of Pan Am flight 800? Instead of a missile it could an EM pulse weapon or similar that opened a parallel dimension "window" in the wrong position and the plane accidentally flew into it. Sure as eggs, EM technology has far advanced since the Philadelphia Experiment days. Does not mean that things cannot go still go wrong.


I still think that what I thought earlier has to be considered:,34196.msg479071.html#msg479071

In short, when I fooled around with, I felt I must question if the information it collects is prone to error. I also never got the results of his second try at all, and I found a lot of planes disappearing and further, that particular Korean flight (so it was named on flightradar) which looks like a UFO behavior, could be explained by erroneous data getting corrected on instead of actually what happened.
Below is the full text of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's full statement of the missing MAS MH370 flight.


Based on new satellite information, we can say with a high degree of certainty that the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) was disabled just before the aircraft reached the East coast of peninsular Malaysia. Shortly afterwards, near the border between Malaysian and Vietnamese air traffic control, the aircraft’s transponder was switched off.

From this point onwards, the Royal Malaysian Air Force primary radar showed that an aircraft which was believed – but not confirmed – to be MH370 did indeed turn back. It then flew in a westerly direction back over peninsular Malaysia before turning northwest. Up until the point at which it left military primary radar coverage, these movements are consistent with deliberate action by someone on the plane.

Today, based on raw satellite data that was obtained from the satellite data service provider, we can confirm that the aircraft shown in the primary radar data was flight MH370. After much forensic work and deliberation, the FAA, NTSB, AAIB and the Malaysian authorities, working separately on the same data, concur.

According to the new data, the last confirmed communication between the plane and the satellite was at 8:11AM Malaysian time on Saturday 8th March. The investigations team is making further calculations which will indicate how far the aircraft may have flown after this last point of contact. This will help us to refine the search.

Due to the type of satellite data, we are unable to confirm the precise location of the plane when it last made contact with the satellite.

However, based on this new data, the aviation authorities of Malaysia and their international counterparts have determined that the plane’s last communication with the satellite was in one of two possible corridors: a northern corridor stretching approximately from the border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan to northern Thailand, or a southern corridor stretching approximately from Indonesia to the southern Indian ocean. The investigation team is working to further refine the information.

In view of this latest development the Malaysian authorities have refocused their investigation into the crew and passengers on board. Despite media reports that the plane was hijacked, I wish to be very clear: we are still investigating all possibilities as to what caused MH370 to deviate from its original flight path.

This new satellite information has a significant impact on the nature and scope of the search operation. We are ending our operations in the South China Sea and reassessing the redeployment of our assets. We are working with the relevant countries to request all information relevant to the search, including radar data.

As the two new corridors involve many countries, the relevant foreign embassies have been invited to a briefing on the new information today by the Malaysian Foreign Ministry and the technical experts. I have also instructed the Foreign Ministry to provide a full briefing to foreign governments which had passengers on the plane. This morning, Malaysia Airlines has been informing the families of the passengers and crew of these new developments.

SHAH ALAM: Police were believed to have searched first officer Fariq Abdul Hamid's home at Section 7, after having searched Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah's home in Laman Seri here earlier.

Around 8.07pm, the same unmarked white multi-purpose vehicle with the same WYR548 plate number, which had entered Zaharie's gated neighbourhood, stopped outside Fariq's home.

A total of four men in civilian's clothes, believed to be police officers, entered the house.

A few hours earlier, Fariq's two brothers had arrived at the house in a Mini Cooper, believed to belong to a friend.

Ignoring reporters' questions, they entered the house for awhile and left in a haste in the same car.

They were spotted carrying transparent blue plastic bags containing clothes and toiletries.

The plain clothes policemen left the house an hour later and were seen carrying two brown bags.

Fariq's father, Abd Hamid who earlier declined to make any comments on Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's press conference regarding the missing MH370 flight was seen getting into one of the vehicles with his son.

Search for Malaysian Jet Becomes Criminal Inquiry

SEPANG, Malaysia — The search for Flight 370 turned into a criminal investigation on Saturday, after Malaysia declared that the plane had been deliberately diverted and then flown for as long as seven hours toward an unknown point far from its scheduled route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

The Malaysian authorities released a map showing that the last satellite signal received from the plane had been sent from a point somewhere along one of two arcs spanning large distances across Asia.
As part of the investigation, police officers on Saturday were seen going to the gated residential compound in Kuala Lumpur where the flight’s pilot, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, was reported to live, and the Malaysian news media reported that a search there was actually underway after a week of rumors to that effect. A police spokeswoman declined to comment, saying no details would be available until a news conference planned for Sunday evening.

A satellite orbiting 22,250 miles over the middle of the Indian Ocean received the transmission that, based on the angle from which the plane sent it, came from somewhere along one of the two arcs. One arc runs from the southern border of Kazakhstan in Central Asia to northern Thailand, passing over some hot spots of global insurgency and highly militarized areas. The other arc runs from near Jakarta to the Indian Ocean, roughly 1,000 miles off the west coast of Australia.

The plane changed course after it took off. “These movements are consistent with deliberate action by someone on the plane,” Mr. Najib said.

He noted that one communications system had been disabled as the plane flew out over the northeast coast of Malaysia. A second system, a transponder aboard the craft, abruptly stopped broadcasting its location, altitude, speed and other information at 1:21 a.m., while the plane was a third of the way across the Gulf of Thailand from Malaysia to Vietnam.

Military radar data subsequently showed that the plane turned and flew west across northern Malaysia before arcing out over the wide northern end of the Strait of Malacca, headed at cruising altitude for the Indian Ocean.

The flight had been scheduled to land at 6:30 a.m. in Beijing, so when its last signal was received, at 8:11 a.m., Mr. Najib said, it could have been nearly out of fuel.

“The investigation team is making further calculations, which will indicate how far the aircraft may have flown after the last point of contact,” Mr. Najib said, reading a statement in English. “Due to the type of satellite data, we are unable to confirm the precise location of the plane when it last made contact with a satellite.” The northern arc Mr. Najib described passes near some of the world’s most volatile countries that are home to insurgent groups, but also over areas with a strong military presence and robust air defense networks, some run by the U.S. military. The arc passes close to northern Iran, through Afghanistan and northern Pakistan, and through northern India and the Himalayas and Myanmar. An aircraft flying on that arc would have to pass through air defense networks in India and Pakistan, whose mutual border is heavily militarized, as well as through Afghanistan, where the United States and other NATO countries have operated air bases for more than a decade.

Air bases near that arc include Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan, where the U.S. Air Force’s 455th Air Expeditionary Wing is based, and a large Indian air base, Hindon Air Force Station.

The southern arc, from Indonesia to the southern Indian Ocean, travels over open water with few islands. If the aircraft took that path, it may have passed near Australia’s Cocos (Keeling) Islands. These remote islands, with a population of fewer than 1,000 people, have a small airport. After Mr. Najib’s statement Saturday, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs demanded to know more, and said that China was sending technical experts to Malaysia.

David Learmount, operations and safety editor for Flightglobal, a news and data service for the aviation sector, said that the Malaysian government could have acted far sooner on the information pointing to someone seizing control of the plane.

Mikael Robertsson, a founder of Flightradar24, a global aviation tracking service, said the way the plane’s communications had been shut down pointed to the involvement of someone with considerable aviation expertise and knowledge of the air route, possibly a crew member, willing or unwilling.
The Boeing’s transponder was switched off just as the plane passed from Malaysian to Vietnamese air traffic control space, thus making it more likely that the plane’s absence from communications would not arouse attention, Mr. Robertsson said by telephone from Sweden.

“Always when you fly, you are in contact with air traffic control in some country,” he said. “Instead of contacting the Vietnam air traffic control, the transponder signal was turned off, so I think the timing of turning off the signal just after you have left Malaysian air traffic control indicates someone did this on purpose, and he found the perfect moment when he wasn’t in control by Malaysia or Vietnam. He was like in no-man’s country.”

The signs thus indicated involvement of the crew, Mr. Robertsson said, but he stressed that those signs were not definitive, nor did they prove whether any involvement was willing or coerced.
Xu Ke, a former commercial pilot who has advised the Chinese government on aviation security, said the details suggested that at least one crew member, most likely one of the pilots, was involved in seizing control of the aircraft, either willingly or under coercion.

“The timing of turning off the transponder suggests that this involved someone with knowledge of how to avoid air traffic control without attracting attention,” Mr. Xu said in a telephone interview. “You needed to know this plane, and you also needed to know this route.”

Especially since 9/11, Mr. Xu said, security on cockpit doors has been reinforced so that forced entry would be difficult without the pilots’ having ample time to send a warning signal.
Breton said:
I still think that what I thought earlier has to be considered:,34196.msg479071.html#msg479071

In short, when I fooled around with, I felt I must question if the information it collects is prone to error. I also never got the results of his second try at all, and I found a lot of planes disappearing and further, that particular Korean flight (so it was named on flightradar) which looks like a UFO behavior, could be explained by erroneous data getting corrected on instead of actually what happened.
Thank you for that data, Breton. That helps to clarify that point.
One commenter (LC) posted this on VT:

Wasn’t Malaysia the sponsor & forum of the international criminal tribunal which prosecuted & convicted the Bush crime cabal & then issued their arrest warrants?

Laura said:
What I find interesting in all of the above is the activity of the US Navy. Recall that it was the office of ONI that was destroyed in the Pentagon on 9-11. And you almost never hear anything about them. They are actually more secretive than the NSA. If there was ever a plot to effect a coup in the US against the current elite, it would probably originate in, and be spear-headed by, the ONI. Not saying that's what is going on, but what does seem clear is that the PTB don't have a clue and they were all buying time with this thing for some reason and that reason appears to be that they were trying to figure out what happened because they didn't know, and then trying to find a way to spin it. Now they are saying, more or less, that they "knew all along" a lot of things, and "here's the solution". But a "hijacked plane" that has been stolen by "individuals with experience" really tells us that something weird is going on. And, with Diego Garcia in the mix, it could be ONI. Or it could be the hyperdimensional solution.

It is also interesting to consider that the intelligence agencies are well integrated. Both officially via the federation known as the United States Intelligence Community, which is led by the Director of National Intelligence, and unofficially using the method of "sheep dipping" as explained by COL L. Fletcher Prouty in his books.

Where does one agency really end and the other really begin?
Not sure if it was already mentioned here, but there is another site _ that maybe can be checked out as well.
Keit said:
Not sure if it was already mentioned here, but there is another site _ that maybe can be checked out as well.

Here would be the flight:


But on my end it disappears already on the mainland.
Just a wild thought and may not apply in this situation but I'd like to give it an honorable mention.

Since they're investigating all possibilities as to what caused MH370 to deviate from its original flight path, could there be any connection to the Report of "Ukrainian Gold reserves" being loaded on a transport plane, March 7th - the day before the Malaysian Airline incident? Secretly loaded on Flight 370, then the plane hijacked and flown to Diego Garcia - unloaded and the plane sent in the opposite direction as a cover up?


A Russian Internet news site Iskra (“Spark”) based in Zaporozhye, eastern Ukraine, reported on March 7, that “Ukraine’s gold reserves had been hastily airlifted to the United States from Borispol Airport east of Kiev”.

This alleged airlift and confiscation of Ukraine’s gold reserves by the New York Federal Reserve has not been confirmed by the Western media.

According to Iskra News:

At 2 a.m. this morning [March 7] an unmarked transport plane was on the runway at Borispol Airport (right) [east of Kiev]. According to airport staff, before the plane came to the airport, four trucks and two Volkswagen minibuses arrived, all the truck license plates missing.

Fifteen people in black uniforms, masks, and body armor stepped out, some armed with machine guns. They loaded the plane with more than 40 heavy boxes.

After that a mysterious man arrived and entered the plane.

All loading was done in a hurry.

The plane took off on an emergency basis.

Those who saw this mysterious special operation immediately notified the airport officials, who told the callers not to meddle in other people’s affairs.

Later a returned call from a senior official of the former Ministry of Revenue reported that tonight, on the orders of one of the new leaders of Ukraine, the United States had taken custody of all the gold reserves in Ukraine.” Сегодня ночью из “Борисполя” в США страртовал самолёт с золотым запасом Украины, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, March 7, 2014, translated from Russian by the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc (GATA), emphasis added)

Following this disclosure, GATA’s Secretary Treasurer Chris Powell requested the New Federal Reserve and the US State Department to indicate whether the NY Fed had “taken custody” of Ukraine’s Gold.

A spokesman for the New York Fed said simply: “Any inquiry regarding gold accounts should be directed to the account holder. You may want to contact the National Bank of Ukraine to discuss this report.”

GATA’s similar inquiry of last night to the U.S. State Department has not yet prompted any reply.

While the unconfirmed report regarding Ukraine’s gold reserves has not been the object of coverage by the mainstream financial news, the story was nonetheless picked up by the Shanghai Metals Market at which states, quoting a report from the Ukrainian government, that Ukraine’s gold reserves had been “moved on an aircraft from … Kiev to the United States… in 40 sealed boxes” loaded on an unidentified aircraft.

The unconfirmed source quoted by, says that the operation to airlift Ukraine’s gold had been ordered by the acting Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk with a view to safe-keeping Ukraine’s gold reserves at the NY Fed, against a possible Russian invasion which could lead to the confiscation of Ukraine’s gold reserves.

On March 10, kingworldnews, a prominent online financial blog site published an incisive interview with William Kaye, a Hong Kong based hedge fund manager at Pacific Group Ltd. who had previously worked for Goldman Sachs in mergers and acquisitions. ‎

The Spoils of War and Regime Change

Of significance in this interview with William Kaye is the analogy between Ukraine, Iraq and Libya. Lest we forget, both Iraq and Libya had their gold reserves confiscated by the US:

Kaye: “There are now reports coming from Ukraine that all of the Ukrainian gold has been airlifted, … and is being flown to New York — the presumable destination being the New York Fed….

Now that’s 33 tons of gold which is worth somewhere between $1.5 billion – $2 billion.
Gawan said:
Keit said:
Not sure if it was already mentioned here, but there is another site _ that maybe can be checked out as well.

Here would be the flight:


But on my end it disappears already on the mainland.

Same here...

Does anyone happen to know the exact links (as Gawan provided above) to the other flight sytems and flight 370 that monitored/captured this flight path also?

So that we can look at the different sources ourselves...
I don't know how serious this can be taken or if it was already reported in this topic, but there is also information of an unknown object on the military radar:

The Guardian said:
Malaysia’s air force chief reveals that an unidentified object was detected on military radar north of the Malacca Strait early on Saturday March 8 but is stilll being examined.


9News said:
Malaysia's air force has previously said that it was investigating an unidentified object spotted by military radar data heading toward the Andaman Sea in the hours after the passenger plane went missing around 1:30 am.

Diego Garcia is getting some sudden publicity? Coincidence :huh:


According to scientific advisers, elevated levels of nutrients caused by the waste – which have resulted in nitrogen and phosphate readings up to four times higher than normal – may be damaging the coral.


The discharge practice came to light last year but has only now become public after the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) deposited a written statement in Parliament.
As to the flightradar24 data - I don't think that this makes much sense, at least not in the context of 3D physics.

The service ceiling of the B777 is 43'100 feet. This limit is determined during flight testing and is the altitude, at which the airplane is still able to climb at a predetermined rate (usually 100 ft/min) under full thrust and clean configuration. This doesn't mean that the plane can't technically fly at higher altitude, but there are several problems associated with that.

At service ceiling altitude, the B777 can only climb with probably 500 ft/min, which is very little. And the higher the plane climbs, the slower the climb rate will be until this levels out asymptotically, which is the highest altitude technically achievable.

But there is another problem: High stall vs low stall. Stall is the point, at which flow over the wing ceases and lift colllapses making the aircraft lose altitude very rapidly until airflow over the wing is established again. Low stall is among other things dependent on Angle of Attack and density of air. The less dense the air, the higher the low stall speed will be. But then there is high speed stall as well - once the aircraft reaches speeds close to the sound barrier, airflow over the wing gets disrupted too and the aircraft stalls. The problem is that these two stall speeds - low speed and high speed stall - converge towards each other the higher the altitude, until they intersect, at which point the aircraft is physically unable to generate lift and stalls. This point is called "coffin corner" or "Q corner" and planes flying at very high altitudes may operate in a zone where low-speed and high-speed stall are only 5 - 10 knots apart, which makes flying very dangerous and unpredictable (windgust can stall aircraft). For a better explanation and graph see here.

So taking the above mentioned situation into account, it is most unlikely that MH370 was able to climb from 37'000 ft in very short time to 49'800 ft. It was still fairly heavy at this stage. And also it may well be that this altitude is beyond the point of intersection of low- and high-speed stall.

So in summary, the data from this radar tracking website is in my opinion rubbish - deliberate or not!
Críostóir said:
Laura said:
What I find interesting in all of the above is the activity of the US Navy. Recall that it was the office of ONI that was destroyed in the Pentagon on 9-11. And you almost never hear anything about them. They are actually more secretive than the NSA. If there was ever a plot to effect a coup in the US against the current elite, it would probably originate in, and be spear-headed by, the ONI. Not saying that's what is going on, but what does seem clear is that the PTB don't have a clue and they were all buying time with this thing for some reason and that reason appears to be that they were trying to figure out what happened because they didn't know, and then trying to find a way to spin it. Now they are saying, more or less, that they "knew all along" a lot of things, and "here's the solution". But a "hijacked plane" that has been stolen by "individuals with experience" really tells us that something weird is going on. And, with Diego Garcia in the mix, it could be ONI. Or it could be the hyperdimensional solution.

It is also interesting to consider that the intelligence agencies are well integrated. Both officially via the federation known as the United States Intelligence Community, which is led by the Director of National Intelligence, and unofficially using the method of "sheep dipping" as explained by COL L. Fletcher Prouty in his books.

Where does one agency really end and the other really begin?
I think the sheep dipping Prouty talks about has to do with the relations between intelligence agencies and the military, diplomatic, and business entities. There isn't much integration between the different intelligence agencies themselves. They are very much separate entities with a lot of rivalries and mutual suspicion from what I've read. Spooks are naturally paranoid, secretive and suspicious, so I think there are clear boundaries between groups like the CIA, ONI, FBI, NSA, Army Intelligence and so forth. Bush just added another layer with the Director of National Intelligence or whatever it's called but bI don't think that's actually blurred the lines. But who knows?
Mr. Premise said:
I think the sheep dipping Prouty talks about has to do with the relations between intelligence agencies and the military, diplomatic, and business entities. There isn't much integration between the different intelligence agencies themselves. They are very much separate entities with a lot of rivalries and mutual suspicion from what I've read. Spooks are naturally paranoid, secretive and suspicious, so I think there are clear boundaries between groups like the CIA, ONI, FBI, NSA, Army Intelligence and so forth. Bush just added another layer with the Director of National Intelligence or whatever it's called but bI don't think that's actually blurred the lines. But who knows?

I agree, Prouty was talking about the relation between the CIA and the military (DoD). But the military (DoD) has different intelligence agencies within it and I will explain why that is important. But first, sheep dipping is essentially the tactic of one organization placing one of their agents into another organization with all the legalities necessary, so that they will operate within their new organization towards the interest of the former organization. It is essentially spying 101, except its done by a government agency to other government agencies. Whatever the reasons CIA had in using this method to achieve their objectives in Prouty's time, I see no reason to suspect that the tactic would be otherwise limited in its application, or discontinued.

As far as there being "clear boundaries between groups like the CIA, ONI, FBI, NSA, Army Intelligence and so forth," what you need to understand is the difference between ADCON (administrative control) and OPCON (operational control). In the traditional sense, a military commander has both ADCON and OPCON over his/her troops, but that is not always the case. In many cases a commander will only have ADCON over his/her troops and another commander, or civilian director, will have OPCON over those troops. The difference is which commander/director has control over the mission (OPCON).

For example, lets say that I was still in the military and I belonged to a certain unit and I was given orders to be attached to another unit (OPCON), then every aspect of my job and well-being belongs to the other unit (OPCON), and my own unit is only responsible for my pay, promotions and administrative disciplinary actions. However, I am not transferred, I am just under special orders. If the unit that I was assigned to (OPCON) involved classified information, then I couldn't even talk about it with my actual (ADCON) commander without authorization.

In every mission, whether military, or civilian, there is an operational commander. That commander will identify the needed assets required for the mission and if those assets are not immediately available under his/her command, a request for assistance will be submitted for those assets through the higher headquarters. If those assets are in another agency, or military service, then, if approved by the appropriate authority, they will be OPCON'd to the operational commander. This is what happens in TFs (task force), JTFs (joint task force) and CJTFs (combined joint task force).

From a military medical perspective, the same also goes for hospitals. If the hospital is, lets say, an Army medical unit on an Army post in Washington State, you will frequently find Navy medical personnel working there who are OPCON'd to that Army unit to fulfill a required role even though their actual unit is in California, or Virginia. This is also why there are some naval air traffic controllers at Air Force bases.

The point to understand is that ever since WWII, US military units have become increasingly modular. That means that they can operate separately from their their own headquarters. Whatever the real reason, the philosophy behind it is to make the military more versatile and cost effective. For example, take the BCTs (brigade combat team). This is also the reason that service support roles can be easily fulfilled by civilian contractors instead of military units.

The same goes for intelligence. Every intelligence unit in every military service is an asset with known specific capabilities and mission readiness standards. Stationary intelligence assets, whether military or civilian, work for a customer, which can either be an agency, a military unit, a department, or a foreign government. Deployable assets, on the other hand, can be moved, assigned and configured as necessary depending on the mission requirements. The military service, or civilian agency that a person belongs to (ADCON) means nothing, but who they belong to (OPCON) means everything.

All the agencies of the US Intelligence Community have overlapping responsibilities and capabilities. If an intelligence requirement is germane to the function of a certain military service, or civilian agency, to the general exclusion of the others, then their own people will fulfill those needs. But, where there is overlap, or where the requirement cannot be fulfilled by their own people, then they will use other assets as necessary depending on the mission and the OPCON commander/director. Therefore, from my own experience, I would say that the intelligence services are well integrated, at least at the operational level (OPCON).

ADDED: I will also add that with this type of integration there is greater compartmentalization. The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. You can also see this with the integration of local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.
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